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The main factors that influence the species distribution are related mainly with the dispersion capacity, behavior, presence of other species and to the factors physicist-chemistries. Had been evaluated ecological factors that affect the distribution of the genus Astyanax in Chapada dos Guimaraes headstreams, Cuiaba River basin, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Samples in 27 streams had been made in Chapada dos Guimaraes, and the fish had been collected through the method of electric fish, and the ambient data had been analyzed with one technique of called ordinance of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). 250 individuals had been collect, being 95 A. asuncionensis, 62 A. abramis, 36 A. lineatus and 57 individuals had been captured identified like A. scabripinnis (Jenyns, 1842) sensu Eigenmann, 1927. In relation the ambient characteristics, the variables gotten allowed two axes of the PCA, who explain 53,114 % of the variance of the seven variables analyzed. Axle 1, Main Component 1, explained 31,147 % and Axle 2, Main Component 2, explained 21,967 % of the variation of the ambient data. The formation of axle 1 was influenced positively by the depth and negative by the conductivity and pH. The formation of axle 2 was influenced positively by the Turbidity and negative to the Dissolved Oxygen. The ordinance of the species throughout for the axes corroborated for the understanding of the distribution of specimens.


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Os cerradões no Pantanal ocorrem em áreas não inundáveis da planície e são importantes para a economia regional. Das áreas de cerradão são retiradas madeiras para construção de cercas, currais e galpões. Apesar da grande importância dos recursos vegetais do cerradão, existem poucas informações para embasar sua conservação e uso sustentável. Este trabalho teve como objetivos estudar a abundância, a distribuição das espécies arbóreas e correlações com a fertilidade do solo em áreas de cerradão (savana florestada) do Pantanal Sul Mato-grossense. Foram estudadas seis áreas de cerradão na sub-região da Nhecolândia, por meio de 30 pontos quadrantes, totalizando 120 árvores amostradas, com circunferência a altura do peito (CAP) > 15 cm, em cada área. As comparações florísticas, de abundância das espécies e de fertilidade do solo, foram efetuadas por análises de componentes principais (PCA). As áreas mostraram-se heterogêneas, apresentando diferentes níveis de fertilidade do solo, estrutura e composição da vegetação. Dois cerradões foram agrupados em termos de fertilidade do solo e de estrutura da vegetação, apresentando muitas árvores de Qualea grandiflora Mart., espécie que ocorreu associada a solos com maiores teores de fósforo. Outros dois cerradões apresentaram composição florística mais semelhante que os demais, apesar de ocorrerem em solos com diferentes níveis de fertilidade, indicando perturbação antrópica.


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Billings Reservoir is an urban reservoir located in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Tt supports 101 active artisanal fishermen. To describe this fishery, landings were recorded daily between February 1996 and January 1997 at Colonia (23 degrees 50' 57 S; 46 degrees 40' 02 W). In every landing, a data collector recorded catch, effort, fishing gears and fishing grounds. A total of 147 593 kg of fish were recorded in 3515 fishing trips. The exotic Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), was the main species exploited (81.4% of the annual catches). Five other species were also targeted: the characid Astyanax eigenmaniorum (Cope) (13.0% of the annual catches); the erythrinid Hoplias aff malabaricus (Block) (2.1%); the exotic cyprinid Cyprinus carpio L. (Campos & Fernandez-Yepez) (2.4%); the curimatid Cyphocharax modestus L. (1.1%); and the pimelodid Rhamdia sp. (0.1%). Two main groups of fishermen were discriminated using Principal Components Analysis; these were associated with the type of fishing gear and fishing strategies, i.e. those who exploited Nile tilapia with cast nets and beating gill nets, and those who exploited other species with set gill nets. Management and maintenance of this fishery should consider the positive top-down effects that Nile tilapia could have in controlling eutrophication and also the social benefits.


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Cachaca was aged for 6 months in small casks of oak and eight different Brazilian woods (amarelo, amendoim, balsamo, jatoba, louro, pau d'arco, pau d'oleo, and pereiro) in order to determine total phenols, UV-visible spectra differences, and sensorial acceptance. Also used were 200-l casks of oak and pereiro for aging cachaca for 4 years to characterize sensorial descriptors and acceptance. The results suggest that amendoim and pereiro followed by jatobaa are good candidates to replace oak in the construction of cachaca aging casks. It was also observed that when using oak casks as a standard the major changes in the sensory properties occurred in the first 21 months of aging. The principal components analysis of UV-visible absorption spectra of the same beverage stored in casks made of different woods allowed identification of the wood in which the beverage had been aged.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In Brazil, sugarcane fields are often burned to facilitate manual harvesting, and this burning causes environmental pollution from the large amounts of soot released into the atmosphere. This material contains numerous organic compounds such as PAHs. In this study, the concentrations of PAHs in two particulate-matter fractions (PM2.5 and PM10) in the city of Araraquara (SE Brazil, with around 200,000 inhabitants and surrounded by sugarcane plantations) were determined during the sugarcane harvest (HV) and non-harvest (NHV) seasons in 2008 and 2009. The sampling strategy included four campaigns, with 60 samples in the NHV season and 220 samples in the HV season. The PM2.5 and PM10 fractions were collected using a dichotomous sampler (10 L min(-1), 24 h) with Teflon (TM) filters. The filter sets were extracted (ultrasonic bath with hexane/acetone (1:1 v/v)) and analyzed by HPLC/Fluorescence. The median concentration for total PAHs (PM2.5 in 2009) was 0.99 ng m(-3) (NHV) and 3.3 ng m(-3) (HV). In the HV season, the total concentration of carcinogenic PAHs (benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, and benzo(a)pyrene) was 5 times higher than in the NHV season. B(a)P median concentrations were 0.017 ng m(-3) and 0.12 ng m(-3) for the NHV and HV seasons, respectively. The potential cancer risk associated with exposure through inhalation of these compounds was estimated based on the benzo[a]pyrene toxic equivalence (BaPeq), where the overall toxicity of a PAR mixture is defined by the concentration of each compound multiplied by its relative toxic equivalence factor (TEF). BaPeq median (2008 and 2009 years) ranged between 0.65 and 1.0 ng m(-3) and 1.2-1.4 ng m(-3) for the NHV and HV seasons, respectively. Considering that the maximum permissible BaPeq in ambient air is 1 ng m(-3), related to the increased carcinogenic risk, our data suggest that the level of human exposure to PAHs in cities surrounded by sugarcane crops where the burning process is used is cause for concern. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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As raças e populações de pupunheiras ao longo dos rios Amazonas e Solimões apresentam grande variabilidade genética ainda não totalmente caracterizada. Neste estudo, foram aplicadas técnicas estatísticas multivariadas a 15 descritores morfológicos numa tentativa de caracterizar, morfometricamente, três raças existentes ao longo da Bacia desses rios. As três análises em conjunto permitiram uma discriminação das raças, mostrando também que os descritores mais importantes nessa seleção foram: número de espigas, comprimento da ráquis, peso do fruto, espessura das cascas, facilidade para descascar os frutos, peso das cascas, sabor dos frutos, espessura da polpa, distância morfológica dos frutos e peso da semente.


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Os dados são provenientes de 234 touros da raça Nelore participantes de um teste de progênie, no período de 1996 a 2003. A diferença esperada na progênie (DEP) de sete características: peso aos 120 e 210 dias, efeito materno (DMPP120 e DMPP210), peso e perímetro escrotal aos 365 e 450 dias, efeito direto (DDP365, DDP450, DDPE365 e DDPE450) e idade ao primeiro parto (DDIPP) foi utilizada para classificar os animais em três grupos, assim como identificar quais as características possuíram maior poder discriminatório na formação de cada grupo. Para tanto, foram utilizados procedimentos estatísticos multivariados de análise de agrupamentos k-médias e componentes principais. Os resultados evidenciaram que, dos três grupos formados, dois se destacaram quanto aos valores médios das DEPs. A importância desses dois grupos de touros foi confirmada pela análise de componentes principais, que associou a eles valores superiores de DEPs diretas de peso e perímetro escrotal. A quantidade da variabilidade original retida pelos dois primeiros componentes principais foi de 70,22%. Estes procedimentos mostraram-se eficientes e constituíram importantes ferramentas para classificar touros, discriminar variáveis, bem como resumir informações multivariadas, podendo ser usados como auxílio valioso na seleção de reprodutores para uso nos programas de melhoramento genético.


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Avaliaram-se as respostas da tilápia do Nilo à atratividade e palatabilidade de 14 ingredientes. O método utilizado foi de dupla escolha, comparando-se cada ingrediente peletizado à uma ração controle. Foram empregados quatro aquários (750 litros) contendo, cada um, três alevinos e dois comedouros instalados nos cantos direito e esquerdo, sendo registrados tempo decorrido entre colocação do ingrediente e chegada dos animais aos comedouros, freqüência de visitas aos comedouros, número de grânulos ingeridos e freqüência de ejeções. Os tratamentos foram comparados pela prova não-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis e a comparação dos ingredientes para o conjunto de variáveis, por intermédio da Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Os ingredientes foram assim classificados: a) baixa atrato-palatabilidade = farelos de trigo, soja e algodão, farinha e raspa de mandioca, farinha de girassol e fubá de milho, b) média atrato-palatabilidade = levedura de cana-de-açúcar e glúten de milho e c) alta atrato-palatabilidade = ovo integral liofilizado, farinhas de crisálidas, peixes, carne e camarão. Ingestão de grânulos (manhã e tarde) e freqüência de visitas aos comedouros (tarde) foram consideradas as variáveis mais discriminatórias e freqüência de ejeção de grânulos e tempo gasto para aproximação dos comedouros (manhã e tarde), as menos discriminatórias. As respostas comportamentais dos peixes variaram de acordo com o ingrediente apresentado. A avaliação do grau de atrato-palatabilidade deve ser realizada considerando-se uma combinação de parâmetros.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotype x environment interaction for weaning and yearling weights, daily weight gain from weaning to 12 months of age and the growth performance in Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) beef cattle estimated by a principal components analysis including those three traits. The environment was defined by season of birth (first and second semesters of the year). Genetic parameters were estimated by bayesian method with the Gibbs sampler using bivariate analyses (considering the trait in each of the two seasons as a different one) and models that included the fixed effects of year and month of birth, sex and age of cow (linear and quadratic) and the random effects of animal and residual. The results suggested that genetic evaluation and selection in Canchim beef cattle for the traits studied should consider the genotype and season of birth interaction.


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Presented here is a study about the capability of a sensing unit to detect changes in river water quality. In order to determine its accuracy, water quality was monitored at 11 points along the Veado River in Presidente Prudente, Brazil. To have a basis for comparison, a water quality index (WQI) was developed following methods previously applied in different watersheds. Results showed an accurate relationship between WQI and electric impedance readings detected by the sensing unit. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to derive results in a form that can be correlated with WQI calculated for each sample point, which showed the potential application of this device.


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A methodology to define favorable areas in petroleum and mineral exploration is applied, which consists in weighting the exploratory variables, in order to characterize their importance as exploration guides. The exploration data are spatially integrated in the selected area to establish the association between variables and deposits, and the relationships among distribution, topology, and indicator pattern of all variables. Two methods of statistical analysis were compared. The first one is the Weights of Evidence Modeling, a conditional probability approach (Agterberg, 1989a), and the second one is the Principal Components Analysis (Pan, 1993). In the conditional method, the favorability estimation is based on the probability of deposit and variable joint occurrence, with the weights being defined as natural logarithms of likelihood ratios. In the multivariate analysis, the cells which contain deposits are selected as control cells and the weights are determined by eigendecomposition, being represented by the coefficients of the eigenvector related to the system's largest eigenvalue. The two techniques of weighting and complementary procedures were tested on two case studies: 1. Recôncavo Basin, Northeast Brazil (for Petroleum) and 2. Itaiacoca Formation of Ribeira Belt, Southeast Brazil (for Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley Type deposits). The applied methodology proved to be easy to use and of great assistance to predict the favorability in large areas, particularly in the initial phase of exploration programs. © 1998 International Association for Mathematical Geology.


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Calcium chloride concentrations from 0.0 to 12.12 mM were added to the culture medium and calcium content in calluses were determined directly by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, a non-destructive method, allowing the processing of the same tissue for histological analysis. A multivariate statistical analysis (PCA - Principal Components Analysis) grouped the treatments into 5 blocks and indicated the most responsive group. Lack of calcium supply caused a complete absence of a morphogenic process and tissue collapse. An increase in calcium concentration gave higher total protein and sugar contents, an increase in peroxidase specific activity and changes in the histological characteristics. It was possible to verify that calcium stimulated globular somatic embryo formation at concentration of 6.62 mM.


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The aim of this paper is to verify the correlation between environmental indicators and behaviors expressed by laying hens kept in cages. The birds react to a severe environment through their behaviors, end the behaviors can be monitored to identify the birds' welfare conditions. The behaviors birds display ere the result of stress caused by the combination of environmental temperature, relative humidity, radiant heat, and air speed (environmental temperature being the most important). In order to check the influence of the environment, an experiment was carried out on a commercial poultry farm, located in the city of Bastos. The study was initiated in March 2007, during four non-consecutive weeks. The birds' behaviors were recorded using video, by cameras installed in the cages. The birds behaviors were identified and noted for the frequency of occurrence for each bird, and the average duration of each behavior (in seconds), using video samples of 15 minutes recorded from 1 PM to 4 PM. The environmental variables collected were: air temperature, concentration of ammonia, relative air humidity, velocity of the air, noise, roof temperature, and light intensity. The observed behaviors were: opening wings, stretching, threatening, ruffling feathers, drinking water, aggressive pecking, eating, running, lying down, stretching head out of the cage, preening, mounting and prostrating. Principal Components Analysis was used to determine associations between the behavior variables and environmental variables described above. In this experiment, there were no significant correlations between behavioral variables and environmental variables.