937 resultados para Reinhardt College (Waleska, Ga.)


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This dissertation centres on philosophical attitudes presented by North Indian classical musicians in relation to the concept and experience of rāga improvisation. In Hindustāni music, there is a dynamic tension ideology and pragmatism, devotion and entertainment, fixity and improvisational freedom, and cognition and visceral experience. On one hand, rāga is an embodied methodological template for the creation of music. On the other hand, rāga improvisation is conceptualised as a path to metaphysical experience and as an evocation of an ineffable divine presence. A masterful rendition of rāga is both a re-enactment of a systematic prescribed formula and a spontaneous flow of consciousness. This study presents these apparent dichotomies to highlight ideological concerns, while simultaneously contextualising philosophical idealism in relation to pragmatic realities. A central paradigm is the manner in which pragmatic concerns are elevated in status and given spiritual significance. The dissertation begins with a view into historical and religious context. The discussion continues with a speculative investigation positing co-relations between Hindustāni music and central tenets of Indian philosophy, considering how rāga improvisation may manifest as a philosophy of sound. The study then explores the concept of rāga, a modal and conceptual construct that forms the heart of Indian classical music. The final three sections ground the subject of spiritual ideology within the life experience of Hindustāni musicians: ‘Transmission’ looks at the learning and enculturation process, which encapsulates values intrinsic to the ethos of Hindustāni music culture. ‘Practice’ explores the discipline, science and experience of musical practice, revealing core ideological concerns connecting spirituality to musical experience; and ‘Performance’ examines the live presentation of rāga improvisation, and the relationship between music as ‘entertainment’ and music as ‘devotion’. Both ethnographic and musicological, this research is the culmination of various fieldtrips to India, extensive interviews with Hindustāni musicians, fifteen year’s sitār training, and the study of relevant musicological and philosophical texts.


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Stair na Gaeilge i gCo. Thiobraid Árann i rith na tréimhse 1700-1901 atá á ríomhadh sa tráchtas seo. Tar éis a cúlra agus a comhthéacs a shuíomh i gCaibidil a hAon, déantar scríobhaithe an cheantair a áireamh, fara tráchtaireacht orthu, i gCaibidil a Dó. I gCaibidlí a Trí agus a Ceathair, féachtar ar thionchar na hEaglaisí Caitlicí agus Eaglais na hÉireann (i measc eaglaisí Protastúnacha eile) ar an dteangain. I gCaibidil a Cúig, faightear spléachadh ar ghnéithe éagsúla de shaíocht an chontae, ag tabhairt léargais ar tháirgí na scríobhaithe, ar leabhair a clóbhualadh sa réigiún, agus ar fhilí móra na háite, leithéidí Liam Daill Uí Ifearnáin, ag sonrú limistéir faoi leith, an t-oirdheisceart, mar shampla. Léirítear éifeacht na gcumann Gaelach agus na ndíograiseoirí iomadúla a bhain leo. Ábhar suime, leis, feidhm na Gaeilge sna cúirteanna dlí. Tugtar faisnéis i gCaibidil a Sé ar fhianaise cuairteoirí ar an Ghaeilge mar urlabhra i dTiobraid Árann. Is anseo chomh maith a deintear anailís ar Dhaonáirimh na mblianta 1861-1901, le mórchuid adhmaid á baint as ceann 1901 go háirithe. Breactar as ainmneacha sagart agus múinteoirí le Gaeilge, agus tráchtar ar aicmí suntasacha eile, na póilíní agus na saighdiúirí a raibh an teanga sin ina mbéal acu. Tugtar le chéile dá réir na snáithíní difriúla eolais ar an dúiche ar bhealach nár tharla cheana don gcontae casta fairsing seo le haghaidh na tréimhse atá idir lámha ag an saothar.


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Go príomha, is tráchtas é seo a dhéanann staidéar ar ghné de litríocht iar-chlasaiceach na Gaeilge. Baineann sé go háirithe leis an sraith chaointe nó marbhnaí i bhfoirm véarsaíochta a cumadh do Shéamas Óg Mac Coitir (1689-1720), duine uasal Caitliceach ó Charraig Tuathail, Co. Chorcaí, nuair a ciontaíodh é in éigniú Elizabeth Squibb, bean de Chumann na gCarad; nuair a cuireadh pionós an bháis air; agus nuair a crochadh é i gCathair Chorcaí an 7 Bealtaine, 1720. Ó thaobh na staire de, scrúdaítear Clann Choitir mar shampla de theaghlach nár cheil a ndílseacht do chúis pholaitiúil na Stíobhartach agus a sheas an fód go cróga faoi mar a bhí a ngreim polaitiúil á dhaingniú ag an gCinsealacht Phrotastúnach ó dheireadh an 17ú haois amach. Tagraítear do sheicteachas na sochaí comhaimseartha agus don teannas idir an pobal Caitliceach agus an pobal Protastúnach ag an am. Déantar scagadh ar an véarsaíocht mar fhoinse luachmhar do dhearcadh míshásta an mhóraimh Chaitlicigh ar struchtúr polaitiúil chontae Chorcaí (agus na hÉireann) i dtosach an 18ú haois. Is feiniméan liteartha an dlús véarsaíochta seo a bhaineann go háirithe le traidisiún liteartha Chorcaí. Tá na dánta curtha in eagar agus aistriúchán go Béarla curtha ar fáil: is é seo croí an tráchtais. Tá an t-eagrán bunaithe ar scrúdú cuimsitheach ar thraidisiún na lsí; pléitear modheolaíocht na heagarthóireachta. Déantar iarracht ar na dánta a shuíomh sa traidisiún casta liteartha sa tráchtaireacht tosaigh; sa chuid eile den bhfearas scoláiriúil, scrúdaítear ceisteanna a bhaineann le cúrsaí teanga, foclóra, meadarachta agus stíle. Tá innéacsanna agus liosta foinsí le fáil i ndeireadh an tráchtais.


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Is éard atá curtha romham agam sa tráchtas seo ná an t-úrscéal iar-nua-aoiseach sa Ghaeilge a phlé; chun aitheantas a thabhairt don seánra mar rud ar leith; chun a fhréamhacha a aimsiú agus a thréithe sainiúla a léiriú. Féachaim anseo lena léiriú go bhfuil baint shainiúil ag an úrscéal iar-nua-aoiseach sa Ghaeilge le stair shochteangeolaíoch agus liteartha na hÉireann. Chruthaigh scríbhneoirí Béarla na hÉireann, ar nós Joyce, Beckett agus Flann O’Brien (Brian Ó Nualláin), cur chuige liteartha a raibh toradh ollmhór aige ar chúrsaí liteartha an domhain – go háirithe sa chomhthéacs (iar)-nua-aoiseach. Léireoidh mé gur tháinig an cur chuige seo chun cinn de bharr an choibhnis shainiúil atá ag muintir na hÉireann le teanga – coibhneas atá ginte i nguagacht faoin rud is teanga féin ann. Áitím gur eascair an ghuagacht seo as an athrú stádais – ó phríomhtheanga go mionteanga – a tharla don Ghaeilge. Áitím gur cruthaíodh feasacht ar fholús i bhféiniúlacht na tíre nuair a tharla an t-athrú sin agus go raibh tionchar ag an bhfeasacht seo ar litríocht na hÉireann – idir Ghaeilge agus Bhéarla. Is minic a fhéachann an túrscéal iar-nua-aoiseach, i ngach teanga ina gcleachtar a leithéid, le staidéar a dhéanamh ar na slite ina gcruthaítear brí sa saol trí theanga agus trí reacaireacht. Murab ionann is a mbíonn i gceist san úrscéal ‘traidisiúnta’ – an t-úrscéal ‘réadach’ mar a tuigtear leis – glacann iar-nua-aoiseachas leis go bhfuil solúbthacht agus saorgacht i ngach léiriú ar an mbrí seo. Léiríonn na húrscéalta atá faoi chaibidil sa tráchtas seo an-doimhneacht liteartha. Is saothair fhéinchomhfhiosacha agus mheitificseanúla iad a thaispeánann éiginnteacht i leith brí absalóidigh. Oibríonn siad mar léiriú ar fheidhm na teanga sa saol agus ar na slite ina gcruthaíonn gach reacaireacht a fírinne féin. Cé gur tréithe iar-nua-aoiseacha iad siúd, is tréithe iad chomh maith a bhaineann le stádas na mionteanga.


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© 2013 American Psychological Association.This meta-analysis synthesizes research on the effectiveness of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) for college students. Thirty-five reports were found containing 39 studies assessing the effectiveness of 22 types of ITS in higher education settings. Most frequently studied were AutoTutor, Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces, eXtended Tutor-Expert System, and Web Interface for Statistics Education. Major findings include (a) Overall, ITS had a moderate positive effect on college students' academic learning (g = .32 to g = .37); (b) ITS were less effective than human tutoring, but they outperformed all other instruction methods and learning activities, including traditional classroom instruction, reading printed text or computerized materials, computer-assisted instruction, laboratory or homework assignments, and no-treatment control; (c) ITS's effectiveness did not significantly differ by different ITS, subject domain, or the manner or degree of their involvement in instruction and learning; and (d) effectiveness in earlier studies appeared to be significantly greater than that in more recent studies. In addition, there is some evidence suggesting the importance of teachers and pedagogy in ITS-assisted learning.


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The rivalry between the men's basketball teams of Duke University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC) is one of the most storied traditions in college sports. A subculture of students at each university form social bonds with fellow fans, develop expertise in college basketball rules, team statistics, and individual players, and self-identify as a member of a fan group. The present study capitalized on the high personal investment of these fans and the strong affective tenor of a Duke-UNC basketball game to examine the neural correlates of emotional memory retrieval for a complex sporting event. Male fans watched a competitive, archived game in a social setting. During a subsequent functional magnetic resonance imaging session, participants viewed video clips depicting individual plays of the game that ended with the ball being released toward the basket. For each play, participants recalled whether or not the shot went into the basket. Hemodynamic signal changes time locked to correct memory decisions were analyzed as a function of emotional intensity and valence, according to the fan's perspective. Results showed intensity-modulated retrieval activity in midline cortical structures, sensorimotor cortex, the striatum, and the medial temporal lobe, including the amygdala. Positively valent memories specifically recruited processing in dorsal frontoparietal regions, and additional activity in the insula and medial temporal lobe for positively valent shots recalled with high confidence. This novel paradigm reveals how brain regions implicated in emotion, memory retrieval, visuomotor imagery, and social cognition contribute to the recollection of specific plays in the mind of a sports fan.


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This study evaluated the effect of an online diet-tracking tool on college students’ self-efficacy regarding fruit and vegetable intake. A convenience sample of students completed online self-efficacy surveys before and after a six-week intervention in which they tracked dietary intake with an online tool. Group one (n=22 fall, n=43 spring) accessed a tracking tool without nutrition tips; group two (n=20 fall, n=33 spring) accessed the tool and weekly nutrition tips. The control group (n=36 fall, n=60 spring) had access to neither. Each semester there were significant changes in self-efficacy from pre- to post-test for men and for women when experimental groups were combined (p<0.05 for all); however, these changes were inconsistent. Qualitative data showed that participants responded well to the simplicity of the tool, the immediacy of feedback, and the customized database containing foods available on campus. Future models should improve user engagement by increasing convenience, potentially by automation.


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Over 70% of nosocomial infections in the United States are resistant to one or more traditional antibiotics, necessitating research for alternative treatment options. This study aims to chelate gallium (Ga) onto a bacterial siderophore, desferrioxamine (DFO), to retard bacterial growth. By exploiting natural bacterial pathways, metal-siderophore treatments are hypothesized to circumvent traditional resistance mechanisms. Additionally, the GaDFO complex will be tested against several bacterial species to determine the specificity of DFO uptake. This research aims to prove the feasibility of siderophore piracy as an alternative to antibiotics. In showing the feasibility of siderophore piracy mechanisms, this research will enable the development of future avenues for protecting against resistant nosocomial infections.


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