915 resultados para Post-Second World War


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World War II profoundly impacted Florida. The military geography of the State is essential to an understanding the war. The geostrategic concerns of place and space determined that Florida would become a statewide military base. Florida’s attributes of place such as climate and topography determined its use as a military academy hosting over two million soldiers, nearly 15 percent of the GI Army, the largest force theUS ever raised. One-in-eight Floridians went into uniform. Equally,Florida’s space on the planet made it central for both defensive and offensive strategies. The Second World War was a war of movement, and Florida was a major jump off point forUSforce projection world-wide, especially of air power. Florida’s demography facilitated its use as a base camp for the assembly and engagement of this military power. In 1940, less than two percent of the US population lived in Florida, a quiet, barely populated backwater of the United States.[1] But owing to its critical place and space, over the next few years it became a 65,000 square mile training ground, supply dump, and embarkation site vital to the US war effort. Because of its place astride some of the most important sea lanes in the Atlantic World,Florida was the scene of one of the few Western Hemisphere battles of the war. The militarization ofFloridabegan long before Pearl Harbor. The pre-war buildup conformed to theUSstrategy of the war. The strategy of theUS was then (and remains today) one of forward defense: harden the frontier, then take the battle to the enemy, rather than fight them inNorth America. The policy of “Europe First,” focused the main US war effort on the defeat of Hitler’sGermany, evaluated to be the most dangerous enemy. In Florida were established the military forces requiring the longest time to develop, and most needed to defeat the Axis. Those were a naval aviation force for sea-borne hostilities, a heavy bombing force for reducing enemy industrial states, and an aerial logistics train for overseas supply of expeditionary campaigns. The unique Florida coastline made possible the seaborne invasion training demanded for USvictory. The civilian population was employed assembling mass-produced first-generation container ships, while Floridahosted casualties, Prisoners-of-War, and transient personnel moving between the Atlantic and Pacific. By the end of hostilities and the lifting of Unlimited Emergency, officially on December 31, 1946, Floridahad become a transportation nexus. Florida accommodated a return of demobilized soldiers, a migration of displaced persons, and evolved into a modern veterans’ colonia. It was instrumental in fashioning the modern US military, while remaining a center of the active National Defense establishment. Those are the themes of this work. [1] US Census of Florida 1940. Table 4 – Race, By Nativity and Sex, For the State. 14.


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This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.


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This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.


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This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.


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This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.


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This is the Official Roster of the South Carolina soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the World War and contains the names and records, briefly compiled, of the men and women from this state who responded to the call of the President when the United States entered the great conflict. This record gives in as compact form as practicable the following : name; serial number; residence; branch of service; date and place of entry into service; place of birth and age; organizations served in, with dates of assignments and transfers; grades with dates of appointment; engagements, if any; wound received in action, with degree and date; if killed in action or died while in service; person notified, relationship and address; oversea service; date of discharge; citations.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2012


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la gobernación de Tokio en la formulación de la política exterior de Japón durante la disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu. Para ello, se identifican los puntos más relevantes de la política exterior de seguridad de Japón después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se hace un énfasis en la política bilateral de seguridad sino-japonesa, con el fin de ubicar el conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu como un punto importante en la agenda internacional de seguridad de ambos países. Se estudia y analiza el concepto de paradiplomacia; articulado, a su vez, por los conceptos de identidad y rol en política exterior de la perspectiva teórica del Constructivismo de las Relaciones Internacionales, para así analizar la influencia de Tokio en el manejo de la política exterior de Japón en el marco del conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Abstract The European Union (EU) is one of the world´s leading donors in official development assistance (ODA) to give a strong weight in the relationship with recipient partner countries, in particular with those that are more dependent on it. Besides the material weight of its funding, the EU has retained historical ties and influence in diplomatic, political and economic terms in many of its ODA recipient partner countries (particular in Sub-Saharan Africa). Since the 2000s, the EU development policy has not only undergone major structural changes in its institutional framework but also has started to face a new international aid scenario. This paper explores why a normative-based EU development policy is being challenged by reformed EU institutions and a new global order, and how the EU is attempting to respond to this context in face of the deepest recession since the end of the Second World War.


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RESUMO: Esta dissertação tem como objectivo compreender a influência da ideologia do Estado Novo nos conteúdos inseridos no suplemento infantil Pim-Pam-Pum. Visa ainda relacionar, num determinado momento temporal o suplemento infantil de um dos jornais mais lidos da época O Século, com a ideologia do Estado Novo. Procura identificar os valores incutidos nos números a analisar no Pim-Pam-Pum num período de dois anos. O período histórico em análise do suplemento infantil Pim-Pam-Pum compreende os exemplares entre 1953 a 1955. Como principais conclusões do estudo retira-se que o suplemento infantil procurava educar o seu público de forma lúdica. Por outro lado, transmitia e incutia em colaboração com a família os principais valores salazaristas. A imprensa escrita passa a ser uma arma de propaganda ideológica do Estado Novo numa tentativa de conter informação desfavorável ao regime perante as pressões internas e externas. Com a institucionalização da censura após a segunda Guerra Mundial, a vigilância e o exame das publicações dos organismos competentes em colaboração com a própria auto-censura dos jornalistas, simplificou-se. No entanto a imprensa procurou cumprir com a sua missão de divulgação cultural e lúdica através de jornais diários, revistas e suplementos infantis. ABSTRACT:The aim of this dissertation is to understand the influence of the ideology of the "Estado Novo" in the contents inserted in the children's supplement Pim-Pam-Pum. It also aims to relate, in a certain historical period, the children’s supplement of one of the most important newspapers of the time, "O Século", with the ideology of the "Estado Novo". In addition, it intends to identify the values ingrained in the numbers to be analysed in Pim-Pam-Pum in a period of two years. The period under analysis of the children's supplement Pim-Pam-Pum includes the numbers from 1953 to 1955. One of the main conclusions of this study is that the children's aforementioned supplement aimed to educate its audience in a joyful manner. On the other hand, it transmitted as well as inculcated with the families’ collaboration the main Salazarist values. The press becomes a weapon of ideological propaganda of the "Estado Novo" in an attempt to keep harmful information to the regime from the internal and external pressures. With the institucionalization of censorship after the Second World War, the careful surveillance of publications by the competent and relevant organisms in collaboration with the censorship made by the journalists themselves, was simplified. However, the press tried to accomplish its mission of cultural and playful diffusion by means of newspapers, magazines and children's supplements.


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RESUMO: Angola tem sido ao longo dos tempos objecto de cobiça por parte de países estrangeiros por motivações diversas, que foram desde interesses coloniais – como aconteceu com Portugal, que durante séculos a colonizou, e da Holanda, que dominou Luanda entre 1641 e 1648 – ou por interesses hegemónicos, ideológicos e políticos – como sucedeu com os EUA e a URSS, mas também com a Republica Popular da China e Cuba – e até por interesses regionais – como foram os casos da África do Sul e dos contíguos Congo Belga, hoje Republica Democrática do Congo, e Zâmbia. No entanto, a todos estes interesses diversos não se pode excluir um que lhes é transversal: o interesse económico. De facto, os 1246700 km² de que Angola dispõe, aliados à sua excelente localização geográfica com uma extensa costa atlântica e a sua extraordinária riqueza em recursos naturais podem explicar este envolvimento estrangeiro na História de Angola. No que diz respeito ao objecto da Dissertação, o envolvimento da ONU nas questões relacionadas com Angola remonta à década de 50, ou seja, ao período colonial e muito antes da independência do país em 1975, devido à política descolonizadora saída da II Guerra Mundial. Além disso, a dinâmica que emergiu da II Guerra Mundial, rapidamente, reconfigurou o panorama político internacional em dois blocos: o ocidental liderado pelos EUA e o de Leste liderado pela URSS, que se envolveram numa Guerra Fria, polarização cujos efeitos se ligam de forma trágica à guerra em Angola, primeiro para a autodeterminação, e, depois, já num contexto de independência, num conflito armado que ultrapassou o plano interno. Os interesses dos EUA e da URSS, que começaram por ser antagónicos, deram lugar em 1989 com o fim da bipolaridade a uma cooperação mais aberta e uma abertura política em Angola rumo à paz e ao início da construção da democracia. Neste trabalho estuda-se o papel da ONU em Angola, quer no período de luta pela independência, quer depois, na busca da paz no sangrento conflito – nem sempre civil – que mesmo antes da data da independência, a 11 de Novembro de 1975, e até Fevereiro de 2002, dilacerou o país. Procura-se, igualmente, analisar o contributo da ONU na consolidação das instituições e na construção de um regime democrático em Angola. ABSTRACT: Angola has been along time subject to the greed of several foreign countries for many reasons and motivations which go from colonial interests - that is the cases of, Portugal which for centuries colonized it, and Netherlands under whose administration had been Luanda between 1641 and 1648 - or for hegemonic, ideological and political interests - as it happened in regard to USA and USSR, but also People‟s Republic of China, Cuba, - and even for regional interests - regarding South Africa Republic, and the neighbouring countries, Democratic Republic of Congo (ancient Republic of the Congo “Leopoldville”), and the Republic of Zambia. On the other hand to these interests we may join another which is transversal to all of them: economic interest. Effectively, Angola‟s 481,351 square miles (1,246,700 Km2) estimated area, combined with its excellent geographical location with a lengthy Atlantic coast, its extraordinary richness in natural resources may well explain this foreign participation in its Political History. Concerning the objective of this work, the UN has been involved in matters regarding Angola since the decade of 50 of the last century, during the colonial period, long before the independence of the country in 1975, due to the decolonization policy emerged from the Second World War. Furthermore, after the Second World War, international environment has changed, transforming quickly the world into two main blocs, the West with the leadership of the USA and the East with the leadership of USSR which went into a Cold War. The effects of this polarization reached tragically Angola, early in the fight for self-determination, and went on later after independence in an armed conflict, which has overcome the internal dimension. The USA and USSR interests, at the beginning being antagonistic had become by 1989, with the end of bipolarity, more cooperative, leading Angola to a political reform towards peace and beginning the construction of democracy. In this academic work it‟s studied the UNO role in Angola since the fight for self-determination early in the sixties of last century, and later in the search for peace during the bloody - and not always civil – war conflict which very before independence date in 11th November 1975, and as long as 2002, divided the country. Additionally, this work aims to understand the UNO contribution to consolidate institutions and to promote democracy in Angola.


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Tomando como ponto de partida o movimento de teatro experimental português do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, a presente investigação centra-se no trajecto da Casa da Comédia, fundada por Fernando Amado em 1946, e que retoma a actividade em 1962. Procuramos identificar as ideias de teatro que animam o percurso deste grupo, dar eco da recepção aos seus espectáculos, bem como inserir o seu projecto no âmbito dos esforços de renovação cénica que vão tendo lugar um pouco por toda a Europa.


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This paper examines modern economic growth according to the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method and state space portrait (SSP) analysis. Electing GDP per capita as the main indicator for economic growth and prosperity, the long-run perspective from 1870 to 2010 identifies the main similarities among 34 world partners’ modern economic growth and exemplifies the historical waving mechanics of the largest world economy, the USA. MDS reveals two main clusters among the European countries and their old offshore territories, and SSP identifies the Great Depression as a mild challenge to the American global performance, when compared to the Second World War and the 2008 crisis.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics