905 resultados para Sales cycle


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Cet article s'inscrit dans la lignée de précédents travaux visant à rapprocher l'entrepreneur schumpétérien et le surhumain nietzschéen. Les deux partagent une créativité pouvant s'interpréter comme l'extériorisation d'un surcroît de force qui, dans l'optique nietzschéenne, s'assimile à la source extra-morale de l'accrois- sement de la vie. Reste à savoir si le cadre dans lequel ils évoluent est le même. Au-delà d'une approche historique du cycle de la conjoncture, notre hypothèse est que l'approche philosophique d'un cycle du devenir s'avère être féconde pour une interprétation enrichie du cycle de la conjoncture, complétant et prolongeant ainsi notre interprétation du surhumain et de l'entrepreneur. Abstract: This article is in line with previous works aiming to analyse together Schumpeter's entrepreneur and Nietzsche's superhuman. Both share a creativity that can be interpreted as the externalization of an extra force. The latter, through Nietzsche's perspective, is very close to the extra-moral source of the increase of life. But what we have not analysed yet, is the context in which each of


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An account of host plant selection, larval development and behaviour, and behaviour of adult Phoebemima ensifera. Illustrations of the host plant, plant parts, larva, pupa, and adult are provided.


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Humans differ substantially with respect to susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We evaluated variants of nine host genes participating in the viral life cycle for their role in modulating HIV-1 infection. Alleles were assessed ex vivo for their impact on viral replication in purified CD4 T cells from healthy blood donors (n = 128). Thereafter, candidate alleles were assessed in vivo in a cohort of HIV-1-infected individuals (n = 851) not receiving potent antiretroviral therapy. As a benchmark test, we tested 12 previously reported host genetic variants influencing HIV-1 infection as well as single nucleotide polymorphisms in the nine candidate genes. This led to the proposition of three alleles of PML, TSG101, and PPIA as potentially associated with differences in progression of HIV-1 disease. In a model considering the combined effects of new and previously reported gene variants, we estimated that their effect might be responsible for lengthening or shortening by up to 2.8 years the period from 500 CD4 T cells/mul to <200 CD4 T cells/mul.


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Existing models of equilibrium unemployment with endogenous labor market participation are complex, generate procyclical unemployment rates and cannot match unemployment variability relative to GDP. We embed endogenous participation in a simple, tractable job market matching model, show analytically how variations in the participation rate are driven by the cross-sectional density of home productivity near the participation threshold, andhow this density translates into an extensive-margin labor supply elasticity. A calibration of the model to macro data not only matches employment and participation variabilities but also generates strongly countercyclical unemployment rates. With some wage rigidity the model also matches unemployment variations well. Furthermore, the labor supply elasticity implied by our calibration is consistent with microeconometric evidence for the US.


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This paper studies the macroeconomic implications of firms' investment composition choices in the presence of credit constraints. Following a negative andpersistent aggregate productivity shock, firms shift into short-term investments because they produce more pledgeable output and because they help alleviate futureborrowing constraints. This produces a short-run dampening of the effects of theshock, at the expense of lower long-term investment and future output, relativeto an economy with no credit market imperfections. The effects are exacerbatedby a steepening of the term structure of interest rates that further encourages ashift towards short-term investments in the short-run. Small temporary shocks tothe severity of financing frictions generate large and long-lasting effects on outputthrough their impact on the composition of investment. A positive financial shockproduces much stronger effects than an identical negative shock, while the responsesto positive and negative shocks to aggregate productivity are roughly symmetric.Finally, the paper introduces a novel explanation for the countercyclicality of financing constraints of firms.


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Life cycle of Tenuipalpus heveae Baker (Acari, Tenuipalpidae) on leaflets from three rubber tree clones. The biological cycle of Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, 1945 (Tenuipalpidae), a potential rubber tree pest mite, was studied by the observation of individuals reared on leaflets of the clones GT 1, PB 235 and RRIM 600, in controlled environmental conditions. Three daily observations were done of 60 eggs on leaflets from each clone in order to verify the development of immature stages and the female oviposition. The fertility life table was constructed based in the collected data. Mites reared on PB 235 had faster rate of development, requiring less time in days, to double its population in number (TD), and had the highest values for egg production, female longevity, net reproductive rate (Ro), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) and finite rate of increase (λ). Lower reproductive values and the longest time necessary to reach adult stage were recorded for the mites on GT 1. In all studied clones, the deutonymphal phase had the highest viability, while the larval phase had the lowest, highlighted by the survivorship curve that indicated high mortality during this life stage. The clone PB 235 allowed the most suitable conditions for the development of T. heveae, followed by RRIM 600, while GT 1 was the less suitable substratum to rear this mite species.


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We present a model of timing of seasonal sales where stores chooseseveral designs at the beginning of the season without knowingwich one, if any, will be fashionable. Fashionable designs have achance to fetch high prices in fashion markets while non-fashionableones must be sold in a discount market. In the beginning of theseason, stores charge high prices in the hope of capturing theirfashion market. As the end of the season approaches with goods stillon the shelves, stores adjust downward their expectations that theyare carrying a fashionable design, and may have sales to capture thediscount market. Having a greater number of designs induces a storeto put one of them on sales earlier to test the market. Moreover,price competition in the discount market induces stores to startsales earlier because of a greater perceived first-mover advantage incapturing the discount market. More competition, perhaps due todecreases in the cost of product innovation, makes sales occur evenearlier. These results are consistent with the observation that thetrend toward earlier sales since mid-1970's coincides with increasingproduct varieties in fashion good markets and increasing storecompetition.


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Self-reported home values are widely used as a measure of housing wealth by researchers employing a variety of data sets and studying a number of different individual and household level decisions. The accuracy of this measure is an open empirical question, and requires some type of market assessment of the values reported. In this research, we study the predictive power of self-reported housing wealth when estimating sales prices utilizing the Health and Retirement Study. We find that homeowners, on average, overestimate the value of their properties by between 5% and 10%. More importantly, we are the first to document a strong correlation between accuracy and the economic conditions at the time of the purchase of the property (measured by the prevalent interest rate, the growth of household income, and the growth of median housing prices). While most individuals overestimate the value of their properties, those who bought during more difficult economic times tend to be more accurate, and in some cases even underestimate the value of their house. These results establish a surprisingly strong, likely permanent, and in many cases long-lived, effect of the initial conditions surrounding the purchases of properties, on how individuals value them. This cyclicality of the overestimation of house prices can provide some explanations for the difficulties currently faced by many homeowners, who were expecting large appreciations in home value to rescue them in case of increases in interest rates which could jeopardize their ability to live up to their financial commitments.


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Colony cycle of the social wasp Mischocyttarus consimilis Zikán (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). This study describes some aspects of the colony cycle of the Neotropical social wasp Mischocyttarus consimilis, from data obtained under field conditions. Our results showed that the colony cycle in M. consimilis is annual and asynchronous in relation to the months of the year. The colonies remained active for approximately eight months. Most of the abandonments were associated with natural causes, and were most frequent in the pre-emergence stage. The nests were constructed preferentially in man-made structures, especially in sites protected from direct sunlight and rain. Colony foundation was either by haplometrosis or pleometrosis, being the first form predominant.


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Collection : Les petits livres de M. le curé


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The present paper revisits a property embedded in most dynamic macroeconomic models: the stationarity of hours worked. First, I argue that, contrary to what is often believed, there are many reasons why hours could be nonstationary in those models, while preserving the property of balanced growth. Second, I show that the postwar evidence for most industrialized economies is clearly at odds with the assumption of stationary hours per capita. Third, I examine the implications of that evidence for the role of technology as a source of economic fluctuations in the G7 countries.


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The common feature of urea cycle diseases (UCD) is a defect in ammonium elimination in liver, leading to hyperammonemia. This excess of circulating ammonium eventually reaches the central nervous system, where the main toxic effects of ammonium occur. These are reversible or irreversible, depending on the age of onset as well as the duration and the level of ammonium exposure. The brain is much more susceptible to the deleterious effects of ammonium during development than in adulthood, and surviving UCD patients may develop cortical and basal ganglia hypodensities, cortical atrophy, white matter atrophy or hypomyelination and ventricular dilatation. While for a long time, the mechanisms leading to these irreversible effects of ammonium exposure on the brain remained poorly understood, these last few years have brought new data showing in particular that ammonium exposure alters several amino acid pathways and neurotransmitter systems, cerebral energy, nitric oxide synthesis, axonal and dendritic growth, signal transduction pathways, as well as K(+) and water channels. All these effects of ammonium on CNS may eventually lead to energy deficit, oxidative stress and cell death. Recent work also proposed neuroprotective strategies, such as the use of NMDA receptor antagonists, nitric oxide inhibitors, creatine and acetyl-l-carnitine, to counteract the toxic effects of ammonium. Better understanding the pathophysiology of ammonium toxicity to the brain under UCD will allow the development of new strategies for neuroprotection.


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Iowa Sales and Use Tax Annual Statistical Report 2008