991 resultados para Second molar Permanent dentition


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Introduction. The energy sector, especially with regard to the gas trade, is one of the key areas of co-operation between the EU and Russia. However, the form this co-operation has taken has been giving rise to some concern, both in Brussels and in the EU member states. Questions arise as to whether the EU has not become excessively dependent on Russia for energy, and whether the presence of the Russian gas monopoly in the EU does not enable Russian interference with the development of EU energy policy. The objective of this series of OSW reports (for the previous edition,see Gazproms expansion in the EU: co-operation or domination? April 2008 pdf 1.2 MB) is to provide facts which will permit an accurat answer to these questions to be formulated. Over the course of last year, two new factors strongly affected Gazproms capability to operate on the EU market. One was the ongoing global economic crisis, which has depressed demand for gas both in Russia and in Europe. Gazprom has cut both its own production and the quantities of gas it purchases from the Central Asian states, and the decrease in export revenues has forced the company to modify some of its current investment plans. Less demand for gas and the need to reduce production are also having a positive impact the Russian company is likely to avoid the difficulties in meeting all of its export commitments which, only a year or so ago, it was expected to experience. The other factor affecting Gazproms expansion in Europe is the observed radicalisation of the rhetoric and actions of both the company itself and of the Russian authorities with regard to the gas sector as broadly understood. The gas crisis between Russia and Ukraine in January 2009, which resulted in a two-week interruption of gas supplies from Russia to Europe via Ukraine, was the most prominent example of this radicalisation. The hardening of rhetoric in the ongoing energy talks with the EU and other actors, and increased political and business activities designed to promote Russian gas interests in Europe, in particular the lobbying for the Nord Stream and South Stream projects, are further signs of this shift in tone. These issues raise the question of whether, and to what extent, the current condition of Gazproms finance will permit the company to implement the infrastructural projects it has been endorsing and its other investment plans in Europe. Another important question is whether the currently observed changes in how Gazprom operates will take on a more permanent character, and what consequences this will have for the European Union. The first part of this report discusses Gazproms production and export potential. The second comprehensively presents the scope and nature of Gazproms economic presence in the EU member states. Finally, the third part presents the Russian companys methods of operation on foreign markets. The data presented in the report come mainly from the statistics of the International Energy Agency, the European Commission and Gazprom, as well as the Central Bank of Russia and the Russian Statistical Office. The figures presented here also include proprietary calculations by the OSW based on figures disclosed by energy companies and reports by professional press and news agencies.


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Pt. 2 has subtitle: "Ninetieth Congress, first session, pursuant to Senate Resolution 53, 90th Congress. Apr. 12, 1967. Including index.


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Shipping list no.: 2003-0174-P (volumes 1-2), 2003-0176-P (volumes 3-4), 2003-0184-P (volume 5), 2004-0047-P (index).


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar as inclinaes dentrias e o perfil facial de pacientes tratados ortodonticamente com braquete autoligado Damon 2, prescrio padro. Para este estudo, foi selecionada uma amostra de 18 indivduos, sendo 12 do sexo masculino e 6 do feminino, com idades que variaram de 12 a 20 anos (idade mdia de 15 anos) e que apresentavam discrepncia de modelo negativa (de 4 mm a 15 mm). Como critrio de incluso, os pacientes deveriam apresentar dentio permanente completa at os segundos molares, m ocluso de Classe I de Angle, telerradiografias em norma lateral do incio e final do tratamento ortodntico e modelos de estudo em gesso dos arcos dentrios superiores e inferiores do incio e final do tratamento ortodntico. As medies das inclinaes ntero-posteriores dos incisivos centrais superiores e incisivos centrais inferiores e alteraes do perfil facial foram realizadas por meio das telerradiografias em norma lateral. As distncias transversais das regies de cspide e cervical inter-caninos, primeiros e segundos pr-molares e primeiros molares, foram obtidas medindo-se os modelos de gesso. Todas as mensuraes foram realizadas nas telerradiografias e modelos de gesso obtidos antes do incio do tratamento ortodntico (T1) e no final do tratamento (T2). Aps a coleta de todos os dados aplicou-se o teste t de Student para comparar as medidas dos dois tempos avaliados neste estudo. Verificou-se diferena estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) na inclinao dos incisivos centrais inferiores e nas dimenses transversais inter-cspides e inter-cervicais dos primeiros e segundos pr-molares e primeiros molares na maxila. Na mandbula todas as distncias transversais (inter cspides e cervicais) de caninos, primeiros e segundos pr-molares e primeiros molares apresentaram significncia estatstica (p<0,05), exceto a distncia inter-cervical dos caninos inferiores. Conclumos que o tratamento ortodntico sem extraes de pacientes com m ocluso de Classe I realizados com os braquetes Damon 2, prescrio padro, no promoveu alterao na inclinao vestbulo-lingual dos incisivos centrais superiores, aumentou a inclinao vestibular dos incisivos centrais inferiores, no alterou o perfil facial e aumentou de modo significativo a dimenso transversal da maxila e da mandbula por meio de inclinao vestibular de coroa.(AU)


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A presente pesquisa avaliou a angulao msio-distal e a distalizao dos primeiros e dos segundos molares superiores permanentes em pacientes tratados com o aparelho Forsus em conjunto com o aparelho ortodntico fixo. A amostra foi composta por 44 teleradiografias, (22 do lado direito e 22 do lado esquerdo), obtidas por meio de 11 tomografias computadorizadas, de 11 pacientes, realizadas em dois tempos: antes (T1) e aps (T2) a instalao do aparelho Forsus, tratados na clnica de Ps-Graduao em Odontologia, rea de Ortodontia, da Universidade Metodista de So Paulo. Aps a obteno dos cortes tipo telerradiografia, foi realizada a marcao dos pontos, linhas e planos, e realizada a mensurao das variveis de interesse. Para avaliao do espao para os terceiros molares superiores, utilizou-se uma linha referencial (linha PTVR), demarcada a partir do ponto PTV, perpendicular ao plano de Frankfurt. O espao avaliado compreendeu entre a Linha PTVR, at a face distal do primeiro molar e do segundo superior permanente. Para avaliar o longo eixo dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores, mensurou-se o ngulo formado entre esses dentes e o plano palatino. Para auxlio das mensuraes, foi utilizado o software Radiocef Studio 2. Na anlise estatstica usou-se o teste t pareado. Concluiu-se que houve distalizao e aumento da angulao distal dos primeiros e segundos molares superiores, sendo que nos segundos molares a distalizao e angulao distal da coroa ocorreram em menor quantidade; os efeitos do lado direito e esquerdo foram semelhantes; pode-se tambm constatar que ocorreu uma reduo na probabilidade de erupo dos terceiros molares superiores.


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A chapter linking universities and welfare states to permanent financial austerity can take a shorter or a longer historical perspective. This chapter looks further back (to the postwar expansion of European welfare states) to better understand future transformations of both public institutions. Their long-term sustainability problems did not start with the financial crisis of 2008 but have been growing since the 1970s (Schfer and Streeck 2013; Bonoli and Natali 2012; Hay and Wincott 2012). Financial austerity is not a post-crisis phenomenon. As a concept, it was used in welfare state research at least a decade earlier, although it does not seem to have been used in higher education studies until recently. Two quotations bring us to the heart of the matter: welfare states and universities are currently changing under adverse financial conditions caused by an array of interrelating and mutually reinforcing forces and their long-term financial sustainability is at stake across Europe. The welfare state is a particular trademark of the European social model (Svallfors 2012: 1), the jewel in the crown and a fundamental part of what Europe stands for (Giddens 2006: 14), as are tuition-free universities, the cornerstone of intergenerational social mobility in Continental Europe. The past trajectories of major types of welfare states and of universities in Europe tend to go hand in hand: first vastly expanding following the Second World War, and especially in the 1960s and 1970s, and then being in the state of permanent resource-driven and legitimacy-based crisis in the last two decades. Welfare states and universities, two critically important public institutions, seem to be under heavy attacks from the public, the media and politicians. Their long-term sustainability is being questioned, and solutions to their (real and perceived) problems are being sought at global, European, and national levels.


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Aim: To investigate the existence of sexual dimorphism between the first and second permanent molars. Methods: A cross-sectional, observational, blind study using comparative and statistical descriptive procedures. The sample included 50 pairs of plaster casts from undergraduate dental students (25 men/25 women) from the Federal University of Paraba, Joo Pessoa/PB, Brazil, aged 20-26 years. Odontometric measurements of first and second maxillary/mandibular, right/left permanent molars were performed. Mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual/palatal (BL/BP) widths and the distance between the lingual cusps of corresponding molars in opposite quadrants, were measured. The data were analyzed by Students t test and ANOVA with Bonferroni (p0.05). Results: The crowns of all first molars were statistically larger in men than in women (p&lt;0.05). Maxillary and mandibular left second molars (#27 and #37) did not differ in their MD widths (p=0.66, p=0.75), whereas mandibular left and right second molars (#37 and #47) showed statistically different BL widths (p=0.007 and p=0.008). As to the distance between the lingual cusps, only the first left-to-right mandibular molars (#36-46) showed no sex dimorphism (p=0.107). Conclusions: Molars are larger in males than in females. Individually, first molars demonstrated higher evidence of sex distinction than second molars.


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Cincias da Sade, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincias da Sade, 2015.


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During the past years, the considerable need in the domain of communications for more potent photonic devices has focused the research activities into the nonlinear optical (NLO) materials which can be used for modern optical switches. In this regard, a lot of research activities are focused on the organic materials and conjugated polymers which offer more advantages compared to the inorganic ones. On this matter, poly(3-alkylthiophene) (P3AT), an organic conjugated polymer, can be investigated as potential optical material with in particular the focus on the NLO properties such as the first- and second-hyperpolarizability, and respectively. The activities carried out at the Laboratory of Polymer Synthesis of the KU Leuven, during the master's thesis work, focused on the study of conjugated polymers in order to evaluate their NLO properties for the future purpose of applications in optical systems. In particular, three series of polythiophenes functionalized with an alkyl side chain in the 3-position were synthesized: poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), poly[3-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophene] (P3EHT) and random copolymer of the two regio-isomers of P3HT. They were made in order to study the influence of molar mass, branching and regio-irregularity on the -value. The Kumada catalyst transfer condensative polymerization (KCTCP) and the Pd(RuPhos)-protocol were used for the polymerizations in order to have control over the molar mass of the growing chain and consequently to obtain well-defined and reproducible materials. The P3AT derivatives obtained were characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC), spectroscopic techniques (1H-NMR, UV-Vis) and the -value was investigated using the third-harmonic scattering (THS) technique. In particular, the THS technique is useful to investigate the optical behavior of the series of polymers in solution.