934 resultados para Particularly and concrete administrative act


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El trabajo propuesto busca determinar las formas en las cuales se presenta atipicidad derivada de la particularidad y la constitucionalización del derecho del medio ambiente, ante la teoría general del acto administrativo, visto desde el estudio y la caracterización de las decisiones administrativas emitidas por la Oficina Bogotá D.C.-La Calera de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR) en los procedimientos de concesión de aguas superficiales, así como exponer el contenido conceptual de este permiso.


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A clinical case of compulsive gambling is exposed in this article. The subject’s playing behaviour had both positive and negative consequences. The subject tried to practice control over the urge to play. As shown in the functional analysis, the failure to control the urge despite the best efforts worsened the problem due to its negative consequences. A variation of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) was applied in order to break down the fight-surrender vicious circle of the playing behaviour. Two treatment strategies were agreed upon: acceptance of the fact that both playing and not playing had negatives consequences and commitment to one of these options despite its disadvantages. Finally, it is proposed that this acceptance and commitment therapy is a useful therapeutic process as it decreases the suffering subject and eliminates the problem: playing bahaviour.


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La autora identifica las principales características e implicaciones de la negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos, determinando como argumentos esenciales de este proceso la relación e importancia histórica de este país en materia comercial y política, la necesidad de continuar con las preferencias arancelarias, ATPDEA,** a largo plazo y especialmente enfrentar la competencia de otros países que han negociado acuerdos con Estados Unidos previamente. Sin embargo, destaca como principal requisito para abordar este acuerdo, que se retome la política de productividad y competitividad como elemento indispensable para diversificar las exportaciones y aprovechar las ventajas competitivas de nuestro país frente a este acuerdo y de cara a la internacionalización de la economía nacional.** Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act.-----The author discusses the main characteristics and implications of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States by pointing out, as the most outstanding arguments of this process, the following: the relation with and the historical importance of the US in terms of trade and politics, the need to maintain tariff preferences and a long-term ATPDEA* *, and particularly the need to face the competitiveness of other countries that have reached agreements with that country before. Nevertheless, the author suggests to consider productivity and competitiveness policies as an essential factor to diversify exportations and to make good use of Colombia’s competitive advantages concerning this agreement, vis-à-vis the internationalization of its economy.


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En el presente trabajo de grado, se realiza un acopio, valoración y respectivo análisis de la jurisprudencia nacional, la doctrina especializada y la legislación vigente en Colombia en materia de Facultades Administrativas Discrecionales, con el propósito de determinar, si en nuestro ordenamiento existe diferencia de fondo en el tratamiento de la Discrecionalidad Técnica entre la jurisprudencia contencioso administrativa y la constitucional. Así mismo, se resalta que en un Estado Social de Derecho como el nuestro, es necesario que el quehacer administrativo se aproxime cada vez más a los ideales constitucionales de transparencia y justicia social, de forma tal que las decisiones que se adopten, estén siempre sujetas a los principios de legalidad y debido proceso, y en todo caso, propendan por la salvaguarda del bien común y el interés general.


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Aims:To analyze the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with adult polycystic kidney disease admitted to hemodialysis services in Northwestern Paraná state,Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, descriptive and retrospective longitudinal study. Medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th Regional Health Region of Paraná state where analyzed. Results:We found that 10.3% of hemodialysis patients had polycystic kidney disease as a leading cause of stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. The mean age of patients was 54.9±9.4 years (ranging between 27 and 74 years), with equal gender distribution and Caucasian predominance (72.9%). The average age of dialysis initiation was 50±10.2 years. The most common comorbidity was systemic hypertension (66.7%). Liver cyst was the main extra-renal manifestation (10.4%). Twenty-five percent of the patients required renal transplantation, and (22.9%) undergone nephrectomy. The most widely used classes of antihypertensive drugs were β-blockers (41.7%) and drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system (31.3%), while 56.3% of patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin. Conclusions:This is a pioneering epidemiological study in Northwestern Paraná state. We found in this population a sociodemographic and clinical profile of adult polycystic kidney disease similar to that of North America and Europe, probably because the ethnic constitution of the sample was predominantly of Euro-descendants.


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La falta de una ley general de procedimientos administrativos ha hecho que, en el Ecuador, no exista una regulación clara sobre la forma de extinguir los actos administrativos. Ello ha generado prácticas administrativas que lindan con la arbitrariedad y no toman en cuenta los derechos generados en virtud de los actos de la administración. La reciente promulgación del Código Territorial soluciona en algo el problema, al establecer un procedimiento general para todos los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados. El presente texto analiza la forma en que el referido Código aborda el tema, forma que, si bien tiene sus particularidades, en general sigue el esquema del Estatuto del Régimen Jurídico y Administrativo de la Función Ejecutiva, permitiendo con ello una necesaria uniformización de procedimientos.


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Los sujetos pasivos que impugnen ante la vía judicial un acto administrativo mediante el cual se pretenda determinar o recaudar tributos, deben rendir una caución equivalente al 10% de la cuantía de su demanda, de no presentársela en el término de quince días, el acto impugnado queda ejecutoriado y los jueces deben ordenar el archivo del proceso. Nuestra Corte Constitucional para el Período de Transición considera que no se vulnera derecho alguno en ese caso, siempre y cuando se exija rendir la caución después de calificada la demanda. Estudiaremos los fundamentos que tuvo la Corte Constitucional para llegar a esa conclusión. Pretenderemos analizarlos y cuestionarlos objetivamente, para así demostrar por qué su falta de coherencia y de sustento permite concluir que su análisis pecó por falto de imparcialidad, y por qué es razonable suponer que sus móviles no fueron jurídicos en lo absoluto, sin perjuicio de que, a la par, demos nuestro parecer al respecto. Independientemente de la trascendencia jurídica que puedan o no tener en nuestro ordenamiento, esperamos se entienda por qué creemos que estos precedentes deben ser considerados como un capítulo funesto en la historia de la jurisprudencia constitucional ecuatoriana.


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En ocasiones las administraciones tributarias han errado en la comprensión del contenido y alcance de la facultad determinadora. Al constituir una actividad reglada, la determinación tributaria debe observar rigurosamente las normas relativas a materia, oportunidad y competencia. La sentencia materia de la presente recensión se refiere precisamente al ejercicio de la facultad determinadora en lo que hace relación con los actos administrativos que se encuentran impugnados judicialmente. Considerando que uno de los efectos de la judicialización del acto administrativo es abstraerlo de la órbita competencial de la administración tributaria, esta no puede ejercer sobre él ninguna de sus facultades, entre ellas, la verificadora. El criterio de juzgamiento analizado confirma este particular, dejando en claro las consecuencias que la impugnación judicial comporta tanto para los actos administrativos como para la administración tributaria.


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Most research on the discourses and practices of urban regeneration in-the UK has examined case studies located in areas of relative socio-economic distress. Less research has been undertaken on regeneration projects and agendas in areas characterise by strong economic growth. Yet, it is in such places that some of the best examples of the discourses, practices and impacts of contemporary urban regeneration can be. found. In some areas of high demand regeneration projects have used inner urban brownfield sites as locations for new investment. With the New Labour government's urban policy agendas targeting similar forms of regeneration, an examination of completed or on-going schemes is timely and relevant to debates over the direction that policy should take. This paper, drawing on a study of urban regeneration in one of England's, fastest growing towns, Reading in Berkshire, examines the discourses, practices and impacts of redevelopment schemes during the 1990s and 2000s. Reading's experiences have received national attention and have been hailed as a model for other urban areas to follow. The research documents the discursive and concrete aspects of local regeneration and examines the ways in which specific priorities and defined problems have come to dominate agendas. Collectively, the study argues that market-driven objectives come to dominate regeneration agendas, even in areas of strong demand where development agencies wield a relatively high degree of influence. Such regeneration plays a symbolic and practical role in creating new forms of exclusion and interpretations of place. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with second-generation, one-and-a-half generation and ‘‘prolonged sojourner” Trinidadian transnational migrants, who have decided to ‘return’ to the birthplace of their parents. Based on 40 in-depth interviews, the paper considers both the positive and critical things that these youthful transnational migrants report about returning to, and living in, this multi-ethnic plural society and the salience of racial and colour-class stratification as part of their return migration experiences. Our qualitative analysis is based on the narratives provided by these youthful returnees, as relayed ‘‘in their own words”, presenting critical reflections on racism, racial identities and experiences as transnational Trinidadians. It is clear that it is contexts such as contemporary working environments, family and community that act as the reference points for the adaptation ‘‘back home” of this strongly middle-class cohort. We accordingly encounter a diverse, sometimes contesting set of racial issues that emerge as salient concerns for these returnees. The consensus is that matters racial remain as formidable legacies in the hierarchical stratification of Trinidadian society for a sizeable number. Many of our respondents reported the positive aspects of racial affirmation on return. But for another sub-set, the fact that multi-ethnic and multi-cultural mixing are proudly embraced in Trinidad meant that it was felt that return experiences were not overly hindered, or blighted by obstacles of race and colour-class. For these returnees, Trinidad and Tobago is seen as representing a 21st century ‘‘Melting Pot”. But for others the continued existence of racial divisions within society – between ethnic groups and among those of different skin shades – was lamented. In the views of these respondents, too much racial power is still ascribed to ‘near-whiteness’. But for the most part, the returnees felt that where race played a part in their new lives, this generally served to advantage them. However, although the situation in Trinidad appears to have been moderated by assumptions that it remains a racial ‘Melting Pot’, the analysis strongly suggests that the colour-class system of stratification is still playing an essential role, along with racial stereotyping in society at large.


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The measurement of public attitudes towards the criminal law has become an important area of research in recent years because of the perceived desirability of ensuring that the legal system reflects broader societal values. In particular, studies into public perceptions of crime seriousness have attempted to measure the degree of concordance that exists between law and public opinion in the organization and enforcement of criminal offences. These understandings of perceived crime seriousness are particularly important in relation to high-profile issues where public confidence in the law is central to the legal agenda, such as the enforcement of work-related fatality cases. A need to respond to public concern over this issue was cited as a primary justification for the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. This article will suggest that, although literature looking at the perceived seriousness of corporate crime and, particularly, health and safety offences is limited in volume and generalist in scope, important lessons can be gleaned from existing literature, and pressing questions are raised that demand further empirical investigation.


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We previously reported that soluble decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) blocked coxsackievirus 133 (CVB3) myocarditis in mice, but only soluble CAR blocked CVB3-mediated pancreatitis. Here, we report that the in vitro mechanisms of viral inhibition by these soluble receptors also differ. Soluble DAF inhibited virus infection through the formation of reversible complexes with CVB3, while binding of soluble CAR to CVB induced the formation of altered (A) particles with a resultant irreversible loss of infectivity. A-particle formation was characterized by loss of VP4 from the virions and required incubation of CVB3-CAR complexes at 37 degrees C. Dimeric soluble DAF (DAF-Fc) was found to be 125-fold-more effective at inhibiting CVB3 than monomeric DAF, which corresponded to a 100-fold increase in binding affinity as determined by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Soluble CAR and soluble dimeric CAR (CAR-Fc) bound to CVB3 with 5,000- and 10,000-fold-higher affinities than the equivalent forms of DAF. While DAF-Fc was 125-fold-more effective at inhibiting virus than monomeric DAF, complement regulation by DAF-Fc was decreased 4 fold. Therefore, while the virus binding was a cooperative event, complement regulation was hindered by the molecular orientation of DAF-Fc, indicating that the regions responsible for complement regulation and virus binding do not completely overlap. Relative contributions of CVB binding affinity, receptor binding footprint on the virus capsid, and induction of capsid conformation alterations for the ability of cellular DAF and CAR to act as receptors are discussed.


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A novel 1,6-alpha-D-mannosidase was produced by Aspergillus phoenicis grown on a commercial manno-oligosaccharide preparation in liquid culture. The enzyme hydrolysed only alpha-D-Manp-(1 --> 6)-D-Manp and did not act on alpha-D-Manp-(1 --> 2)-D-Manp, or alpha-D-Manp-(1 --> 3)-D-Manp. The 1,6-alpha-D-mannosidase was used for synthesis of manno-oligosaccharides by reverse hydrolysis reaction. The highest yields, expressed as percentages (w/w) of total sugar, were similar to21% mannobiose and similar to5% mannotriose, and they were obtained with 45% (w/w) initial mannose concentration at pH 4.5 after 12 days incubation at 55 degreesC. The disaccharide and trisaccharide products were separated and their structures determined by methylation analysis. Only 1-6 linkages were found in both of them. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.