999 resultados para Preferências dos consumidores
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A disputa pela preferência do consumidor no cenário global gerou um quadro de crescente concorrência. O ponto-de-venda passou a destacar-se como meio de comunicação de marca após a profissionalização do varejo brasileiro, iniciada na década de 1980. Com isso, o ponto-de-venda passou a exigir pesquisas sobre produtos, sobre comportamento do consumidor e ferramentas promocionais específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a participação de materiais de merchandising no processo de compra do consumidor em supermercados. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, foi escolhido o método quantitativo por meio da técnica experimental em ambiente natural, ou seja, em supermercados selecionados como Grupo Experimental e Grupo de Controle. O Grupo Experimental recebeu materiais de merchandising durante uma semana e as vendas foram comparadas com o Grupo de Controle. Na comparação entre grupos, foi registrado aumento de vendas de 27,86% no supermercado experimental em relação ao supermercado controle. Na comparação com a semana anterior ao experimento, ocorreu queda de 12,62% nas vendas do supermercado experimental. A queda no poder de compra do consumidor no período é uma das possíveis explicações para esse resultado.(AU)
Os consumidores de baixa renda pertencentes às classes C, D e E, representam 77% da população brasileira, uma fatia de mercado até então desvalorizadas pelas empresas. Após o Plano Real estes consumidores aumentaram sua participação na aquisição de produtos e serviços, e hoje correspondem a aproximadamente 45% do consumo brasileiro. Visando atender essa grande parcela da população muitas empresas passaram a desenvolver produtos com preços inferiores, mas com qualidade confiável. O estudo investigará o potencial mercadológico destes consumidores e terá como foco principal apresentar as estratégias de comunicação desenvolvidas pelas empresas de higiene pessoal, perfumaria e cosméticos, cujos produtos são destinados aos consumidores de baixa renda.
The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes and knowledge of consumers about irradiated foods. The study sample corresponded to 65.52% women and the mean age was 41.82 (SD: 14.33) years. Only 66.9% of respondents consumers consult the list of ingredients on the label of packaged foods, and 13.4% of them said they had detected the phrase “FOOD TREATED BY IRRADIATION PROCESS.” Furthermore, 86.6% considered that irradiation becomes unsafe food and thus 94.9% of those not consume these foods, as well as 29.6% of those who felt otherwise. Women had a score of attitude towards irradiated foods less favorable than men. The television was considered the most efficient means of communication to report on irradiated foods. We conclude that consumers of the city of Natal lack information about food irradiation and acceptance of these products depends on how the policies are directed to food security and health education, including through the use of sources of mass information dissemination. The information on the labels of irradiated foods is controversial, although sufficient instruments for detection of irradiated foods by these consumers.
Nowadays, the amount of customers using sites for shopping is greatly increasing, mainly due to the easiness and rapidity of this way of consumption. The sites, differently from physical stores, can make anything available to customers. In this context, Recommender Systems (RS) have become indispensable to help consumers to find products that may possibly pleasant or be useful to them. These systems often use techniques of Collaborating Filtering (CF), whose main underlying idea is that products are recommended to a given user based on purchase information and evaluations of past, by a group of users similar to the user who is requesting recommendation. One of the main challenges faced by such a technique is the need of the user to provide some information about her preferences on products in order to get further recommendations from the system. When there are items that do not have ratings or that possess quite few ratings available, the recommender system performs poorly. This problem is known as new item cold-start. In this paper, we propose to investigate in what extent information on visual attention can help to produce more accurate recommendation models. We present a new CF strategy, called IKB-MS, that uses visual attention to characterize images and alleviate the new item cold-start problem. In order to validate this strategy, we created a clothing image database and we use three algorithms well known for the extraction of visual attention these images. An extensive set of experiments shows that our approach is efficient and outperforms state-of-the-art CF RS.