332 resultados para Prochilodus scrofa
This paper provides data on diet and feeding habits of five benthic fish species (Torpedo torpedo (Linnaeus,1758), Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758), Uranoscopus scaber (Linnaeus,1758), Scorpaena scrofa (Linnaeus,1758) and Synaptura lusitanica (Capello,1868)) common in the artisanal fisheries in the Cullera coast (Mediterranean sea – Spain) and T.torpedo, U.scaber y S. lusitánica feeding habits are almost unknown. T. torpedo preferred small preys like fishes, polychaetes and molluscs, these preys were feed in small portions. M. surmuletus showed the highest feeding dynamic, consuming small prey in large numbers like crustaceans (brachyura and amphypoda). U. scaber had similar feeding habits, but the numbers of preys in the stomach were lower. The principal preys were fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and polychaetes. S.scrofa ate larger prey items such as fish, followed by crustaceans and molluscs. Finally S. lusitánica had a high vacuity index, feeding polychaetes as the most important prey in their diet. Feeding strategy indicates a specialization of T.torpedo, S.scrofa and S. lusitanica; conversely M. surmuletus and U. scaber were generalized species.
PAWP, a candidate sperm-borne oocyte activating factor, induces oocyte activation and acts upstream of the calcium signalling pathway, however, PAWP’s downstream signalling pathway in oocyte cytoplasm remains to be uncovered. Data from our lab suggested that the interacting partner of PAWP, at least in the frog (Xenopus laevis) model may be YAP, a highly expressed protein in amphibian and mammalian oocytes. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to confirm that PAWP’s predominant binding partner in Xenopus laevis oocyte is YAP; to determine if mammalian oocyte activation is also dependent on PAWP-YAP interaction; and to verify that the PAWP-YAP interaction during oocyte activation is dependent on the WWI domain module. By immunohistochemistry, YAP was localized predominantly in the cytosol of metaphase II-arrested Xenopus laevis oocytes, where presumably the PAWP-YAP interaction occurs. Utilizing Far Western blotting, YAP was identified as the predominant binding partner of PAWP, in metaphase II-arrested frog (Xenopus laevis), swine (Sus scrofa) and mouse (mus musculus) oocytes. The specificity of this interaction was then tested on Far Western blotting of mouse ovarian and oocyte cytosolic extracts, by competition with both wild-type and point-mutated recombinant WWI domains derived from YAP. The removal of GST from the wild-type WWI-GST fusion protein was a requirement for effective blockage of WWI module interaction between PAWP and YAP. As expected, the mutated WWI domain was ineffective in inhibiting the PAWP-YAP interaction. To conclude, this study identified YAP as the predominant binding partner of PAWP in both amphibian and mammalian oocytes, and showed this interaction is dependent on the WWI modular interaction. The results allow us to test the functional relevance of this WWI modular interaction during oocyte activation in vivo, in the future.
Bayesian clustering methods are typically used to identify barriers to gene flow, but they are prone to deduce artificial subdivisions in a study population characterized by an isolation-by-distance pattern (IbD). Here we analysed the landscape genetic structure of a population of wild boars (Sus scrofa) from south-western Germany. Two clustering methods inferred the presence of the same genetic discontinuity. However, the population in question was characterized by a strong IbD pattern. While landscape-resistance modelling failed to identify landscape features that influenced wild boar movement, partial Mantel tests and multiple regression of distance matrices (MRDMs) suggested that the empirically inferred clusters were separated by a genuine barrier. When simulating random lines bisecting the study area, 60% of the unique barriers represented, according to partial Mantel tests and MRDMs, significant obstacles to gene flow. By contrast, the random-lines simulation showed that the boundaries of the inferred empirical clusters corresponded to the most important genetic discontinuity in the study area. Given the degree of habitat fragmentation separating the two empirical partitions, it is likely that the clustering programs correctly identified a barrier to gene flow. The differing results between the work published here and other studies suggest that it will be very difficult to draw general conclusions about habitat permeability in wild boar from individual studies.
Excavations were carried out in a Late Palaeolithic site in the community of Bad Buchau-Kappel between 2003 and 2007. Archaeological investigations covered a total of more than 200 m**2. This site is the product of what likely were multiple occupations that occurred during the Late Glacial on the Federsee shore in this location. The site is situated on a mineral ridge that projected into the former Late Glacial lake Federsee. This beach ridge consists of deposits of fine to coarse gravel and sand and was surrounded by open water, except for a connection to the solid shore on the south. A lagoon lay between the hook-shaped ridge and the shore of the Federsee. This exposed location provided optimal access to the water of the lake. In addition, the small lagoon may have served as a natural harbor for landing boats or canoes. Sedimentological and palynological investigations document the dynamic history of the location between 14,500 and 11,600 years before present (cal BP). Evidence of the deposition of sands, gravels and muds since the Bølling Interstadial is provided by stratigraphic and palynological analyses. The major occupation occurred in the second half of the Younger Dryas period. Most of the finds were located on or in the sediments of the ridge; fewer finds occurred in the surrounding mud, which was also deposited during the Younger Dryas. Direct dates on some bone fragments, however, demonstrate that intermittent sporadic occupations also took place during the two millennia of the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked during the Younger Dryas and redeposited in the mud. A 14C date from one bone of 11,600 years ago (cal BP) places the Late Palaeolithic occupation of the ridge at the very end of the Younger Dryas, which is in agreement with stratigraphic observations. Stone artifacts, numbering 3,281, comprise the majority of finds from the site. These include typical artifacts of the Late Palaeolithic, such as backed points, short scrapers, and small burins. There are no bipointes or Malaurie-Points, which is in accord with the absolute date of the occupation. A majority of the artifacts are made from a brown chert that is obtainable a few kilometers north of the site in sediments of the Graupensandrinne. Other raw materials include red and green radiolarite that occur in the fluvioglacial gravels of Oberschwaben, as well as quartzite and lydite. The only non-local material present is a few artifacts of tabular chert from the region near Kelheim in Bavaria. A unique find consists of two fragments of a double-barbed harpoon made of red deer antler, which was found in the Younger Dryas mud. It is likely, but not certain, that this find belongs to the same assemblage as the numerous stone artifacts. Although not numerous, animal bones were also found in the excavations. Most of them lay in sediments of the Younger Dryas, but several 14C dates place some of these bones in earlier periods, including the Meiendorf, Bølling, and Allerød Interstadials. These bones were reworked by water and redeposited in mud sediments during the Younger Dryas. As a result, it is difficult to attribute individual bones to particular chronological positions without exact dates. Species that could be identified include wild horse (Equus spec.), moose or elk (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), aurochs or bison (Bos spec.), wild boar (Sus scrofa), as well as birds and fish, including pike (Esox Lucius).
Also published under the title, "Sus scrofa," in Linnés' Amoenitates academicae, v. 5, ed. 1, 1760; ed. 2, 1788, p. 461-483. cf. Hulth, Bibl. Linn. (1907) p. 118.
Carpal glands (CG) of 105 feral pigs Sus domesticus, caught in the tropical lowland rainforest in northeast Queensland, Australia, between 1999 and 2004, were investigated to examine their function in chemical communication between animals, and their histology. Female feral pigs show significantly larger CG on the right leg than on the left leg while there were no side-specific differences in males. CG on both legs were significantly larger in reproductive than in non-reproductive females, but they did not differ between pregnant and lactating females. The results suggest that CG are involved in the defensive behaviour of reproductive females but not in the identification of the mother by piglets. The area of the left CG was significantly bigger in males compared to females, but no significant difference could be shown for the CG on the right legs. CG of same-aged boars did not change significantly in size throughout the year while females showed smaller CG on the left leg in January and February suggesting that CG may be involved in intra-matriarchal group communication, Same sized and aged boars did not show any correlations between the size of the CG and the weight of their testes and the serum levels of testosterone. These results suggest that CG are not involved in advertising dominance in boars. The histological investigation of CG showed that they are active in feral pigs in the lowland rainforest, consist mainly of apocrine tissue and that their hairs may play a role in distributing secretion.
Introduced mammals are major drivers of extinction. Feral goats (Capra hircus) are particularly devastating to island ecosystems, causing direct and indirect impacts through overgrazing, which often results in ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. Removing goat populations from islands is a powerful conservation tool to prevent extinctions and restore ecosystems. Goats have been eradicated successfully from 120 islands worldwide. With newly developed technology and techniques, island size is perhaps no longer a limiting factor in the successful removal of introduced goat populations. Furthermore,. the use of global positioning systems, geographic information systems, aerial hunting by helicopter specialized bunting dogs, and Judas goats has dramatically increased efficiency and significantly reduced the duration of eradication campaigns. Intensive monitoring programs are also critical for successful eradications. Because of the presence of humans with domestic goat populations on large islands, future island conservation actions will require eradication programs that involve local island inhabitants in a collaborative approach with biologists, sociologists, and educators. Given the clear biodiversity benefits, introduced goat populations should be routinely removed from islands.
The various types of pig farming, intensive and extensive, expose them to pig parasites but also to those from the environment of the breeding site. In this work was evaluated the exposure of bigs bred in technified farms, SISCAL (intensive breeding system in pens) and not technified (backyard) to leptospira, ticks and rickettsiae. Blood sera were analyzed to determine titers of antibodies anti-Leptospira by SAM technique and antibodies anti-rickettsial by IFA, pigs were inspected for ticks and in their breeding environment and surrounding areas (pastures and riparian vegetation), ticks were collected by the flannel dragging technique. In the farms of pigs 10.4% had anti-Leptospira antibodies, followed by SISCAL (8%) and backyard animals (2.5%). The serovars found were Bratislava, Pomona, serovar, Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. Higher percentage of properties with pigs raised outdoors (SISCAL) had tick infested animals (20%) than those raised in backyard (6.7%), while commercial farms had no infested pigs nor infested breeding place. In both SISCAL and backyard pig breeding properties ticks were observed at the breeding site environment. Tick infestations were detected in areas surrounding pig breeding site in all three husbandry suystems. Ticks found were all Amblyomma scultpum nymphs or adults with the exception of one of Amblyomma parvum adult. In relation to anti-rickettsia serology to five Rickettsia species, 55.2% of pigs from commercial farms reacted to al least one species, backyard pigs reacted to 89.7% and all pigs of SISCAL showed anti-rickettsia titers. Consecutive tick sampling (June 2014 to February 2016) in SISCAL FAZU in Uberaba, showed the establishment A. sculptum ticks maintained by domestic pigs. These observations demonstrate the ability the pigs to maintain populations of A. sculptum at a favorable environment and may indicate a new trend in environmental infestations by this species of tick. Exposure to Leptospira and Rickettsia demonstrated the potential pigs exposure and transmission of important diseases in public health.