1000 resultados para Sediments (Geologia) -- Catalunya -- Costa Brava
Barium concentrations were measured on 17 pore fluid and 13 sediment samples from Sites 1253 and 1254 drilled offshore Costa Rica during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 205. An additional 83 pore fluid and 29 sediment samples were analyzed for Ba concentrations from Sites 1039 and 1040 drilled during ODP Leg 170 offshore Costa Rica. Sites 1039/1253 and 1040/1254 are part of a transect across the Middle America Trench offshore Nicoya Peninsula. The entire incoming sediment section is being underthrust beneath the margin, providing an ideal setting to examine Ba cycling in the shallow levels of the subduction zone. Results from these analyses indicate that a significant amount of Ba is liberated from the mineral barite (BaSO4) in the uppermost hemipelagic sediments arcward of the trench. The shallow distillation of Ba may impact the amount of sedimentary Ba reaching the deeper subduction zone.
Vertical permeability and sediment consolidation measurements were taken on seven whole-round drill cores from Sites 1253 (three samples), 1254 (one sample), and 1255 (three samples) drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 205 in the Middle America Trench off of Costa Rica's Pacific Coast. Consolidation behavior including slopes of elastic rebound and virgin compression curves (Cc) was measured by constant rate of strain tests. Permeabilities were determined from flow-through experiments during stepped-load tests and by using coefficient of consolidation (Cv) values continuously while loading. Consolidation curves and the Casagrande method were used to determine maximum preconsolidation stress. Elastic slopes of consolidation curves ranged from 0.097 to 0.158 in pelagic sediments and 0.0075 to 0.018 in hemipelagic sediments. Cc values ranged from 1.225 to 1.427 for pelagic carbonates and 0.504 to 0.826 for hemipelagic clay-rich sediments. In samples consolidated to an axial stress of ~20 MPa, permeabilities determined by flow-through experiments ranged from a low value of 7.66 x 10**-20 m**2 in hemipelagic sediments to a maximum value of 1.03 x 10**-16 m**2 in pelagic sediments. Permeabilities calculated from Cv values in the hemipelagic sediments ranged from 4.81 x 10**-16 to 7.66 x 10**-20 m**2 for porosities 49.9%-26.1%.
In this data report we present results from stable isotope measurements (d13C and d18O) on bulk sediment at several sites located on a transect along a subduction margin offshore Costa Rica (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1039, 1040, and 1253). Comparison of stable isotope compositions (d13C and d18O) of the pelagic carbonates Subunit U3C between the reference sites (Site 1039 and 1253) and the underthrust section (Site 1040) reveals similar d13C values and minor differences in d18O values within four specific intervals. Isotope stratigraphy was then used to further constrain the shipboard age models based on bio- and magnetostratigraphy. The resulting age models are in agreement with those derived from biostratigraphy and confirm that the sedimentation rate of the lower Subunit 3C is roughly constant on the order of 50 m/m.y. This is in contrast with the postulated very high sedimentation rates at ~12.7 Ma and lower sedimentation rates (~18 m/m.y.) in the lower part of the section between 16 and 13 Ma, as suggested by shipboard magnetostratigraphic datums.
Sediment accretion and subduction at convergent margins play an important role in the nature of hazardous interplate seismicity (the seismogenic zone) and the subduction recycling of volatiles and continentally derived materials to the Earth's mantle. Identifying and quantifying sediment accretion, essential for a complete mass balance across the margin, can be difficult. Seismic images do not define the processes by which a prism was built, and cored sediments may show disturbed magnetostratigraphy and sparse biostratigraphy. This contribution reports the first use of cosmogenic 10Be depth profiles to define the origin and structural evolution of forearc sedimentary prisms. Biostratigraphy and 10Be model ages generally are in good agreement for sediments drilled at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 434 in the Japan forearc, and support an origin by imbricate thrusting for the upper section. Forearc sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1040 in Costa Rica lack good fossil or paleomagnetic age control above the decollement. Low and homogeneous 10Be concentrations show that the prism sediments are older than 3-4 Ma, and that the prism is either a paleoaccretionary prism or it formed largely from slump deposits of apron sediments. Low 10Be in Costa Rican lavas and the absence of frontal accretion imply deeper sediment underplating or subduction erosion.
Constant-pressure difference and constant-flow permeability tests were conducted on core samples from Ocean Drilling Program Legs 170 and 205 from the Costa Rica subduction zone representing pelagic carbonate and hemipelagic mud lithologies. Seven whole-round core samples from Sites 1040, 1253, and 1255 were tested for vertical permeabilities. The permeabilities of the pelagic carbonate sediments range from ~4 x 10**-16 to ~1 x 10**-15 m**2. The permeabilities of the hemipelagic mud sediments vary from ~2 x 10**-18 to ~4 x 10**-18 m**2. To further characterize the sediments, grain size, total carbon, and total inorganic carbon analyses were conducted.