962 resultados para Piste ciclabili, SUMO, SumoPy, GPS, OpenStreetMap


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Estimation of tropospheric gradients in GNSS data processing is a well-known technique to improve positioning (e.g. Bar-Sever et al., 1998; Chen and Herring, 1997). More recently, several authors also focused on the estimation of such parameters for meteorological studies and demonstrated their potential benefits (e.g. Champollion et al., 2004). Today, they are routinely estimated by several global and regional GNSS analysis centres but they are still not yet used for operational meteorology.This paper discusses the physical meaning of tropospheric gradients estimated from GPS observations recorded in 2011 by 13 permanent stations located in Corsica Island (a French Island in the western part of Italy). Corsica Island is a particularly interesting location for such study as it presents a significant environmental contrast between the continent and the sea, as well as a steep topography.Therefore, we estimated Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) and tropospheric gradients using two software: GAMIT/GLOBK (GAMIT version 10.5) and GIPSY-OASIS II version 6.1. Our results are then compared to radiosonde observations and to the IGS final troposphere products. For all stations we found a good agreement between the ZWD estimated by the two software (the mean of the ZWD differences is 1 mm with a standard deviation of 6 mm) but the tropospheric gradients are in less good agreement (the mean of the gradient differences is 0.1 mm with a standard deviation of 0.7 mm), despite the differences in the processing strategy (double-differences for GAMIT/GLOBK versus zero-difference for GIPSY-OASIS).We also observe that gradient amplitudes are correlated with the seasonal behaviour of the humidity. Like ZWD estimates, they are larger in summer than in winter. Their directions are stable over the time but not correlated with the IWV anomaly observed by ERA-Interim. Tropospheric gradients observed at many sites always point to inland throughout the year. These preferred directions are almost opposite to the largest slope of the local topography as derived from the world Digital Elevation Model ASTER GDEM v2. These first results give a physical meaning to gradients but the origin of such directions need further investigations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study aimed to compare the planimetric survey data of an area equivalent to a small rural property, through values of longitudes e latitudes obtained by a GPS navigation with a conventional survey data. The value of the area obtained with the navigation receiver showed a small difference when compared with the conventional system. Points located under large vegetal cover had impaired reading of coordinates. The navigation receiver can be used to get measurements inside the property for planning purposes and also for measuring he land perimeter, but not for legal purposes. The Google planimeter result in the same area as the one from the conventional survey data.


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Aiming to evaluate the methodologies of surveys related with the specifications of Geo-referencing Rural Parcels in Brazil, established by INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform), in attendance to the Law 10.267/01, and considering aspects of precision and accuracy, a test area was set up in the Assentamento Florestan Fernandes, in the county of Presidente Bernardes, SP. This area was subdivided in three sub-areas in order to simulate the existence of three contiguous rural parcels. The first stage of work consisted in the implantation and determination of the control points coordinates in their respective areas. These control points were determined by the process of direct transport, using dual frequency (L1/L2) GPS receivers and through the process of traverse with baselines of up to 20 km, using single frequency receivers (L1). The coordinates of the points of the perimeter of the three sub-areas were determined using single frequency GPS receivers, from two survey methods, both using static relative positioning. The first one, so called traverse, each point that delimits the property was occupied successively, starting from the control point and closing at another. In other, denominated double irradiation, each point of the property was irradiated from two control points. These procedures were accomplished with the intention to define and to implement a mistake control strategy, to realize redundancy measurements and to use an adjustment method correctly, to obtain trustworthily values in the patterns demanded in each kind of survey. With the data collected and processed some analyses could be accomplished from the discrepancies between the coordinates obtained by different methodologies. The results show that this test area may be used to validate other methodologies and equipments. The results were satisfactory and attended the specifications of Geo-referencing Rural Parcel.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Highlights • Wildlife Services used GIS and GPS to document and track bait distribution during each bait drop. • GIS and GPS were critical in making this eradication project effective and environmentally safe. • Use of the technologies ensured the coverage necessary for the project's goals.


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This paper presents preliminary results to determine small displacements of a global positioning system (GPS) antenna fastened to a structure using only one L1 GPS receiver. Vibrations, periodic or not, are common in large structures, such as bridges, footbridges, tall buildings, and towers under dynamic loads. The behavior in time and frequency leads to structural analysis studies. The hypothesis of this article is that any large structure that presents vibrations in the centimeter-to-millimeter range can be monitored by phase measurements of a single L1 receiver with a high data rate, as long as the direction of the displacement is pointing to a particular satellite. Within this scenario, the carrier phase will be modulated by antenna displacement. During a period of a few dozen seconds, the relative displacement to the satellite, the satellite clock, and the atmospheric phase delays can be assumed as a polynomial time function. The residuals from a polynomial adjustment contain the phase modulation owing to small displacements, random noise, receiver clock short time instabilities, and multipath. The results showed that it is possible to detect displacements of centimeters in the phase data of a single satellite and millimeters in the difference between the phases of two satellites. After applying a periodic nonsinusoidal displacement of 10 m to the antenna, it is clearly recovered in the difference of the residuals. The time domain spectrum obtained by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) exhibited a defined peak of the third harmonic much more than the random noise using the proposed third-degree polynomial model. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000070. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Presentación del Proyecto Fin de Carrera titulado "Estudio y Diseño de un Cabezal de Recepción para GPS mediante APLAC"


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Da ormai sette anni la stazione permanente GPS di Baia Terranova acquisisce dati giornalieri che opportunamente elaborati consentono di contribuire alla comprensione della dinamica antartica e a verificare se modelli globali di natura geofisica siano aderenti all’area di interesse della stazione GPS permanente. Da ricerche bibliografiche condotte si è dedotto che una serie GPS presenta molteplici possibili perturbazioni principalmente dovute a errori nella modellizzazione di alcuni dati ancillari necessari al processamento. Non solo, da alcune analisi svolte, è emerso come tali serie temporali ricavate da rilievi geodetici, siano afflitte da differenti tipologie di rumore che possono alterare, se non opportunamente considerate, i parametri di interesse per le interpretazioni geofisiche del dato. Il lavoro di tesi consiste nel comprendere in che misura tali errori, possano incidere sui parametri dinamici che caratterizzano il moto della stazione permanente, facendo particolare riferimento alla velocità del punto sul quale la stazione è installata e sugli eventuali segnali periodici che possono essere individuati.