928 resultados para Quadratic form
We report measurements of the proton form factors, G^p_E and G^p_M, extracted from elastic electron scattering in the range 1 ≤ Q^2 ≤ 3 (GeV/c)^2 with uncertainties of <15% in G^p_E and <3% in G^p_M. The results for G^p_E are somewhat larger than indicated by most theoretical parameterizations. The ratio of Pauli and Dirac form factors, Q^2(F^p_2/F^p_1), is lower in value and demonstrates less Q^2 dependence than these parameterizations have indicated. Comparisons are made to theoretical models, including those based on perturbative QCD, vector-meson dominance, QCD sum rules, and diquark constituents to the proton. A global extraction of the form factors, including previous elastic scattering measurements, is also presented.
This letter demonstrates an alternative method to form gallium silicate glass ceramics using high-energy electron irradiation. Compared with glass ceramics obtained from the conventional thermal treatment method, the distribution and crystal sizes of the precipitated Ga2O3 nanoparticles are the same. An advantage of this method is that the spatial distribution of the precipitated nanoparticles can be easily controlled. However, optically active dopants Ni2+ ions do not participate in the precipitation during electron irradiation. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Seit ihrer Einführung in die Fischerei haben sich gerade V-Form-Scherbretter unter den verschiedensten Einsatzbedingungen vielfach bewährt. Insbesondere ihr leichter Gang auf rauhem Boden und die geringe Gefahr des Festlaufens haben zur Verbreitung dieses Scherbrett-Typs beigetragen.
The Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation is central to stochastic optimal control (SOC) theory, yielding the optimal solution to general problems specified by known dynamics and a specified cost functional. Given the assumption of quadratic cost on the control input, it is well known that the HJB reduces to a particular partial differential equation (PDE). While powerful, this reduction is not commonly used as the PDE is of second order, is nonlinear, and examples exist where the problem may not have a solution in a classical sense. Furthermore, each state of the system appears as another dimension of the PDE, giving rise to the curse of dimensionality. Since the number of degrees of freedom required to solve the optimal control problem grows exponentially with dimension, the problem becomes intractable for systems with all but modest dimension.
In the last decade researchers have found that under certain, fairly non-restrictive structural assumptions, the HJB may be transformed into a linear PDE, with an interesting analogue in the discretized domain of Markov Decision Processes (MDP). The work presented in this thesis uses the linearity of this particular form of the HJB PDE to push the computational boundaries of stochastic optimal control.
This is done by crafting together previously disjoint lines of research in computation. The first of these is the use of Sum of Squares (SOS) techniques for synthesis of control policies. A candidate polynomial with variable coefficients is proposed as the solution to the stochastic optimal control problem. An SOS relaxation is then taken to the partial differential constraints, leading to a hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations with improving sub-optimality gap. The resulting approximate solutions are shown to be guaranteed over- and under-approximations for the optimal value function. It is shown that these results extend to arbitrary parabolic and elliptic PDEs, yielding a novel method for Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) of systems governed by partial differential constraints. Domain decomposition techniques are also made available, allowing for such problems to be solved via parallelization and low-order polynomials.
The optimization-based SOS technique is then contrasted with the Separated Representation (SR) approach from the applied mathematics community. The technique allows for systems of equations to be solved through a low-rank decomposition that results in algorithms that scale linearly with dimensionality. Its application in stochastic optimal control allows for previously uncomputable problems to be solved quickly, scaling to such complex systems as the Quadcopter and VTOL aircraft. This technique may be combined with the SOS approach, yielding not only a numerical technique, but also an analytical one that allows for entirely new classes of systems to be studied and for stability properties to be guaranteed.
The analysis of the linear HJB is completed by the study of its implications in application. It is shown that the HJB and a popular technique in robotics, the use of navigation functions, sit on opposite ends of a spectrum of optimization problems, upon which tradeoffs may be made in problem complexity. Analytical solutions to the HJB in these settings are available in simplified domains, yielding guidance towards optimality for approximation schemes. Finally, the use of HJB equations in temporal multi-task planning problems is investigated. It is demonstrated that such problems are reducible to a sequence of SOC problems linked via boundary conditions. The linearity of the PDE allows us to pre-compute control policy primitives and then compose them, at essentially zero cost, to satisfy a complex temporal logic specification.
Megacyclops viridis Jurine, noticed in Lago Maggiore in 1912 by De Marchi from the littoral vegetation of Pallanza, is a normal member of the littoral plankton of the lake. The subgenus Megacyclops, created by Kiefer in his revision of the viridis-vernalis group, contains european and american species some of which are today considered as varieties of the species viridis. This paper examines morphology and of the distribution of the Italian viridis in Lake Maggiore.
We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally compensation for positive Kerr phase shifts with negative phases generated by cascade quadratic processes. Experiments show correction of small-scale self-focusing and whole-beam self-focusing in the spatial domain and self-phase modulation in the temporal domain. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
Quadratic optical nonlinearity chi((2)) can be exploited in femtosecond lasers and regarded as a significant new degree of freedom for the design of short-pulse sources. We will review our recent progress on developing nonlinear quadratic technologies for femtosecond lasers. Our nonlinear laser technology offers new properties for femtosecond lasers, including optical parametric amplifier with novel working regime, efficient second harmonic generation, and time telescope.
This is a report on a workshop held at Cambridge University Engineering Design Centre, 17-10 June 1992. This workshop was held to discuss the issue of 'function' and 'function-to-form' evolution in mechanical design. The authors organised this workshop as they felt that their understanding of these topics was incomplete and that discussions between researchers might help to clarify some key issues.
The topic chosen for the workshop proved to be a stimulating one. The term 'function' is part of a designer's daily vocabulary, however there is poor agreement about its definition. In order to develop computer systems to support product evolution, a precise definition is required. Further the value of 'function' and 'function-to-form' evolution as a good choice of workshop topic is evident from the lack of firm conclusions that resulted from the sessions. This lack of consensus made for lively discussion and left participants questioning many of their preconceived ideas.
Attendance at the workshop was by invitation only. A list of the participants (not all those invited could attend due to time and financial constraints) is given in Appendix 1.
In the Time of the Butterflies é um romance da escritora dominicana-americana Julia Alvarez sobre a vida e a morte das Borboletas, Las Mariposas, codinome das irmãs Mirabal, membros de um movimento clandestino contra o regime ditatorial de Rafael Leonidas Trujillo na República Dominicana, que se tornaram símbolos da luta contra o Trujillato depois de serem assassinadas a mando do ditador. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo expor como forma literária e contexto social estão diretamente relacionados nesse romance. Ela defende a ideia de que o borramento de três gêneros literários distintos metaficção historiográfica, autobiografia e bildungsroman reflete o questionamento das fronteiras entre o privado e o público, o pessoal e o político, o eu e o outro, o individual e o coletivo, a literatura e a história, fato e ficção e história e subjetividade. Ela também tenta mostrar como a problematização dessas dicotomias implica na contestação de noções pré-concebidas de identidade, história e nação