341 resultados para PEDIGREE
Primary distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) is characterized by reduced ability to acidify urine, variable hyperchloremic hypokalemic metabolic acidosis, nephrocalcinosis, and nephrolithiasis. Kindreds showing either autosomal dominant or recessive transmission are described. Mutations in the chloride-bicarbonate exchanger AE1 have recently been reported in four autosomal dominant dRTA kindreds, three of these altering codon Arg589. We have screened 26 kindreds with primary dRTA for mutations in AE1. Inheritance was autosomal recessive in seventeen kindreds, autosomal dominant in one, and uncertain due to unknown parental phenotype or sporadic disease in eight kindreds. No mutations in AE1 were detected in any of the autosomal recessive kindreds, and analysis of linkage showed no evidence of linkage of recessive dRTA to AE1. In contrast, heterozygous mutations in AE1 were identified in the one known dominant dRTA kindred, in one sporadic case, and one kindred with two affected brothers. In the dominant kindred, the mutation Arg-589/Ser cosegregated with dRTA in the extended pedigree. An Arg-589/His mutation in the sporadic case proved to be a de novo mutation. In the third kindred, affected brothers both have an intragenic 13-bp duplication resulting in deletion of the last 11 amino acids of AE1. These mutations were not detected in 80 alleles from unrelated normal individuals. These findings underscore the key role of Arg-589 and the C terminus in normal AE1 function, and indicate that while mutations in AE1 cause autosomal dominant dRTA, defects in this gene are not responsible for recessive disease.
Familial structural rearrangements of chromosomes represent a factor of malformation risk that could vary over a large range, making genetic counseling difficult. However, they also represent a powerful tool for increasing knowledge of the genome, particularly by studying breakpoints and viable imbalances of the genome. We have developed a collaborative database that now includes data on more than 4100 families, from which we have developed a web site called HC Forum® (http://HCForum.imag.fr). It offers geneticists assistance in diagnosis and in genetic counseling by assessing the malformation risk with statistical models. For researchers, interactive interfaces exhibit the distribution of chromosomal breakpoints and of the genome regions observed at birth in trisomy or in monosomy. Dedicated tools including an interactive pedigree allow electronic submission of data, which will be anonymously shown in a forum for discussions. After validation, data are definitively registered in the database with the email of the sender, allowing direct location of biological material. Thus HC Forum® constitutes a link between diagnosis laboratories and genome research centers, and after 1 year, more than 700 users from about 40 different countries already exist.
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+), a clinical subset of febrile seizures (FS), is characterized by frequent episodes beyond 6 years of age (FS+) and various types of subsequent epilepsy. Mutations in β1 and αI-subunit genes of voltage-gated Na+ channels have been associated with GEFS+1 and 2, respectively. Here, we report a mutation resulting in an amino acid exchange (R187W) in the gene encoding the α-subunit of neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channel type II (Nav1.2) in a patient with FS associated with afebrile seizures. The mutation R187W occurring on Arg187, a highly conserved residue among voltage-gated Na+ channels, was not found in 224 alleles of unaffected individuals. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings on human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells expressing a rat wild-type (rNav1.2) and the corresponding mutant channels showed that the mutant channel inactivated more slowly than wild-type whereas the Na+ channel conductance was not affected. Prolonged residence in the open state of the R187W mutant channel may augment Na+ influx and thereby underlie the neuronal hyperexcitability that induces seizure activity. Even though a small pedigree could not show clear cosegregation with the disease phenotype, these findings strongly suggest the involvement of Nav1.2 in a human disease and propose the R187W mutation as the genetic defect responsible for febrile seizures associated with afebrile seizures.
A recent criticism that the biological species concept (BSC) unduly neglects phylogeny is examined under a novel modification of coalescent theory that considers multiple, sex-defined genealogical pathways through sexual organismal pedigrees. A competing phylogenetic species concept (PSC) also is evaluated from this vantage. Two analytical approaches are employed to capture the composite phylogenetic information contained within the braided assemblages of hereditary pathways of a pedigree: (i) consensus phylogenetic trees across allelic transmission routes and (ii) composite phenograms from quantitative values of organismal coancestry. Outcomes from both approaches demonstrate that the supposed sharp distinction between biological and phylogenetic species concepts is illusory. Historical descent and reproductive ties are related aspects of phylogeny and jointly illuminate biotic discontinuity.
We have identified a new family of Tc1-like transposons in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. The sequence of a candidate active transposon, deduced from sample Tzf elements, shows limited resemblance to the previously described Tdr1 elements of zebrafish. Both the Tzf and the Tdr elements are extremely abundant in zebrafish. We describe here a general strategy for detecting transposition events in a complex genome and demonstrate its utility by selectively monitoring hundreds of potentially active Tzf copies in the zebrafish genome against a background of other related elements. We have followed members of a zebrafish pedigree, using this two-dimensional transposon display strategy, to identify the first examples of active transposition of such elements in vertebrates.
A obesidade comum é atualmente um dos problemas de saúde pública mais importante no mundo, frequentemente associada a outros distúrbios tais como hipertensão, diabetes, doenças cardiovasculares e câncer. Apesar da alta prevalência de obesidade em diversas populações, muitos dos estudos relacionados aos seus fatores de risco genéticos foram realizados com indivíduos de ascendência europeia ou asiática, mas foram poucos os realizados com populações de origem africana ou nativas americanas. Nosso trabalho tem por objetivo geral investigar potenciais fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso e à obesidade em populações afrodescendentes remanescentes de quilombos do Vale do Ribeira - SP, comunidades rurais semi-isoladas, previamente bem caracterizadas do ponto de vista clínico, genealógico e genético-populacional. Nossa amostra constituiu-se de 759 indivíduos, pertencentes a doze populações de remanescentes de quilombos (Abobral, São Pedro, Galvão, Ivaporunduva, Pedro Cubas, André Lopes, Nhunguara, Sapatu, Pilões, Maria Rosa, Poça e Reginaldo), dos quais foram obtidos amostras de DNA, dados clínicos, informações genealógicas e medidas antropométricas. A investigação dos fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade foi realizada por duas abordagens: (1) estudo de associação baseado em famílias (N = 584, 59 famílias) e (2) estudo de associação populacional com indivíduos não aparentados (N=305). Foram selecionados para estudo nove polimorfismos em oito genes candidatos: LEP rs2167270, LEPR rs1137101, ADRB2 rs1042713, PPARG rs1801282, PLIN1 rs2289487, RETN rs1862513, INSIG2 rs7566605, FTO rs1121980 e FTO rs1421085. As análises de associação baseadas em família indicaram que, nessas populações, apenas o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 está associado significativamente com o grupo de risco em relação à razão cintura-quadril (RCQ >=0,85 para mulheres e >=0,90 para homens; P=0,013). Aparentemente não existem trabalhos anteriores que verificaram a associação deste polimorfismo com a obesidade por essa metodologia. As análises do estudo populacional com indivíduos não aparentados mostraram associação significativa entre: (i) o alelo G no polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e a variação do índice de massa corporal (IMC; P=0,027); (ii) o alelo G do polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e o fenótipo de sobrepeso/obesidade (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,027); (iii) o alelo G no polimorfismo ADRB2 rs1042713 e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,029); (iv) o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 (genótipo GG) e os menores valores do IMC (P=0,025); (v) o polimorfismo FTO rs1121980 (alelo G) e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²), assim como a variação do IMC (P=0,037 e P=0,022 respectivamente); e (vi) o alelo A no polimorfismo FTO rs1421085 e maiores valores da circunferência da cintura (Cc; P=0,016) e da razão cintura-quadril (RCQ; P=0,030). Tomados em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem a participação dos genes LEP, LEPR, ADRB2, PLIN1 e FTO no aumento da predisposição ao sobrepeso e à obesidade nas populações remanescentes de quilombos. Por fim, as elevadas estimativas de herdabilidade dos três fenótipos investigados (IMC=33%, Cc=33% e RCQ=70%) reforçam a relevância do papel dos fatores genéticos no acúmulo de gordura corporal. O trabalho apresentado é resultado de uma investigação cuidadosa sobre os componentes genéticos associados à regulação do peso corporal em uma população brasileira afrodescendente (com características históricas, ambientais e genéticas peculiares), corroborando a hipótese de que a obesidade comum nas populações quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira é condicionada por um mecanismo poligênico modulado por fatores ambientais importantes como o sedentarismo e a transição nutricional
A eficiência econômica da bovinocultura leiteira está relacionada à utilização de animais que apresentem, concomitantemente, bom desempenho quanto à produção, reprodução, saúde e longevidade. Nisto, o índice de seleção configura-se como ferramenta importante ao aumento da lucratividade nesse sistema, visto que permite a seleção de reprodutores para várias características simultaneamente, considerando a relação entre elas bem como a relevância econômica das mesmas. Com a recente disponibilidade de dados genômicos tornou-se ainda possível expandir a abrangência e acurácia dos índices de seleção por meio do aumento do número e qualidade das informações consideradas. Nesse contexto, dois estudos foram desenvolvidos. No primeiro, o objetivo foi estimar parâmetros genéticos e valores genéticos (VG) para características relacionadas à produção e qualidade do leite incluindo-se a informação genômica na avaliação genética. Foram utilizadas medidas de idade ao primeiro parto (IPP), produção de leite (PROD), teor de gordura (GOR), proteína (PROT), lactose, caseína, escore de células somáticas (ECS) e perfil de ácidos graxos de 4.218 vacas bem como os genótipos de 755 vacas para 57.368 polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNP). Os componentes de variância e VG foram obtidos por meio de um modelo misto animal, incluindo-se os efeitos de grupos de contemporâneas, ordem de lactação, dias em lactação e os efeitos aditivo genético, ambiente permanente e residual. Duas abordagens foram desenvolvidas: uma tradicional, na qual a matriz de relacionamentos é baseada no pedigree; e uma genômica, na qual esta matriz é construída combinando-se a informação de pedigree e dos SNP. As herdabilidades variaram de 0,07 a 0,39. As correlações genéticas entre PROD e os componentes do leite variaram entre -0,45 e -0,13 enquanto correlações altas e positivas foram estimadas entre GOR e os ácidos graxos. O uso da abordagem genômica não alterou as estimativas de parâmetros genéticos; contudo, houve aumento entre 1,5% e 6,8% na acurácia dos VG, à exceção de IPP, para a qual houve uma redução de 1,9%. No segundo estudo, o objetivo foi incorporar a informação genômica no desenvolvimento de índices econômicos de seleção. Neste, os VG para PROD, GOR, PROT, teor de ácidos graxos insaturados (INSAT), ECS e vida produtiva foram combinados em índices de seleção ponderados por valores econômicos estimados sob três cenários de pagamento: exclusivamente por volume de leite (PAG1); por volume e por componentes do leite (PAG2); por volume e componentes do leite incluindo INSAT (PAG3). Esses VG foram preditos a partir de fenótipos de 4.293 vacas e genótipos de 755 animais em um modelo multi-característica sob as abordagens tradicional e genômica. O uso da informação genômica influenciou os componentes de variância, VG e a resposta à seleção. Entretanto, as correlações de ranking entre as abordagens foram altas nos três cenários, com valores entre 0,91 e 0,99. Diferenças foram principalmente observadas entre PAG1 e os demais cenários, com correlações entre 0,67 e 0,88. A importância relativa das características e o perfil dos melhores animais foram sensíveis ao cenário de remuneração considerado. Assim, verificou-se como essencial a consideração dos valores econômicos das características na avaliação genética e decisões de seleção.
Usinig original data on 1,5000 mandibles, but mainly previously published data, I present a overview of the distribution characteristics of mandibular torus and a hypothesis concerning its cause. Pedigree studies have established that genetic factors influence torus development. Extrinsic factors are strongly implicated by other evidence: prevalence among Arctic peoples, effect of dietary change, age regression, preponderance in males and on the right side, effect of cranial deformation, concurrence with palatine torus and maxillary alveolar exostoses, and clinical evidence. I propose that the primary factor is masticatory stress. According to a mechanism suggested by orthodontic research, the horizontal component of bite force tips the lower canine, premolars and first molar so that their root apices exert pressure on the periodontal membrane, causing formation of new bone on the lingual cortical plate of the alveolar process. Thus formed, the hyperostosis is vulnerable to trauma and its periosteal covering becomes bruised causing additional deposition of bone. Genes influence torus indirectly through their effect on occlusion. A patern of increased expressivity with incidence suggests that a quasicontinuous model may provide a better fit to pedigree data than single locus models previously tested.
BACKGROUND: Hydrops foetalis is defined as excessive fluid accumulation within the foetal extravascular compartments and body cavities. It has been described in human and veterinary medicine, but despite several descriptive studies its aetiology is still not fully clarified. Pulmonary hypoplasia and anasarca (PHA) syndrome is a rare congenital abnormality in cattle that is characterised by hydrops foetalis including extreme subcutaneous oedema (anasarca) and undeveloped or poorly formed lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia). Until now, sporadic cases of PHA were reported in cattle breeds like Australian Dexter, Belted Galloway, Maine-Anjou, and Shorthorn. This report describes the first known cases of PHA syndrome in Slovenian Cika cattle. CASE PRESENTATION: A 13-year-old cow aborted a male calf in the seventh month of pregnancy, while a male calf was delivered by caesarean section on the due date from a 14-year-old cow. The pedigree analysis showed that the calves were sired by the same bull, the dams were paternal half-sisters and the second calf was the product of a dam-son mating. Gross lesions were similar in both cases and characterized by severe anasarca, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, hypoplastic lungs, absence of lymph nodes, and an enlarged heart. The first calf was also athymic. Histopathology of the second affected calf confirmed severe oedema of the subcutis and interstitium of the organs, and pulmonary hypoplasia. The lymph vessels in the subcutis and other organs were severely dilated. Histopathology of the second calf revealed also lack of bronchus associated lymphoid tissue and adrenal gland hypoplasia. CONCLUSIONS: The findings were consistent with known forms of the bovine PHA syndrome. This is the first report of the PHA syndrome occurring in the local endangered breed of Cika cattle. Observed inbreeding practice supports that this lethal defect most likely follows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. In the light of the disease phenotype it is assumed that a mutation causing an impaired development of lymph vessels is responsible for the hydrops foetalis associated malformations in bovine PHA.
Background Lethal chondrodysplasia (bulldog syndrome) is a well-known congenital syndrome in cattle and occurs sporadically in many breeds. In 2015, it was noticed that about 12 % of the offspring of the phenotypically normal Danish Holstein sire VH Cadiz Captivo showed chondrodysplasia resembling previously reported bulldog calves. Pedigree analysis of affected calves did not display obvious inbreeding to a common ancestor, suggesting the causative allele was not a rare recessive. The normal phenotype of the sire suggested a dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance or a mosaic mutation. Results Three malformed calves were examined by necropsy, histopathology, radiology, and computed tomography scanning. These calves were morphologically similar and displayed severe disproportionate dwarfism and reduced body weight. The syndrome was characterized by shortening and compression of the body due to reduced length of the spine and the long bones of the limbs. The vicerocranium had severe dysplasia and palatoschisis. The bones had small irregular diaphyses and enlarged epiphyses consisting only of chondroid tissue. The sire and a total of four affected half-sib offspring and their dams were genotyped with the BovineHD SNP array to map the defect in the genome. Significant genetic linkage was obtained for several regions of the bovine genome including chromosome 5 where whole genome sequencing of an affected calf revealed a COL2A1 point mutation (g.32473300 G > A). This private sequence variant was predicted to affect splicing as it altered the conserved splice donor sequence GT at the 5’-end of COL2A1 intron 36, which was changed to AT. All five available cases carried the mutant allele in heterozygous state and all five dams were homozygous wild type. The sire VH Cadiz Captivo was shown to be a gonadal and somatic mosaic as assessed by the presence of the mutant allele at levels of about 5 % in peripheral blood and 15 % in semen. Conclusions The phenotypic and genetic findings are comparable to a previously reported COL2A1 missense mutation underlying lethal chondrodysplasia in the offspring of a mosaic French Holstein sire (Igale Masc). The identified independent spontaneous splice site variant in COL2A1 most likely caused chondrodysplasia and must have occurred during the early foetal development of the sire. This study provides a first example of a dominant COL2A1 splice site variant as candidate causal mutation of a severe lethal chondrodysplasia phenotype. Germline mosaicism is a relatively frequent mechanism in the origin of genetic disorders and explains the prevalence of a certain fraction of affected offspring. Paternal dominant de novo mutations are a risk in cattle breeding, especially because the ratio of defective offspring may be very high and be associated with significant animal welfare problems.
Contains chapters on the Arden family; the Blunts of Kiddermeister; the Griffin family, with pedigree.
Appendix I: A treatise against the prevee masse in the behalfe and furtheraunce of the mooste holye communyon made by Edmund Geste. 1548: p. [69]-140.
Pedigree tables of James Stuart and Laura Elizabeth Colman: p. 283-285.
Mode of access: Internet.
Listed as nos. 92 and 95 in the club's Catalogue of books, 1898.