877 resultados para Right Operator
Lead (Pb2+) poisoning causes hypertension, but little is known regarding its acute effects on cardiac contractility. To evaluate these effects, force was measured in right ventricular strips that were contracting isometrically in 45 male Wistar rats (250-300 g) before and after the addition of increasing concentrations of lead acetate (3, 7, 10, 30, 70, 100, and 300 µM) to the bath. Changes in rate of stimulation (0.1-1.5 Hz), relative potentiation after pauses of 15, 30, and 60 s, effect of Ca2+ concentration (0.62, 1.25, and 2.5 mM), and the effect of isoproterenol (20 ng/mL) were determined before and after the addition of 100 µM Pb2+. Effects on contractile proteins were evaluated after caffeine treatment using tetanic stimulation (10 Hz) and measuring the activity of the myosin ATPase. Pb2+ produced concentration-dependent force reduction, significant at concentrations greater than 30 µM. The force developed in response to increasing rates of stimulation became smaller at 0.5 and 0.8 Hz. Relative potentiation increased after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment. Extracellular Ca2+ increment and isoproterenol administration increased force development but after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment the force was significantly reduced suggesting an effect of the metal on the sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx. Concentration of 100 µM Pb2+ also reduced the peak and plateau force of tetanic contractions and reduced the activity of the myosin ATPase. Results showed that acute Pb2+ administration, although not affecting the sarcoplasmic reticulum activity, produces a concentration-dependent negative inotropic effect and reduces myosin ATPase activity. Results suggest that acute lead administration reduced myocardial contractility by reducing sarcolemmal calcium influx and the myosin ATPase activity. These results also suggest that lead exposure is hazardous and has toxicological consequences affecting cardiac muscle.
The radial approach is widely used in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease. We conducted a meta-analysis of published results on the efficacy and safety of the left and right radial approaches in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary procedures. A systematic search of reference databases was conducted, and data from 14 randomized controlled trials involving 6870 participants were analyzed. The left radial approach was associated with significant reductions in fluoroscopy time [standardized mean difference (SMD)=-0.14, 95% confidence interval (CI)=-0.19 to -0.09; P<0.00001] and contrast volume (SMD=-0.07, 95%CI=-0.12 to -0.02; P=0.009). There were no significant differences in rate of procedural failure of the left and the right radial approaches [risk ratios (RR)=0.98; 95%CI=0.77-1.25; P=0.88] or procedural time (SMD=-0.05, 95%CI=0.17-0.06; P=0.38). Tortuosity of the subclavian artery (RR=0.27, 95%CI=0.14-0.50; P<0.0001) was reported more frequently with the right radial approach. A greater number of catheters were used with the left than with the right radial approach (SMD=0.25, 95%CI=0.04-0.46; P=0.02). We conclude that the left radial approach is as safe as the right radial approach, and that the left radial approach should be recommended for use in percutaneous coronary procedures, especially in percutaneous coronary angiograms.
Kaikkien kansalaisten ja yritysten, jotka kärsivät vahinkoa Euroopan Unionin kilpailusääntöjen (SEUT 101 ja 102 artiklan) rikkomisen vuoksi, on voitava vaatia korvauksia vahingon aiheuttaneelta osapuolelta. Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin on ratkaisuillaan Courage ja Manfredi vahvistanut vahinkoa kärsineen oikeuden saada korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta. Suomessa kilpailuoikeudellista vahingonkorvausta koskeva oikeuskäytäntö on ollut vähäistä, vaikkakin viime aikoina on annettu muutama merkittävä vahingonkorvausratkaisu, näistä kenties tunnetuimpana asvalttikartelliratkaisu. Kilpailuoikeuden rikkomisesta vahinkoa kärsineet saavat kuitenkin vain harvoin korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta, mikä on ollut seurausta erilaisista lainsäädännöllisistä ja menettelyistä johtuvista esteistä jäsenvaltioiden säännöissä. Komission pitkään kestänyt lainsäädäntöhanke EU:n kilpailuoikeuden täytäntöönpanojärjestelmän selkeyttämiseksi päättyi marraskuussa 2014, kun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivi tietyistä säännöistä, joita sovelletaan jäsenvaltioiden ja Euroopan unionin kilpailuoikeuden rikkomisen johdosta kansallisen lainsäädännön nojalla nostettuihin vahingonkorvauskanteisiin (2014/104/ EU) hyväksyttiin. Direktiivi julkaistiin Euroopan unionin virallisessa lehdessä 5. joulukuuta 2014, ja jäsenvaltioilla on 27.12.2016 asti aikaa implementoida direktiivi osaksi kansallista lainsäädäntöä. Direktiivin tavoitteena on EU:n kilpailusääntöjen tehokas täytäntöönpano sekä kilpailuoikeuden julkisoikeudellisen ja yksityisoikeudellisen täytäntöönpanon selkeyttäminen. Lisäksi direktiivi pyrkii varmistamaan, että vahingonkärsijät voivat saada täyden korvauksen kärsimästään vahingosta, sekä poistamaan esteitä ja pienentämään kustannuksia vahingon todistamisessa, samalla harmonisoiden eri jäsenmaissa toimivien yritysten oikeussuojan tasoa. Tarkastelen pro gradu –tutkielmassani kilpailuoikeudellisen vahingonkorvauksen kehitystä sekä uuden EU:n vahingonkorvausdirektiivin vaikutuksia erityisesti vahingonkärsijän näkökulmasta, eli sitä kuinka direktiivi vaikuttaa vahingonkärsijän mahdollisuuteen saada korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta, joka johtuu EU:n kilpailusääntöjen rikkomisesta. Lisäksi tarkastelen lyhyesti direktiivin tuomia muutoksia Suomen lainsäädäntöön. Tutkielmani loppupäätelmä on, että vaikka vahingonkorvausdirektiivi ei täydellisesti paranna vahingonkärsijän asemaa, se selkeyttää monella tavalla kilpailuoikeudellisten vahingonkorvauskanteiden nykyistä tilaa, ja saattaa tietyssä määrin rohkaista vahingonkärsijiä hakemaan korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta.
This paper aims at shedding light on an obscure point in Kant's theory of the state. It discusses whether Kant's rational theory of the state recognises the fact that certain exceptional social situations, such as the extreme poverty of some parts of the population, could request institutional state support in order to guarantee the attainment of a minimum threshold of civil independence. It has three aims: 1) to show that Kant's Doctrine of Right can offer solutions for the complex relation between economics and politics in our present time; 2) to demonstrate the claim that Kant embraces a pragmatic standpoint when he tackles the social concerns of the state, and so to refute the idea that he argues for an abstract conception of politics; and 3) to suggest that a non-paternalistic theory of rights is not necessarily incompatible with the basic tenets of a welfare state.
Inter and intrachromosomal viability interactions have been detected in a few experimental studies. Computer simulations and analytical models have led to postulation of nonadditivity of gene action. This study reports evidence of strong nonadditive interactions between the arms of the metacentric second chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Mean viability for 40 homozygous lines of the second chromosomes was 0.720+0.265 • Mean viability for 40 half homozygous second chromosomes was 0.928!O.)10 • Significant heterogeneity among and within lines was found in both groups of chromosomes, as well as a highly significant viability difference between the two groups. Comparison of observed viabilities with the expected values, according to the theories of additive and multi - plicative gene action. was made for both groups. Highly significant departures from the expected values were found for over 90% of the lines in both groups of chromosomes, for both additive and multiplicative models of gene action.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of 2 recent legal events, specifically the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act (2006) and Siadat v. Ontario College of Teachers (2007) decision, with regards to the opportunity of foreign trained teachers to practice their profession in Ontario. The emphasis is on the case of Fatima Siadat, who was a teacher in Iran but was unable to satisfy all the licensing requirements of the Ontario College of Teachers and consequently was unable to practise her profession in Ontario. When the Ontario College of Teachers Appeals Committee upheld the previous decision of the Ontario College of Teachers Registrar to refuse to issue her a teacher's certificate, Ms. Fatima Siadat decided to initiate a lawsuit. Ms. Fatima Siadat challenged the decision ofthe Ontario College of Teachers Appeals Committee by raising a question of applicability of human rights legislation (i.e., The Ontario Human Rights Code, 1990) on the Ontario College of Teachers' decisions. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice decided in January of2007 in favour of Ms. Fatima Siadat (Siadat v. Ontario College of Teachers , 2007) and ordered that her licensing application be reconsidered by the Ontario College of Teachers Appeals Committee. In this thesis the author argues that the Fatima Siadat decision, together with the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act, 2006, will likely make a significant contribution to enhancing the access of foreign trained teachers and other professionals to practice their regulated professions in Ontario.
People with intellectual disabilities (ID) are more likely to be victims of abuse and human rights violations than people without ID. The 3Rs: Rights, Respect, and Responsibility project has developed and is testing a human rights training program for adults with ID. The current project was conducted to make recommendations to adapt the 3Rs rights training program to be used with youth with ID and their families. An interpretive phenomenological framework was employed to investigate youth with ID, parents', and siblings' perceptions of the i r experiences with choice making, an enactment of rights, in the family context. Thematic analysis of interviews revealed that, consistent with previous research, family members consider family values, conventions, and family members' well being when making decisions. A training program should promote a consideration of expanded opportunities for youth with ID to make choices and should be flexible to address individual families' cultures, needs, and desires.
A menu from a dinner given by The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney and Mrs. Mila Mulroney during a visit by the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Giulio Andreotti. The dinner was held March 8, 1992 at The Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto and features Inniskillin wines.
A photograph of the Right Hon. John J. Diefenbaker with Sean O'Sullivan. The photograph is labelled on the reverse: "With the Right Hon. John J. Diefenbaker, 1965, Royal Connaught Hotel, Hamilton". Sean O'Sullivan would have been 13 years old at the time of the photograph.
The article discusses dipping vats and three basic types of dipping systems: Jump in Vat, Hydraulic Cage Vat, and the Box Sprayer.
Evidence of falling wages in Catholic cities and rising wages in Protestant cities between 1500 and 1750, during the spread of literacy in the vernacular, is inconsistent with most theoretical models of economic growth. In The Protestant Ethic, Weber suggested an alternative explanation based on culture. Here, a theoretical model confirms that a small change in the subjective cost of cooperating with strangers can generate a profound transformation in trading networks. In explaining urban growth in early-modern Europe, specifications compatible with human-capital versions of the neoclassical model and endogenous-growth theory are rejected in favor of a “small-world” formulation based on the Weber thesis.