976 resultados para Phylogeny -- Molecular aspects
Switzerland has a complex human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic involving several populations. We examined transmission of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) in a national cohort study. Latent class analysis was used to identify socioeconomic and behavioral groups among 6,027 patients enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study between 2000 and 2011. Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data, available for 4,013 patients, was used to identify transmission clusters. Concordance between sociobehavioral groups and transmission clusters was assessed in correlation and multiple correspondence analyses. A total of 2,696 patients were infected with subtype B, 203 with subtype C, 196 with subtype A, and 733 with recombinant subtypes (mainly CRF02_AG and CRF01_AE). Latent class analysis identified 8 patient groups. Most transmission clusters of subtype B were shared between groups of gay men (groups 1-3) or between the heterosexual groups "heterosexual people of lower socioeconomic position" (group 4) and "injection drug users" (group 8). Clusters linking homosexual and heterosexual groups were associated with "older heterosexual and gay people on welfare" (group 5). "Migrant women in heterosexual partnerships" (group 6) and "heterosexual migrants on welfare" (group 7) shared non-B clusters with groups 4 and 5. Combining approaches from social and molecular epidemiology can provide insights into HIV-1 transmission and inform the design of prevention strategies.
Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbiosis with roots of approximately 80% of known land plants. These fungi play a key role in the ecology and adaptation of plants to various ecosystems.by increasing the plant resources for various nutrients. Despite their important ecological role, we still have poor understanding of their genetic structure and their molecular evolution. The work presented in this thesis aims to isolate and analyse AMF genes with various molecular techniques, in order to obtain new insights about their genetics, phylogeny and molecular evolution. Some AMF genes were shown through phylogenetic analyses to be more related with plants or mycoparasites than with other fungal organisms. These results led to the prediction that lateral gene transfers (LGT) occurred between AMF and plants during their long-term co-évolution. By phylogenetic and molecular analyses, in the chapter 2 I demonstrate that the hypothesis of LGT is most likely a consequence of analyses carried out on contaminant non AMF-DNA. In addition, various features characteristic of AMF genes have been determined, allowing researchers to scan their own sequence databases for potential non-AMF contaminants. Phylogenetic relationships of AMF with other fungi has been mostly analysed using molecular markers of ribosomal origin. In chapter 2 I successfully isolated gene encoding α- and ß-tubulins from several AMF genera. Consequently, phylogenetic analyses showed that AMF possess an unexpected relationship with ancestral aquatic fungi (chytrids). These results are consistent with the prediction stating that AMF may have played an important role in the colonisation of land by green plants through the establishment of a symbiosis and after the divergence of AMF from aquatic ancestors. In Chapter 4 I tried to isolate the entire AMF gene family encoding P-Type II ATPases, in order to determine their molecular evolution with the fungal kingdom. These genes were further analysed to detect the level of sequence polymorphism that is present within an AMF population. The results obtained show that mutational events previously thought as occurring only among divergent evolutionary lineages (gene duplications, indel mutations in coding regions) can occur within a single population of AMF. These results have far reaching consequences for our understanding of the genetics and ecology of AMF. Résumé Les champignons endomycorrhiziens arbusculaires (CEA) forment une symbiose racinaire avec environ 80% des plantes vasculaires connues. Ces champignons possèdent un rôle important dans l'écologie et l'adaptation des plantes au sein de différents écosystèmes en .augmentant leurs ressources en nutriments. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse se propose d'isoler et d'analyser certains gènes de CEA avec différentes techniques moléculaires à fin d'obtenir de pÌus amples informations concernant l'évolution moléculaire, la phylogénie et leur diversité génétique à diverses échelles taxonomiques. Certaines analyses phylogénétiques des CEA ont conduit à l'hypothèse que des transferts horizontaux de gènes (THG) ont pu avoir lieu durant leur longue co-évolution avec les plantes vasculaires. Dans le chapitre 2 de cette thèse nous démontrons par analyses moléculaire et phylogénétique que l'hypothèse de THG est une conséquence de contaminations à partir d'ADN de plante ou d'autres micro-organismes. De plus, de nombreuses caractéristiques moléculaires de CEA ont pu être déterminées, permettant la mise en place d'un plan à suivre lors de l'analyse de gènes de CEA dans les études futures. Les relations évolutives des. CEA avec d'autres champignons ont été analysées majoritairement à l'aide de marqueurs moléculaires d'origine ribosomiale. Dans les chapitres 2 et 3 j'ai isolé des gènes codant pour l'a- et la ß-tubuline chez différents genres, de CEA. Les analyses phylogénétiques ont démontré une parenté entre les CEA et des champignons aquatiques ancestraux (chytrides). Ces résultats sont en accord avec l'hypothèse selon laquelle les CEA ont probablement joué un rôle primordial dans l'établissement des plantes sur terre à travers une symbiose et suite à leur évolution à partir d'ancêtres vivant dans des milieux aquatiques: Dans le chapitre 4 j'ai isolé une entière famille de gènes chez les CEA codant des ATPases de la membrane plasmique, et étudié leur évolution moléculaire dans le règne des champignons. Ces mêmes gènes ont été analysés ultérieurement à fin de déterminer le degré de polymorphisme de séquence qui peut être présent au sein d'une population de CEA. Les résultats obtenus montrent que des évènements mutationnels considérés comme apparaissant exclusivement dans des lignées évolutives très divergentes (duplication de gènes, insertions/délétions dans des régions transcrites du génome) ont lieu sein d'une même population de CEA. Cette découverte a un impact important sur nos connaissances concernant la génétique des populations des CEA et leur écologie.
We sequenced 2167 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and 16S, and 1390 bp of nuclear genes BRCA1 and ApoB in shrews taxa (Eulipotyphla, family Soricidae). The aim was to study the relationships at higher taxonomic levels within this family, and in particular the position of difficult clades such as Anourosorex and Myosorex. The data confirmed two monophyletic subfamilies, Soricinae and Crocidurinae. In the former, the tribes Anourosoricini, Blarinini, Nectogalini, Notiosoricini, and Soricini were supported. The latter was formed by the tribes Myosoricini and Crocidurini. The genus Suncus appeared to be paraphyletic and included Sylvisorex. We further suggest a biogeographical hypothesis, which shows that North America was colonized by three independent lineages of Soricinae during middle Miocene. Our hypothesis is congruent with the first fossil records for these taxa. Using molecular dating, the first exchanges between Africa and Eurasia occurred during the middle Miocene. The last one took place in the Late Miocene, with the dispersion of the genus Crocidura through the old world.
The review is focused on developmental aspects of the neuronal cytoskeleton, its molecular composition and the intracellular distribution of its elements. It includes a survey of the molecular properties of several cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulins, microtubule-associated proteins, neurofilament subunits, actins and brain spectrins. Furthermore it is addressed how microtubules, neurofilaments, microfilaments and the spectrin-based membrane cytoskeleton are involved in the generation of the neuronal cytoarchitecture, and how changes in the molecular composition of the cytoskeleton during the differentiation process of a neuron may correlate with cell function.
Résumé Les Soricidae sont l'une des plus grandes familles de mammifères avec plus de 300 espèces décrites. Elle a été récemment divisée en trois sous-familles, les Soricidae, qui sont distribuées dans la région Holarctique, les Crocidurinae en Afrique et en Eurasie, et les Myosoricinae en Afrique. La diversité spécifique de cette famille a conduit à des interprétations taxonomiques multiples, qui sont à l'origine de polémiques entre spécialistes, et même les premiers résultats moléculaires ont été fortement contradictoires. Le but de cette thèse est donc d'appliquer des meilleures techniques sur des échantillons mieux ciblés, afin de résoudre les contradictions taxonomiques et comprendre l'histoire de cette famille. Par le biais de marqueurs génétiques mitochondriaux et nucléaires, j'ai étudié: (i) Les relations taxonomiques à différent niveaux hiérarchiques au sein des Soricidae, c'est-à dire, entre les sous-familles, tribus, et genres, ainsi qu'au sein de deux complexes d'espèces largement distribués, et d'une espèce européenne, le but étant d'établir la congruence entre les données génétiques et les interprétations morphologiques classiques. (ii) Les relations biogéographiques, soit l'origine potentielle des différentes sous-familles, tribus, et genres, le nombre d'échanges intercontinentaux, ainsi que la structure phylogéographique à un niveau (péri)-spécifique, afin d'établir l'histoire de la diversification de cette famille. Les analyses combinées d'ADN mitochondrial et nucléaire ont montré un rapport clair entre les taxa à un niveau taxonomique élevé, mettant en évidence les rapports entre les sous-familles, les tribus, et les genres. Bien que Myosorex constitue un groupe monophylétique distinct, sa définition en tant que sous-famille séparée ne peut pas être reconnue. Ainsi, nous proposons d'attribuer un niveau de tribu pour ce clade (inclus dans les Crocidurinae). Nous avons également montré l'inclusion du genre Anourosorex dans les Soricinae et non en position basale dans les Soricidae. Au sein des Crocidurinae, Suncus s'est révélé être paraphylétique, et le genre Diplomesodon devrait être considéré d'un point de vue génétique comme invalide, puisque il se trouve au sein du clade du genre Crocidura. À un niveau taxonomique plus bas, nous avons montré la monophylie de deux complexes d'espèces largement distribués, le groupe de C. suaveolens et de C. olivieri. Néanmoins à l'intérieur de ceux-ci, des différences majeures avec la classification morphologique se sont révélées. Par exemples, C. sibirica n'est pas une espèce valide, les analyses de phylogénie moléculaire ne montrant pas de variations génétiques entre celle-ci et un échantillon de la localité type de C. suaveolens. D'un point de vue biogéographique, les fluctuations climatiques et les activités tectoniques des 20 derniers millions d'années ont fortement influencé la diversité actuelle des Soricidae. À un niveau taxonomique élevé, l'apparition de connexions de terre temporaires entre le Vieux et le Nouveau Monde au Miocène moyen ont mené à plusieurs colonisations indépendantes de l'Amérique par les Soricinae. Celles-ci ónt conduit à une diversification d'une tribu (Notiosoricini), ainsi que de genres (par ex: Cryptotis, Blarina) et d'un sous-genre (Otisorex) endémique au Néarctique. Dans le Vieux Monde, les barrières entre l'Afrique et Eurasie étaient plus perméables, menant à plusieurs échanges bidirectionnels de Crocidurinae. La diversification des clades principaux s'est produite au Miocène, certains clades étant endémiques d'Afrique ou d'Eurasie, tandis que d'autres se sont diversifiés à travers le Vieux Monde. À un niveau spécifique ou péri-spécifique, la fluctuation climatique du Pliocène et les glaciations du Pléistocène ont fortement divisé les populations dans tout le Paléarctique, menant à des entités génétiques distinctes. En Europe, les populations du groupe de C. suaveolens ont été divisées en une lignée Sud-Ouest et une Sud-Est, alors qu'au Proche-Orient et au Moyen-Orient, la diversité de clades est plus importante. En conclusion, mes études ont révélé que du Miocène à nos jours, la diversification des Soricidae a été provoquée par la colonisation de nouveaux habitats (dispersion), ainsi que par l'isolement des populations par diverses barrières (vicariance). Abstract The Soricidae is one of the largest mammalian families with more than 300 species described. It has been recently divided into three subfamilies, the Soricinae, which are distributed in the Holartic region, the Crocidurinae in Africa and Eurasia, and the Myosoricinae in Africa. The specific diversity of this family have led to multiple systematic interpretations and controversies between authors. Fortunately, today, cytotaxonomic, allozymic and molecular studies have permitted to clarify some uncertainties. Nevertheless, the Soricidae remains still poorly known. In this thesis, we aim at understanding with the use of mitochondrial and nuclear markers: (i) the taxonomic relationships at different hierarchical levels within Soricidae, i.e., between the subfamilies, tribes, and genera, as well as within two largely distributed species complexes, and within a European species, the goal being to establish congruence between the genetic data and traditional morphological interpretations; (ii) the biogeographic relationships, especially the potential origin of the different subfamilies, tribes, and genera, the number of transcontinental exchanges, as well as the phylogeographic structure at a (peri)-specific level, in order to establish the history of the genetic diversification of this family. The combined analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA highlight for the first time a clear relationship between taxa at a high taxonomical level, permitting to distinguish the relationships between subfamilies, tribes, and genera. Although Myosorex formed a distinct monophyletic group, its definition as a distinct sub-family cannot be advocated. Thus, we propose to attribute a tribe level for this Glade (included within the Crocidurinae). Additionally, this combination of genes pleads in favour of the inclusion of the genus Anourosorex within the Soricinae and not in a basal position within the Soricidae. Within the Crocidurinae, Suncus appeared to be paraphyletic, and Diplomesodon should be considered from a genetic point of view as invalid, and is presently considered as Crocidura. At a lower taxonomic level, we showed the monophyly of two widely distributed species complexes, the C. suaveolens group and the C. olivieri group. Nevertheless within those, we showed major differences compared to morphological classification. For examples, C. sibirica revealed to not be a valid species, the molecular phylogenetic analyses failed to evidence genetical variations between it and samples of the type locality of C. suaveolens. In a biogeographic point of view, the climatic fluctuations and the tectonic plate activities of the last 20 Myr have strongly influenced the actual diversity of the family. At a high taxonomic level, the successive land bridge connections between the Old and the New World, which occurred during the Middle Miocene, have led to several independent colonisations of America by Soricinae, and a subsequent diversification of endemic Nearctic's tribe (Notiosoricini), genera (e.g. Cryptotis, Blaring) and sub-genus (Otisorex) within the Soricinae. Within the Old World, the barriers between Africa and Eurasia were more permeable, leading to several bidirectional exchanges within the Crocidurinae. The diversification of major clades occurred through the Miocene, some clades being endemic to Africa or Eurasia, whereas others diversified through the Old World. At a species level or a peri-specific level, the Pliocene climatic fluctuation and the Pleistocene glaciations have strongly divided the populations throughout the Palaearctic, leading to well defined genetic entities. In Europe, populations of the C. suaveolens group were split in a classical south-western and south-eastern lineage. In contrast, the Near East and the Middle East reveal many differentiated clades. In conclusion, our studies revealed that, from the Miocene to present, the diversification and speciation events within the Soricidae were caused by natural colonisation of new habitats (dispersion) and isolation of populations by various barriers (vicariance).
Mammals are characterized by specific phenotypic traits that include lactation, hair, and relatively large brains with unique structures. Individual mammalian lineages have, in turn, evolved characteristic traits that distinguish them from others. These include obvious anatom¬ical differences but also differences related to reproduction, life span, cognitive abilities, be¬havior. and disease susceptibility. However, the molecular basis of the diverse mammalian phenotypes and the selective pressures that shaped their evolution remain largely unknown. In the first part of my thesis, I analyzed the genetic factors associated with the origin of a unique mammalian phenotype lactation and I studied the selective pressures that forged the transition from oviparity to viviparity. Using a comparative genomics approach and evolutionary simulations, I showed that the emergence of lactation, as well as the appear¬ance of the casein gene family, significantly reduced selective pressure on the major egg-yolk proteins (the vitellogenin family). This led to a progressive loss of vitellogenins, which - in oviparous species - act as storage proteins for lipids, amino acids, phosphorous and calcium in the isolated egg. The passage to internal fertilization and placentation in therian mam¬mals rendered vitellogenins completely dispensable, which ended in the loss of the whole gene family in this lineage. As illustrated by the vitellogenin study, changes in gene content are one possible underlying factor for the evolution of mammalian-specific phenotypes. However, more subtle genomic changes, such as mutations in protein-coding sequences, can also greatly affect the phenotypes. In particular, it was proposed that changes at the level of gene reg¬ulation could underlie many (or even most) phenotypic differences between species. In the second part of my thesis, I participated in a major comparative study of mammalian tissue transcriptomes, with the goal of understanding how evolutionary forces affected expression patterns in the past 200 million years of mammalian evolution. I showed that, while com¬parisons of gene expressions are in agreement with the known species phylogeny, the rate of expression evolution varies greatly among lineages. Species with low effective population size, such as monotremes and hominoids, showed significantly accelerated rates of gene expression evolution. The most likely explanation for the high rate of gene expression evolution in these lineages is the accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations in regulatory regions, due to the low efficiency of purifying selection. Thus, our observations are in agreement with the nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution. I also describe substantial differences in evolutionary rates between tissues, with brain being the most constrained (especially in primates) and testis significantly accelerated. The rate of gene expression evolution also varies significantly between chromosomes. In particular, I observed an acceleration of gene expression changes on the X chromosome, probably as a result of adaptive processes associated with the origin of therian sex chromosomes. Lastly, I identified several individual genes as well as co-regulated expression modules that have undergone lineage specific expression changes and likely under¬lie various phenotypic innovations in mammals. The methods developed during my thesis, as well as the comprehensive gene content analyses and transcriptomics datasets made available by our group, will likely prove to be useful for further exploratory analyses of the diverse mammalian phenotypes.
SUMMARY : The function of sleep for the organism is one of the most persistent and perplexing questions in biology. Current findings lead to the conclusion that sleep is primarily for the brain. In particular, a role for sleep in cognitive aspects of brain function is supported by behavioral evidence both in humans and animals. However, in spite of remarkable advancement in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying sleep generation and regulation, it has been proven difficult to determine the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the beneficial effect of sleep, and the detrimental impact of sleep loss, on learning and memory processes. In my thesis, I present results that lead to several critical steps forward in the link between sleep and cognitive function. My major result is the molecular identification and physiological analysis of a protein, the NR2A subunit of NMDA receptor (NMDAR), that confers sensitivity to sleep loss to the hippocampus, a brain structure classically involved in mnemonic processes. Specifically, I used a novel behavioral approach to achieve sleep deprivation in adult C57BL6/J mice, yet minimizing the impact of secondary factors associated with the procedure,.such as stress. By using in vitro electrophysiological analysis, I show, for the first time, that sleep loss dramatically affects bidirectional plasticity at CA3 to CA1 synapses in the hippocampus, a well established cellular model of learning and memory. 4-6 hours of sleep loss elevate the modification threshold for bidirectional synaptic plasticity (MT), thereby promoting long-term depression of CA3 to CA 1 synaptic strength after stimulation in the theta frequency range (5 Hz), and rendering long-term potentiation induction.more difficult. Remarkably, 3 hours of recovery sleep, after the deprivation, reset the MT at control values, thus re-establishing the normal proneness of synapses to undergo long-term plastic changes. At the molecular level, these functional changes are paralleled by a change in the NMDAR subunit composition. In particular, the expression of the NR2A subunit protein of NMDAR at CA3 to CA1 synapses is selectively and rapidly increased by sleep deprivation, whereas recovery sleep reset NR2A synaptic content to control levels. By using an array of genetic, pharmacological and computational approaches, I demonstrate here an obligatory role for NR2A-containing NMDARs in conveying the effect of sleep loss on CA3 to CAl MT. Moreover, I show that a genetic deletion of the NR2A subunit fully preserves hippocampal plasticity from the impact of sleep loss, whereas it does not alter sleepwake behavior and homeostatic response to sleep deprivation. As to the mechanism underlying the effects of the NR2A subunit on hippocampal synaptic plasticity, I show that the increased NR2A expression after sleep loss distinctly affects the contribution of synaptic and more slowly recruited NMDAR pools activated during plasticity-induction protocols. This study represents a major step forward in understanding the mechanistic basis underlying sleep's role for the brain. By showing that sleep and sleep loss affect neuronal plasticity by regulating the expression and function of a synaptic neurotransmitter receptor, I propose that an important aspect of sleep function could consist in maintaining and regulating protein redistribution and ion channel trafficking at central synapses. These findings provide a novel starting point for investigations into the connections between sleep and learning, and they may open novel ways for pharmacological control over hippocampal .function during periods of sleep restriction. RÉSUMÉ DU PROJET La fonction du sommeil pour l'organisme est une des questions les plus persistantes et difficiles dans la biologie. Les découvertes actuelles mènent à la conclusion que le sommeil est essentiel pour le cerveau. En particulier, le rôle du sommeil dans les aspects cognitifs est soutenu par des études comportementales tant chez les humains que chez les animaux. Cependant, malgré l'avancement remarquable dans la compréhension des mécanismes sous-tendant la génération et la régulation du sommeil, les mécanismes neurobiologiques qui pourraient expliquer l'effet favorable du sommeil sur l'apprentissage et la mémoire ne sont pas encore clairs. Dans ma thèse, je présente des résultats qui aident à clarifier le lien entre le sommeil et la fonction cognitive. Mon résultat le plus significatif est l'identification moléculaire et l'analyse physiologique d'une protéine, la sous-unité NR2A du récepteur NMDA, qui rend l'hippocampe sensible à la perte de sommeil. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une nouvelle approche expérimentale qui nous a permis d'induire une privation de sommeil chez les souris C57BL6/J adultes, en minimisant l'impact de facteurs confondants comme, par exemple, le stress. En utilisant les techniques de l'électrophysiologie in vitro, j'ai démontré, pour la première fois, que la perte de sommeil est responsable d'affecter radicalement la plasticité bidirectionnelle au niveau des synapses CA3-CA1 de l'hippocampe. Cela correspond à un mécanisme cellulaire de l'apprentissage et de la mémoire bien établi. En particulier, 4-6 heures de privation de sommeil élèvent le seuil de modification pour la plasticité synaptique bidirectionnelle (SM). Comme conséquence, la dépression à long terme de la transmission synaptique est induite par la stimulation des fibres afférentes dans la bande de fréquences thêta (5 Hz), alors que la potentialisation à long terme devient plus difficile. D'autre part, 3 heures de sommeil de récupération sont suffisant pour rétablir le SM aux valeurs contrôles. Au niveau moléculaire, les changements de la plasticité synaptiques sont associés à une altération de la composition du récepteur NMDA. En particulier, l'expression synaptique de la protéine NR2A du récepteur NMDA est rapidement augmentée de manière sélective par la privation de sommeil, alors que le sommeil de récupération rétablit l'expression de la protéine au niveau contrôle. En utilisant des approches génétiques, pharmacologiques et computationnelles, j'ai démontré que les récepteurs NMDA qui expriment la sous-unité NR2A sont responsables de l'effet de la privation de sommeil sur le SM. De plus, nous avons prouvé qu'une délétion génétique de la sous-unité NR2A préserve complètement la plasticité synaptique hippocampale de l'impact de la perte de sommeil, alors que cette manipulation ne change pas les mécanismes de régulation homéostatique du sommeil. En ce qui concerne les mécanismes, j'ai .découvert que l'augmentation de l'expression de la sous-unité NR2A au niveau synaptique modifie les propriétés de la réponse du récepteur NMDA aux protocoles de stimulations utilisés pour induire la plasticité. Cette étude représente un pas en avant important dans la compréhension de la base mécaniste sous-tendant le rôle du sommeil pour le cerveau. En montrant que le sommeil et la perte de sommeil affectent la plasticité neuronale en régulant l'expression et la fonction d'un récepteur de la neurotransmission, je propose qu'un aspect important de la fonction du sommeil puisse être finalisé au règlement de la redistribution des protéines et du tracking des récepteurs aux synapses centraux. Ces découvertes fournissent un point de départ pour mieux comprendre les liens entre le sommeil et l'apprentissage, et d'ailleurs, ils peuvent ouvrir des voies pour des traitements pharmacologiques dans le .but de préserver la fonction hippocampale pendant les périodes de restriction de sommeil.
Oxalate catabolism, which can have both medical and environmental implications, is performed by phylogenetically diverse bacteria. The formyl-CoA-transferase gene was chosen as a molecular marker of the oxalotrophic function. Degenerated primers were deduced from an alignment of frc gene sequences available in databases. The specificity of primers was tested on a variety of frc-containing and frc-lacking bacteria. The frc-primers were then used to develop PCR-DGGE and real-time SybrGreen PCR assays in soils containing various amounts of oxalate. Some PCR products from pure cultures and from soil samples were cloned and sequenced. Data were used to generate a phylogenetic tree showing that environmental PCR products belonged to the target physiological group. The extent of diversity visualised on DGGE pattern was higher for soil samples containing carbonate resulting from oxalate catabolism. Moreover, the amount of frc gene copies in the investigated soils was detected in the range of 1.64x10(7) to 1.75x10(8)/g of dry soil under oxalogenic tree (representing 0.5 to 1.2% of total 16S rRNA gene copies), whereas the number of frc gene copies in the reference soil was 6.4x10(6) (or 0.2% of 16S rRNA gene copies). This indicates that oxalotrophic bacteria are numerous and widespread in soils and that a relationship exists between the presence of the oxalogenic trees Milicia excelsa and Afzelia africana and the relative abundance of oxalotrophic guilds in the total bacterial communities. This is obviously related to the accomplishment of the oxalate-carbonate pathway, which explains the alkalinization and calcium carbonate accumulation occurring below these trees in an otherwise acidic soil. The molecular tools developed in this study will allow in-depth understanding of the functional implication of these bacteria on carbonate accumulation as a way of atmospheric CO(2) sequestration.
Synaptic plasticity involves a complex molecular machinery with various protein interactions but it is not yet clear how its components give rise to the different aspects of synaptic plasticity. Here we ask whether it is possible to mathematically model synaptic plasticity by making use of known substances only. We present a model of a multistable biochemical reaction system and use it to simulate the plasticity of synaptic transmission in long-term potentiation (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD) after repeated excitation of the synapse. According to our model, we can distinguish between two phases: first, a "viscosity" phase after the first excitation, the effects of which like the activation of NMDA receptors and CaMKII fade out in the absence of further excitations. Second, a "plasticity" phase actuated by an identical subsequent excitation that follows after a short time interval and causes the temporarily altered concentrations of AMPA subunits in the postsynaptic membrane to be stabilized. We show that positive feedback is the crucial element in the core chemical reaction, i.e. the activation of the short-tail AMPA subunit by NEM-sensitive factor, which allows generating multiple stable equilibria. Three stable equilibria are related to LTP, LTD and a third unfixed state called ACTIVE. Our mathematical approach shows that modeling synaptic multistability is possible by making use of known substances like NMDA and AMPA receptors, NEM-sensitive factor, glutamate, CaMKII and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Furthermore, we could show that the heteromeric combination of short- and long-tail AMPA receptor subunits fulfills the function of a memory tag.
Traditionally, the Drosophila guarani species group has been divided into two subgroups: the guarani and the guaramunu subgroups. Two, out of the four species included in this research, are members of the guarani subgroup (D. ornatifrons Duda, 1927 and D. subbadia Paterson & Mainland, 1943) and two are included in the guaramunu subgroup (D. maculifrons Duda, 1927 and D. griseolineata Duda, 1927). However, some authors have suggested that D. maculifrons and D. griseolineata are much closer to some species of the Drosophila tripunctata group than to some of the species of the guarani group. To add new data to the matter under dispute, Polyacrylamide Gel Eletrophoresis (PAGE-SDS) was used for the analysis and comparison of protein composition and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to find differences in genomic DNA, in addition to the analysis of quantitative morphological characters previously described. Analysis of PAGE-SDS results in a dendrogram that pointed out D. subbadia as being the most distant within the Drosophila guarani group. However, these results were not supported either by RAPD analysis or by the analysis of continuous morphological characters, which supplied the clustering of D. subbadia with D. ornatifrons. Although our data give strong support to the clustering of D. subbadia and D. ornatifrons, none of the dendrograms provided a clade comprising D. maculifrons and D. griseolineata. Thus, this research does not support the traditional subdivision of the D. guarani group into those two subgroups.
Biogeographic studies dealing with Bombyliidae are rare in the literature and no information is available on its origin and early diversification. In this study, we found evidence from molecular phylogeny and from fossil record supporting a Middle Jurassic origin of the Bombylioidea, taken as a starting point to discuss the biogeography and diversification of Crocidiinae. Based on a previously published phylogenetic hypothesis, we performed a Brooks Parsimony Analysis (BPA) to discuss the biogeographical history of Crocidiinae lineages. This subfamily is mostly distributed over arid areas of the early components of the Gondwanaland: Chile and southern Africa, but also in southwestern Palaearctic and southwestern Nearctic. The vicariant events affecting the Crocidiinae biogeography at the generic level seems to be related to the sequential separation of a Laurasian clade from a Gondwanan clade followed by the splitting of the latter into smaller components. This also leads to a hypothesis of origin of the Crocidiinae in the Middle Jurassic, the same period in which other bombyliid lineages are supposed to have arisen and irradiated.
Some species of drosophilids have been intensely studied, especially in the areas of genetics and molecular biology. However, little is known about their ecology and biogeography. Here, we revise the records of Drosophilidae species in the Cerrado domain, in order to organize the available information and to recognize patterns of geographic distribution and endemism. The 43 sampled sites in this domain reveal 100 species of drosophilids (10 of them exotic to the Neotropical region), distributed in eight genera. The collections were concentrated mainly in the States of Goiás (including the Federal District) and Minas Gerais. Serra do Cipó is the site with the highest richness of these insects. Of the 90 neotropical species found in the Cerrado, 77 also occur outside this domain, most of which are in the Atlantic Forest. Since extensive areas of this domain were poorly sampled for drosophilids and most studies used only baited traps to collect the flies, this absence of endemism should be carefully considered. It is recommended new inventories in poorly sampled regions, especially in the northeastern part of the domain. Also diversification of collection methods and improvement in the taxonomy of these flies are proposed. These directions should provide a significant increase in the list of species of drosophilids of the Cerrado; and thus, increase our knowledge about its biodiversity.
Sleep disorders commonly involve genetic susceptibility, environmental effects, and interactions between these factors. The heritability of sleep patterns has been shown in studies of monozygotic twins, and sleep electroencephalogram patterns offer a unique genetic fingerprint which may assist in the identification of genes involved in the regulation of sleep. Genetic factors are also thought to play a role in sleep disorders; narcolepsy is a disabling sleep condition and research has revealed the complexity of underlying genetic and environmental influences in the development of this disorder. An understanding of sleep regulation at the molecular level is essential in the identification of new targets for the treatment of sleep disorders, and genome-wide association studies for both normal sleep and sleep disorders may shed new light on the molecular architecture of mechanisms regulating these behaviours.
The T-cell receptor (TCR) interaction with antigenic peptides (p) presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule is a key determinant of immune response. In addition, TCR-pMHC interactions offer examples of features more generally pertaining to protein-protein recognition: subtle specificity and cross-reactivity. Despite their importance, molecular details determining the TCR-pMHC binding remain unsolved. However, molecular simulation provides the opportunity to investigate some of these aspects. In this study, we perform extensive equilibrium and steered molecular dynamics simulations to study the unbinding of three TCR-pMHC complexes. As a function of the dissociation reaction coordinate, we are able to obtain converged H-bond counts and energy decompositions at different levels of detail, ranging from the full proteins, to separate residues and water molecules, down to single atoms at the interface. Many observed features do not support a previously proposed two-step model for TCR recognition. Our results also provide keys to interpret experimental point-mutation results. We highlight the role of water both in terms of interface resolvation and of water molecules trapped in the bound complex. Importantly, we illustrate how two TCRs with similar reactivity and structures can have essentially different binding strategies. Proteins 2011; © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Phylogenetic reconstructions have supported several independent appearances of C₄ photosynthesis within grasses (Poaceae). These recurrent appearances appear to contradict the large number of biochemical and morphological changes required to change from C₃ to C₄, a paradox that leads to questions about the genetic changes underlying C₄ evolution. In this study, we analysed sequences encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylases (PEPCs) in grasses in order to gain insights into the origin of the ppc-C₄ gene, which encodes a key enzyme in the C₄ pathway. We screened databanks for PEPC genes or cDNAs in grasses. A coding sequence of 1130 base pairs was used to build phylogenetic trees that supported the existence of four distinct PEPC gene lineages. Ppc-C₄ present in all C₄ grasses was also found in two C₃ species. The ppc-C₄ clade was congruent with the species tree, suggesting orthologous evolution. This result would imply that ppc-C₄ appeared without any duplication event. Nevertheless, caution is needed since the sampling of our study is still far from comprehensive. Further investigation with an increased sampling is recommended to elucidate the evolutionary changes underlying ppc-C₄ gene evolution in grasses.