956 resultados para Root of Kusnezoffii Monkshood


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The universal phylogenetic tree not only spans all extant life, but its root and earliest branchings represent stages in the evolutionary process before modern cell types had come into being. The evolution of the cell is an interplay between vertically derived and horizontally acquired variation. Primitive cellular entities were necessarily simpler and more modular in design than are modern cells. Consequently, horizontal gene transfer early on was pervasive, dominating the evolutionary dynamic. The root of the universal phylogenetic tree represents the first stage in cellular evolution when the evolving cell became sufficiently integrated and stable to the erosive effects of horizontal gene transfer that true organismal lineages could exist.


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Os microRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenos RNAs endógenos não codantes de 21-24 nucleotídeos (nt) que regulam a expressão gênica de genes-alvos. Eles estão envolvidos em diversos aspectos de desenvolvimento da planta, tanto na parte aérea, quanto no sistema radicular. Entre os miRNAs, o miRNA156 (miR156) regula a família de fatores de transcrição SQUAMOSA Promoter-Binding Protein-Like (SPL) afetando diferentes processos do desenvolvimento vegetal. Estudos recentes mostram que a via gênica miR156/SPL apresenta efeito positivo tanto no aumento da formação de raízes laterais, quanto no aumento de regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de folhas e hipocótilos em Arabidopsis thaliana. Devido ao fato de que a origem da formação de raiz lateral e a regeneração in vitro de brotos a partir de raiz principal compartilham semelhanças anatômicas e moleculares, avaliou-se no presente estudo se a via miR156/SPL, da mesma forma que a partir de explantes aéreos, também é capaz de influenciar na regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de explantes radiculares. Para tanto foram comparados taxa de regeneração, padrão de distribuição de auxina e citocinina, análises histológicas e histoquímicas das estruturas regeneradas em plantas com via miR156/SPL alterada, incluindo planta mutante hyl1, na qual a produção desse miRNA é severamente reduzida. Além disso, foi avaliado o padrão de expressão do miR156 e específicos genes SPL durante a regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir da raiz principal de Arabidopsis thaliana. No presente trabalho observou-se que a alteração da via gênica miR156/SPL é capaz de modular a capacidade de regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de raiz principal de Arabidopsis thaliana e a distribuição de auxina e citocinina presente nas células e tecidos envolvidos no processo de regeneração. Plantas superexpressando o miR156 apresentaram redução no número de brotos regenerados, além de ter o plastochron reduzido quando comparado com plantas controle. Adicionalmente, plantas contento o gene SPL9 resistente à clivagem pelo miR156 (rSPL9) apresentaram severa redução na quantidade de brotos, além de terem o plastochron alongado. Interessantemente, plantas mutantes hyl1-2 e plantas rSPL10 não apresentaram regeneração de brotos ao longo da raiz principal, mas sim intensa formação de raízes laterais e protuberâncias, respectivamente, tendo essa última apresentado indícios de diferenciação celular precoce. Tomados em conjunto os dados sugerem que o miR156 apresenta importante papel no controle do processo de regeneração de brotos in vitro. Entretanto, esse efeito é mais complexo em regeneração in vitro a partir de raízes do que a partir de cotilédones ou hipocótilos.


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Seventy-five years ago, Walter Benjamin showed us that the line between "production" and "reproduction" had begun to blur. Reproduction was no longer optional, consequential and degrading (the shredding of the original’s aura), but was instead being transformed into a principle of production itself: something was produced bearing in mind how it was to be reproduced. No longer did the original exist (in photography, film, music recordings), but instead diffusion, exhibition. The work existed precisely at the time and place of its enjoyment. Today, the cultural pirates of the new digital era take this principle to the extreme, with a certain characteristic also foreseen by Benjamin: a yearning to participate, to post-produce something captured in order to later return it to the Internet, modified in some way and made available to others. This postproduction is what is now often mixed up with reception, just as production and reproduction used to be in Benjamin’s day. Postproduction on the receiver’s side, which somehow augments and extends the received work, in other words creates an etymologically rigorous author-ization (auctor as the root of both author and augmentation). The cultural pirate only deserves redemption thanks to this creative augmentation.


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The Issue Reform of the governance of the euro area is being held back by disagreement on what is at the root of the euro area’s woes. Pre-crisis, the euro area suffered from the built-up of financial imbalances, price and wage divergence and an insufficient focus on debt sustainability. During the crisis, the main problems were slow resolution of banking problems, an inadequate fiscal policy stance in 2011-13 for the area as a whole, insufficient domestic demand in surplus countries and slow progress with structural reforms to overcome past divergences. Policy Challenge Euro-area governance needs to move beyond the improvements brought about by banking union and should establish institutions to prevent divergences of wages from productivity. We propose the creation of a European Competitiveness Council composed of national competitiveness councils, and the creation of a Eurosystem of Fiscal Policy (EFP) with two goals: fiscal debt sustainability and an adequate area-wide fiscal position. The EFP should have the right in exceptional circumstances to declare national deficits unlawful and to be able to force parliaments to borrow more so that the euro-area fiscal stance is appropriate. A euro-area chamber of the European Parliament would have to approve such decisions. No additional risk-sharing would be introduced. In the short term, domestic demand needs to be increased in surplus countries, while in deficit countries, structural reform needs to reduce past divergences.


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Highlights: Since the mid-1990s, Italy has been characterised by a lack of labour productivity growth, combinedwith a 60 percent growth in labour costs, 20 percentage points above euro-area average consumer price growth. As a consequence, Italy has become less competitive compared to its euro-area partners, the profitability of its firms has dropped and real GDP-per-capita has flatlined. • At the root of the substantial discrepancy between wages and productivity is Italy’s system of centralised wage bargaining which, in many ways, is designed without regard for the underlying industrial structure and geographical heterogeneity of the Italian economy.This has fostered perverse incentives and imbalances within Italy. • Collective wage bargaining, and in particular the determination of base salaries, should be moved from the national to the regional level for all contracts, in the public and private sectors.The Mezzogiorno,which might superficially be seen as losing out from this policy, would actually gain the most in competitiveness terms. • Furthermore, measures should be taken so that, in the long run, the Italian industrial structure evolves into a less fragmented small-company-based economy. This firm consolidation would likely expand the use of firm-level agreements and performance payments, and would improve Italy’s productivity and competitiveness overall.


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In this paper, we apply the canonical decomposition of two-qubit unitaries to find pulse schemes to control the proposed Kane quantum computer. We explicitly find pulse sequences for the controlled-NOT, swap, square root of swap, and controlled Z rotations. We analyze the speed and fidelity of these gates, both of which compare favorably to existing schemes. The pulse sequences presented in this paper are theoretically faster, with higher fidelity, and simpler. Any two-qubit gate may be easily found and implemented using similar pulse sequences. Numerical simulation is used to verify the accuracy of each pulse scheme.


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Bang-bang phase detector based PLLs are simple to design, suffer no systematic phase error, and can run at the highest speed a process can make a working flip-flop. For these reasons designers are employing them in the design of very high speed Clock Data Recovery (CDR) architectures. The major drawback of this class of PLL is the inherent jitter due to quantized phase and frequency corrections. Reducing loop gain can proportionally improve jitter performance, but also reduces locking time and pull-in range. This paper presents a novel PLL design that dynamically scales its gain in order to achieve fast lock times while improving fitter performance in lock. Under certain circumstances the design also demonstrates improved capture range. This paper also analyses the behaviour of a bang-bang type PLL when far from lock, and demonstrates that the pull-in range is proportional to the square root of the PLL loop gain.


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O objeto de pesquisa desta dissertação são as perícopes de Isaías 7,10-17;8,23-9,6 e 11,1-9. Nelas encontra-se o cerne do pensamento messiânico de Isaías. É importante salientar que o messianismo isaiano parte da concepção de um messias que vem para governar a partir do direito e da justiça, e, assim, estabelecer a paz. O messianismo apresentado por este profeta não parte das esferas de poder da corte, mas dos pequenos e frágeis da sociedade, dotados do espírito de Javé. Há que se destacar que a profecia de Isaías é um divisor de águas no que concerne à teologia messiânica no Reino do Sul, especialmente nos profetas depois dele. Em Isaías, encontra-se a ruptura com as classes dominantes e com um messianismo bélico. A proposta deste profeta aponta para um messias frágil, mas que é movido pelo sopro, pelo movimento de Javé em suas ações. E assim, Isaías abre as portas para compreensão de um messias pobre, como retrata Zacarias, um messias servo, apresentado pelo Dêutero-Isaías, ou quem sabe um messias pastor, como proposto por Miquéias e Ezequiel e bem recebido pelas tradições do primeiro século (Jo 10,10). O messias em Isaías tem nomes e adjetivos : Imanuel, menino, raiz de Jessé, mas não tem rosto, não tem localização geográfica, não se enquadra em nenhum tipo messiânico desde o davidismo de Jerusalém. Este messias pode ser encontrado em qualquer época com qualquer rosto, por isso a importante releitura messiânica apresentada em textos do cristianismo nascente. Muitos deles inspirados na profecia isaiana do 8º. século a.C.


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O trabalho busca resgatar historicamente o surgimento e desenvolvimento da linha de pesquisa da Comunicação para a Saúde e fazer o mapeamento dos estudos dessa área nos Estados Unidos, América Latina e Brasil. Procura-se apresentar os principais grupos de pesquisa no Brasil em ambos os espaços Comunicação e Saúde e analisar as contribuições as sete edições da Conferência Brasileira de Comunicação para a Saúde (COMSAÚDE) para a consolidação da linha de pesquisa no Brasil, fazendo uma análise comparativa entre os trabalhos apresentados, autores e obras, com o que está sendo produzido em forma de teses e dissertações em outras universidades brasileiras, bem como na literatura americana. Utilizou-se o estudo exploratório, documental e análise de conteúdo para a realização do trabalho que apontou a difusão de inovações como raiz da linha de pesquisa em Comunicação para a Saúde.


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O trabalho busca resgatar historicamente o surgimento e desenvolvimento da linha de pesquisa da Comunicação para a Saúde e fazer o mapeamento dos estudos dessa área nos Estados Unidos, América Latina e Brasil. Procura-se apresentar os principais grupos de pesquisa no Brasil em ambos os espaços Comunicação e Saúde e analisar as contribuições das sete edições da Conferência Brasileira de Comunicação para a Saúde (COMSAÚDE) para a consolidação da linha de pesquisa no Brasil, fazendo uma análise comparativa entre os trabalhos apresentados, autores e obras, com o que está sendo produzido em forma de teses e dissertações em outras universidades brasileiras, bem como na literatura americana. Utilizouse o estudo exploratório, documental e análise de conteúdo para a realização do trabalho que apontou a difusão de inovações como raiz da linha de pesquisa em Comunicação para a Saúde.


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Purpose - Many managers would like to take a strategic approach to preparing the organisation to avoid impending crisis but instead find themselves fire-fighting to mitigate its impact. This paper seeks to examine an organisation which made major strategic changes in order to respond to the full effect of a crisis which would be realised over a two to three year period. At the root of these changes was a strategic approach to managing knowledge. The paper's purpose is to reflect on managers' views of the impact this strategy had on preparing for the crisis and explore what happened in the organisation during and after the crisis. Design/methodology/approach - The paper examines a case-study of a financial services organisation which faced the crisis of its impending dissolution. The paper draws upon observations of change management workshops, as well as interviews with organisational members of a change management task force. Findings - The response to the crisis was to recognise the importance of the people and their knowledge to the organisation, and to build a strategy which improved business processes and communication flow across the divisions, as well as managing the departure of knowledge workers from an organisation in the process of being dissolved. Practical implications - The paper demonstrates the importance of building a knowledge management strategy during times of crisis, and draws out important lessons for organisations facing organisational change. Originality/value - The paper represents a unique opportunity to learn from an organisation adopting a strategic approach to managing its knowledge during a time of crisis. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Environmentally stable high-power erbium fiber soliton lasers are constructed by Kerr or carrier-type mode locking. We obtain high-energy pulses by using relatively short fiber lengths and providing large amounts of negative dispersion with chirped fiber Bragg gratings. The pulse energies and widths generated with both types of soliton laser are found to scale with the square root of the cavity dispersion. Kerr mode locking requires pulses with an approximately three times higher nonlinear phase shift in the cavity than carrier mode locking, which leads to the generation of slightly shorter pulses with as much as seven times higher pulse energies at the mode-locking threshold.


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It is very well known that contrast detection thresholds improve with the size of a grating-type stimulus, but it is thought that the benefit of size is abolished for contrast discriminations well above threshold (e.g., Legge, G. E., & Foley, J. M. (1980)]. Here we challenge the generality of this view. We performed contrast detection and contrast discrimination for circular patches of sine wave grating as a function of stimulus size. We confirm that sensitivity improves with approximately the fourth-root of stimulus area at detection threshold (a log-log slope of -0.25) but find individual differences (IDs) for the suprathreshold discrimination task. For several observers, performance was largely unaffected by area, but for others performance first improved (by as much as a log-log slope of -0.5) and then reached a plateau. We replicated these different results several times on the same observers. All of these results were described in the context of a recent gain control model of area summation [Meese, T. S. (2004)], extended to accommodate the multiple stimulus sizes used here. In this model, (i) excitation increased with the fourth-root of stimulus area for all observers, and (ii) IDs in the discrimination data were described by IDs in the relation between suppression and area. This means that empirical summation in the contrast discrimination task can be attributed to growth in suppression with stimulus size that does not keep pace with the growth in excitation. © 2005 ARVO.


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Environmentally stable high-power erbium fiber soliton lasers are constructed by Kerr or carrier-type mode locking. We obtain high-energy pulses by using relatively short fiber lengths and providing large amounts of negative dispersion with chirped fiber Bragg gratings. The pulse energies and widths generated with both types of soliton laser are found to scale with the square root of the cavity dispersion. Kerr mode locking requires pulses with an approximately three times higher nonlinear phase shift in the cavity than carrier mode locking, which leads to the generation of slightly shorter pulses with as much as seven times higher pulse energies at the mode-locking threshold.


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Purpose: The aim of this work was to optimize biodegradable polyester poly(glycerol adipate-co-ω-pentadecalactone), PGA-co-PDL, microparticles as sustained release (SR) carriers for pulmonary drug delivery. Methods: Microparticles were produced by spray drying directly from double emulsion with and without dispersibility enhancers (L-arginine and L-leucine) (0.5-1.5%w/w) using sodium fluorescein (SF) as a model hydrophilic drug. Results: Spray-dried microparticles without dispersibility enhancers exhibited aggregated powders leading to low fine particle fraction (%FPF) (28.79±3.24), fine particle dose (FPD) (14.42±1.57 μg), with a mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) 2.86±0.24 μm. However, L-leucine was significantly superior in enhancing the aerosolization performance ( L-arginine:%FPF 27.61±4.49-26.57±1.85; FPD 12.40±0.99-19.54±0.16 μg and MMAD 2.18±0.35-2. 98±0.25 μm, L-leucine:%FPF 36.90±3.6-43.38±5. 6; FPD 18.66±2.90-21.58±2.46 μg and MMAD 2.55±0.03-3. 68±0.12 μm). Incorporating L-leucine (1.5%w/w) reduced the burst release (24.04±3.87%) of SF compared to unmodified formulations (41.87±2.46%), with both undergoing a square root of time (Higuchi's pattern) dependent release. Comparing the toxicity profiles of PGA-co-PDL with L-leucine (1.5%w/w) (5 mg/ml) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide), (5 mg/ml) spray-dried microparticles in human bronchial epithelial 16HBE14o-cell lines, resulted in cell viability of 85.57±5.44 and 60.66±6.75%, respectively, after 72 h treatment. Conclusion:The above data suggest that PGA-co-PDL may be a useful polymer for preparing SR microparticle carriers, together with dispersibility enhancers, for pulmonary delivery. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011.