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We prospectively compared the diagnostic value of C-reactive protein (CRP) and white blood cell counts for detection of neonatal septicaemia. Sensitivity and specifity in receiver operating characteristics, and positive and negative predictive value of CRP and white blood cell count were compared in 195 critically ill preterm and term newborns clinically suspected of infection. Blood cultures were positive in 33 cases. During the first 3 days after birth CRP elevation (sensitivity 75%, specifity 86%), leukopenia (67%/90%), neutropenia (78%/80%) and immature to total neutrophil count (I/T) ratio (78%/73%) were good diagnostic parameters, as opposed to band forms with absolute count (84%/66%) or percentage (79%/71%), thrombocytopenia (65%/57%) and toxic granulations (44%/94%). Beyond 3 days of age elevated CRP (88%/87%) was the best parameter. Increased total (84%/66%) or percentage band count (79%/71%) were also useful. Leukocytosis (74%/56%), increased neutrophils (67%/65%), I/T ratio (79%/47%), thrombocytopenia (65%/57%) and toxic granulations had a low specifity. The positive predictive value of CRP was 32% before and 37% after 3 days of age, that of leukopenia was 37% in the first 3 days. CONCLUSION: During the first 3 days of life CRP, leukopenia and neutropenia were comparably good tests while after 3 days of life CRP was the best single test in early detection of neonatal septicaemia. Serial CRP estimations confirm the diagnosis, monitor the course of infection and the efficacy of antibiotic treatment.
The aim of this project is to get used to another kind of programming. Since now, I used very complex programming languages to develop applications or even to program microcontrollers, but PicoCricket system is the evidence that we don’t need so complex development tools to get functional devices. PicoCricket system is the clear example of simple programming to make devices work the way we programmed it. There’s an easy but effective way to program small, devices just saying what we want them to do. We cannot do complex algorithms and mathematical operations but we can program them in a short time. Nowadays, the easier and faster we produce, the more we earn. So the tendency is to develop fast, cheap and easy, and PicoCricket system can do it.
Primary tumor growth induces host tissue responses that are believed to support and promote tumor progression. Identification of the molecular characteristics of the tumor microenvironment and elucidation of its crosstalk with tumor cells may therefore be crucial for improving our understanding of the processes implicated in cancer progression, identifying potential therapeutic targets, and uncovering stromal gene expression signatures that may predict clinical outcome. A key issue to resolve, therefore, is whether the stromal response to tumor growth is largely a generic phenomenon, irrespective of the tumor type or whether the response reflects tumor-specific properties. To address similarity or distinction of stromal gene expression changes during cancer progression, oligonucleotide-based Affymetrix microarray technology was used to compare the transcriptomes of laser-microdissected stromal cells derived from invasive human breast and prostate carcinoma. Invasive breast and prostate cancer-associated stroma was observed to display distinct transcriptomes, with a limited number of shared genes. Interestingly, both breast and prostate tumor-specific dysregulated stromal genes were observed to cluster breast and prostate cancer patients, respectively, into two distinct groups with statistically different clinical outcomes. By contrast, a gene signature that was common to the reactive stroma of both tumor types did not have survival predictive value. Univariate Cox analysis identified genes whose expression level was most strongly associated with patient survival. Taken together, these observations suggest that the tumor microenvironment displays distinct features according to the tumor type that provides survival-predictive value.
Résumé Il est actuellement reconnu que l'endothélium vasculaire joue un rôle primordial dans la genèse des maladies cardiovasculaires, notamment l'artériosclérose. Dès lors, il est important de pouvoir investiguer la fonction endothéliale en clinique. Pour ce faire, il est particulièrement simple d'examiner la microcirculation cutanée, car celle-ci est très simplement accessible, de manière non-invasive, par fluxmétrie laser-Doppler. Pratiquement, on mesure l'augmentation du flux sanguin dermique en réponse à des stimuli connus pour agir via l'endothélium vasculaire. Les stimuli endothélium-dépendants les plus courants sont l'interruption temporaire du flux sanguin qui est suivie d'une hyperémie réactive, et l'administration transcutanée d'acétylcholine (Ach) par iontophorèse. La iontophorèse consiste à obtenir le transfert d' une substance ionisée, telle l'Ach, par l'application d'un courant électrique de polarité appropriée. L'objectif du présent travail était de déterminer le rôle des prostaglandines dans ces réponse vasodilatatrices dépendante de l'endothélium, rôle actuellement peu clair. 23 jeunes hommes volontaires non fumeurs et en bonne santé habituelle ont été examinés lors de deux visites séparées par 1 à 3 semaines. Lors de chaque visite, l'hyperémie réactive et la réponse vasodilatatrice à l'Ach ont été déterminées dans la peau de l'avant bras après administration soit d'un placebo, soit d'un inhibiteur de la cyclooxygénase (COX, enzyme qui contrôle la synthèse des prostaglandines). Chez certains sujets, l'inhibiteur était de l'acétylsalicylate de lysine (900 mg par voie intraveineuse). Chez d'autres sujets, il s'agissait d'indométhacine. (75 mg par voie orale). Comme la stimulation nociceptive liée au courant iontophorétique peut influencer la réponse à l'Ach, celle-ci a été déterminée en présence et en l'absence d'anesthésie de surface (crème de lidocaine). La réponse à l'Ach a été obtenue pour 4 doses différentes de cet agent (exprimées sous la forme de la densité de charge iontophorétique appliquée : 0.28, 1.4, 7, et 14 millicoulombs par cm2 de peau exposée). Le flux sanguin dermique était mesuré par imagerie laser-Doppler, une variante de la fluxmétrie laser-Doppler classique permettant l'exploration d'une surface de peau de taille arbitraire. Quelle que soit la condition testée, nous n'avons jamais observé la moindre influence de l'inhibition de la COX sur l'hyperémie réactive, ni sur la réponse à l'Ach. Cette dernière était augmentée significativement par l'anesthésie cutanée, que les sujets aient reçu ou non de l'acétylsalicylate de lysine ou de l'indométhacine . Par exemple, la réponses moyenne (±SD) à la plus haute dose d'Ach (testée sur 6 sujets, et exprimée en unités de perfusion, comme il est d'usage en fluxmétrie laser-Doppler ) était la suivante : en l'absence d'anesthésie : acétylsalicylate de lysine 339 ± 105, placebo 344 ± 68 ; avec l'anesthésie : acétylsalicylate de lysine 453 ± 76 , placebo 452 ± 65 (p * 0.001 pour les effets de l'anesthésie). En conclusion, nos résultats infirment une contribution des prostaglandines à l'hyperémie réactive ou à la vasodilatation induite par l'acétylcholine dans la microcirculation cutanée. Dans ce lit vasculaire, l'anesthésie locale accroît la vasodilatation induite par l'acétylcholine par un mécanisme indépendant des prostaglandines.
Background: Metabolic flux profiling based on the analysis of distribution of stable isotope tracer in metabolites is an important method widely used in cancer research to understand the regulation of cell metabolism and elaborate new therapeutic strategies. Recently, we developed software Isodyn, which extends the methodology of kinetic modeling to the analysis of isotopic isomer distribution for the evaluation of cellular metabolic flux profile under relevant conditions. This tool can be applied to reveal the metabolic effect of proapoptotic drug edelfosine in leukemia Jurkat cell line, uncovering the mechanisms of induction of apoptosis in cancer cells. Results: The study of 13C distribution of Jukat cells exposed to low edelfosine concentration, which induces apoptosis in ¿5% of cells, revealed metabolic changes previous to the development of apoptotic program. Specifically, it was found that low dose of edelfosine stimulates the TCA cycle. These metabolic perturbations were coupled with an increase of nucleic acid synthesis de novo, which indicates acceleration of biosynthetic and reparative processes. The further increase of the TCA cycle fluxes, when higher doses of drug applied, eventually enhance reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and trigger apoptotic program. Conclusion: The application of Isodyn to the analysis of mechanism of edelfosine-induced apoptosis revealed primary drug-induced metabolic changes, which are important for the subsequent initiation of apoptotic program. Initiation of such metabolic changes could be exploited in anticancer therapy.
Increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria underlies major systemic diseases, and this clinical problem stimulates a great scientific interest in the mechanism of ROS generation. However, the mechanism of hypoxia-induced change in ROS production is not fully understood. To mathematically analyze this mechanism in details, taking into consideration all the possible redox states formed in the process of electron transport, even for respiratory complex III, a system of hundreds of differential equations must be constructed. Aimed to facilitate such tasks, we developed a new methodology of modeling, which resides in the automated construction of large sets of differential equations. The detailed modeling of electron transport in mitochondria allowed for the identification of two steady state modes of operation (bistability) of respiratory complex III at the same microenvironmental conditions. Various perturbations could induce the transition of respiratory chain from one steady state to another. While normally complex III is in a low ROS producing mode, temporal anoxia could switch it to a high ROS producing state, which persists after the return to normal oxygen supply. This prediction, which we qualitatively validated experimentally, explains the mechanism of anoxia-induced cell damage. Recognition of bistability of complex III operation may enable novel therapeutic strategies for oxidative stress and our method of modeling could be widely used in systems biology studies.
Many mechanisms have been proposed to explain why immune responses against human tumor antigens are generally ineffective. For example, tumor cells have been shown to develop active immune evasion mechanisms. Another possibility is that tumor antigens are unable to optimally stimulate tumor-specific T cells. In this study we have used HLA-A2/Melan-A peptide tetramers to directly isolate antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells from tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes. This allowed us to quantify the activation requirements of a representative polyclonal yet monospecific tumor-reactive T cell population. The results obtained from quantitative assays of intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization, TCR down-regulation, cytokine production and induction of effector cell differentiation indicate that the naturally produced Melan-A peptides are weak agonists and are clearly suboptimal for T cell activation. In contrast, optimal T cell activation was obtained by stimulation with recently defined peptide analogues. These findings provide a molecular basis for the low immunogenicity of tumor cells and suggest that patient immunization with full agonist peptide analogues may be essential for stimulation and maintenance of anti-tumor T cell responses in vivo.
In the 2006 Iowa General Assembly, House File 2797 called for a study on the status of afterschool arts programs and appropriated $5,000 for the study. In accordance with the legislation, the Iowa Arts Council, who received the charge, contracted with the Iowa Afterschool Alliance to form a Resource Group of out-of-school arts providers and experts to develop and oversee the study, review its results, and make recommendations for the expansion of arts programs that operate outside the normal school day. As a part of its charge in HF 2797, the Iowa Arts Council also documented a sampling of out-of-school arts programs statewide. Five are featured in this report.
Selostus: Tuhkapitoisuuden vaikutus lihaluujauhon reaktiivisen lysiinin hyväksikäyttöön lihasioilla
Anticytokine auto-vaccination is a powerful tool for the study of cytokine functions in vivo but has remained rather esoteric as a result of numerous technical difficulties. We here describe a two-step procedure based on the use of OVA multimers purified by size exclusion chromatography after incubation with glutaraldehyde at pH 6. When such polymers are incubated with a target protein at pH 8.5 to deprotonate reactive amines, complexes are formed that confer immunogenicity to self-antigens. The chemokine GCP-2/CXCL6, the cytokines GM-CSF, IL-17F, IL-17E/IL-25, IL-27, and TGF-β1, and the MMP-9/gelatinase B are discussed as examples. mAb, derived from such immunized mice, have obvious advantages for in vivo studies of the target proteins. Using a mAb against GCP-2, obtained by the method described here, we provide the first demonstration of the major role played by this chemokine in rapid neutrophil mobilization after Leishmania major infection. Pre-activated OVA multimers reactive with amine residues thus provide an efficient carrier for auto-vaccination against 9-90 kDa autologous proteins.
The purpose of this manual is to provide design guidelines for low water stream crossings (LWSCs). Rigid criteria for determining the applicability of a LWSC to a given site are not established since each site is unique in terms of physical, social, economic, and political factors. Because conditions vary from county to county, it is not the intent to provide a "cook-book" procedure for designing a LWSC. Rather, engineering judgment must be applied to the guidelines contained in this manual.
Most counties have bridges that are no longer adequate, and are faced with large capital expenditure for replacement structures of the same size. In this regard, low water stream crossings (LWSCs) can provide an acceptable, low cost alternative to bridges and culverts on low volume and reduced maintenance level roads. In addition to providing a low cost option for stream crossings, LWSCs have been designed to have the additional benefit of stream bed stabilization. Considerable information on the current status of LWSCs in Iowa, along with insight of needs for design assistance, was gained from a survey of county engineers that was conducted as part of this research (Appendix A). Copies of responses and analysis are included in Appendix B. This document provides guidelines for the design of LWSCs. There are three common types of LWSCs: unvented ford, vented ford with pipes, and low water bridges. Selection among these depends on stream geometry, discharge, importance of road, and budget availability. To minimize exposure to tort liability, local agencies using low water stream crossings should consider adopting reasonable selection and design criteria and certainly provide adequate warning of these structures to road users. The design recommendations included in this report for LWSCs provide guidelines and suggestions for local agency reference. Several design examples of design calculations are included in Appendix E.