Les granulomatoses cutanées disséminées (GCD) sont des dermatoses cliniquement et histologiquement hétérogènes, caractérisées à la biopsie cutanée par un infiltrat granulomateux. Même si la biopsie est utile pour poser le diagnostic de GCD, elle n'apporte que rarement des éléments étiologiques. La principale cause est la sarcoïdose cutanée, mais de nombreuses étiologies peuvent être retrouvées, car ces dermatoses correspondent vraisemblablement à un processus réactionnel cutané granulomateux à différents stimuli: infectieux, inflammatoires, néoplasiques, métaboliques ou chimiques. Par cet article, nous aborderons la conduite à tenir une fois le diagnostic clinique et histologique de GCD posé, par une approche centrée sur l'étiologie et proposerons des recommandations thérapeutiques, sur la base de cas et de séries rapportées dans la littérature.
Résumé Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer la faisabilité et l'efficacité d'un traitement des carcinomes pharyngo-laryngés avancés par combinaison de chimiothérapie intensive associé à une radiothérapie accélérée. Vingt-trois patients ont été inclus (age médian 54 ans, entre 35 et 70 ans). Les localisations tumorales étaient l'hypopharynx (n=7), base de langue (n=10), nasopharynx (n=2) ou l'oesophage proximal (n.1), ou sans porte d'entrée (n=3). Le traitement comprend trois cycles de chimiothérapie (cisplatin 100mg/m2 à J1 ; 5-FU 1000mg/m2 par jour pendant 5 jours en perfusion continue, précédé par de l'amifostine 910mg/m2 ; répété toutes les trois semaines). La radiothérapie concomitante, accélérée (dose totale de 70Gy en 6 semaines) a été débuté au premier jour du deuxième cycle de chimiothérapie. Vingt et un patients ont pu achever la radiothérapie. Dix-huit patients étaient en rémission complète à la fin du traitement. Avec un suivi médian de 45 mois, le taux de survie globale atteint 56% (95% Cl, 32-79%). Le contrôle loco-régional était de 71% (95% CI, 52-91%). La toxicité associée au traitement consistait en une insuffisance rénale réversible (≥grade II) chez 9 patients (43%) et une agranulocytose fébrile chez 9 patients (43%). Tous les patients ont présenté une mucite modérée à sévère (grade II/III) et 19 patients ont montré une toxicité cutanée de grade III. En conclusion, le traitement combiné de radiothérapie accélérée avec une chimiothérapie concomitante à base de Cisplatin/5-FU full-dose avec amifostine est faisable. La toxicité est importante mais reste maîtrisable dans le cadre d'un centre multidisciplinaire. Le taux de survie globale à 4 ans est prometteur, la recherche en vue de traitements moins toxiques doit se poursuivre. Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of a treatment concept combining three cycles of full-dose chemotherapy (CT) with concomitant accelerated uninterrupted radiotherapy (RI). Twenty- three patients (median age: 54 years, range: 35-70) with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) were included. The primary tumor involved the hypopharynx (n=7), base of the tongue (n=10), nasopharynx (n=2) or upper esophagus (n=1) or its location was unknown (n=3). Treatment consisted of three cycles of chemotherapy (cisplatin 100 mg/m2 on day 1; 5-FU 1,000 mg/m2 per day for 5 days as a continuous infusion, preceded by amifostine 910 mg/m2). repeated every 3 weeks. Uninterrupted concomitant boost-accelerated RI (total dose of 70 Gy in 6 weeks) started together on day 1 of the second cycle. All but two patients received the full course of RT. Eighteen patients achieved complete remission (78%). At a median follow-up of 45 months the overall survival was 56% (95% c.i. 32-79%) and the loco-regional control 71% (95% c.i. 52-91%). Toxicity involved reversible renal insufficiency of grade II in 9 patients (39%) and neutropenic fever in 9 patients (39%). All patients suffered from moderate to severe mucositis (grade HMI), and 19 patients presented cutaneous toxicity grade III. Concomitant boost-accelerated RI combined with concurrent full-dose cisplatin/5-FU chemotherapy and amifostine is feasible with manageable, although substantial, toxicity. The overall survival of 4 years is promising. Newer regimens causing less acute mucosal and skin toxicity are needed.
Euromelanoma is a dermatologist-led skin cancer prevention programme conducting an annual screening and public education campaign in over 20 European countries. Within its 10-year history, Euromelanoma has screened over 260,000 individuals across Europe, detecting a significant number of cutaneous melanomas and nonmelanoma skin cancers, identifying high-risk individuals for further surveillance and promoting awareness on the suspicious features of melanoma and the hazardous effects of ultraviolet exposure. In this review article, we summarize the history of the Euromelanoma campaign, present its organizational structure and discuss the results of the campaign in individual countries and on a European scale. Euromelanoma has had a significant impact on melanoma prevention and early diagnosis in participating countries and, despite many challenges, has positively influenced public health attitudes towards regular mole examination and the implementation of preventive measures against skin cancer.
The history of most cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (CSCC) is limited to the skin. However, about 4% of these malignancies are at risk of metastasis and can be life-threatening. This risk is determined by clinical and histological elements which are individually recognized, but so far staging systems allow us neither to assess a risk score, nor to adopt a standardized therapeutical approach. This article reviews prognostic factors for CSCC, and underlines the need for the clinician to have all clinical and histological elements available, in order to try to define the best therapeutical strategy for each case, following up-to-date recommendations.
The gene encoding type I signal peptidase (Lmjsp) has been cloned from Leishmania major. Lmjsp encodes a protein of 180 amino residues with a predicted molecular mass of 20.5 kDa. Comparison of the protein sequence with those of known type I signal peptidases indicates homology in five conserved domains A-E which are known to be important, or essential, for catalytic activity. Southern blot hybridisation analysis indicates that there is a single copy of the Lmjsp gene. A recombinant SPase protein and a synthetic peptide of the L. major signal peptidase were used to examine the presence of specific antibodies in sera from either recovered or active individuals of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. This evaluation demonstrated that sera from cutaneous and visceral forms of leishmaniasis are highly reactive to both the recombinant and synthetic signal peptidase antigens. Therefore, the Leishmania signal peptidase, albeit localised intracellularly, is a significant target of the Leishmania specific immune response and highlights its potential use for serodiagnosis of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis.
A 77-year-old man with a 5-year history of mycosis fungoides (MF) who had received several lines of therapy, including intravenous courses of Methotrexate (MTX) for the past 2 years, went on to develop several ulcerated cutaneous nodules on the left leg. Biopsy revealed diffuse sheets of EBV-positive large B cells (CD20+ CD30 ± IgM Lambda), with an angiocentric distribution and a monoclonal IGH gene rearrangement. Although the pathological features were diagnostic for an EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), several possibilities could be considered for assignment to a specific entity: EBV-positive DLBCL of the elderly, methotrexate-induced lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD), lymphomatoid granulomatosis, or the more recently described EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer. The development of EBV+ lymphoproliferations has been reported in two other patients with MF under MTX, and occurred as skin lesions of the leg in one of these and in the current case, which may question the relatedness to primary cutaneous DLCBL, leg-type.
Melanoma is the most common lethal cutaneous neoplasm. In order to harmonize treatment and follow-up of melanoma patients, guidelines for the management of melanoma in Switzerland have been inaugurated in 2001. These have been approved by all Swiss medical societies involved in the care of melanoma patients. New data necessitated changes concerning the safety margins (reduction to maximally 2 cm) and modifications of the recommendations of follow-up.
Primary cutaneous posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) are rare. This retrospective, multicenter study of 35 cases aimed to better describe this entity. Cases were (re)-classified according to the WHO-EORTC or the WHO 2008 classifications of lymphomas. Median interval between first transplantation and diagnosis was 85 months. Fifty-seven percent of patients had a kidney transplant. Twenty-four cases (68.6%) were classified as primary cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL) and 11 (31.4%) as primary cutaneous B cell PTLD. Mycosis fungoides (MF) was the most common (50%) CTCL subtype. Ten (90.9%) cutaneous B cell PTLD cases were classified as EBV-associated B cell lymphoproliferations (including one plasmablastic lymphoma and one lymphomatoid granulomatosis) and one as diffuse large B cell lymphoma, other, that was EBV-negative. Sixteen (45.7%) patients died after a median follow-up of 19.5 months (11 [68.8%] with CTCL [6 of whom had CD30(+) lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD)] and 5 [31.2%] with cutaneous B cell PTLD. Median survival times for all patients, CTCL and cutaneous B cell PTLD subgroups were 93, 93, and 112 months, respectively. Survival rates for MF were higher than those for CD30(+) LPD. The spectrum of primary CTCL in organ transplant recipients (OTR) is similar to that in the general population. The prognosis of posttransplant primary cutaneous CD30(+) LPD is worse than posttransplant MF and than its counterpart in the immunocompetent population. EBV-associated cutaneous B cell LPD predominates in OTR.
Fauna of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) in areas with endemic American cutaneous leishmaniasis in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the ecological aspects of the main vectors of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in four monitoring stations situated in the municipalities of Naviraí, Nova Andradina, Novo Horizonte do Sul and Rio Verde de Mato Grosso. For each monitoring station, the captures of sand flies were undertaken each month from July 2008 to June 2010 using CDC and Shannon traps. The CDC traps were installed simultaneously for three consecutive nights in three collection sites: intradomicile, peridomicile and edge of the forest. A Shannon trap was installed from dusk to 10 pm, inside the forest, one night per month. A total of 7,651 sand flies belonging to nine genera and twenty-nine species were captured. Nyssomyia neivai (52.95%), Psathyromyia hermanlenti (10.91%), Psathyromyia runoides (9.16%), Nyssomyia whitmani (7.95%), Psathyromyia aragaoi (4. 89%), Nyssomyia antunesi (3.14%) and Evandromyia bourrouli (2.20%) were the most frequent species. Approximately 65% of the sand flies were collected in the forest environment. The municipalities presented significantly different indexes of species diversity. Naviraí presented the lowest species diversity index, however, it showed the highest abundance. Novo Horizonte do Sul had the highest species diversity index, but the lowest abundance (< 5%). It is noteworthy the occurrence of vector species of Leishmania in the areas studied, especially in Naviraí, where Ny. neivai presented high frequencies which may explain the increased number of ACL cases in this municipality.
Objective: Reconstruction of alar structures of the nose remains difficult. The result has to be not only functional but also aesthetic. Different solutions to reconstruct alar defects are feasible. A good result that meets the specific demands on stability, aesthetics, and stable architecture without shrinkage of the area is not easily achieved. Method: A perichondrial cutaneous graft (PCCG), a graft consisting of a perichondral layer, fatty tissue, and skin that is harvested retroauriculary, is combined with an attached cartilage strip. Case Result: A 72-year-old patient suffering from basal cell carcinoma of the ala of the nose underwent the reconstructive procedure with a good result in 1 year in terms of stability, color match, and graft take. Conclusion: First, a strip of cartilage had been included in a PCCG where tumor resection required sacrifice of more than 50% of the alar rim. The case shows that one can consider a cartilage strip-enhanced PCCG graft to reconstruct alar defects.
Genetic tumor syndromes reflect an inherited predisposition to develop benign and malignant tumors. Increased frequency of neoplasms within the family or occurring at an early age are clinical clues for a possible underlying genetic susceptibility. Awareness of their associated cutaneous manifestations can facilitate early detection of risk for tumors. The goal of this article is to review clinical and molecular features of some genetic tumor syndrome which present with skin involvement at birth or during childhood.
Parasites have to survive in their vertebrate host during a sufficiently prolonged period of time to achieve their life cycle through successful transmission via insect vectors. In their vertebrate hosts, parasites are often confronted by vigorous effector immune responses that they have to subvert somehow to be able to outlast and be successfully transmitted.
A cutaneous horn was observed close to the free margin of the inferior right eyelid in a 26-year-old-male patient. A minimal resection was primarily performed. Histopathologic study disclosed a precancerous keratosis. As the tumor had not been entirely excised, a complementary resection was performed secondarily to obtain the entire resection of the tumor.