924 resultados para Project 2004-011-B : Code Checking – Phase 2


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Basalts from different structural provinces in the ocean basins, such as mid-ocean ridges, island arcs, and oceanic plateaus, show marked differences in major and minor element composition stemming from differences in magma source. In addition, there are variations even within individual provinces, based on such processes as crystal fractionation, secondary alteration, and hydrothermal alteration. It is also known that hydrothermal processes can cause changes in the gas composition of submarine basalts. For example, Zolotarev et al. (1978) have established that hydrothermal alteration frequently causes an increase in the CO2 content of basalts. If the homogeneity in composition and concentration of organic gases in oceanic basalts is associated with degassing during epimagmatic alteration, it would be interesting to investigate the relative abundance of gas phases in young basalts from midoceanic ridges. This chapter deals with the distribution of organic gases and CO2 in young basalts recovered on Leg 65 from the Gulf of California. Our aim was to establish the relationship between gas composition and degree of alteration.


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The kind, sedimentation rate, and diagenesis of organic particles delivered to the North Atlantic seafloor during the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous were responsible for the presence of carbonaceous sediments in Hole 534A. Organic-rich black clays formed from the rapid supply of organic matter; this organic matter was composed of either abundant, well-preserved, and poorly sorted particles of land plants deposited in clays and silty clays within terrigenous turbiditic sequences (tracheal facies) or abundant amorphous debris (xenomorphic facies) generated through the digestive tracts of marine zooplankton and sedimented as fecal pellets. Evidence for the fecal-pellet origin of xenomorphic debris is illustrated. Black clays were also produced in sediments containing less organic matter as a result of the black color of carbonized particles composing all or most of the residues (micrinitic facies). Slowly sedimented hematitic Aptian clays contain very little carbonized, organic debris that survived diagenetic oxidation. In the red calcareous clay sequence of the Late Jurassic, larger amounts of this oxidized debris turned several clay layers black or blackish red. Carbonized debris also dominates the residues recovered in interbedded black and green Albian clays. Carbonization of organic matter in these sediments either turned them black or provided the diagenetic environment for reduced iron. Carbonized debris is also appreciable in burrow-mottled black-green Kimmeridgian clay. The study of Hole 534A organic matter indicates that during the middle Callovian there was a rapid supply of terrigenous organic matter, followed by a late Callovian episode of rapidly supplied xenomorphic debris deposited as fecal pellets. The Late Jurassic-Berriasian was a time of slower sedimentation of organic matter, primarily of a marine dinoflagellate flora in a poorly preserved xenomorphic facies variously affected by diagenetic oxidation. Several intervals of carbonized tracheal tissue in the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian suggest episodes of oxidized terrigenous matter. The same sequence of Callovian organic events is evident in much of the Early Cretaceous


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In recent years there has been considerable discussion concerning the biostratigraphic correlations between planktonic zonations and the classical Neogene California benthic foraminiferal stages. One of the primary objectives of IPOD Leg 63 was to investigate these correlations and to determine the possibility of temporal variation of the benthic stages between California land sections and the outer Continental Borderland. In addition, it was anticipated that analyses of the benthic foraminiferal faunas at Site 468 would provide critical information on the paleoenvironmental history of the outer borderland. The provincial benthic Neogene foraminiferal stages were established by Kleinpell (1938) for the Miocene and Natland (1952) for the Pliocene-Pleistocene; both are well-documented in designated type sections. These stages have been used for interbasinal correlations, although time-transgressive problems have been suggested by several authors (Bandy, 1971; Ingle, 1967, 1973; Crouch and Bukry, 1979). An important biostratigraphic sequence occurs at Site 468, significant because of its relatively shallow depth of approximately 1700 meters. The samples yield well-preserved benthic foraminiferal faunas throughout most of the Neogene sequence and are accompanied by abundant well-preserved calcareous and siliceous planktonic assemblages. It is this co-occurrence of both planktonic and benthic faunas that enables the correlation of outer continental margin sediments with those of the classical land-based sections of southern California.


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Leg 83 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project has deepened Hole 504B to over 1 km into basement, 1350 m below the seafloor (BSF). The hole previously extended through 274.5 m of sediment and 561.5 m of pillow basalts altered at low temperature (< 100°C), to 836 m BSF. Leg 83 drilling penetrated an additional 10 m of pillows, a 209-m transition zone, and 295 m into a sheeted dike complex. Leg 83 basalts (836-1350 m BSF) generally contain superimposed greenschist and zeolite-facies mineral parageneses. Alteration of pillows and dikes from 836 to 898 m BSF occurred under reducing conditions at low water/rock ratios, and at temperatures probably greater than 100°C. Evolution of fluid composition resulted in the formation of (1) clay minerals, followed by (2) zeolites, anhydrite, and calcite. Alteration of basalts in the transition zone and dike sections (898-1350 m BSF) occurred in three basic stages, defined by the opening of fractures and the formation of characteristic secondary minerals. (1) Chlorite, actinolite, pyrite, albite, sphene, and minor quartz formed in veins and host basalts from partially reacted seawater (Mg-bearing, locally metal-and Si-enriched) at temperatures of at least 200-250°C. (2) Quartz, epidote, and sulfides formed in veins at temperatures of up to 380°C, from more evolved (Mg-depleted, metal-, Si-, and 18O-enriched) fluids. (3) The last stage is characterized by zeolite formation: (a) analcite and stilbite formed locally, possibly at temperatures less than 200°C followed by (b) formation of laumontite, heulàndite, scolecite, calcite, and prehnite from solutions depleted in Mg and enriched in Ca and 18O, at temperatures of up to 250°C. The presence of small amounts of anhydrite locally may be due to ingress of relatively unaltered seawater into the system during Stage 3. Alteration was controlled by the permeability of the crust and is characterized by generally incomplete recrystallization and replacement reactions among secondary minerals. Secondary mineralogy in the host basalts is strongly controlled by primary mineralogy. The alteration of Leg 83 basalts can be interpreted in terms of an evolving hydrothermal system, with (a) changes in solution composition because of reaction of seawater fluids with basalts at high temperatures; (b) variations in permeability caused by several stages of sealing and reopening of cracks; and (c) a general cooling of the system, caused either by the cooling of a magma chamber beneath the spreading center and/or the movement of the crust away from the heat source. The relationship of the high-temperature alteration in the transition zone and dike sections to the low-temperature alteration in the overlying pillow section remains uncertain.