794 resultados para Performance and performativity


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A total number of 720 Japanese quail females, reared under identical management conditions, and receiving feed and water ad libitum, was used. Quails were housed and reared from 1-35 days of age in litter pens in a rearing house, and then were transferred to a quail layer house. This study aimed at verifying if different beak trimming method could optimize egg production and quality by reducing stress and cannibalism among birds. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with six treatments in a 2x3 factorial arrangement, with two beak trimming ages (14 and 21 days) and three beak trimming variants (non-trimmed, 1/3 of the beak trimmed, or 1/2 of the beak trimmed), 6 replicates of 20 birds each. Performance was evaluated by feed intake, percentage of lay, egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen and per kg eggs, and mortality. Performance was influenced by trimming variant, with the best results obtained by birds with intact and those with 1/3 of the beak trimmed. Better specific gravity was in quails submitted to beak trimming at 21 days of age, whereas other egg quality parameters did not present significant results. Based the results obtained in the present study, it is recommended to submit to beak trimming either at 14 or 21 days of age.


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Three experiments were carried out to analyze the performance and egg quality of Japanese quails throughout the day when submitted to different lighting programs. In each experiment, birds were submitted to a period of 28 days for adaptation to the lighting program. During the following three days, each day - from 7 am to 7 pm or 9 pm - was divided into six or seven periods of two hours each, and the remaining hours corresponded to another single period. All birds were submitted to the same management practices, and received water and feed ad libitum. The experimental diet was formulated according to NRC (1994) standards. It was observed lower feed intake in the period of 9 pm to 7 am, and a higher incidence of lay from 3 pm to 7 pm, as opposite to hens, which peak of egg laying occurs during the morning. Some controversial results were found among experiments as to eggshell quality during the different periods of the day. Variation on the lighting program had little influence on the other performance and egg quality parameters.


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The experiment was carried out in the experimental poultry house of the Research and Development Unit of Brotas of Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios do Centro-Oeste, SP, Brazil. The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of Japanese quails submitted to forced molting aiming at optimizing the use of the same quail flock by promoting a second laying cycle. A total number of 400 67-day-old Japanese quails in lay, previously submitted to 14 days of forced molting, was distributed in a completely randomized experimental design into five treatments (T1= not submitted to forced molting, T2= 03 days of fasting + fed ad libitum, T3= 01 days of fasting + 13 days of feed restriction, T4= 02 days of fasting + 12 days of feed restriction, and T5= 03 days of fasting + 11 days of feed restriction. Feeds were contained equal nutrient levels, and were formulated according to NRC (1994) recommendations. There were significant differences among the studied treatments. Although the treatment of 3 days of fasting followed by ad libitum feeding resulted in lower egg weight, it promoted better lay percentage, egg mass, and feed conversion ratios (FCR/dz and FCR/kg). on the other hand, 3 days of fasting followed by restricted feeding resulted in higher feed intake and worse feed conversion ratios (FCR/dz and FCR/kg). When birds were not submitted to forced molting, they presented lower lay percentage and egg mass.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da densidade de energia metabolizável (EM) e lisina digestível (LIS) sobre o desempenho e a composição corporal de leitões após o desmame. Utilizaram-se 114 animais desmamados aos 7,4 ± 0,80 kg; desses animais, 108 foram alojados na unidade de creche e 6 foram abatidos no dia do desmame para determinação dos dados comparativos da composição química corporal. Seis densidades de nutrientes foram estipuladas a partir de estudo anterior, com base na maior retenção de nitrogênio, mantendo-se as seguintes relações EM:LIS nas dietas experimentais: 3.390:1,291; 3.450:1,409; 3.650:1,411; 3.780:1,461; 3.940:1,507; e 4.109 kcal/kg EM:1,564% LIS. As dietas experimentais foram oferecidas durante 13 dias, quando os leitões atingiram o peso de 12,986 ± 1,449 kg. Avaliaram-se os prováveis efeitos residuais da densidade nutricional no desempenho subseqüente dos leitões. Ao término da fase inicial-1, seis leitões de cada densidade foram abatidos para determinação da composição química nas frações corporais e no corpo vazio. Não houve influência significativa dos níveis nutricionais no desempenho dos leitões ao término da avaliação. Os resultados de conversão alimentar e composição corporal ratificam o nível indicado em estudo anterior, de 4 g LIS/Mcal. O aumento da densidade de energia e lisina confirma a necessidade da correta relação entre ambos para assegurar o melhor desempenho dos leitões na fase inicial de crescimento.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different supplementation levels of Rhodocyclus gelatinosus biomass on the performance and pigmentation of broilers. Cobb broilers were raised in pens and were fed a sorghum-based diet until 35 days of age. At the 36th day of age, ninety-six birds were randomly distributed to four treatments consisting of experimental diets with different supplementation levels of Rhodocyclus gelatinosus biomass (0, 75, 150 and 300 ppm) added to the finisher basal diet, which were given for seven days. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with four treatments, four replicates and six broilers per parcel. Birds and diets were weighed at the 36th and at the 42nd day of age for performance analysis. There was no significant effect on broiler feed intake. Significant differences in weight gain and feed conversion were seen between the control group and the groups supplemented with 75 and 150 ppm. The treatment with the highest supplementation level and the control group had best weight gain and feed conversion. Color analysis showed that R. gelatinosus biomass supplementation resulted in more yellow breast skin and increased darkening and color purity in breast and thigh meat of broilers, but had no effect on lightness or color purity of breast and thigh skins.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aiming at evaluating the influence of cyclic temperatures on the performance and egg quality of Japanese quails an experiment was carried out with 480 birds after egg production peak. Birds were housed in a bioclimatic chamber with automatic temperature control that contained two rooms, one maintained at thermoneutral temperature (21 ºC) and the other adjusted for the tested cyclic temperatures (24, 27, 30, 33 and 36 ºC at a time). Each room had a battery of five floors and ten cages, with a capacity of 24 birds per cage, totaling 240 birds per battery. Birds were fed iso-nutritious and iso-caloric diets. Data obtained under the tested cyclic temperatures were compared with those obtained under thermoneutral temperature. At the end of each experimental period (14 days) performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated. A completely randomized experimental design with two treatments (thermoneutral temperature and tested temperature) and ten replicates of 24 birds each. Cyclic increases of 27 ºC and higher in environmental temperature negatively affected bird performance, with reduced feed intake and consequent reductions in egg weight and mass. A cyclic increase of the environmental temperature to 36 ºC reduced the percentage of saleable eggs and egg production.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O ensaio experimental objetivou avaliação do efeito de diferentes níveis de cálcio (Ca) nas rações de pré-postura e postura sobre o desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais. Foram alojadas 256 frangas da linhagem Hisex Brown com 16 semanas de idade em galpão convencional de postura. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 x 2 (4 níveis de cálcio - 0,8; 1,3; 1,8 e 2,3% na pré-postura e 2 níveis de cálcio - 2,5 e 3,5% na postura), totalizando oito tratamentos com quatro repetições de oito aves por unidade experimental. Iniciou-se com a ração de pré-postura às 16 semanas de idade das aves, sendo que a mesma foi fornecida até as aves atingiram 18 semanas de idade, quando então, iniciou-se com a ração de postura. Foram avaliadas durante quatro ciclos de 28 dias as seguintes variáveis: produção e peso dos ovos, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, massa de ovos e qualidade da casca dos ovos. Através dos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que um bom desempenho foi obtido com 0,8% de cálcio na fase de pré-postura. Na fase de postura o nível de 3,5% de cálcio promoveu maior peso de ovo e melhor qualidade de casca.


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Cultivares de cafeeiro (Coffea Arabica L.) adaptadas às regiões de cultivo, com população de plantas otimizada e adequado estado nutricional são premissas para a obtenção de produções elevadas de café. Estudou-se a produção trienal de café e o teor foliar de macronutrientes de cultivares de cafeeiro em função das densidades de plantio. Foram utilizados os cultivares Catuaí Amarelo (IAC 47), Obatã (IAC 1669-20), Acaiá (IAC 474-19) e Icatu Amarelo (IAC 2944) nas populações de 2.500 plantas ha-1 com duas plantas por cova; e, 5.000, 7.519 e 10.000 plantas ha-1 com uma planta por cova. As plantas foram adubadas de modo homogêneo, porém, sem calagem. À medida que a população de cafeeiros aumentou, a produtividade trienal de café aumentou, a produção de frutos por planta diminuiu e os teores foliares de fósforo (P), potássio (K) e enxofre (S) aumentaram. Nos cafeeiros sob adensamento encontrou-se igual ou maior teor de macronutrientes do que naqueles sob espaçamento convencional, sendo que os maiores teores foram observados nas cultivares de porte alto, e os menores, na cultivar Obatã, de porte baixo. Nos cafeeiros das covas com uma planta observou-se maior produção de café e menores concentrações de P, Ca e S do que naqueles das covas com duas plantas. No geral, os cultivares e as populações de cafeeiros estavam com teores de N e S acima dos limites de referência citados na literatura, mas com teores dos demais macronutrientes dentro da faixa adequada.