876 resultados para Sandhall, Åke: Ötökät
We study the motion of an unbound particle under the influence of a random force modeled as Gaussian colored noise with an arbitrary correlation function. We derive exact equations for the joint and marginal probability density functions and find the associated solutions. We analyze in detail anomalous diffusion behaviors along with the fractal structure of the trajectories of the particle and explore possible connections between dynamical exponents of the variance and the fractal dimension of the trajectories.
We study the motion of a particle governed by a generalized Langevin equation. We show that, when no fluctuation-dissipation relation holds, the long-time behavior of the particle may be from stationary to superdiffusive, along with subdiffusive and diffusive. When the random force is Gaussian, we derive the exact equations for the joint and marginal probability density functions for the position and velocity of the particle and find their solutions.
PURPOSE: Recently, the authors identified a gene, BIGH3, in which different mutations cause a group of hereditary corneal dystrophies: lattice type I and IIIA (CDLI and CDLIIIA), granular Groenouw type I (CDGGI), Avellino (CDA), and Reis-Bücklers' (CDRB). All these disorders are characterized by the progressive accumulation of corneal deposits with different structural organization. Experiments were conducted to determine the role of kerato-epithelin (KE), the product of BIGH3, in the pathogenesis of the diseases. METHODS: KE-15 and KE-2, two rabbit antisera raised against peptides from the 69-364 and 426 - 682 amino acid regions of KE respectively, were used for immunohistology of the corneas obtained after keratoplasty in six CDLI patients, three CDGGI patients, and one CDA patient. RESULTS: The nonamyloid deposits observed in CDGGI stained intensively with KE-15 and KE-2, whereas the amyloid deposits in all analyzed CDLI corneas reacted to KE-2 but not to KE-15. In the CDA cornea, where amyloid and nonamyloid inclusions were present, positive staining with both antisera was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Pathologic amyloid and nonamyloid deposits observed in CDLI, CDGGI-, and CDA-affected corneas are caused by KE accumulation. Different staining patterns of amyloid and nonamyloid deposits observed with antibodies against the amino and carboxyl termini of KE suggest that two mechanisms of KE misfolding are implicated in the pathogenesis of 5q31-linked corneal dystrophies.
We investigated the physiological consequences of the most challenging mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) in the world: a 330-km trail run with 24000 m of positive and negative elevation change. Neuromuscular fatigue (NMF) was assessed before (Pre-), during (Mid-) and after (Post-) the MUM in experienced ultra-marathon runners (n = 15; finish time = 122.43 hours +/-17.21 hours) and in Pre- and Post- in a control group with a similar level of sleep deprivation (n = 8). Blood markers of muscle inflammation and damage were analyzed at Pre- and Post-. Mean +/- SD maximal voluntary contraction force declined significantly at Mid- (-13+/-17% and -10+/-16%, P<0.05 for knee extensor, KE, and plantar flexor muscles, PF, respectively), and further decreased at Post- (-24+/-13% and -26+/-19%, P<0.01) with alteration of the central activation ratio (-24+/-24% and -28+/-34% between Pre- and Post-, P<0.05) in runners whereas these parameters did not change in the control group. Peripheral NMF markers such as 100 Hz doublet (KE: -18+/-18% and PF: -20+/-15%, P<0.01) and peak twitch (KE: -33+/-12%, P<0.001 and PF: -19+/-14%, P<0.01) were also altered in runners but not in controls. Post-MUM blood concentrations of creatine kinase (3719+/-3045 Ul.1), lactate dehydrogenase (1145+/-511 UI.L-1), C-Reactive Protein (13.1+/-7.5 mg.L-1) and myoglobin (449.3+/-338.2 microg.L-1) were higher (P<0.001) than at Pre- in runners but not in controls. Our findings revealed less neuromuscular fatigue, muscle damage and inflammation than in shorter MUMs. In conclusion, paradoxically, such extreme exercise seems to induce a relative muscle preservation process due likely to a protective anticipatory pacing strategy during the first half of MUM and sleep deprivation in the second half.
A current paradigm proposes that mitochondrial damage is a critical determinant of NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Here, we genetically assess whether mitochondrial signalling represents a unified mechanism to explain how NLRP3 is activated by divergent stimuli. Neither co-deletion of the essential executioners of mitochondrial apoptosis BAK and BAX, nor removal of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore component cyclophilin D, nor loss of the mitophagy regulator Parkin, nor deficiency in MAVS affects NLRP3 inflammasome function. In contrast, caspase-8, a caspase essential for death-receptor-mediated apoptosis, is required for efficient Toll-like-receptor-induced inflammasome priming and cytokine production. Collectively, these results demonstrate that mitochondrial apoptosis is not required for NLRP3 activation, and highlight an important non-apoptotic role for caspase-8 in regulating inflammasome activation and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels.
Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: van Pinxteren B, Sigterman KE, Bonis P, Lau J, Numans ME. Short-term treatment with proton pump inhibitors, H2-receptor antagonists and prokinetics for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease-like symptoms and endoscopy negative reflux disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 11, Art. No.: CD002095. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002095.pub4. PMID: 21069670.
The objective of this thesis work was to assess axial misalignment in fatigue loaded welds using the effective notch method. As a result, the fatigue behaviour of non-load carrying cruciform fillet welded joint under cyclic tensile loading has been studied. Various degrees of axial misalignment have been found in one series of non-load carrying cruciform fillet welded joints used in a laboratory investigation. As a result, it was important to carry out a comprehensive investigation since axial misalignment forms part of thequality of fatigue loaded structure and can reduce the fatigue strength. To extend the study, the correlation between fatigue strength and stress ratio, as well as stress concentration factor, were also studied. Moreover, a closer investigation of place of crack initiation and its dependence on weld sequence and imperfections of test specimen (angular distortion) was studied. For the fatigue class calculations, FEM (finite element method) and the effectivenotch approach are used. The addressed variable is the axial misalignment whichis introduce by modeling the entire joint. Fracture mechanics based calculations are also used and quantitatively compared with effective notch and experimental results.
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta soveltaen, millaisia konkreettisia kivusta selviytymiskeinoja 4-6 -vuotias leikki-ikäinen lapsi käyttää. Työn pääpaino on ei-lääkkeellisissä keinoissa, vaikka lääkkeellisiä selviytymiskeinojakaan ei voitu täysin karsia pois aineistosta. Työn keskeisimmät käsitteet "selviytymiskeinot", "kipu" ja "4-6 -vuotias lapsi" on avattu teoriaosuudessa. Opinnäytetyö kuuluu viisi-vuotiseen Lapsen pelon ja kivun hoitotyön tutkimus- ja ke-hittämishankkeeseen. Hankkeella pyritään kehittämään 2 - 6 -vuotiaiden lasten pelon ja kivun hoitotyötä tieteen, taiteen ja koulutuksen avulla. ”Musiikki ja draama lapsen pelon ja kivun lievittäjänä” -projektin yhteistyökumppaneita ovat Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian taiteen ja viestinnän yksikkö sekä sosiaali- ja terveysalan yksikkö, Turun yliopiston hoitotieteen laitos sekä HUS Lasten ja nuorten sairaala. Työ soveltaa systemoidun kirjallisuuskatsauksen menetelmää. Aineisto hankittiin Nelliportaalin avulla tehdyillä hauilla. Aineisto koostuu kahdeksasta englanninkielisestä tutkimusartikkelista ja se analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Analyysin tuloksena oli seitsemän yläluokkaa: toiminta, sosiaalinen tuki, fyysiset rentoutumismenetelmät, viihde, tiedonsaanti, psykologiset keinot ja kivunhoito. Työn tulokset ovat saman suuntaisia kuin aikaisempien tutkimusten ja opinnäytetöiden tulokset. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella voi todeta , että vanhempien roolia lapsen selviytymisessä on tutkittu melko laajasti, mutta lapsen näkökulma ja spesifinen tutkimustieto 4 - 6 -vuotiaan lapsen selviytymisestä on vähäisempää. Työn tulokset antavat hyvän perustan selviytymiskeinojen käytölle hoitotyössä, vaikka niitä ei voikaan suoraan soveltaa suomalaiseen lastenhoitotyöhön. Työn tuloksia tulisi testata käytännössä 4 - 6 -vuotiailla suomalaislapsilla, ennen kuin voi lähteä muuttamaan hoitotyön käytäntöjä.
BACKGROUND: Studies have recently focused on the effect of running a mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) and their results show muscular inflammation, damage and force loss. However, the link between peripheral oedema and muscle force loss is not really established. We tested the hypothesis that, after a MUM, lower leg muscles' swelling could be associated with muscle force loss. The knee extensor (KE) and the plantar flexor (PF) muscles' contractile function was measured by supramaximal electrical stimulations, potentiated low- and high-frequency doublets (PS10 and PS100) of the KE and the PF were measured by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and bioimpedance was used to assess body composition in the runners (n = 11) before (Pre) and after (Post) the MUM and compared with the controls (n = 8). RESULTS: The maximal voluntary contraction of the KE and the PF significantly decreased by 20 % Post-MUM in the runners. Hydration of the non-fat mass (NF-Hyd) and extracellular water volume (Ve) were increased by 12 % Post-MUM (p < 0.001) in the runners. Calf circumference (+2 %, p < 0.05) was also increased. Significant relationships were found for percentage increases in Ve and NF-Hyd with percentage decrease in PS10 of the PF (r = -0.68 and r = -0.70, p < 0.05) and with percentage increase of calf circumference (r = 0.72 and r = 0.73, p < 0.05) in the runners. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that increases in circumference and in hydric volume are associated to contractile impairment in the calf in ultra-marathon runners.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää soveltuvatko suomalaiset osakkeet parikaupankäyntiin ja voidaanko niillä luoda tuottavia kaupankäyntistrategioita. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan pystytäänkö suomalaisista osakkeista muodostamaan parikaupankäynnin kannalta toimivia osakepareja. Aineisto koostuu kaikkiaan 53 tutkitusta yrityksestä, joiden joukosta valitaan paras osakepari kultakin viideltä toimialalta. Tutkimusperiodi käsittää vuodet 2004–2007, eli se sisältää noin 1000 kaupankäyntipäivää per osa-ke. Viittä valittua osakeparia tutkitaan tarkemmin tilastollisilla ja teknisillä analyysimenetelmillä. Empiiristen tulosten perusteella suomalaiset osakkeet soveltuvat hyvin parikaupankäyntiin. Jokaisella viidellä tutkitulla osakeparilla ilmeni selvää hintojen erkaantumista ja konvergoitumista, joten niillä olisi tutkimuspe-riodin aikana pystynyt käymään menestyksekästä parikauppaa.
The present article treats of the painter Joan Arnau Moret, catalan painter of the 17th century. Aspects treat each other as the order of the great picture preserved in the cathedral of Barcelona with the iconography The de live ry o f the ke ys of the city of Barcelona to the Immaculate, the biographical news it extracted of the process of canonization of santa Maria of Cervelló or the professional relation that Joan Arnau joined with the prince Joan Josep d’Àustria newly finished the Segadors war (The Reapers’ War). Of them the study also announces a work – the Saint Cathe rine o f Ale xandria of the chapel of Saint Catherine of the cathedral of Girona – proposes to attribute four paintings more – the paintings of the altarpiece of The Saints fo ur Martyrs of the cathedral of Girona – and thinks about the controversial paintings of the altarpiece of the Castle of Vilassar and of the monastery of Sant Joan of the Abadesses. Finally, by means of the stylistic reading of the new works, which the author considers of the best of his catalogue, one tries to demonstrate that thesources of your figurative culture and stylistic are in the painting of Madrid of the first decades of the 17th century