848 resultados para Russian influenza
The emergency of infection by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) subtype H5N1 has focused the attention of the world scientific community, requiring the prompt provision of effective control systems for early detection of the circulation of low pathogenic influenza H5 viruses (LPAI) in populations of wild birds to prevent outbreaks of highly pathogenic (HPAI) in populations of domestic birds with possible transmission to humans. The project stems from the aim to provide, through a preliminary analysis of data obtained from surveillance in Italy and Europe, a preliminary study about the virus detection rates and the development of mathematical models, an objective assessment of the effectiveness of avian influenza surveillance systems in wild bird populations, and to point out guidelines to support the planning process of the sampling activities. The results obtained from the statistical processing quantify the sampling effort in terms of time and sample size required, and simulating different epidemiological scenarios identify active surveillance as the most suitable for endemic LPAI infection monitoring in wild waterfowl, and passive surveillance as the only really effective tool in early detecting HPAI H5N1 circulation in wild populations. Given the lack of relevant information on H5N1 epidemiology, and the actual finantial and logistic constraints, an approach that makes use of statistical tools to evaluate and predict monitoring activities effectiveness proves to be of primary importance to direct decision-making and make the best use of available resources.
Il Lavoro é incentrato sull' influenza dell'insegnamento di G. I Gurdjieff sul teatro del novecento in particolare sul lavoro di Peter Brook, Declan Donnellan e Robert Lepage
Abstract The academic environment has recently recognized the importance and benefits that an extensive research on the translation of advertising can have for translation studies. Despite the growing interest and increasing research activity in the field it is still difficult to speak about a theory of advertising translation in general. There is a need for further study encompassing different languages and both heterogeneous and homogenous cultures that will give the possibility to receive a more complete map of what the translation of advertising is and should be. Previous studies have been concentrated, for the most part, on Western European language pairs. This study is a research into perfume and cosmetics print advertisements translated from English into Russian where both visual and verbal elements are considered. Three broad translation approaches have been identified in what concerns the verbal message: Translated message, parallel translation, recreated adverts, and three approaches in dealing with the image: similar images, modified images, completely different images. The thesis shows that where Russian advertisements for perfume products tend to have a message, or create one, this is often lacking in the English copy. The article ends by suggesting that perfume advertisements favor the standardization approach when entering Russian market. The attempts to localize the advert have also been noticed although they are obviously less numerous in perfume adverts and are rather instances of adaptation - a mix between the localization and standardization approaches since they keep drawing on the same globally accepted universals about female beauty and concern for ‘woman’s identity’ (we focused our analysis on products designed for female consumers). This study, complementing previous studies, aims to be a contribution to the description of laws and strategies that guide the translation of advertising texts into Russian.
Kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for the restoration of excretory and endocrine kidney function in patients with end-stage renal disease. The success of the transplant is linked to the genetic compatibility between donor and recipient, and upon progress in surgery and immunosuppressive therapy. Numerous studies have established the importance of innate immunity in transplantation tolerance, in particular natural killer (NK) cells represent a population of cells involved in defense against infectious agents and tumor cells. NK cells express on their surface the Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) which, by recognizing and binding to MHC class I antigens, prevent the killing of autologous cells. In solid organ transplantation context, and in particular the kidney, recent studies show some correlation between the incompatibility KIR / HLA and outcome of transplantation so as to represent an interesting perspective, especially as regards setting of immunosuppressive therapy. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess whether the incompatibility between recipient KIR receptors and HLA class I ligands of the donor could be a useful predictor in order to improve the survival of the transplanted kidney and also to select patients who might benefit of a reduced regimen. One hundred and thirteen renal transplant patients from 1999 to 2005 were enrolled. Genomic DNA was extracted for each of them and their donors and genotyping of HLA A, B, C and 14 KIR genes was carried out. Data analysis was conducted on two case-control studies: one aimed at assessing the outcome of acute rejection and the other to assess the long term transplant outcome. The results showed that two genes, KIR2DS1 and KIR3DS1, are associated with the development of acute rejection (p = 0.02 and p = 0.05, respectively). The presence of the KIR2DS3 gene is associated with a better performance of serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate (MDRD) over time (4 and 5 years after transplantation, p <0.05), while in the presence of ligand, the serum creatinine and MDRD trend seems to get worse in the long term. The analysis performed on the population, according to whether there was deterioration of renal function or not in the long term, showed that the absence of the KIR2DL1 gene is strongly associated with an increase of 20% of the creatinine value at 5 years, with a relative risk to having a greater creatinine level than the median 5-year equal to 2.7 95% (95% CI: 1.7788 - 2.6631). Finally, the presence of a kidney resulting negative for HLA-A3 / A11, compared to a positive result, in patients with KIR3DL2, showed a relative risk of having a serum creatinine above the median at 5 years after transplantation of 0.6609 (95% CI: 0.4529 -0.9643), suggesting a protective effect given to the absence of this ligand.
The arguments of the thesis is the relationship between the Norman domination and the Greek-speaking people living in Sicily and Southern Italy. Particularly the ascendancy of the greek culture on the norman architecture and his role in the construction of the Norman Kingdom.
Con gli strumenti informatici disponibili oggi per le industrie, in particolar modo coi software CAE, le possibile simulare in maniera più che soddisfacente i fenomeni fisici presenti in natura. Anche il raffreddamento di un manufatto in polimero può venire simulato, a patto che si conoscano tutti i dati dei materiali e delle condizioni al contorno. Per quanto riguarda i dati dei materiali, i produttori di polimeri sono molto spesso in grado di fornirli, mentre le condizioni al contorno devono essere padroneggiate dal detentore della tecnologia. Nella pratica, tale conoscenza è al più incompleta, quindi si fanno ipotesi per colmare le lacune. Una tra le ipotesi più forti fatte è quella di una perfetta conduzione all'interfaccia tra due corpi. Questo è un vincolo troppo forte, se paragonato alla precisione di tutti gli altri dati necessari alla simulazione, e quindi si è deciso di eseguire una campagna sperimentale per stimare la resistenza al passaggio flusso termico all'interfaccia polimero-stampo ovvero determinare la conduttanza termica di contatto. L'attività svolta in questa tesi di dottorato ha come scopo quello di fornire un contributo significativo allo sviluppo e al miglioramento dell'efficienza termica degli stampi di formatura dei polimeri termoplastici con tecnologia a compressione.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the diaphragm flexibility on the behavior of out-of-plane walls in masonry buildings. Simplified models have been developed to perform kinematic and dynamic analyses in order to compare the response of walls with different restraint conditions. Kinematic non linear analyses of assemblages of rigid blocks have been performed to obtain the acceleration-displacement curves for walls with different restraint conditions at the top. A simplified 2DOF model has been developed to analyse the dynamic response of the wall with an elastic spring at the top, following the Housner rigid behaviour hypothesis. The dissipation of energy is concentrated at every impact at the base of the wall and is modelled through the introduction of the coefficient of restitution. The sets of equations of the possible configurations of the wall, depending on the different positions of the centre of rotation at the base and at the intermediate hinge have been obtained. An algorithm for the numerical integration of the sets of the equations of motion in the time domain has been developed. Dynamic analyses of a set of walls with Gaussian impulses and recorded accelerograms inputs have been performed in order to compare the response of the simply supported wall with the one of the wall with elastic spring at the top. The influence of diaphragm stiffness Kd has been investigated determining the variation of maximum displacement demand with the value of Kd. A more regular trend has been obtained for the Gaussian input than for the recorded accelerograms.
Il primo scopo di questo progetto sperimentale è stato quello di valutare la qualità chimica e sensoriale di oli vergini d’oliva ottenuti da olive conservate per tempi diversi prima della loro lavorazione. Spesso, infatti, quando le olive arrivano in frantoio, la loro trasformazione può essere ritardata a causa della ridotta capacità di lavorazione degli impianti rispetto alla quantità di prodotto da lavorare. Il tempo e le modalità di conservazione delle drupe risultano fattori molto importanti ai fini della qualità organolettica dell’olio prodotto. Per questa finalità sono state acquistate olive di due diverse varietà (Correggiolo e Canino) e divise in due aliquote. La prima aliquota di ogni partita di olive è stata franta al momento della consegna (tempo 0), la seconda invece è stata stoccata in condizioni non ideali di conservazione ed umidità per 7 giorni (varietà Correggiolo) e 15 giorni (varietà Canino), quindi franta. Per tutti i campioni sono stati valutati i parametri di qualità stabiliti dal Reg. CEE n. 2568/91 e successive modifiche: acidità libera e numero di perossidi con valutazioni titrimetriche, estinzioni specifiche nell'ultravioletto mediante spettrofotometria, determinazione gascromatografica degli alchil esteri degli acidi grassi ed analisi sensoriale secondo “Panel test”. Sono stati inoltre valutati parametri compositivi che attualmente non sono contemplati nei regolamenti ufficiali: il profilo qualitativo e quantitativo gascromatografico in digliceridi e quello in componenti volatili (SPME). I risultati ottenuti per i campioni ottenuti da olive “fresche” e da olive conservate per tempi diversi sono stati comparati con i limiti di legge che definiscono l'appartenenza alle categorie merceologiche degli oli di oliva vergini (extravergine, vergine o lampante) e, per i parametri non normati, sono state valutate le principali differenze in relazione alla qualità del prodotto. Il secondo scopo del progetto è stato quello di valutare la possibilità di una rapida discriminazione di oli d’oliva caratterizzati da differenti concentrazioni di alchil esteri degli acidi grassi mediante Riflettometria nel Dominio del Tempo (TDR, Time Domain Reflectometry). Il metodo chimico proposto dal Reg. UE n. 61/2011 risulta, infatti, lungo e dispendioso prevedendo una separazione preparativa seguita da analisi gascromatografica. La TDR si presenta, invece, come un metodo alternativo rapido, economico e non distruttivo per la valutazione e discriminazione degli oli d’oliva sulla base di questo parametro qualitativo.
One of the current trends in governance and legal development in Russia is aimed at establishing a modern, efficient and internationally harmonised system of safeguards of human rights and civil liberties. A fairly recent addition to this system has been the institution of ombudsman as a public authority specialised in promoting and protecting human rights and civil liberties. The introduction of this institution as well as its formalisation at the constitutional and legislative levels has been increasingly relevant and important, as it raises the dealings between the state and the individual to a new level. As an independent public institution resolving conflicts between citizens and government authorities, the ombudsman makes steps, within the scope of his jurisdiction, to restitute individual rights, and helps to enhance the reputation of government. The present work describes and assesses the birth, development and institutionalization process of the Ombudsman Office in the Russian Federation, at federal and regional levels, with a particular emphasis on the role of international references and cooperation for institution building. Ombudsmen have done a magnificent job in demonstrating value with the resolution of individual and systemic complaints; subsequent improvements to government; and economic savings by mitigating litigation costs.
Comprensione delle formulazioni analitiche e dei metodi tradizionali per il calcolo puntuale dello Sky View Factor (SVF), un parametro adimensionale in grado di esprimere con un singolo valore l’influenza dei fattori morfologici sulla porzione di volta celeste visibile da un punto. Valutazione delle performance dei software di mappatura dello SVF in area urbana al variare di tipologia e qualità del dato di input e dei parametri utilizzati. Al fine di studiare degli aspetti algoritmici dei modelli esistenti, è stato sviluppato uno script in linguaggio MATLAB per apportare miglioramenti alle tecniche esaminate.