922 resultados para Produtividade


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Foram estudadas 18 progênies na geração F5 do híbrido H 419, provenientes do cruzamento entre o Híbrido de Timor (UFV 445-46) e o Catuaí Amarelo IAC 30 (UFV 2143), 5 progênies na geração F5 do híbrido H 516, proveniente do cruzamento entre o Híbrido de Timor (UFV 446-08) e o Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86 (UFV 2154) e como controle o Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44 ( UFV 2144 ) com e sem controle da ferrugem. em relação a produção de café cereja por planta e ao ataque da ferrugem as progênies H419-3-1-1-14 e a H516-2-1-1-18, foram as que apresentaram maiores produtividades e resistência a ferrugem ( nota 1 ), seguidas da H419-6-3-6-12, porém com resistência parcial à ferrugem. Essas progênies também foram as que apresentaram maior comprimento do ramo plagiotrópico, que influenciou em 37,73% (R²) na produção de café cereja por planta. O comprimento do ramo plagiotrópico, diâmetro do tronco e altura das plantas foram os atributos que mais correlacionaram r= 0.5977, r= 0.3316 e r= 0.2848, respectivamente p< 0.01, com as produtividades dessas progênies, concordando com resultados obtidos por Dhaliwal (1968). em relação a resistência ao fungo Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br.,as progênies apresentaram herdabilidade no sentido amplo elevada (h a² = 0,80 entre e h a² = 0,96 entre e dentro das progênies), mostrando variabilidade genética alta para seleção de material resistentes à ferrugem do cafeeiro.


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O tripes do prateamento, Enneothrips flavens Moulton, 1941, é considerado a principal praga do amendoim no Brasil, por sua ocorrência generalizada, pelos elevados níveis populacionais e pelos danos causados a cultura. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito do silício sobre a população de E. flavens e sobre a produtividade do amendoinzeiro. Avaliaram-se, semanalmente, 10 folíolos abertos ou semi-abertos no terço superior das plantas do cultivar IAC 886, por parcela. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por: uma aplicação foliar de silício realizada aos 20 dias após a emergência, duas aplicações foliares de silício realizadas aos 20 e 55 dias, e o controle. Uma aplicação de silício proporcionou proteção às plantas de amendoim, reduzindo o número de adultos e ninfas do tripes de E. flavens e aumentou a produtividade da cultura em 31,30% de amendoim em casca e 28,85% em grãos.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a composição química e produtividade dos principais componentes do óleo essencial de Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. em função de doses de composto orgânico (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 t ha-1). Foi realizada uma colheita, aos 150 dias após o transplante das mudas. O óleo essencial, da massa seca útil da parte aérea, foi extraído por hidrodestilação e analisado em cromatógrafo a gás acoplado a espectrômetro de massas (Shimadzu, QP-5000). A identificação dos constituintes químicos foi realizada através da análise comparativa dos espectros de massas das substâncias com o banco de dados do sistema CG-EM (Nist 62.lib), literatura e índice de retenção. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, às médias obtidas foram submetidas à análise de regressão e o teste Tukey para o efeito das doses de composto orgânico. Os três componentes sesquiterpênicos, E-nerolidol, espatulenol e óxido de cariofileno, perfazem 58,44% da média relativa da composição química do óleo essencial de B. dracunculifolia, composto pela presença de 28 substâncias. Na produtividade dos componentes γ-muroleno, valenceno, δ-cadineno e E-nerolidol as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 30 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados. Se o objetivo no cultivo de B. dracunculifolia for o componente espatulenol as dosagens 30 e 40 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados. Para a produtividade do componente óxido de cariofileno as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 40 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados.


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Biofertilizers are organic products usually obtained from an anaerobic process, evaluated mainly as phytoprotectors for agriculture, although they can improve fruit production. By this way, a field experiment was carried out in Remigio County, Paraiba State, Brazil, to evaluate the effects of two bovine biofertilizers on yield, medium mass and quality of papaya fruits (Carica papaya L.), 'Baixinho de Santa Amalia cultivar. Treatments were distributed in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications and 15 plants in each parcel, in a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement, with two biofertilizers: simple (water and fresh bovine manure) and supermagro (water, fresh bovine manure, macro and micronutrients and a protein mix), applied in soil under liquid form at five volumes, as follows: 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; e 2.0 L cave(-1). There was no statistical difference between biofertilizers for fruit mass, yield and external and internal fruit quality variables, while between volumes differences were registered for both biofertilizers. The results, except for fruit firmness, registered positive effects of the biofertilizers on 'Baixinho de Santa Amalia' papaya cultivar in relation to yield and physical and chemical fruit quality.


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The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for body weights at weaning (PD), 12 months old (P12) and adult age (PAD), culling age (TPR, days in herd), number (ND10) and kilograms (QD10) of calves weaned up to ten years of age, total number (NDT) and total kilograms (QDT) of calves weaned during herd life, and kilograms of calves weaned per year in herd (QTPR) of Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) females from one herd. Data consisted of 3,249, 3.111, 1,138, 1,340, 1,362, 1,362, 1,340, 1,340 and 1,340 records of PD, P12, PAD, TPR, ND10, QD10, NDT, QDT and QTPR. respectively. Variance and covariance components were estimated by bivariate analyses between PD, P12 and PAD and other production traits using Bayesian inference. The models included the additive direct, permanent environmental and residual random effects and the fixed effects year and month of birth or calving, calving age and age of the animal, depending on the trait. QD10, QDT and QTPR of each female were obtained by adjusting the weaning weights of calves for year and month of birth, sex and age of cow. Average of heritability estimates were 0.38 (PD), 0.40 (P12), 0.54 (PAD), 0.22 (TPR), 0.22 (ND10), 0.24 (QD10), 0.23 (NDT), 0.23 (QDT) and 0.32 (QTPR), indicating genetic variability to obtain response by selection. Genetic correlations between TPR (-0.02, 0.26 and -0.12), ND10 (0.04, 0.10 and -0.29), QD10 (0.37, 0.39 and -0.13), NDT (-0.03, 0.14 and -0.25), QDT (0.20, 0.33 and -0.16), QTPR (0.21, 0.28 and -0.19) and body weights (PD, P12 and PAD) suggest that selection of females based on weaning and 12-month body weights will not affect productivity. However, it may be decreased by increasing female adult body weight.


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Estudou-se o efeito da irrigação na produtividade final da cultura do trigo por meio de um ensaio, com duração variável do período em que foram feitas as irrigações. Todos os períodos tiveram início na data do plantio. O ensaio foi instalado em Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, em Latossolo Roxo, plano, de baixada, sem adubação e sem calagem, usando a cultivar BH 1146. A cultura se desenvolveu sob boas condições climáticas, tendo completado o ciclo de 118 dias. Correlacionou-se a produtividade final da cultura com a água aplicada em períodos com durações que variaram de 20 a 110 dias. Foram obtidas 49 equações lineares simples entre a altura de água aplicada e a produtividade de grifos de trigo. Estudou-se a variação da produtividade da cultura para aumentos de 1 mm na altura de água aplicada nos períodos referidos, encontrando-se uma variação de 767.7% na taxa de aproveitamento da água. Analisou-se o incremento de produtividade da cultura para a aplicação de 1 mm de altura d'água em cada dez dias de duração do período considerado. Os incrementos de produtividade apresentaram uma variação de 600,5%. Por fim, estimou-se o nível de irrigação necessário para atingir determinados níveis de produtividade de trigo.


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The instability of cassava culinary quality is a problem in the market. This work had the purpose of evaluating the interference of the productivity, rain precipitation and physical-chemical characteristics on the cooking time of the IAC 576-70 cultivar, from the 6(th) to the 12(th) month after the planting. The physical parameters evaluated were: difficulty in peeling (easy, medium, and hard), difficulty in cutting in long, thin sticks with a manual machine, being those cut in a subjective way. In the analysis of the cooked root, the percentage of water absorbed into the cassava pieces, the color, white points formed inside the pieces of cassava, gel formation around the pieces of cassava, and cooking time were evaluated. The pH, acidity, moisture, ashes, fibers, ether extract, protein, reducing sugars, and starch of the roots were also monthly evaluated. From the results obtained in the present work, it may be concluded that the cassava IAC 576-70, when planted in July, in Botucatu-SP area, must be harvested at the age of nine months, without damage to the productivity, starch level and root cooking, and the harvest could be extended up to ten months. The producers should follow the sum of precipitation index ten days before the harvest, and this value should be the smallest as it may be and the producers should not harvest when this value is more than 100 mm, in order not to hinder the cooking of the root.


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The objective was to evaluate the potential use of poultry litter, compared to mineral fertilization, productivity, features bromatologic and absorption of nutrients from a pasture of Brachiaria decumbens. The experimental area was installed in oxisoil in Uberlandia-MG. The design was randomized blocks with four replicates and the treatments used: control (without application of organic or mineral source), mineral fertilizer (60, 75 and 100 kg ha(-1), P K, respectively); organic fertilization with poultry litter at rates of 3,125, 6,250, 9,375 and 12,500 kg ha(-1). There were two cuts of the aerial part of Brachiaria decumbens, both at 60 days after treatment. We evaluated the yield of DM and the levels of CP, NDF, ADF, lignin, macro and micronutrients in shoots of grass. The results showed that application of poultry litter increased the productivity of DM and the levels of CP, N, P, K and Zn in Brachiaria decumbens. The poultry litter can be used as supplementary source of nutrients, the mineral fertilizer. The use of poultry litter not increased over the levels of S, Ca and Mg in Brachiaria decumbens.


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The objective of this study was to analyze, using the geoestatistic and a system of classification fuzzy, the fertility of an experimental area with base in chemical attributes of the soil and its relationship with the productivity of the conilon coffee. The study was accomplished in the experimental farm of the INCAPER - ES. The soil samples were collected in the depth of 0 - 0.2 m, being analyzed the attributes: matches, potassium, calcium and magnesium, aluminum, sum of bases, cation exchange capacity (pH 7), and saturation percentage. The data were submitted to a descriptive, exploratory, and geostatistical analysis. A system of fuzzy classification was applied using the attributes described to infer about the fertility of the soil and its relationship with the productivity of the culture. The fertility possibility presented positive spatial relationship with the productivity of the culture, with higher values of this where the possibility of fertile soil is superior.


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Currently, the cultivation of the cotton plant is based on a scale production model, characterized by high yields and intensive use of fertilizers, agrochemicals and mechanization. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different row spacings on cotton crops, with or without growth regulator, and their effects in crop development and yield. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks, in a 3x3 factorial scheme with 4 replications, using three row spacings: 0.45, 0.70 and 0.90 m. Three growth regulator conditions were tested: a) application split into four stages, b) single application at 70 d.a.e, and c) no regulator application. The project was conducted in the city of Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul state, in November 2005. It was verified that the application of growth regulator is efficient in the limitation of plant height. The highest yield and boll mass was found in the split application of the regulator. The number of bolls and reproductive branches per plant was higher in the wider row spacings.


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It is necessary to establish adequate row spacings and plant populations for recently developed short height castor (Ricinus communis L) cultivars. This work aimed to evaluate the growth, yield components, and yield of short castor cultivar IAC 2028 as affected by row spacing and plant population, in summer cropping season. The experiments were carried out in 2007/08 and 2008/09 cropping seasons, in Botucatu County, São Paulo State, Brazil. A randomized complete block design in a split-plot scheme with four replications was used. Treatments assigned to plots were four row spacing (0.45, 0.60, 0.75, and 0.90m) and subplots were assigned to four levels of plant populations (25000, 40000, 55000, and 70000 plants/ha). The increase of plant population decreased plants survival rate, shoot dry weight, stem diameter, number of racemes per plant, number of fruits per raceme, and 100-grains weight. In higher plant populations, the best arrangement of plants, provided by the narrower row spacing (0.45m), promoted higher grain and oil yields. Increasing plant population increased grain and oil yields only when was used the narrower row spacing.


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No-tillage system is an efficient technique in control of soil erosion, when compared with conventional tillage, however, some studies indicate higher compaction under no-tillage, mainly in the surface layer. Strategies that increase the organic matter content, as crop rotation and organic fertilization, can be used to solve the soil compaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil managements (crop succession and crop rotation) and fertilization (organic, mineral and organic-mineral) in the physical properties of the soil, under no-tillage system, from 2006 to 2008. The evaluations were carried out in February 2007, after the summer corn harvest, and in September 2008, after the winter corn harvest. Crop rotation decreased the soil density and soil resistance to penetration and increased the macroporosity and total porosity. The use of organic sources of fertilization did not affect any of the physical attributes of soil. The yield of summer corn was highest in succession crop and mineral fertilization, however, in the winter, there was no difference between the soil managements and among the fertilizations.


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The viability of the utilization of wood and agroindustrial residues available in the Amazon region in the formulation of alternative substrates for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus was tested. Thus, two wood residues: marupa sawdust (SIAMP) and pau-de-balsa sawdust (SAPB), and two substrates derived from agroindustrial residues: sugar-cane bagasse (SIACN) and pupunheira stem (SIAPP), were used. These were supplemented with a mixture of rice bran, wheat and corn as protein source, with addition of 2-3% of CaCO(3) for pH correction (6.5). The substrates were placed in polyethylene (HDPE) bags, sterilized at 121 degrees C for 1h and inoculated in a laminar flow chamber. The cultivation was carried out in an axenic way, in a modified atmosphere. The productivity of the substrates was evaluated in relation to the biological efficiency, with the following mean results: 125.60, 99.80%, 94.00 and 64.60% for SIAPP, SIACN, SIAMP and SIAPB, respectively. The high biological efficiency of the substrates and the cultivation process clearly showed the viability of the utilization of the residues, suggesting the commercial cultivation of this mushroom, which may contribute for improving the social and economical conditions and sustainability of the regional biodiversity resources of Amazonia.


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The study aimed to evaluate the yield and fruit quality of papaya 'Sunrise Solo' as function of nitrogen and boron fertilization. The experiment had a randomized block design with four replications, two plants per plot with a single border. To make up the treatments, we used the experimental array Plan Puebla III, which set the rates for nitrogen (0.0 to 111.2 - 200 - 288.9 - 400 g plant(-1), and B (0.0 - 0.83 - 1.5 - 2.16 - 3.0 g plant(-1)), in a total of ten treatments. The addition of nitrogen increased the yield, average fruit weight and number of fruits per plant. The nitrogen and boron increased the diameter and length of the fruit, amount of seeds and content of soluble solids. The pH of the pulp decreased linearly with increasing doses of nitrogen and boron. It was observed a significant effect of N rates on the level of vitamin C.


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With the aim of minimizing the difficulties faced by the producers on cultivating the crisphead lettuce (Lactuta sativa L), specifically those related to the lack of technical information about the quantity of water to be applied, a study was made in order to determine the effect of various water depths on crisphead lettuce yielding characteristics. The experiment was carried out at the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), from October to December 2008 in greenhouse. A randomized block design with five treatments and four repetitions was applied. The treatments, consisting of the five respective evaporation factors; , 0.30 EVm; 0.60 EVm; 0.90 EVm; 1.20 EVm; 1.50 EVm (evaporate depth), were done according to an evaporated depth of a reduced pan. The results showed that: The maximum commercial yield, 36.5 t ha(-1), was estimated by applying a 164.8 mm depth, which corresponded to a water reposition factor of 98 %; the highest water usage efficiency (962.45 kg ha(-1) mm(-1)) was attained when an irrigation depth of 50.10 mm (30%) was used.