765 resultados para Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
A salutogenic approach explored themes of strength and well-being in life stories of Burmese refugees (N = 18) in Australia. Previous refugee studies have tended to focus on negative responses to traumatic events (e.g. posttraumatic stress disorder, depression). To widen the scope of refugee related research the focus of the current study was informed by a salutogenic perspective, exploring sources of strength that may facilitate well-being. Semi-structured narrative interviews explored: the participant's life before fleeing Burma, the journey of exile, and post-migration in Australia. Eight women and 10 men (Mage = 39 years) were interviewed and transcriptions analysis of narratives was conducted using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), with major themes being explicated. Super-ordinate themes pertaining to strength during times of hardship were identified and explicated as: support from interpersonal relationships, the pivotal role of values, a sense of future and agency, and reliance on spiritual or religious beliefs. Results indicate the existence of sources of strength that may contribute to human responses in times of hardship. Recognition and reflection of strengths may be incorporated into therapeutic and resettlement approaches for people from refugee backgrounds.
Objective: This study investigated the influence of injury cause, contact-sport participation, and prior knowledge of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) on injury beliefs and chronic symptom expectations of mTBI. Method: A total of 185 non-contact-sport players (non-CSPs) and 59 contact-sport players (CSPs) with no history of mTBI were randomly allocated to one of two conditions in which they read either a vignette depicting a sport-related mTBI (mTBIsport) or a motor-vehicle-accident-related mTBI (mTBIMVA). The vignettes were otherwise standardized to convey the same injury parameters (e.g., duration of loss of consciousness). After reading a vignette, participants reported their injury beliefs (i.e., perceptions of injury undesirability, chronicity, and consequences) and their expectations of chronic postconcussion syndrome (PCS) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Results: Non-CSPs held significantly more negative beliefs and expected greater PTSD symptomatology and greater PCS affective symptomatology from an mTBIMVA vignette thann mTBIsport vignette, but this difference was not found for CSPs. Unlike CSPs, non-CSPs who personally knew someone who had sustained an mTBI expected significantly less PCS symptomatology than those who did not. Despite these different results for non-CSPs and CSPs, overall, contact-sport participation did not significantly affect injury beliefs and symptom expectations from an mTBIsport. Conclusions: Expectations of persistent problems after an mTBI are influenced by factors such as injury cause even when injury parameters are held constant. Personal knowledge of mTBI, but not contact sport participation, may account for some variability in mTBI beliefs and expectations. These factors require consideration when assessing mTBI outcome.
BACKGROUND: Most information about the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders comes from retrospective surveys, but how much these surveys have undercounted due to recall failure is unknown. We compared results from a prospective study with those from retrospective studies. METHOD: The representative 1972-1973 Dunedin New Zealand birth cohort (n=1037) was followed to age 32 years with 96% retention, and compared to the national New Zealand Mental Health Survey (NZMHS) and two US National Comorbidity Surveys (NCS and NCS-R). Measures were research diagnoses of anxiety, depression, alcohol dependence and cannabis dependence from ages 18 to 32 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of lifetime disorder to age 32 was approximately doubled in prospective as compared to retrospective data for all four disorder types. Moreover, across disorders, prospective measurement yielded a mean past-year-to-lifetime ratio of 38% whereas retrospective measurement yielded higher mean past-year-to-lifetime ratios of 57% (NZMHS, NCS-R) and 65% (NCS). CONCLUSIONS: Prospective longitudinal studies complement retrospective surveys by providing unique information about lifetime prevalence. The experience of at least one episode of DSM-defined disorder during a lifetime may be far more common in the population than previously thought. Research should ask what this means for etiological theory, construct validity of the DSM approach, public perception of stigma, estimates of the burden of disease and public health policy.
We devised three measures of the general severity of events, which raters applied to participants' narrative descriptions: 1) placing events on a standard normed scale of stressful events, 2) placing events into five bins based on their severity relative to all other events in the sample, and 3) an average of ratings of the events' effects on six distinct areas of the participants' lives. Protocols of negative events were obtained from two non-diagnosed undergraduate samples (n = 688 and 328), a clinically diagnosed undergraduate sample all of whom had traumas and half of whom met PTSD criteria (n = 30), and a clinically diagnosed community sample who met PTSD criteria (n = 75). The three measures of severity correlated highly in all four samples but failed to correlate with PTSD symptom severity in any sample. Theoretical implications for the role of trauma severity in PTSD are discussed.
Reactions to stressful negative events have long been studied using approaches based on either the narrative interpretation of the event or the traits of the individual. Here, we integrate these 2 approaches by using individual-differences measures of both the narrative interpretation of the stressful event as central to one's life and the personality characteristic of negative affectivity. We show that they each have independent contributions to stress reactions and that high levels on both produce greater than additive effects. The effects on posttraumatic stress symptoms are substantial for both undergraduates (Study 1, n = 2,296; Study 3, n = 488) and veterans (Study 2, n = 104), with mean levels for participants low on both measures near floor on posttraumatic stress symptoms and those high on both measures scoring at or above diagnostic thresholds. Study 3 included 3 measures of narrative centrality and 3 of negative affectivity to demonstrate that the effects were not limited to a single measure. In Study 4 (n = 987), measures associated with symptoms of posttraumatic stress correlated substantially with either measures of narrative centrality or measures of negative affectivity. The concepts of narrative centrality and negative affectivity and the results are consistent with findings from clinical populations using similar measures and with current approaches to therapy. In broad nonclinical populations, such as those used here, the results suggest that we might be able to substantially increase our ability to account for the severity of stress response by including both concepts.
The present study examined the impact of the developmental timing of trauma exposure on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and psychosocial functioning in a large sample of community-dwelling older adults (N = 1,995). Specifically, we investigated whether the negative consequences of exposure to traumatic events were greater for traumas experienced during childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, midlife, or older adulthood. Each of these developmental periods is characterized by age-related changes in cognitive and social processes that may influence psychological adjustment following trauma exposure. Results revealed that older adults who experienced their currently most distressing traumatic event during childhood exhibited more severe symptoms of PTSD and lower subjective happiness compared with older adults who experienced their most distressing trauma after the transition to adulthood. Similar findings emerged for measures of social support and coping ability. The differential effects of childhood compared with later life traumas were not fully explained by differences in cumulative trauma exposure or by differences in the objective and subjective characteristics of the events. Our findings demonstrate the enduring nature of traumatic events encountered early in the life course and underscore the importance of examining the developmental context of trauma exposure in investigations of the long-term consequences of traumatic experiences.
On September 12, 2001, 54 Duke students recorded their memory of first hearing about the terrorist attacks of September 11 and of a recent everyday event. They were tested again either 1, 6, or 32 weeks later. Consistency for the flashbulb and everyday memories did not differ, in both cases declining over time. However, ratings of vividness, recollection, and belief in the accuracy of memory declined only for everyday memories. Initial visceral emotion ratings correlated with later belief in accuracy, but not consistency, for flashbulb memories. Initial visceral emotion ratings predicted later posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Flashbulb memories are not special in their accuracy, as previously claimed, but only in their perceived accuracy.
Mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common source of morbidity from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. With no overt lesions on structural MRI, diagnosis of chronic mild TBI in military veterans relies on obtaining an accurate history and assessment of behavioral symptoms that are also associated with frequent comorbid disorders, particularly posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Military veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan with mild TBI (n = 30) with comorbid PTSD and depression and non-TBI participants from primary (n = 42) and confirmatory (n = 28) control groups were assessed with high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI). White matter-specific registration followed by whole-brain voxelwise analysis of crossing fibers provided separate partial volume fractions reflecting the integrity of primary fibers and secondary (crossing) fibers. Loss of white matter integrity in primary fibers (P < 0.05; corrected) was associated with chronic mild TBI in a widely distributed pattern of major fiber bundles and smaller peripheral tracts including the corpus callosum (genu, body, and splenium), forceps minor, forceps major, superior and posterior corona radiata, internal capsule, superior longitudinal fasciculus, and others. Distributed loss of white matter integrity correlated with duration of loss of consciousness and most notably with "feeling dazed or confused," but not diagnosis of PTSD or depressive symptoms. This widespread spatial extent of white matter damage has typically been reported in moderate to severe TBI. The diffuse loss of white matter integrity appears consistent with systemic mechanisms of damage shared by blast- and impact-related mild TBI that involves a cascade of inflammatory and neurochemical events. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a diagnosis related to the past. Pre-traumatic stress reactions, as measured by intrusive involuntary images of possible future stressful events and their associated avoidance and increased arousal, have been overlooked in the PTSD literature. Here we introduce a scale that measures pre-traumatic stress reactions providing a clear future-oriented parallel to the posttraumatic stress reactions described in the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. We apply this pre-traumatic stress reactions checklist (PreCL) to Danish soldiers before, during, and after deployment to Afghanistan. The PreCL has good internal consistency and is highly correlated with a standard measure of PTSD symptoms. The PreCL as answered before the soldiers' deployment significantly predicted level of PTSD symptoms during and after their deployment, while controlling for baseline PTSD symptoms and combat exposure measured during and after deployment. The findings have implications for the conceptualization of PTSD, screening, and treatment.
Une récente théorie de la mémoire a proposé que lorsqu'un souvenir déjà bien consolidé est réactivé, il redevient labile et susceptible aux modifications avant d'être restabilisé (reconsolidé) en mémoire à long terme. Ce nouveau modèle réfute le modèle classique de la consolidation qui propose qu'une fois consolidés, les souvenirs soient permanents et donc résistants aux effets des agents amnésiques. Les études validant la théorie de la reconsolidation abondent chez les animaux, mais encore peu d'études ont été réalisées chez les humains. L'objectif de cette thèse est de vérifier, dans une population de sujets sains et de sujets souffrant de trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT), l'efficacité d'un agent pharmacologique, le propranolol (un β-bloquant noradrénergique) à atténuer des souvenirs émotionnels nouvellement acquis ou déjà bien consolidés. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons mené un essai clinique contrôlé à double insu chez des sujets sains en leur administrant du propranolol (vs du placebo) lors de l'acquisition d'un nouveau souvenir et une semaine plus tard, lors de sa réactivation. L'objectif du premier article était d'évaluer l'efficacité du propranolol à diminuer la consolidation et la reconsolidation d'un souvenir émotionnel. Par ailleurs, puisque les études chez les animaux ont démontré que ces deux processus mnésiques s'effectuent à l'intérieur d'une fenêtre temporelle précise, le moment de l'administration du propranolol fut pris en considération. Les résultats ont démontré que le propranolol est en mesure de diminuer la consolidation et la reconsolidation d'une histoire émotionnelle tel que démontré par un pourcentage de bonnes réponses plus faible que le groupe contrôle lors des rappels. Toutefois, pour que cet effet soit observé, le propranolol doit être administré une heure avant la présentation des stimuli, pour la consolidation et une heure avant leur réactivation, pour la reconsolidation. En outre, les études portant sur la consolidation et la reconsolidation chez les animaux et chez les humains obtiennent parfois des résultats contradictoires. Ceci pourrait s'expliquer par le type de stimuli utilisé. Ainsi, l'objectif du second article était de préciser quel type d'information est le plus susceptible d'être affecté par le propranolol lors de son acquisition (consolidation) et lors de sa réactivation (reconsolidation). Pour ce faire, les éléments de l'histoire émotionnelle ont été divisés en fonction de leur valence (émotionnel ou neutre) et de leur centralité (central ou périphérique). Les résultats ont démontré le propranolol affecte l'ensemble des informations centrales lors du blocage de la consolidation, mais qu'il affecte plus spécifiquement les éléments émotionnels centraux lors de la reconsolidation. Notre groupe ayant précédemment démontré que le traitement avec le propranolol est en mesure de réduire les symptômes de TSPT chez une population clinique, nous nous sommes interrogés sur son efficacité à diminuer la mémoire implicite d'un événement traumatique. Le propranolol a été administré aux participants à 6 reprises (une fois par semaine sur une période de 6 semaines) lors de la réactivation de leur trauma. Les résultats ont révélé que le traitement avec le propranolol est en mesure de diminuer la réponse psychophysiologique des participants à l'écoute du compte rendu de leur trauma une semaine et 4 mois suivant la fin du traitement. En somme, cette thèse démontre que le propranolol est en mesure de bloquer la consolidation et la reconsolidation de souvenirs émotionnels chez l'humain lorsqu'il est administré une heure avant l'acquisition ou la réactivation des souvenirs. Il arrive en outre à atténuer un souvenir déclaratif émotionnel chez des sujets sains, mais également un souvenir implicite chez des sujets souffrant de TSPT. Ainsi, ces résultats ouvrent la voie à la création de nouveaux traitements pour les psychopathologies ayant comme étiologie un souvenir émotionnel intense.
OBJECTIF Informer les médecins de première ligne concernant le dépistage, le diagnostic et le traitement des troubles psychologiques associés aux événements traumatiques. QUALITÉ DES DONNÉES Les recensions proviennent de recherches via les banques de données PsycLIT, PsyINFO, PILOTS et MEDLINE (de janvier 1985 à décembre 2000) utilisant les termes « acute stress disorder », « posttraumatic stress disorder », « traumatic stress », « psychotherapy », « psychosocial treatment », « treatment » et « pharmacotherapy ». Les recommandations concernant le traitement de l’état de stress aigu (ÉSA) et du trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) reposent sur des données probantes provenant d’essais thérapeutiques d’excellente qualité. Les conclusions portant sur le diagnostic et l’évaluation reposent sur les plus récentes études épidémiologiques ainsi que sur des consensus et des opinions d’experts. PRINCIPAL MESSAGE Très souvent, l’ÉSA et le TSPT sont sous-diagnostiqués et sous-traités. Les médecins de famille sont susceptibles de recevoir des patients souffrant de ces troubles. Le dépistage précoce en première ligne repose sur une écoute attentive, sur une relation chaleureuse et sécurisante avec le patient et sur la recherche de difficultés d’adaptation en lien avec un événement traumatique. Idéalement, les individus souffrant d’un ÉSA ou d’un TSPT sont orientés vers une ressource spécialisée. Si de telles ressources ne sont pas accessibles, le médecin peut offrir des conseils et prescrire une médication en fonction des symptômes. CONCLUSION Les médecins de famille peuvent contribuer à identifier et traiter les patients souffrant de l’un ou l’autre de ces troubles.
Objective: To evaluate cortisol suppression following 0.5 mg of dexamethasone (DEX) in trauma survivors (N = 52),with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder (MDD), both, or neither disorder, and in subjects never exposed to trauma (N = 10), in order to examine interactions between diagnosis and trauma history on cortisol negative feedback inhibition. Method: Lifetime trauma exposure and psychiatric diagnoses were assessed and blood samples were obtained at 8:00 a.m. for the determination of baseline cortisol. Participants ingested 0.5 mg of DEX at 11:00 p.m. and blood samples for determination of cortisol and DEX were obtained at 8:00 a.m. the following day. Results: PTSD was associated with enhanced cortisol suppression in response to DEX Among trauma survivors, the presence of a traumatic event prior to the "focal" trauma had a substantial impact on cortisol suppression in subjects with MDD. Such subjects were more likely to show cortisol alterations similar to those associated with PTSD, whereas subjects with MDD with no prior trauma were more likely to show alterations in the opposite direction, i.e. relative non-suppression. Conclusions: Cortisol hypersuppression in PTSD appears not to be dependent on the presence of traumatic events prior to the focal trauma. However, prior trauma exposure may affect cortisol suppression in MDD. This finding may have implications for understanding why only some depressed patients show non-suppression on the DST. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Background: Intrusions are common symptoms of both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and schizophrenia. Steel et al (2005) suggest that an information processing style characterized by weak trait contextual integration renders psychotic individuals vulnerable to intrusive experiences. This ‘contextual integration hypothesis’ was tested in individuals reporting anomalous experiences in the absence of a need-for-care. Methods: Twenty-six low schizotypes and twenty-three individuals reporting anomalous experiences were shown a traumatic film with and without a concurrent visuo-spatial task. Participants rated post-traumatic intrusions for frequency and form, and completed self-report measures of information processing style. It was predicted that, due to their weaker trait contextual integration, the anomalous experiences group would (1) exhibit more intrusions following exposure to the trauma-film; (2) display intrusions characterised by more PTSD qualities and (3) show a greater reduction of intrusions with the concurrent visuo-spatial task. Results: As predicted, the anomalous experiences group reported a lower level of trait contextual integration and more intrusions than the low schizotypes, both immediately after watching the film, and during the following seven days. Their post-traumatic intrusive memories were more PTSD-like (more intrusive, vivid and associated with emotion). The visuo-spatial task had no effect on number of intrusions in either group. Conclusions: These findings provide some support for the proposal that weak trait contextual integration underlies the development of intrusions within both PTSD and psychosis.
Objective Psychiatric comorbidity is the rule in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); however, very few studies have evaluated the clinical characteristics of patients with no co-occurring disorders (non-comorbid or pure OCD). The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of pure cases in a large multicenter sample of OCD patients and compare the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of individuals with and without any lifetime axis I comorbidity. Method A cross-sectional study with 955 adult patients of the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (C-TOC). Assessment instruments included the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, The USP-Sensory Phenomena Scale and the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale. Comorbidities were evaluated using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders. Bivariate analyses were followed by logistic regression. Results Only 74 patients (7.7%) presented pure OCD. Compared with those presenting at least one lifetime comorbidity (881, 92.3%), non-comorbid patients were more likely to be female and to be working, reported less traumatic experiences and presented lower scores in the Y-BOCS obsession subscale and in total DY-BOCS scores. All symptom dimensions except contamination-cleaning and hoarding were less severe in non-comorbid patients. They also presented less severe depression and anxiety, lower suicidality and less previous treatments. In the logistic regression, the following variables predicted pure OCD: sex, severity of depressive and anxious symptoms, previous suicidal thoughts and psychotherapy. Conclusions Pure OCD patients were the minority in this large sample and were characterized by female sex, less severe depressive and anxious symptoms, less suicidal thoughts and less use of psychotherapy as a treatment modality. The implications of these findings for clinical practice are discussed. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.