976 resultados para Osteossíntese cervical inferior


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Un muestreo intensivo del clasico yacimiento de mamíferos fósles de Santpedor ha dado como resultado la presencia de Theridomys aff. aquatilis, Gliravus aff. priscus, Eucricetodon atavus y Pseudoltinomys gaillardi. Esta asociacin permite atribuir 1os niveles del yacimiento al Oligoceno inferior mas bajo (nivel de Hoogbutsel)


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The subdivisions of human inferior colliculus are currently based on Golgi and Nissl-stained preparations. We have investigated the distribution of calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity in the human inferior colliculus and found complementary or mutually exclusive localisations of parvalbumin versus calbindin D-28k and calretinin staining. The central nucleus of the inferior colliculus but not the surrounding regions contained parvalbumin-positive neuronal somata and fibres. Calbindin-positive neurons and fibres were concentrated in the dorsal aspect of the central nucleus and in structures surrounding it: the dorsal cortex, the lateral lemniscus, the ventrolateral nucleus, and the intercollicular region. In the dorsal cortex, labelling of calbindin and calretinin revealed four distinct layers.Thus, calcium-binding protein reactivity reveals in the human inferior colliculus distinct neuronal populations that are anatomically segregated. The different calcium-binding protein-defined subdivisions may belong to parallel auditory pathways that were previously demonstrated in non-human primates, and they may constitute a first indication of parallel processing in human subcortical auditory structures.


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OBJECTIVE: This article analyses the influence of treatment duration on survival in patients with invasive carcinoma of the cervix treated by radical radiation therapy. METHOD: Three hundred and sixty patients with FIGO stage IB-IIIB carcinoma of the cervix were treated in Lausanne (Switzerland) with external radiation and brachytherapy as first line therapy. Median therapy duration was 45 days. Patients were classified according to the duration of the therapies, taking 60 days (the 75th percentile) as an arbitrary cut-off. RESULTS: The 5-year survival was 61% (S.E. = 3%) for the therapy duration group of less than 60 days and 53% (S.E. = 7%) for the group of more than 60 days. In terms of univariate hazard ratio (HR), the relative difference between the two groups corresponds to a 50% increase of deaths (HR = 1.53, 95% CI = 1.03-2.28) for the longer therapy duration group (P = 0.044). In a multivariate analysis, the magnitude of estimated relative hazards for the longer therapies are confirmed though significance was reduced (HR = 1.52, 95% CI = 0.94-2.45, P = 0.084). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that short treatment duration is a factor associated with longer survival in carcinoma of the cervix.


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In locally advanced cervical cancer, (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography - computed tomography (PET/CT) has become important in the initial evaluation of disease extent. It is superior to other imaging modalities for lymph node status and distant metastasis. PET-defined cervical tumor volume predicts progression-free and overall survival. Higher FDG uptake in both primary and regional lymph nodes is strongly predictive of worse outcome. FDG-PET is useful for assessing treatment response 3 months after completing concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) and predicting long-term survival, and in suspected disease recurrence. In the era of image-guided adaptive radiotherapy, accurately defining disease areas is critical to avoid irradiating normal tissue. Based on additional information provided by FDG-PET, radiation treatment volumes can be modified and higher doses to FDG-positive lymph nodes safely delivered. FDG-PET/CT has been used for image-guided brachytherapy of FDG-avid tumor volume, while respecting low doses to bladder and rectum. Despite survival improvements due to CRT in cervical cancer, disease recurrences continue to be a major problem. Biological rationale exists for combining novel non-cytotoxic agents with CRT, and drugs targeting specific molecular pathways are under clinical development. The integration of these targeted therapies in clinical trials, and the need for accurate predictors of radio-curability is essential. New molecular imaging tracers may help identifying more aggressive tumors. (64)Cu-labeled diacetyl-di(N(4)-methylthiosemicarbazone) is taken up by hypoxic tissues, which may be valuable for prognostication and radiation treatment planning. PET/CT imaging with novel radiopharmaceuticals could further impact cervical cancer treatment as surrogate markers of drug activity at the tumor microenvironment level. The present article reviews the current and emerging role of PET/CT in the management of cervical cancer.


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OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to describe the clinical features of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis (PFAPA) and identify distinct phenotypes in a large cohort of patients from different countries. METHODS: We established a web-based multicentre cohort through an international collaboration within the periodic fevers working party of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS). The inclusion criterion was a diagnosis of PFAPA given by an experienced paediatric rheumatologist participating in an international working group on periodic fever syndromes. RESULTS: Of the 301 patients included from the 15 centres, 271 had pharyngitis, 236 cervical adenitis, 171 oral aphthosis and 132 with all three clinical features. A total of 228 patients presented with additional symptoms (131 gastrointestinal symptoms, 86 arthralgias and/or myalgias, 36 skin rashes, 8 neurological symptoms). Thirty-one patients had disease onset after 5 years and they reported more additional symptoms. A positive family history for recurrent fever or recurrent tonsillitis was found in 81 patients (26.9%). Genetic testing for monogenic periodic fever syndromes was performed on 111 patients, who reported fewer occurrences of oral aphthosis or additional symptoms. Twenty-four patients reported symptoms (oral aphthosis and malaise) outside the flares. The CRP was >50 mg/l in the majority (131/190) of the patients tested during the fever. CONCLUSION: We describe the largest cohort of PFAPA patients presented so far. We confirm that PFAPA may present with varied clinical manifestations and we show the limitations of the commonly used diagnostic criteria. Based on detailed analysis of this cohort, a consensus definition of PFAPA with better-defined criteria should be proposed.


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Background: Excessive mediastinal shift into the vacated thoracic cavity after pneumonectomy can result in dyspnea without hypoxemia by compression of the tracheobronchial tree, a phenomenon called postpneumonectomy syndrome. More rarely hypoxemia in upright position (platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome, POS) after pneumonectomy can result from re-opening of an atrial right-to-left shunt through a patent foramen ovale (PFO) due to mediastinal distorsion. Review of literature also shows a unique report of pulmonary veins stenosis resulting in POS without intracardiac shunt after pneumonectomy. Methods: We report the case of a 32-year-old woman who presented POS 6 months after right pneumonectomy for destroyed lung post tuberculosis. Results: The patient described severe dyspnea disappearing when lying. SpO2 decreased from 94% when lying to 60% sitting. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) suspected a possible PFO. We first tried to highlight clinical repercussions of PFO by noninvasive exams. Hyperoxia shunt quantification was not tolerated because of increased dyspnea in sitting position. Contrast bubbles TTE was difficult because of the important mediastinal shift but identified only rare left heart bubbles with/without Valsalva both in lying and sitting position, excluding a significant right-to-left shunt. A lung perfusion scintigraphy (injection while sitting) confirmed the absence of systemic isotope uptake. Computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (angio-CT) revealed a stretched but not stenosed left main bronchus, while the shift of the heart into the right cavity was major. Pulmonary angiography did not show embolism but revealed compression of the inferior vena cava (IVC) with impaired venous return to the right heart, as well as compression of the left pulmonary veins. There was no arteriovenous shunt. Cardiac MRI showed torsion of IVC at the level of the diaphragm, and strong atrial contraction contributing to a passive filling of the RV, while the right ventricle was normal. Right catheterism showed major hemodynamic disturbances with negative diastolic pressure in right heart cavities (atrium -12 mm Hg ventricle pressure -7 mm Hg). SaO2 measured in the pulmonary artery decreased from 58% when lying to 45% sitting. Conclusion: We described here an exceedingly rare and complex mechanism explaining POS after right pneumonectomy. Mediastinal repositioning with a silicone breast implant of appropriate size has been scheduled.


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La publicación en 1954 y 1958 de los Estudios Críticos 1 y JI dedicados al poblado de la primera Edad del Hierro del Alto de la Cruz (Cortes de Navarra) supuso, sin ningún género de dudas, el arranque de la sistematización de la secuencia cultural y poblacional del área del valle medio del Ebro en el período correspondiente al Bronce Final y las fases más antiguas de la Edad del Hierro.


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Cervical artery dissection (CeAD), a mural hematoma in a carotid or vertebral artery, is a major cause of ischemic stroke in young adults although relatively uncommon in the general population (incidence of 2.6/100,000 per year). Minor cervical traumas, infection, migraine and hypertension are putative risk factors, and inverse associations with obesity and hypercholesterolemia are described. No confirmed genetic susceptibility factors have been identified using candidate gene approaches. We performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in 1,393 CeAD cases and 14,416 controls. The rs9349379[G] allele (PHACTR1) was associated with lower CeAD risk (odds ratio (OR) = 0.75, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.69-0.82; P = 4.46 × 10(-10)), with confirmation in independent follow-up samples (659 CeAD cases and 2,648 controls; P = 3.91 × 10(-3); combined P = 1.00 × 10(-11)). The rs9349379[G] allele was previously shown to be associated with lower risk of migraine and increased risk of myocardial infarction. Deciphering the mechanisms underlying this pleiotropy might provide important information on the biological underpinnings of these disabling conditions.