453 resultados para SUPERCONDUCTORS
A dilution refrigerator has been constructed capable of producing steady state temperatures less than .075°K. The first part of this work is concerned with the design and construction of this machine. Enough theory is presented to allow one to understand the operation and critical design factors of a dilution refrigerator. The performance of our refrigerator is compared with the operating characteristics of three other dilution refrigerators appearing in the present literature.
The dilution refrigerator constructed was used to measure the nuclear contribution to the low temperature specific heat of a pure, single-crystalline sample of rhenium metal. Measurements were made in magnetic fields from 0 to 12.5 kOe for the temperature range .13°K - .52°K. The second part of this work discusses the results of these experiments. The expected nuclear contribution is not found when the sample is in the superconducting state. This is believed to be due to the long spin-lattice relaxation times in superconductors. In the normal state, for the temperature range studied, the nuclear contribution is given by A/T2 where A = .061 ± .002 millijoules-K/mole. The value of A is found to increase to A = .077 ± .004 millijoules-K/mole when the sample is located in a magnetic field of 12.5 kOe.
From the measured value of A the splitting of the energy levels of the nuclear spin system due to the interaction of the internal crystalline electric field gradients with the nuclear quadrupole moments is calculated. A comparison is made between the predicted and measured magnetic dependence of the specific heat. Finally, predictions are made of future nuclear magnetic resonance experiments which may be performed to check the results obtained by calorimetery here and further, to investigate existing theories concerning the sources of electric field gradients in metals.
Neste trabalho abordamos a teoria de Ginzburg-Landau da supercondutividade (teoria GL). Apresentamos suas origens, características e resultados mais importantes. A idéia fundamental desta teoria e descrever a transição de fase que sofrem alguns metais de uma fase normal para uma fase supercondutora. Durante uma transição de fase em supercondutores do tipo II é característico o surgimento de linhas de fluxo magnético em determinadas regiões de tamanho finito chamadas comumente de vórtices. A dinâmica destas estruturas topológicas é de grande interesse na comunidade científica atual e impulsiona incontáveis núcleos de pesquisa na área da supercondutividade. Baseado nisto estudamos como essas estruturas topológicas influenciam em uma transição de fase em um modelo bidimensional conhecido como modelo XY. No modelo XY vemos que os principais responsáveis pela transição de fase são os vórtices (na verdade pares de vórtice-antivórtice). Villain, observando este fato, percebeu que poderia tornar explícita a contribuição desses defeitos topológicos na função de partição do modelo XY realizando uma transformação de dualidade. Este modelo serve como inspiração para a proposta deste trabalho. Apresentamos aqui um modelo baseado em considerações físicas sobre sistemas de matéria condensada e ao mesmo tempo utilizamos um formalismo desenvolvido recentemente na referência [29] que possibilita tornar explícita a contribuição dos defeitos topológicos na ação original proposta em nossa teoria. Após isso analisamos alguns limites clássicos e finalmente realizamos as flutuações quânticas visando obter a expressão completa da função correlação dos vórtices o que pode ser muito útil em teorias de vórtices interagentes (dinâmica de vórtices).
The microwave response of the superconducting state in equilibrium and non-equilibrium configurations was examined experimentally and analytically. Thin film superconductors were mostly studied in order to explore spatial effects. The response parameter measured was the surface impedance.
For small microwave intensity the surface impedance at 10 GHz was measured for a variety of samples (mostly Sn) over a wide range of sample thickness and temperature. A detailed analysis based on the BCS theory was developed for calculating the surface impedance for general thickness and other experimental parameters. Experiment and theory agreed with each other to within the experimental accuracy. Thus it was established that the samples, thin films as well as bulk, were well characterised at low microwave powers (near equilibrium).
Thin films were perturbed by a small dc supercurrent and the effect on the superconducting order parameter and the quasiparticle response determined by measuring changes in the surface resistance (still at low microwave intensity and independent of it) due to the induced current. The use of fully superconducting resonators enabled the measurement of very small changes in the surface resistance (< 10-9 Ω/sq.). These experiments yield information regarding the dynamics of the order parameter and quasiparticle systems. For all the films studied the results could be described at temperatures near Tc by the thermodynamic depression of the order parameter due to the static current leading to a quadratic increase of the surface resistance with current.
For the thinnest films the low temperature results were surprising in that the surface resistance decreased with increasing current. An explanation is proposed according to which this decrease occurs due to an additional high frequency quasiparticle current caused by the combined presence of both static and high frequency fields. For frequencies larger than the inverse of the quasiparticle relaxation time this additional current is out of phase (by π) with the microwave electric field and is observed as a decrease of surface resistance. Calculations agree quantitatively with experimental results. This is the first observation and explanation of this non-equilibrium quasiparticle effect.
For thicker films of Sn, the low temperature surface resistance was found to increase with applied static current. It is proposed that due to the spatial non-uniformity of the induced current distribution across the thicker films, the above purely temporal analysis of the local quasiparticle response needs to be generalised to include space and time non-equilibrium effects.
The nonlinear interaction of microwaves arid superconducting films was also examined in a third set of experiments. The surface impedance of thin films was measured as a function of the incident microwave magnetic field. The experiments exploit the ability to measure the absorbed microwave power and applied microwave magnetic field absolutely. It was found that the applied surface microwave field could not be raised above a certain threshold level at which the absorption increased abruptly. This critical field level represents a dynamic critical field and was found to be associated with the penetration of the app1ied field into the film at values well below the thermodynamic critical field for the configuration of a field applied to one side of the film. The penetration occurs despite the thermal stability of the film which was unequivocally demonstrated by experiment. A new mechanism for such penetration via the formation of a vortex-antivortex pair is proposed. The experimental results for the thinnest films agreed with the calculated values of this pair generation field. The observations of increased transmission at the critical field level and suppression of the process by a metallic ground plane further support the proposed model.
120 p.
O objetivo geral deste projeto é propor um modelo bidimensional que descreva o novo estado supercondutor, que apresenta simetria de cristal líquido, chamado de supercondutor nemático. O estudo começa com uma introdução sobre a teoria de Landau-Ginzburg das transições de fase, onde são discutidos conceitos como parâmetro de ordem e as ordens das transições de fase, que são essenciais para o desenvolvimento deste projeto. Em seguida, é feita uma discussão sobre as principais características dos supercondutores como a resistência zero, o efeito Meissner-Ochsenfeld, os tipos de supercondutores, o surgimento de vórtices e uma análise sobre a teoria de Landau-Ginzburg para transição de fase metal-supercondutor. Após isto, é feita uma abordagem sobre os principais tipos de cristais líquidos, com destaque ao cristal líquido nemático, onde é desenvolvida a teoria de Landau-Ginzburg para transição de fase isotrópica-nemática e um estudo sobre o surgimento de disclinações no cristal líquido nemático em duas dimensões. Por fim, é apresentado o modelo proposto para descrever o estado supercondutor nemático, com a construção da teoria de Landau-Ginzburg, o estudo do acoplamento entre as fases e os defeitos topológicos presentes nesse estado.
We investigate planar Josephson junctions where the intermediate spacer between the two superconductors is an hybrid structure made by a normal metal and a ferromagnet. The different behaviors of the S-N-S junctions with thicknesses of 50 nm in both Cu and Nb layers, and S-N/F-S junctions with 10 nm of Co, 50 nm of Cu and 50 nm of Nb are studied. In this way, we analyze the influence of the ferromagnetic exchange interaction on the proximity effect. A dramatic supression of the josephson critical current of the Nb-(Cu/Co)-Nb junctions is observed. We believe that the reason for this is due to the length scale of the superconducting correlations of the electrons and holes of the weak link is larger than the thickness of Cu/Co bilayer.
Passive magnetic bearings are ideal components for energy storage flywheels which require small dynamic loads and low-maintenance bearings with minimal power requirements. High temperature superconductors such as YBCO can be used to fabricate these bearings and achieve the desired magnetic properties. Stiffness and gap decay due to high speed can be addressed by dynamically altering bearing geometry to provide active control with bulk materials.
Melt grown Nd-Ba-Cu-O (NdBCO) has been reported to exhibit higher values of critical current density, Jc and irreversibility field, Hirr, than other (RE)BCO superconductors, such as YBCO. The microstructure of NdBCO typically contains 5-10 μm sized inclusions of the Nd4Ba2Cu2O10 phase (Nd-422) in a superconducting NdBa2Cu3O7-δ phase (Nd-123) matrix. The average size of these inclusions is characteristically larger than that of the Y2BaCuO5 (Y-211) inclusions in YBCO. As a result, there is scope to further refine the Nd-422 size to enhance Jc in NdBCO. Large grain samples of NdBCO superconductor doped with various amounts of depleted UO2 and containing excess Nd-422 have been fabricated by top seeded melt growth under reduced oxygen partial pressure. The effect of the addition of depleted UO2 on the NdBCO microstructure has been studied systematically in samples with and without added CeO2. It is observed that the addition of UO2 refines the NdBCO microstructure via the formation of uranium-containing phase particles in the superconducting matrix. These particles are of approximately spherical geometry with dimensions of around 1 μm. The average size of the nonsuperconducting phase particles in the uranium-doped microstructure is an order of magnitude less than their size in un-doped Nd-123 prepared with excess Nd-422. The critical current density of uranium-doped NdBCO is observed to increase significantly compared to the undoped material.
The effect of size, morphology and crystallinity of seed crystals on the nucleation and growth of large grain Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) bulk superconductors fabricated by top seeded melt growth (TSMG) has been investigated. Seeding bulk samples with small, square shaped seed crystals leads to point nucleation and growth of the superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-y (Y-123) phase that exhibits the usual square habitual growth symmetry. The use of triangular and circular shaped seed crystals, however, modifies significantly the growth habit geometry of the grain. The use of large area seeds both increases the rate of epitaxial nucleation of the Y-123 phase and produces relatively large crystals in the incongruent melt, which decreases significantly the processing times of large grain samples. The present study is relevant to decrease processing times of samples with both preferred or no growth sectors and for multiple seeding of large grain samples which contain clean grain boundaries. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Gd-Ba-Cu-O (GdBCO) single grains have been previously melt-processed successfully in air using a generic Mg-Nd-Ba-Cu-O (Mg-NdBCO) seed crystal. Previous research has revealed that the addition of a small amount of BaO 2 to the precursor powders prior to melt processing can suppress the formation of Gd/Ba solid solution, and lead to a significant improvement in superconducting properties of the single grains. Research into the effects of a higher Ba content on single grain growth, however, has been limited by the relatively small grain size in the earlier studies. This has been addressed by developing Ba-rich precursor compounds Gd-163 and Gd-143, fabricated specifically to enable the presence of greater concentrations of Ba during the melt process. In this study, we propose a new processing route for the fabrication of high performance GdBCO single grain bulk superconductors in air by enriching the precursor powder with these new Ba rich compounds. The influence of the addition of the new compounds on the microstructures and superconducting properties of GdBCO single grains is reported. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Thin films of nano-composite Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) superconductors containing nano-sized, non-superconducting particles of Y2Ba 4CuMOx (M-2411 with M = Ag and Nb) have been prepared by the PLD technique. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to analyze the crystallographic orientation of nano-particles embedded in the film microstructure. The superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (Y-123) phase matrix is textured with a dominant (001) orientation for all samples, whereas the M-2411 phase exhibits a random orientation. Angular critical current measurements at various temperature (T) and applied magnetic field (B) have been performed on thin films containing different concentration of the M-2411 second phase. An increase in critical current density J c at T < 77 K and B < 6 T is observed for samples with low concentration of the second phase (2 mol % M-2411). Films containing 5 mol % Ag-2411 exhibit lower Jc than pure Y-123 thin films at all fields and temperatures. Samples with 5 mol % Nb-2411 show higher Jc(B) than phase pure Y-123 thin films for T < 77 K. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.
High-temperature superconductors have created the opportunity for a step change in the technology of power applications. Racetrack superconducting coils made from YBCO coated conductors have been used in several engineering applications including SMES, rotor or stator windings of electric machines. AC loss is one of the most important factors that determine the design and performance of superconducting devices. In this paper, a numerical model is developed to calculate the AC losses in superconducting racetrack coils in different magnetic conditions. This paper first discusses the AC losses of the coils in self-field or external field only. It then goes to investigate the AC losses of the coils being exposed to AC ripple field and a DC background field. Finally, the AC losses of the coils carrying DC current and being exposed to AC field are calculated. These two scenarios correspond to using superconducting coils as the rotor field winding of an electric machine. © 2010 IEEE.
The seeded infiltration and growth (SIG) technique offers near-net shape processing of bulk superconductors with significant improvement in reduced Y2BaCuO5 (Y-211) inclusion size, reduced shrinkage, reduced porosity and improved current density compared to samples fabricated by top seeded melt growth (TSMG). Y2Ba4CuMOy phases where M=Nb, Mo, W, Ta, etc., have been shown to form nano-scale inclusions in the YBa2Cu3Oy (Y-123) phase matrix and to contribute to enhanced magnetic flux pinning in these materials. In this paper, we describe the introduction of Y2Ba 4CuWOy nano-scale inclusions into bulk superconductors processed by the seeded infiltration growth process. Critical current density, Jc, in excess of 105 A/cm2 at 77 K in self-field is observed for samples containing Y2Ba 4CuWOy. © 2011 IEEE.
AC loss can be a significant problem for any applications that utilize or produce an AC current or magnetic field, such as an electric machine. The authors are currently investigating the electromagnetic properties of high temperature superconductors with a particular focus on the AC loss in coils made from YBCO superconductors. In this paper, a 2D finite element model based on the H formulation is introduced. The model is then used to calculate the transport AC loss using both a bulk approximation and modeling the individual turns in a racetrack-shaped coil. The coil model is based on the superconducting stator coils used in the University of Cambridge EPEC Superconductivity Group's superconducting permanent magnet synchronous motor design. The transport AC loss of a stator coil is measured using an electrical method based on inductive compensation using a variable mutual inductance. The simulated results are compared with the experimental results, verifying the validity of the model, and ways to improve the accuracy of the model are discussed. © 2010 IEEE.