438 resultados para Psychic transmutation


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When I first started my thesis, I intended for my finished project to be a compilation of poems that aims to reflect and reveal several repeating themes of our society's collective unconscious, such as the relationship between the physical and spiritual aspects of being and the representation of women's lives, organized religion,adolescence, and mental illness. I proposed writing a chapbook of poetry that reflects an exploration of, and sensitivity to, the human unconscious mind, fears, and desires. Consulting other works of surreal, lyric, and confessional poetry, I sought to personallydevelop as both a poet and a psychology student. I made a conscious effort to avoid trying to attach a specific 'meaning' to each poem. I understand that, in poetry, the reader is never entirely aware of exactly what the poet is trying to convey. All the reader knows is what he or she sees in a given poem and how he or she responds to that poem. However, through working on my thesis I discovered that, while meaning may not be intentional in the drafting process, developing what the poem meant to me was central to the process of revision. Furthermore, I realized that I unconsciously returned to specific themes across various poems, something that was not apparent to me until I re-read my entire collection ...


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This review deals with an important aspect of organ transplantation, namely the process of psychic organ integration and organ-related fantasies. The body schema and body self are two important concepts in the integration of a transplanted organ. Different models and theories on organ integration are presented and will be discussed. There is evidence that beside the emotional impact and the influence on well-being, organ integration depends closely on psychic processes involving in the incorporation of the transplanted organ and the respective organ-related fantasies. Therefore, these organ fantasies - whether unconscious or conscious - may play an important role in the future development of the instinctive and highly individual relation the patients elaborate with the new organ. Beside the concern with the new organ, a bereavement to the lost old and sick organ may also influence the patients thoughts. Moreover, the good resolving of all these issues evokes the "good practice" patients develop towards the new situation. This will bring up issues as compliance, infections, rejection episodes and - most important - also organ survival.


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The present study was undertaken to assess the influence of childhood variables (physical and emotional) to later well-being in a group of rural Swiss (Emmental Cohort). Our study is the first prospective cohort over a time period of more than 50 years. It includes 1537 children who were listed and assessed in 1942 (T1) because they had difficulties in school or were otherwise behaviorally disturbed. In 1995 (T2) more than 60% of the initial population could be reassessed by our study group. We found more subjects at T2 who had been rated as intelligent at T1. More subjects responding to T2 belonged to a higher social class, were more anxious, and had more psychosocial problems at T1. Social income at T2 is correlated to the social class at T1. More subjects have died since who were rated at T1 as being less intelligent, less neurotical, and having higher psychosocial problems. Twice as many men died than women. The emotional situation at T2 is significantly correlated to psychological well-being at T1. The somatic complaints at T2 correlate significantly to neurotic symptoms in childhood (T1). The more intelligent the children were rated at T1, the less emotional and somatic complaints were voiced at T2 and the better the psychic well-being was rated (T2). In addition, the former social milieu (T1) significantly determined somatic and psychological complaints at T2. Our data discern a significant correlation between actual status and former childhood variables more than 50 years later in a rural Swiss cohort (Emmental Cohort).


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The purpose of our study was to assess physical and emotional factors in heart transplant patients. A prospective design was used to compare patients' physical symptoms, emotional complaints, and restrictions at admission to the waiting list, immediately after, and 1 and 5 years after heart transplantation. Thirty-three patients were included (30 male, 3 female) in the study. Their mean age at admission was 48 +/- 10.2 years. Of these, 23 suffered from cardiomyopathy, 8 from coronary heart disease, and 2 from valvular insufficiency. At admission, the patients suffered from symptoms of cardiac insufficiency, and were restricted in sports, gardening, hobbies, sexual life, job, food-intake, and mobility. More than three-fourths rated their physical and emotional status as moderate to poor. Emotionally, they suffered from irritability, restlessness, depression, psychic lability, lowered drive, lack of social contact, low self-esteem, and anxiety. At the end of rehabilitation (4-8 weeks after the operation), all physical and emotional complaints, as well as restrictions had significantly decreased (p < 0.0001 to p < 0.001), except for trembling, numbness of hands/feet, and food-intake. One year postoperatively, patients reported even fewer physical complaints (p < 0.01). Three-fourths rated their physical and emotional status good or excellent. Five years postoperatively--in contrast to physical status, restrictions, and physical complaints--the emotional complaints had increased significantly (p < 0.0001). Patients reported excellent physical performance up to 5 years postoperatively. On the other hand, the study revealed that their emotional well-being had significantly deteriorated from 1 to 5 years postoperatively. Attention should, therefore, not only be paid to the good physical health of the survivors, but also to the worsening of their emotional status.


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In this paper the author delineates the most important aspects of diagnosing and understanding various functional medical disorders. Thereby the differentiation to psychiatric morbidity should be included, and the patient should become assessed very skillfully. For these reasons, the interview, which includes biological, psychic and somatic aspects, will be able to extend understanding of such patients. Also some important therapeutic aspects are given.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the presence and absence of acupuncture ear points in healthy neonates. DESIGN: This was a prospective observational study performed at a university teaching hospital. Subjects: The subjects were healthy neonates. We compared male and female neonates, right and left lobe, term and preterm deliveries, and cesarean sections versus vaginal deliveries. Examinations took place on the fifth day after delivery and were performed by a neuronal pen (SVESA 1070, SVESA GmbH, Munich, Germany). An integrated optical signal detected the ear points that were assigned to the Chinese ear map. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: This study looked at the presence and absence of acupuncture ear points in neonates. RESULTS: There were 27 male neonates and 23 female neonates. In 66% of neonates, no points at all were found. We detected 0-4 points on the right lobe and 0-2 points on the left lobe. The psychovegetative rim was the most common point in 26% of all children. No psychic points were detected. No significant differences were found between right and left ear lobes, male and female neonates, or term and preterm deliveries with respect to numbers of points or access of points. Moreover, there were no differences among modes of delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Some ear points in healthy neonates are detectable and not dependent on side of the ear lobe. Females had significantly more acupuncture points. There was an extremely significant difference in the group with 2 active earpoints between cesarean and vaginally delivered neonates. The most important point was the psychovegetative rim and the absence of psychic points in favor of the organ points. Possibly, ear points in neonates could be used for diagnostic and therapeutic options in neonates in the future.


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This article presents findings from a quantitative survey (N = 301) to evaluate the impact discriminatory incidents have on the attitudes of immigrants towards the majority society in Germany.The findings show that there is a strong relationship between experiences of discrimination and a hostile or alienated attitude towards German society. As an attempt to explain this generalization from single incidents to the macro relation between immigrants and autochthonous Germans in general a theory of framing, taken from developments in the field of rational choice theory, is applied. The reasoning is that a generalizing and rather hostile framing in terms of the attitude towards Germans can minimize psychic, emotional and social costs resulting from acts of discrimination.


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We study the relativistic version of the Schrödinger equation for a point particle in one dimension with the potential of the first derivative of the delta function. The momentum cutoff regularization is used to study the bound state and scattering states. The initial calculations show that the reciprocal of the bare coupling constant is ultraviolet divergent, and the resultant expression cannot be renormalized in the usual sense, where the divergent terms can just be omitted. Therefore, a general procedure has been developed to derive different physical properties of the system. The procedure is used first in the nonrelativistic case for the purpose of clarification and comparisons. For the relativistic case, the results show that this system behaves exactly like the delta function potential, which means that this system also shares features with quantum filed theories, like being asymptotically free. In addition, in the massless limit, it undergoes dimensional transmutation, and it possesses an infrared conformal fixed point. The comparison of the solution with the relativistic delta function potential solution shows evidence of universality.


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Clinicians believe that psychosocial factors play a causal role in the etiology of many forms of functional dysphonia (FD). But for decades, all attempts to confirm such causation have failed. This paper aims to show the logic of this failure, to discuss the possibilities of employing psychology in therapy nonetheless, and to encourage clinicians to use their psychosocial knowledge and skills. The failure to confirm psychic and social factors as causal in the etiology of FD is basically a consequence of a principal shortcoming of evidence-based medicine (EBM). As the gold standard for validity, reliability, and objectivity in medical research, EBM is based on calculability and hence the processing of quantitative data. But life paths and life situations are best or sometimes only expressible in qualitative, experiential, and idiographic terms. Thus EBM-guided evaluation undervalues most psychosocial studies. This report of an experienced multidisciplinary voice team proposes alternative pathways for integrating psychosocial knowledge into the diagnosis and the treatment of FD. The difference between the fields of activity of psychotherapists and speech-language pathologists is discussed, and the latter group is shown the potential benefits of using more of their psychosocial knowledge and skills.


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A través del presente trabajo se pretende demostrar que el espacio, en la narrativa histórica de Abelardo Arias (como así también en el resto de su obra), desempeña un papel preponderante para la cabal comprensión de la obra. En efecto, en la novela Polvo y espanto este ámbito no se limita a esbozar el “aire de época" propio de toda novela histórica, sino que está trabajado con una clara conciencia de su poder significante. Nuestro estudio propone, por lo tanto, dos posibles lecturas del espacio: una primera, centrada en los elementos descriptivos como fieles representantes de sus referentes históricos (espacio de corte costumbrista); y una lectura más profunda, atenta a la función simbólica del espacio, como revelador de los procesos psíquicos de los protagonistas, así como también del sentido total de la novela.


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Referirnos al término discapacidad es hablar de limitaciones en el desarrollo humano, que pueden manifestarse a nivel físico, psíquico o social. El propósito de este proyecto es acercar el Hospital Universitario y la Facultad de Odontología a la problemática existente en el acceso a la salud Bucal de personas con discapacidad y, mediante una participación activa, cambiar esta realidad y mejorar su calidad de vida. Los destinatarios son 51 residentes de THADI (Taller Hogar de Actividades Diferenciadas) cuya incorporación está motivada por razones socio-familiares, agravadas por la condición de discapacidad, no por ser la discapacidad la única razón que justifique el apartamiento del medio familiar. El objetivo es brindarles la atención humanizada y personalizada que ofrece el Hospital Universitario, implementando mecanismos que parten desde la educación hasta la resolución de sus problemas de salud Bucal.


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Este trabajo se propone, en primer lugar, realizar una lectura de Las edades de Lulú (1989), relacionando el concepto freudiano de incorporación melancólica del objeto perdido, reelaborado por Judith Butler en The Psychic Life of Power (1997) como mecanismo de construcción de las identidades heterosexuales, con el comportamiento "transgresivo" que Lulú, la protagonista de la primer novela de Almudena Grandes, adopta luego de la separación con Pablo. La adaptación fílmica del texto literario, realizada en 1990 por Bigas Luna, explora mediante la mostración erótica los modos en que se manifiesta la comúnmente denominada "masculinización" de Lulú; sin embargo, la película curiosamente prescinde de otros mecanismos, presentes en el libro, que apuntan a desestabilizar los límites de la "matriz" cultural y social que, en España, dio forma no sólo a las manifestaciones ?aceptables? sino también a sus respectivas transgresiones. En una segunda instancia, por lo tanto, se analizarán las operaciones desestabilizadoras del espacio político, de la memoria y de la tradición católica de la novela de Grandes, que se conectan con algunos aspectos de las propuestas artísticas de otros actores culturales como Ana Rossetti, Pedro Almodóvar y Eduardo Mendicutti


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Según Nietzsche, a partir de la Revolución Francesa tenemos que estar preparados para 'conmociones fundamentales'; desde entonces se producen acontecimientos que anuncian modificaciones infra y superestructurales para el próximo milenio, con lo cual, el orden social se ajustará al rumbo de las ?nuevas ideas?. En la actualidad, los triunfos y logros de la civilización ponen en peligro el desarrollo mismo de la cultura; son tiempos de procesos políticos extraordinarios o en otras palabras, de grandes luchas por el dominio de la tierra. Es así que se aproxima el 'ocaso de los ídolos', es decir, la ruina de las verdades antiguas pues casi todo lo que hasta el presente se llama verdad es sólo mentira y, cuando la nueva realidad se enfrente a las fabulaciones milenarias, nuestra cosmovisión sufrirá terribles sacudidas; las guerras serán inevitables y todas las instituciones basadas en el engaño y la ilusión caerán ante el asombro de los sobrevivientes. Nietzsche inicia la desacralización o 'desenmascaramiento' de las verdades eternas y la transmutación de todos los valores que son, en definitiva, procesos ineluctables. Asimismo, no hay fenómenos morales sino una 'interpretación moral de los fenómenos' o, en todo caso, una falsa interpretación. Y la moral no es otra cosa que una coacción prolongada. En la medida en que la Humanidad se aleja de la fe, más se acerca a la Ciencia, porque mientras la primera significa no querer saber qué es la verdad, la segunda nos asemeja a Dios. Según Nietzsche, estamos en ese camino. Día tras día el Hombre se perfecciona mediante la investigación de la Naturaleza; forma un cuerpo físico, mental y espiritual cada vez más enaltecido, realiza experimentos para mejorar la nutrición, el modo de vivir, la manera de interpretar los fenómenos de la Naturaleza y la expansión de la conciencia; pero en última instancia, no se trata del Hombre, pues éste tiene que ser superado. En consecuencia con lo dicho, el propósito del presente trabajo consiste en brindar una interpretación de la propuesta nietzscheana de 'Autosuperación del Hombre' en relación con los diferentes períodos de la vida intelectual de Nietzsche; la misma se inscribe en el marco de una teoría política contraria a las doctrinas antes mencionadas: la filosofía de la historia hegeliana, el socialismo, el nacionalismo, el anarquismo, la democracia y el cristianismo


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Puede seguirse una lectura de la obra freudiana que afirma la heterogeneidad de la materialidad psíquica , ampliando los alcances explicativos del psicoanálisis para entender el origen de la representación. Es posible articular estas ideas con el concepto de abducción de C. S. Peirce, en particular cuando hace referencia al carácter sorpresivo con que esta adviene a la mente del científico, como un destello , es decir, como un producto que emerge a espaldas de la actividad voluntaria 'conciente' del sujeto que piensa. Esta articulación puede erigirse en un argumento para una justificación psicológica de la génesis de hipótesis , constituyendo un aporte desde el psicoanálisis al problema del descubrimiento en ciencia


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Cada marco teórico recorta una dimensión posible respecto del funcionamiento del aparato psíquico, dando lugar a la puesta en forma de los alcances y los límites, a partir de los cuales se delimitan vías posibles de intervención. En el entramado que allí se constituye, el concepto de transferencia encuentra su asiento. Ahora bien, ¿qué rasgos de particularidad atraviesan las nociones conceptuales cuando se emplazan y articulan con los movimientos fundacionales que dan cuenta de los tiempos de constitución psíquica? Determinar la singularidad de los conceptos, desde su emplazamiento en la red conceptual que cerca los tiempos de la constitución, supone remitirse a los inicios de una práctica. Para ello, se circunscribirán ciertas coordenadas que darán cuenta del trayecto teórico-clínico propuesto por aquellos autores que trazaron el origen de la clínica con niños y adolescentes. La presente investigación se conforma a partir de las propuestas de trabajo dadas en el marco de la carrera de Especialización en Clínica Psicoanalítica con Niños y Adolescentes de la Facultad de Psicología de la UNLP, cuya directora es la profesora psicóloga Norma Najt