349 resultados para Plexus brachialis
Although long suspected from histochemical evidence for carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity on neurons and observations that CA inhibitors enhance the extracellular alkaline shifts associated with synaptic transmission, an extracellular CA in brain had not been identified. A candidate for this CA was suggested by the recent discovery of membrane CA (CA XIV) whose mRNA is expressed in mouse and human brain and in several other tissues. For immunolocalization of CA XIV in mouse and human brain, we developed two antibodies, one against a secretory form of enzymatically active recombinant mouse CA XIV, and one against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the 24 C-terminal amino acids in the human enzyme. Immunostaining for CA XIV was found on neuronal membranes and axons in both mouse and human brain. The highest expression was seen on large neuronal bodies and axons in the anterolateral part of pons and medulla oblongata. Other CA XIV-positive sites included the hippocampus, corpus callosum, cerebellar white matter and peduncles, pyramidal tract, and choroid plexus. Mouse brain also showed a positive reaction in the molecular layer of the cerebral cortex and granular cellular layer of the cerebellum. These observations make CA XIV a likely candidate for the extracellular CA postulated to have an important role in modulating excitatory synaptic transmission in brain.
Traditional mechanisms thought to underlie opioid tolerance include receptor phosphorylation/down-regulation, G-protein uncoupling, and adenylyl cyclase superactivation. A parallel line of investigation also indicates that opioid tolerance development results from a switch from predominantly opioid receptor Giα inhibitory to Gβγ stimulatory signaling. As described previously, this results, in part, from the increased relative abundance of Gβγ-stimulated adenylyl cyclase isoforms as well as from a profound increase in their phosphorylation [Chakrabarti, S., Rivera, M., Yan, S.-Z., Tang, W.-J. & Gintzler, A. R. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 54, 655–662; Chakrabarti, S., Wang, L., Tang, W.-J. & Gintzler, A. R. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 54, 949–953]. The present study demonstrates that chronic morphine administration results in the concomitant phosphorylation of three key signaling proteins, G protein receptor kinase (GRK) 2/3, β-arrestin, and Gβ, in the guinea pig longitudinal muscle myenteric plexus tissue. Augmented phosphorylation of all three proteins is evident in immunoprecipitate obtained by using either anti-GRK2/3 or Gβ antibodies, but the phosphorylation increment is greater in immunoprecipitate obtained with Gβ antibodies. Analyses of coimmunoprecipitated proteins indicate that phosphorylation of GRK2/3, β-arrestin, and Gβ has varying consequences on their ability to associate. As a result, increased availability of and signaling via Gβγ could occur without compromising the membrane content (and presumably activity) of GRK2/3. Induction of the concomitant phosphorylation of multiple proteins in a multimolecular complex with attendant modulation of their association represents a novel mechanism for increasing Gβγ signaling and opioid tolerance formation.
Copper serves as an essential cofactor for a variety of proteins in all living organisms. Previously, we described a human gene (CTR1;SLC31A1) that encodes a high-affinity copper-uptake protein and hypothesized that this protein is required for copper delivery to mammalian cells. Here, we test this hypothesis by inactivating the Ctr1 gene in mice by targeted mutagenesis. We observe early embryonic lethality in homozygous mutant embryos and a deficiency in copper uptake in the brains of heterozygous animals. Ctr1−/− embryos can be recovered at E8.5 but are severely developmentally retarded and morphologically abnormal. Histological analysis reveals discontinuities and variable thickness in the basement membrane of the embryonic region and an imperfect Reichert's membrane, features that are likely due to lack of activity in the collagen cross-linking cupro-enzyme lysyl oxidase. A collapsed embryonic cavity, the absence of an allantois, retarded mesodermal migration, and increased cell death are also apparent. In the brains of heterozygous adult mice, which at 16 months are phenotypically normal, copper is reduced to approximately half compared with control littermates, implicating CTR1 as the required port for copper entry into at least this organ. A study of the spatial and temporal expression pattern of Ctr1 during mouse development and adulthood further shows that CTR1 is ubiquitously transcribed with highest expression observed in the specialized epithelia of the choroid plexus and renal tubules and in connective tissues of the eye, ovary, and testes. We conclude that CTR1 is the primary avenue for copper uptake in mammalian cells.
The structural relationships between interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), varicose nerve fibers, and smooth muscle cells in the gastrointestinal tract have led to the suggestion that ICC may be involved in or mediate enteric neurotransmission. We characterized the distribution of ICC in the murine stomach and found two distinct classes on the basis of morphology and immunoreactivity to antibodies against c-Kit receptors. ICC with multiple processes formed a network in the myenteric plexus region from corpus to pylorus. Spindle-shaped ICC were found within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers (IC-IM) throughout the stomach. The density of these cells was greatest in the proximal stomach. IC-IM ran along nerve fibers and were closely associated with nerve terminals and adjacent smooth muscle cells. IC-IM failed to develop in mice with mutations in c-kit. Therefore, we used W/W(V) mutants to test whether IC-IM mediate neural inputs in muscles of the gastric fundus. The distribution of inhibitory nerves in the stomachs of c-kit mutants was normal, but NO-dependent inhibitory neuro-regulation was greatly reduced. Smooth muscle tissues of W/W(V) mutants relaxed in response to exogenous sodium nitroprusside, but the membrane potential effects of sodium nitroprusside were attenuated. These data suggest that IC-IM play a critical serial role in NO-dependent neurotransmission: the cellular mechanism(s) responsible for transducing NO into electrical responses may be expressed in IC-IM. Loss of these cells causes loss of electrical responsiveness and greatly reduces responses to nitrergic nerve stimulation.
We have isolated cDNAs encoding a second member of the dilute (myosin-V) unconventional myosin family in vertebrates, myr 6 (myosin from rat 6). Expression of myr 6 transcripts in the brain is much more limited than is the expression of dilute, with highest levels observed in choroid plexus and components of the limbic system. We have mapped the myr 6 locus to mouse chromosome 18 using an interspecific backcross. The 3' portion of the myr 6 cDNA sequence from rat is nearly identical to that of a previously published putative glutamic acid decarboxylase from mouse [Huang, W.M., Reed-Fourquet, L., Wu, E. & Wu, J.Y. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 8491-8495].
Escape of cancer cells from the circulation (extravasation) is thought to be a major rate-limiting step in metastasis, with few cells being able to extravasate. Furthermore, highly metastatic cells are believed to extravasate more readily than poorly metastatic cells. We assessed in vivo the extravasation ability of highly metastatic ras-transformed NIH 3T3 cells (PAP2) versus control nontumorigenic nontransformed NIH 3T3 cells and primary mouse embryo fibroblasts. Fluorescently labeled cells were injected intravenously into chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane and analyzed by intravital videomicroscopy. The chorioallantoic membrane is an appropriate model for studying extravasation, since, at the embryonic stage used, the microvasculature exhibits a continuous basement membrane and adult permeability properties. The kinetics of extravasation were assessed by determining whether individual cells (n = 1481) were intravascular, extravascular, or in the process of extravasation, at 3, 6, and 24 h after injection. Contrary to expectations, our results showed that all three cell types extravasated with the same kinetics. By 24 h after injection > 89% of observed cells had completed extravasation from the capillary plexus. After extravasation, individual fibroblasts of all cell types demonstrated preferential migration within the mesenchymal layer toward arterioles, not to venules or lymphatics. Thus in this model and for these cells, extravasation is independent of metastatic ability. This suggests that the ability to extravasate in vivo is not necessarily predictive of subsequent metastasis formation, and that postextravasation events may be key determinants in metastasis.
Several P2X receptor subunits were recently cloned; of these, one was cloned from the rat vas deferens (P2X1) and another from pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells differentiated with nerve growth factor (P2X2). Peptides corresponding to the C-terminal portions of the predicted receptor proteins (P2X1 391-399 and P2X2 460-472) were used to generate antisera in rabbits. The specificities of antisera were determined by staining human embryonic kidney cells stably transfected with either P2X1 or P2X2 receptors and by absorption controls with the cognate peptides. In the vas deferens and the ileal submucosa, P2X1 immunoreactivity (ir) was restricted to smooth muscle, whereas P2X2-ir was restricted to neurons and their processes. Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla and PC12 cells contained both P2X1- and P2X2-ir. P2X1-ir was also found in smooth muscle cells of the bladder, cardiac myocytes, and nerve fibers and terminals in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In contrast, P2X2-ir was observed in scattered cells of the anterior pituitary, neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate and paraventricular nuclei, and catecholaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb, the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and locus coeruleus. A plexus of nerve fibers and terminals in the nucleus of the solitary tract contained P2X2-ir. This staining disappeared after nodose ganglionectomy, consistent with a presynaptic function. The location of the P2X1 subunit in smooth muscle is consistent with its role as a postjunctional receptor in autonomic transmission, while in neurons, these receptors appear in both postsynaptic and presynaptic locations.
Release of luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH), the hypothalamic peptide that controls release of LH from the adenohypophysis, is controlled by NO. There is a rich plexus of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-containing neurons and fibers in the lateral median eminence, intermingled with terminals of the LHRH neurons. To study relations between NOS and LHRH in this brain region, we measured NOS activity in incubated medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). NOS converts [14C]arginine to equimolar quantities of [14C]citrulline plus NO, which rapidly decomposes. The [14C]citrulline serves as an index of the NO produced. NOS basal activity was suppressed by incubation of the tissue with an inhibitor of NOS, nitroarginine methyl ester (NAME) (10(-5) M). Furthermore, incubation of MBH explants for 30 min with norepinephrine (NE) increased NOS activity and the increase was prevented by prazosine (10(-5) M), an alpha 1-adrenergic receptor blocker; however, direct addition of NE to the tissue homogenate or to a preparation of MBH synaptosomes did not alter enzyme activity, which suggested that NE increased the content of NOS during incubation with the tissue. After purification of NOS, the increase in enzyme content induced by NE was still measurable. This indicates that within 30 min NE increased the synthesis of NOS in vitro. Incubation of MBH or the MBH homogenate with various concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (NP), a releaser of NO, reduced NOS activity at high concentrations (> or = 0.9 mM), which were associated with either a reduction of stimulation or a plateau of LHRH release. Finally, incubation of either MBH or the homogenate with cGMP, a major mediatior of NO action, at concentrations that increased LHRH release also reduced NOS activity. These results indicate that NO at high concentrations can inactivate NOS and that cGMP can also inhibit the enzyme directly. Therefore, the increased NOS activity induced by activation of alpha 1 receptors by NE is inhibited by NO itself and a principal product of its activity, cGMP, providing negative feedback on NOS. In central nervous system (CNS) infections with high concentrations of inducible NOS produced by glial elements, the high concentrations of NO and cGMP produced may suppress LHRH release, resulting in decreased gonadotropin and gonadal steroid release.
Cells in adult primary visual cortex are capable of integrating information over much larger portions of the visual field than was originally thought. Moreover, their receptive field properties can be altered by the context within which local features are presented and by changes in visual experience. The substrate for both spatial integration and cortical plasticity is likely to be found in a plexus of long-range horizontal connections, formed by cortical pyramidal cells, which link cells within each cortical area over distances of 6-8 mm. The relationship between horizontal connections and cortical functional architecture suggests a role in visual segmentation and spatial integration. The distribution of lateral interactions within striate cortex was visualized with optical recording, and their functional consequences were explored by using comparable stimuli in human psychophysical experiments and in recordings from alert monkeys. They may represent the substrate for perceptual phenomena such as illusory contours, surface fill-in, and contour saliency. The dynamic nature of receptive field properties and cortical architecture has been seen over time scales ranging from seconds to months. One can induce a remapping of the topography of visual cortex by making focal binocular retinal lesions. Shorter-term plasticity of cortical receptive fields was observed following brief periods of visual stimulation. The mechanisms involved entailed, for the short-term changes, altering the effectiveness of existing cortical connections, and for the long-term changes, sprouting of axon collaterals and synaptogenesis. The mutability of cortical function implies a continual process of calibration and normalization of the perception of visual attributes that is dependent on sensory experience throughout adulthood and might further represent the mechanism of perceptual learning.
Heme oxygenase 2 (HO-2), which synthesizes carbon monoxide (CO), has been localized by immunohistochemistry to endothelial cells and adventitial nerves of blood vessels. HO-2 is also localized to neurons in autonomic ganglia, including the petrosal, superior cervical, and nodose ganglia, as well as ganglia in the myenteric plexus of the intestine. Enzyme studies demonstrated that tin protoporphyrin-9 is a selective inhibitor of HO with approximately 10-fold selectivity for HO over endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and soluble guanylyl cyclase. Inhibition of HO activity by tin protoporphyrin 9 reverses the component of endothelial-derived relaxation of porcine distal pulmonary arteries not reversed by an inhibitor of NOS. Thus, CO, like NO, may have endothelial-derived relaxing activity. The similarity of NOS and HO-2 localizations and functions in blood vessels and the autonomic nervous system implies complementary and possibly coordinated physiologic roles for these two mediators.
We have isolated overlapping cDNAs encoding the N-terminal non-triple-helical region of mouse alpha 1(XVIII) collagen and shown that three different variants of alpha 1(XVIII) collagen exist. Each of the three variants shows characteristic tissue-specific expression patterns. Immunohistochemical studies show positive staining for alpha 1(XVIII) collagen along the basement membrane zones of vessels in the intestinal villi, the choroid plexus, skin, liver, and kidney. Thus, we conclude that alpha 1(XVIII) collagen may interact (directly or indirectly) with components in basement membrane zones or on the basal surface of endothelial/epithelial cells.
The acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analog 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (PMEA) was recently found to be effective as an inhibitor of visna virus replication and cytopathic effect in sheep choroid plexus cultures. To study whether PMEA also affects visna virus infection in sheep, two groups of four lambs each were inoculated intracerebrally with 10(6.3) TCID50 of visna virus strain KV1772 and treated subcutaneously three times a week with PMEA at 10 and 25 mg/kg, respectively. The treatment was begun on the day of virus inoculation and continued for 6 weeks. A group of four lambs were infected in the same way but were not treated. The lambs were bled weekly or biweekly and the leukocytes were tested for virus. At 7 weeks after infection, the animals were sacrificed, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and samples of tissue from various areas of the brain and from lungs, spleen, and lymph nodes were collected for isolation of virus and for histopathologic examination. The PMEA treatment had a striking effect on visna virus infection, which was similar for both doses of the drug. Thus, the frequency of virus isolations was much lower in PMEA-treated than in untreated lambs. The difference was particularly pronounced in the blood, CSF, and brain tissue. Furthermore, CSF cell counts were much lower and inflammatory lesions in the brain were much less severe in the treated lambs than in the untreated controls. The results indicate that PMEA inhibits the propagation and spread of visna virus in infected lambs and prevents brain lesions, at least during early infection. The drug caused no noticeable side effects during the 6 weeks of treatment.
O trato gastrointestinal (TGI) é a principal rota de exposição ao fluoreto (F) e o seu mais importante sítio de absorção. Acredita-se que a toxicidade do F comprometa a fisiologia do intestino, devido à relevante sintomatologia gastrointestinal relatada em consequência da exposição excessiva ao F. A função intestinal é controlada por uma complexa rede neuronal interligada e incorporada à parede deste órgão, denominada Sistema Nervoso Entérico (SNE). Embora os efeitos tóxicos do F sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central sejam descritos na literatura, não há estudos relacionados à sua toxicidade sobre o SNE. Neste estudo realizado em ratos, foi avaliado o efeito da exposição aguda ou crônica ao F, sobre a população geral de neurônios entéricos e sobre as subpopulações que expressam os principais neurotransmissores entéricos: Acetilcolina (ACh), Óxido Nítrico (NO), Peptídeo Vasoativo Intestinal (VIP), Peptídeo Relacionado ao Gene da Calcitonina (CGRP) e Substância P (SP). Os animais foram divididos em 5 grupos: 3 destinados à exposição crônica (0 ppm, 10 ppm ou 50 ppm de F na água de beber) e 2 à exposição aguda (0 ou 25 mgF/Kg por gavagem gástrica). Foram coletados os 3 segmentos do intestino delgado (duodeno, jejuno e íleo) e processados para a detecção da HuC/D, ChAT, nNOS, VIP, CGRP e SP, através de técnicas de imunofluorescência, no plexo mioentérico. Foram obtidas imagens para a realização da análise quantitativa dos neurônios da população geral (HuC/D) e nitrérgicos (imunorreativos à nNOS); e morfométrica dos neurônios imunorreativos à HuC/D ou nNOS; e das varicosidades imunorreativas à ChAT, VIP, CGRP ou SP. Amostras dos 3 segmentos intestinais foram preparadas e coradas em Hematoxilina e Eosina para análise histológica da morfologia básica. O segmento intestinal considerado mais afetado na análise morfométrica da população geral de neurônios, o duodeno, foi selecionado para a realização da análise proteômica, com o objetivo de oferecer o seu perfil proteico e determinar diferenças na expressão proteica em decorrência da exposição crônica ou aguda ao F. A análise da concentração de F no plasma sanguíneo foi realizada para a confirmação da exposição. Na análise quantitativa, o grupo de 50 ppm F, apresentou uma diminuição significativa na densidade da população geral de neurônios do jejuno e do íleo e na densidade dos neurônios imunorreativos à nNOS no duodeno e no jejuno. Quanto à análise morfométrica, a população geral e as subpopulações neuronais entéricas avaliadas apresentaram alterações morfológicas significativas, tanto após a exposição crônica quanto a aguda. Para a análise proteômica do duodeno, verificou-se que da associação de seus genes a um termo, e assim classificadas de acordo com diferentes processos biológicos. No caso do grupo da dose aguda, o processo biológico com a maior porcentagem de genes associados foi a geração de metabólitos precursores e energia (27% das proteínas); enquanto para os grupos de 10 e 50 ppm F foram o processo metabólico da piridina (41%) e a polimerização proteica (33%), respectivamente.
A tranferência nuclear de células somáticas (TNCS) está sendo utilizada para produzir cavalos de elite. No entanto, durante este procedimento pode ocorrer a perfuração da zona pelúcida, levando, ocasionalmente, à secção da massa celular interna, e conseqüente derivação de gêmeos monozigóticos. Além de serem relatadas alterações no processo de imprinting genômico, que conduzem ao desenvolvimento de doenças. Com a descoberta da possibilidade de reprogramar as células somáticas a um estado de pluripotência (iPSCs), estas células passaram a ser muito utilizadas em pesquisas de neurociência. Contudo, também ocorrem modificações epigenéticas durante esta reprogramação celular. Portanto, nossas hipóteses são que os gêmeos eqüinos gerados pela TNCS podem levar às irregularidades no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso. O padrão de metilação do SNRPN nas estruturas dos fetos muares clonados, e as células iPSCs são diferentes dos padrões encontrados nos muares analisados. A expressão dos genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A são maiores no cérebro, enquanto a expressão do H19 é maior nas membranas extra-embrionárias. Em nosso estudo, obtivemos duas gestações gemelares equinas derivadas da TNCS, que foram interrompidas com 40 e 60 dias de gestação, e comparados com gestações eqüinas únicas de idade similar. Diferenças no comprimento entre os embriões gêmeos foram observadas aos 40 (2.0 e 2.2 cm 10%) e aos 60 (6,5 e 8,5 cm 24%) dias de gestação. Somente o plexo coróide do quarto ventrículo apresentou-se mais desenvolvido nos fetos com maior comprimento. Ao analisarmos fetos muares clonados em diferentes idades gestacionais e compará-los com muares, nos períodos embrionário, fetal e adulto, não foi observada diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, na décima passagem das células iPSC o padrão de metilação alterou, em relação aos muares estudados e ao padrão observado nos fibroblastos. Ao analisarmos os fetos clonados nas diferentes idades gestacionais observou-se no cérebro menor expressão dos gene H19 e UBE3A, e maior expressão do gene SNRPN. Contudo, a expressão do gene Necdin variou entre as estruturas estudadas. Em conclusão, apesar dos gêmeos eqüinos provenientes de TNCS diferirem quanto ao tamanho, morfologicamente são iguais. Dentre as estruturas cerebrais o plexo coróide se apresentou mais desenvolvido nos fetos de maior comprimento. Os fetos muares clonados não apresentaram diferença no padrão de metilação do gene SNRPN. No entanto, as iPSCs apresentaram alteração no padrão de metilação deste gene na décima passagem. Embora os genes SNRPN, Necdin e UBE3A sejam expressos no cérebro, o SNRPN apresentou-se prevalente nessa estrutura
A lesão do plexo braquial é considerada a alteração neural mais grave das extremidades. A principal causa é o trauma de alta energia, especialmente acidentes envolvendo veículos a motor. Por este motivo, as lesões traumáticas do plexo braquial são cada vez mais frequentes. O presente estudo avaliou a acurácia da ressonância magnética (RM) no diagnóstico das lesões traumáticas do plexo braquial no adulto, utilizando o achado intraoperatório como padrão-ouro. Também foi avaliada a acurácia da neurografia pesada em difusão (neurografia DW) em relação à RM convencional e a capacidade de diferenciação dos três tipos de lesão: avulsão, ruptura e lesão em continuidade. Trinta e três pacientes com história e diagnóstico clínico de lesão traumática do plexo braquial foram prospectivamente estudados por RM. Os achados obtidos pela RM sem e com o uso da neurografia DW, e os achados de exame clínico foram comparados com os achados intraoperatórios. A análise estatística foi feita com associação de significância de 5%. Observou-se alta correlação entre a RM com neurografia DW e a cirurgia (rs=0,79), e baixa correlação entre a RM convencional e a cirurgia (rs=0,41). A correlação interobservador foi maior para a RM com neurografia DW (rs = 0,94) do que para a RM sem neurografia DW (rs = 0,75). Os resultados de sensibilidade, acurácia e valor preditivo positivo foram acima de 95% para as RM com e sem neurografia DW no estudo de todo o plexo. As especificidades foram, em geral, maiores para a neurografia DW (p < 0,05). Em relação à diferenciação dos tipos de lesão, a RM com neurografia DW apresentou altas acurácias e sensibilidades no diagnóstico da avulsão/rotura, e alta especificidade no diagnóstico da lesão em continuidade. A acurácia da RM (93,9%) foi significativamente maior que a do exame clínico (76,5%) no diagnóstico das lesões de todo o plexo braquial (p < 0,05).