306 resultados para Planing hulls


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Brazil is a great ceramic raw materials productor because of the its big number of clay deposits, in various areas of the ceramic industry. Although, the majority of the natural reservations are unknown or not studied yet, so there is no scientific technical dates that can guide their usage and industrial application, as well as the racional and optimazed way of usage by the industrial sector. The state of Maranhão has a gigant mineral wealth as esmectite, bentonite, kaolin, clays, feldspates, marine salt, iron and others, but produce only products with small agregated value compared to the porcelanato, one of the most expensives ceramic cover tiles, the reason for that is the low water absorption (lower than 0,5%), beside present amazing tecnicals features, like mechanical resistence. The main objective of the work is to do the characterization of four clays, with the finallity of find an application by the results and develop formulations to produce porcelanato using these raw materials from Timon-MA. For this were made the raw materials characterization using X ray fluorecence; X ray diffraction; Differencial thermal analysis; Dilatometric analysis and Tecnological properties, planing three formulations that were sinterized at six different temperatures: 1150, 1170, 1190, 1210, 1230 and 1250ºC for 7 minutes. After the sinteratization, the samples were submitted to tension resistance analysis. Were attained two formulations with the requested properties to produce porcelanato


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The effluents released by the textile industry have high concentrations of alkali, carbohydrates, proteins, in addition to colors containing heavy metals. Therefore, a filter was prepared aiming primarily to the removal of color. In order to prepare this filter, rice hulls and diatomite were used, which have in their structure, basically amorphous hydrated silica. The silica exists in three crystalline forms: quartz, tridymite and cristobalite. In accordance with the above considerations, this study was divided into two stages; the first corresponds to the preparation of the filter and the second to carry out the tests in the effluent/filter in order to verify the efficiency of the color removal. First, the raw material was subjected to a chemical analysis and XRD, and then the diatomite was mixed, via humid, with a planetarium windmill with 20 %, 40 %, 60 % and 80 % of rice husk ash. To the mixture, 5 % carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was added as a binder at room temperature. The samples were uniaxially compacted into metallic matrix of 0.3 x 0.1 cm² of area at a pressure of 167 MPa by means of hydraulic press and then sintered at temperatures of 1,000 °C, 1,200 °C and 1,400 °C for 1 h and submitted to granulometry test using laser, linear retraction, water absorption, apparent porosity and resistance to bending, DTA, TMA and XRD. To examine the pore structure of the samples scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used. Also tests were carried out in a mercury porosimeter to verify the average size of the pores and real density of the samples. In the second stage, samples of the effluent were collected from a local industry, whose name will be preserved, located in Igapó, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - RN. The effluent was first pretreated before filtration and then subjected to a treatment of flotation. The effluent was then characterized before and after filtration, with parameters of color, turbidity, suspended solids, pH, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD). Thus, through the XRD analysis the formation of cristobalite α in all samples was observed. The best average size of pore was found to be 1.75 μm with 61.04 % apparent porosity, thus obtaining an average 97.9 % color removal and 99.8 % removal of suspended solid


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The MCM-41 mesoporous synthesis was done using rice hulls ash and chrysotile as natural alternative silica sources. For the using of these sources, chemical and thermic treatments were done in both materials. After chemical and thermic treatments, these materials were employed on the MCM-41 mesoctructures synthesis. The natural materials treated and employed in the synthesis were characterized by several techniques such as X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption and desorption, scanning electronic microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. MCM-41 standart samples synthetized with aerosil 200 commercial sílica were used to evaluation. The formed material from rice hulls ash showed values from BET specific area about 468 m².g-1, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms and loss mass similar to reference materials. The silica from chrysotile calcined and leached was employed to mesoporous materials synthesis. The BET specific area showed values about 700 m².g-1, N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms type IV and loss mass similar to mesoporous materials. The formed material from calcined and leached chrysotile, without calcination, applied to phenol remotion carried high performance liquid chromatography and evaluated with organophilic clays with different treatments. By the characterization techniques were proved that mesoporous materials with lesser order that reference samples. The material formed from rice hulls ash without the calcination step achieved better adsorption results than organophilic clays


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs), da adubação e da composição do substrato no crescimento de mudas de Eugenia uniflora. As sementes foram germinadas em vermiculita média e repicadas para tubetes (100 cm3) contendo substratos à base de vermicomposto e casca de arroz carbonizada e, como controle, utilizou-se do substrato comercial à base de casca de pínus. Estes substratos foram testados com e sem inoculação micorrízica, adicionada ao substrato, como também se testaram a presença e a ausência de adubação de cobertura. Foram analisadas as propriedades físico-químicas dos substratos formulados. Avaliaram-se a altura, o diâmetro do colo, a agregação das raízes ao substrato, a biomassa seca aérea, a biomassa seca radicial e foram determinados a relação entre altura e diâmetro do colo e o índice de qualidade de Dickson. A inoculação com FMAs não influenciou no crescimento das mudas, enquanto a interação entre substratos e adubação foi significativa para a maioria das variáveis. A ausência de resposta aos FMAs foi, provavelmente, devido às altas concentrações de fósforo nestes substratos. Concluiu-se que o substrato à base de vermicomposto e casca de arroz carbonizada, na proporção de 20/80, pode ser utilizado na produção de mudas desta espécie.


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A pilot program for Aboriginal people with diabetes on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, aimed to test the acceptability and impact of using the Flinders model of self-management care planing to improve patient self-management. A community development approach was used to conduct a twelve-month demonstration project. Aboriginal health workers (AHWs) conducted patient-centred, self-management assessment and care planning. Impacts were measured by patient-completed diabetes self-management assessment tool, goal achievement, quality of life and clinical measures at baseline and 12 months. Impact and acceptability were also assessed by semi-structured interviews and focus groups of AHWs. Sixty Aboriginal people with type 2 diabetes stated their main problems as family and social dysfunction, access to services, nutrition and exercise. Problems improved by 12% and goals by 26%, while quality of life scores showed no significant change. Self-management scores improved in five of six domains. Mean HbA1c reduced from 8.74-8.09 and mean blood pressure was unchanged. AHWs found the process acceptable and appropriate for them and their patients. It was concluded that a diabetes self-management program provided by AHWs is acceptable, improves self-management and is seen to be useful by Aboriginal communities. Barriers include lack of preventative health services, social problems and time pressure on staff. Enablers include community concern regarding the prevalence and mortality associated with diabetes.


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Les biofilms bactériens sont composés d’organismes unicellulaires vivants au sein d’une matrice protectrice, formée de macromolécules naturelles. Des biofilms non désirés peuvent avoir un certain nombre de conséquences néfastes, par exemple la diminution du transfert de chaleur dans les échangeurs de chaleurs, l’obstruction de membranes poreuses, la contamination des surfaces coques de navires, etc. Par ailleurs, les bactéries pathogènes qui prolifèrent dans un biofilm posent également un danger pour la santé s’ils croissent sur des surfaces médicales synthétiques comme des implants biomédicaux, cathéters ou des lentilles de vue. De plus, la croissance sur le tissu naturel par certaines souches des bactéries peut être fatale, comme Pseudomonas aeruginosa dans les poumons. Cependant, la présence de biofilms reste difficile à traiter, car les bactéries sont protégées par une matrice extracellulaire. Pour tenter de remédier à ces problèmes, nous proposons de développer une surface antisalissure (antifouling) qui libère sur demande des agents antimicrobiens. La proximité et la disposition du système de relargage placé sous le biofilm, assureront une utilisation plus efficace des molécules antimicrobiennes et minimiseront les effets secondaires de ces dernières. Pour ce faire, nous envisageons l’utilisation d’une couche de particules de silice mésoporeuses comme agents de livraison d’agents antimicrobiens. Les nanoparticules de silice mésoporeuses (MSNs) ont démontré un fort potentiel pour la livraison ciblée d’agents thérapeutiques et bioactifs. Leur utilisation en nano médecine découle de leurs propriétés de porosité intéressantes, de la taille et de la forme ajustable de ces particules, de la chimie de leur surface et leur biocompatibilité. Ces propriétés offrent une flexibilité pour diverses applications. De plus, il est possible de les charger avec différentes molécules ou biomolécules (de tailles variées, allant de l’ibuprofène à l’ARN) et d’exercer un contrôle précis des paramètres d’adsorption et des cinétiques de relargage (désorption). Mots Clés : biofilms, nanoparticules de silice mésoporeuses, microfluidique, surface antisalissure.