1000 resultados para Revista do Museu Paulista


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This work has as a central concern in analyze the causes of the still limited access of young Brazilians to public higher education in socioeconomic and cultural.In Brazil, onçy 14,4% of the young between 18 and 24 years old attend this educational level.If we consider that the public university offer just 1/4 of the vacancies, can be affirmed that this institutions are not able to attend neither 4% of the young between 18 and 24.Brazil shows,in this level of education,a lower access that most of its neighbors: Argentina(40%), Venezuela(26%), Chile(20%),Bolivia(20%).In this work were analyzed the data reports of entrance exam of Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) entre 2004 e 2009,prepared by Fundaçao para o Vestibular da Universidade Estadual Paulista(Vunesp). In this analysis,can be noted the influence of some aspects socioeconomic and cultural related to possibilities os the young acces to public univercity. Stand out among these: family income,the possibility to dadicate only to studies and attend preparatory courses,as well as the parents level of education.


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This work intends to “test” two theories about mass cultural products – one that understands them as syncretic and plural and another that sees them as homogenizators and aimed to a mixed audience. We chose Veja magazine as the object of this study and tried to understand how its internal sessions bring in their readers, with the goal of verifying whether readers shared characteristics. In the affirmative case, Veja would be directed to a specific reader; otherwise, it would be a syncretic cultural product. This answer should give us basis to reflect upon the opposition between both ways of thinking about mass culture and help us take a stand on this discussion. Obviously, we do not intend to give a definitive answer to the opposition between these two tendencies. The limits of this work are given by the investigated object itself: we intend to verify empirically how Veja, as a cultural product, solves the contradiction that the co-existence of these two opposite theories point about mass society.


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In this paper, we analyze reader’s letters of the first copies of the Revista Língua Portuguesa. This work aims to expand the study of the relations, in this magazine, between discourses that come from different spheres of communication, as the Bakhtin Circle considers. The intention is to develop by studying the speech genre “reader’s letter” a reflection on the construction of the recipient’s image in the journal, i.e. the teacher. It is analyzed the discursive ethos and the representation of the teacher created by the readers.


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The magazines destined to the adolescent public are many times searched as a resource of information about sexuality, body, relationships and adolescence. The Capricho magazine is a biweekly feminine magazine directed to teenagers. In this qualitative-descriptive study it was made the content analysis of the section about sex of 18 editions published in 2010 with the aim of identifying and discussing the predominant representations of sexuality. It was identified the predominance of negative representations, like relations between sexuality and fear, tension, shame and beauty imperatives. It can be detached that the feminine sexuality is not approached through its pleasant, positive and health aspects, but through negative representations that, instead of being discussed, are naturalized, put as normal and expected by the magazine’s discourse.


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D’après Greimas (2002), le sens se concrétise par le changement de rythme ou par une oscillation construite dans la linéarité du langage. L’étrange et l’imprévu, considérés comme des événements qui troublent la pratique habituelle d’une vie dans son parcours, entrent ainsi dans le domaine d’études de la sémiotique française. Le sujet a été discuté plus tard par Claude Zilberberg, avec la venue de la sémiotique tensive, pour qui l’appréhension d’un événement se donne dans le survenir. De plus, selon les observations de Greimas, pour la sémiotique, une forme de vie caractérise des manières par lesquelles les individus ressentent et expriment leur compréhension de l’existence à travers des façons de faire, d’être, d’organiser l’espace dans lequel ils vivent, etc. Devant ces présuppositions théoriques, nous analysons le reportage “Eu pego mas não me apego”, publié dans Atrevida, une revue dirigée vers un public féminin dont la tranche d’âge est de 15 à 19 ans, et nous discutons la manière dont l’énonciateur a configuré le simulacre de l’acteur “ado branchée”. Il en ressort que l’énonciateur a utilisé des stratégies verbales et qu’il met ainsi en discours l’idée d’un comportement qui parait transgresseur au niveau de la manifestation, ce que l’on peut caractériser comme un événement. Cependant, on notera la présence de marques textuelles implicites qui rendent possible un discours qui se réfère au comportement féminin traditionnel et qui caractérise une routine.


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This article aims at the application of semiotic theory of French line to soap advertisements publicized in the magazine O Cruzeiro in the year 1949. Our objective is to reconstruct the women’s figure present in these texts and to establish its relation to the persuasion of the reader who is led to acquire not only the products, but mainly the values hidden in the announced objects. From the theory we use the generative course of meaning, focusing on the discourse level and assimilating the consumption axiologies proposed by each advertisement. Finally, we intend to assimilate the standard behavior of that society post-Second World War.