Valorem els resultats funcionals i de qualitat de vida a mig i a llarg termini de 38 fractures de l’húmer proximal, tractades en 17 casos amb fixació amb sutures transòssies i en 21 associant claus d’Ender modificats. Els pacients intervinguts amb sutures transòssies obtingueren millors resultats funcionals amb diferències significatives. Les fractures en 3 parts en valg obtingueren millors resultats funcionals que les desplaçades en var No s’observaren diferències de qualitat de vida segons tècnica quirúrgica i tipus de fractura. La fixació amb sutures associades o no a claus d’Ender modificats és una tècnica, útil, segura i amb baix índex de complicacions.
Les fractures de pelvis en el context del pacient politraumàtic amb freqüència s’acompanyen d’altres lesions, que en conjunt poden generar una situació de inestabilitat hemodinàmica. En el nostre estudi, retrospectiu sobre 100 fractures de pelvis en pacients politraumàtics atesos al Hospital Vall d’Hebron en un període de tres anys, hem volgut valorar quina classificació de fractures de pelvis (Tile/Young-Burgess) ens prediu millor la inestabilitat hemodinàmica. No s’han observat diferències estadísticament significatives entre les dues classificacions, en relació a la inestabilitat hemodinàmica. Per tant, el patró de fractura no ens útil per a predir la inestabilitat hemodinàmica.
Estudi d’avaluació dels resultats del tractament de fractures diafisàries de tíbia mitjançant la tècnica quirúrgica d’enclavat endomedul•lar fresat i bloquejat, amb un seguiment mig de 14 mesos. Els criteris d’inclusió han estat les fractures tancades i obertes, segons la Classificació de la AO i la Classificació de Gustilo-Anderson per les fractures obertes, excloent fractures amb traç articular o afectació metafisària. Es tracta d’un estudi retrospectiu de totes les històries clíniques, realitzant una valoració radiològica pre i postquirúrgica. Posteriorment s’ha realitzat una valoració clínica mitjançant l’escala de Karlström i Olerud. Finalment, s’ha dut a terme una revisió actualitzada de la literatura.
La fixació interna de les fractures pertrocantériques es una de les intervencions quirúrgiques més freqüents en Traumatologia. És precisament en les fractures més conminutes i inestables en les que el sistema de fixació i la seva correcta col•locació té major importància per evitar, en la major mesura possible, els desplaçaments secundaris de la fractura. El propòsit d’aquest treball és realitzar una revisió clínica quirúrgica d’aquestes fractures per demostrar el valor predictiu que tenen sobre l’èxit o fracàs de la osteosíntesis la col•locació del cargol cefàlic en el cap femoral i la distància al àpex.
The treatment of hip osteoarthritis with total hip arthroplasty has continuously evolved since it was first introduced in the sixties. The problem of aseptic loosening of the cemented prostheses, mainly in young active patients, has stimulated two different types of research: on one side the improvement of cementing techniques and on the other side the development of cementless osteoinegrable implants. We discuss the problems of these cementless hip prostheses. Recently published anatomic and biomechanic studies have led to the development of personalized custom femoral stems for each patient. The conception technique and first clinical results are described.
Dislocated compound fractures of the proximal humerus are often difficult to treat. The choice of treatment influences the final functional result. From 1984-1991 108 patients with dislocated compound fractures of the proximal humerus were operated with a T-plate osteosynthesis, retrospectively examined and classified according to the Neer-Classification. At an average follow up time of 5 years 72 patients had a clinical and radiological examination. 68% of these patients with 3-fragment fractures and 80% with 4-fragment fractures showed a modest to unsatisfactory result caused by fracture biology, imprecise fracture reduction or poor surgical procedure. Incorrect position of T-plates and inadequate material were distinguishable. The T-plate which was widely used in the late eighties for internal fixation has to be considered a failure for these particular types of fractures and should be limited for Collum chirurgicum fractures.
Aims: The pivotal FREEDOM study evaluated the effi cacy and safety of 3 years' denosumab treatment in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO).1 Since osteoporosis is a chronic condition requiring long-term therapy, FREEDOM was extended to further elucidate the safety and effi cacy of long-term denosumab administration. We present data from the fi rst 2 years of this extension, representing up to 5 years' continuous exposure to denosumab.Methods: Patients who completed FREEDOM were eligible for the extension. Women continued to receive (long-term group), or started after 3 years' placebo (cross-over group), denosumab 60 mg sc every 6 months and daily calcium and vitamin D. These data refl ect 5 years' (long-term) or 2 years' (cross-over) continuous denosumab treatment. Effi cacy measures include changes in BMD from extension study baseline and bone turnover markers (BTM). P-values are descriptive.Results: Of the 83.0% of subjects who completed FREEDOM, 70.2% (N = 4550) agreed to participate in the extension (long-term: 2343; cross-over: 2207). In the long-term group, there were further signifi cant gains (P < 0.0001) in BMD in years 4 and 5: 1.9% and 1.7% at the lumbar spine to a total of 13.7% from FREEDOM baseline and 0.7% and 0.6% at the total hip to a total of 7.0%. During their fi rst 2 years' denosumab treatment, women in the cross-over group had signifi cant improvements in lumbar spine (7.9%) and total hip BMD (4.1%) (P < 0.0001). Serum C-telopeptide (CTX) was rapidly reduced following denosumab dosing in both groups, with the characteristic attenuation of CTX reduction observed at the end of the dosing interval. A low incidence of new vertebral and nonvertebral fractures was reported for both groups. The denosumab safety profi le did not change over time.Conclusions: Denosumab treatment for up to 5 years in women with PMO remains well tolerated, maintains reduction of BTMs and continues to significantly increase BMD.Reference1. Cummings. NEJM 2009;361:756.
BACKGROUND: We sought to improve upon previously published statistical modeling strategies for binary classification of dyslipidemia for general population screening purposes based on the waist-to-hip circumference ratio and body mass index anthropometric measurements. METHODS: Study subjects were participants in WHO-MONICA population-based surveys conducted in two Swiss regions. Outcome variables were based on the total serum cholesterol to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. The other potential predictor variables were gender, age, current cigarette smoking, and hypertension. The models investigated were: (i) linear regression; (ii) logistic classification; (iii) regression trees; (iv) classification trees (iii and iv are collectively known as "CART"). Binary classification performance of the region-specific models was externally validated by classifying the subjects from the other region. RESULTS: Waist-to-hip circumference ratio and body mass index remained modest predictors of dyslipidemia. Correct classification rates for all models were 60-80%, with marked gender differences. Gender-specific models provided only small gains in classification. The external validations provided assurance about the stability of the models. CONCLUSIONS: There were no striking differences between either the algebraic (i, ii) vs. non-algebraic (iii, iv), or the regression (i, iii) vs. classification (ii, iv) modeling approaches. Anticipated advantages of the CART vs. simple additive linear and logistic models were less than expected in this particular application with a relatively small set of predictor variables. CART models may be more useful when considering main effects and interactions between larger sets of predictor variables.
BACKGROUND: The AO comprehensive pediatric longbone fracture classification system describes the localization and morphology of fractures, and considers severity in 3 categories: (1) simple, (2) wedge, and (3) complex. We evaluated the reliability and accuracy of surgeons in using this rating system. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a first validation phase, 5 experienced pediatric (orthopedic) surgeons reviewed radiographs of 267 prospectively collected pediatric fractures (agreement study A). In a second study (B), 70 surgeons of various levels of experience in 15 clinics classified 275 fractures via internet. Simple fractures comprised about 90%, 99% and 100% of diaphyseal (D), metaphyseal (M), and epiphyseal (E) fractures, respectively. RESULTS: Kappa coefficients for severity coding in D fractures were 0.82 and 0.51 in studies A and B, respectively. The median accuracy of surgeons in classifying simple fractures was above 97% in both studies but was lower, 85% (46-100), for wedge or complex D fractures. INTERPRETATION: While reliability and accuracy estimates were satisfactory as a whole, the ratings of some individual surgeons were inadequate. Our findings suggest that the classification of fracture severity in children should be done in only two categories that distinguish between simple and wedge/complex fractures.
RÉSUMÉ La prise en charge des fractures de l'enfant a beaucoup évolué au cours des quinze dernières années. Les spécificités pédiatriques des mécanismes de réparation osseuse rendaient nécessaires des modalités de traitement se différenciant de l'ostéosynthèse adulte classique qui suivait les principes de réduction anatomique et de stabilité. Chez l'enfant le traitement conservateur des fractures reste le moyen le plus fréquemment employé. Cependant, ce traitement s'avérait imparfait dans le cas de la fracture fémorale car il impliquait une hospitalisation prolongée. Ceci a mené à réaliser des ostéosynthèses classiques et trop invasives chez des patients pédiatriques, entraînant des hyperallongements parfois importants. C'est ainsi que de nouvelles techniques adaptées à l'enfant sont apparues, tels que l'enclouage centro-médullaire élastique stable (ECMES) et le fixateur externe dynamisable (FED). Nous rapportons ici l'expérience du Service de Chirurgie Pédiatrique du CHUV à Lausanne. Entre 1988 et 1996, nous avons recensé 265 cas de fractures fémorales chez des enfants âgés entre 0 et 15 ans : 227 sont diaphysaires, 23 épiphysaires, 8 cervicales, 7 per- ou sous-trochantériennes. Parmi celles-ci, 94 fractures diaphysaires, 11 épiphysaires, 4 trochantériennes et toutes les cervicales ont bénéficié d'un traitement chirurgical. Nous avons étudié rétrospectivement 96 fractures traitées par ECMES, ce qui représente le traitement chirurgical standard de la fracture diaphysaire fémorale dans notre service. La majorité de ces fractures est liée aux accidents de la route (41%) ou au ski (27%). Le collectif comprend 7 enfants polytraumatisés, 3 fractures du membre inférieur controlatéral, 1 fracture du tibia homolatéral et une fracture instable du bassin. Après ECMES, la mobilisation débute généralement entre le troisième et le douzième jour postopératoire selon l'âge de l'enfant, le type de fracture et surtout les lésions associées. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation est de 12 jours. Le suivi moyen est de 16 à 21 mois selon la catégorie d'âge, le type de fracture et la compliance du patient et des parents. Dans les suites, nous avons pu observer que l'hyperallongement du membre concerné affecte plus souvent les patients les plus jeunes (3-5 ans) tandis que les raccourcissements du membre fracturé concernent les enfants plus âgés (12-15 ans). La complication la plus fréquemment rencontrée est la migration des broches dont la fréquence varie entre 8% et 25% selon l'âge. Un total de 11% tout âge confondu nécessite un traitement ou une reprise. Chez les enfants de moins de 8 ans, avec migration de broches, la moitié des cas nécessite d'une reprise, tandis que le montage est repris dans tous les cas de plus de 8 ans. L'ECMES offre l'avantage d'une technique simple, peu invasive, peu coûteuse, qui utilise les capacités de guérison spécifique de l'enfant. Il permet des séjours hospitaliers courts et favorise une bonne consolidation respectant la biologie de guérison et autorisant une reprise précoce de l'activité physique. Les complications sont peu nombreuses et les résultats orthopédiques, comparables à ceux du traitement conservateur.
Malnutrition, a risk factor for osteoporotic fractures, is frequent in elderly people and, is underdiagnosed and undertreated. There are only few studies on the nutritional status of elderly people in Europe. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) is a non invasive and validated questionnaire to evaluate nutritional status in elderly people, classified in three groups: 1 degree score < 17: malnourished, 2 degrees score >17 and < 24: at risk of malnutrition, 3 degrees score >24: well-nourished, with a maximum of 30 points. Quantitative ultrasound of bone (QUS) is a method for assessing quality of bone which can be easily performed in nursing homes. Therefore, these two tests allowed to study the relationships between nutritional status and ultrasonic parameters of bone in 78 institutionalized women aged 86 +/- 6 years, living in 11 nursing homes around Lausanne (Switzerland). All were assessed by the MNA, had a measurement of the tricipital skin fold and of the grip strength. Functional status was evaluated by the scale "Activity of Daily Living" (ADL), and serum albumin level was measured when permitted. All had QUS of the calcaneus (with an Achilles, GE Lunar). The measured parameters are the Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation (BUA), attenuation of a band of ultrasonic frequencies through the medium, expressed in dB/MHz, and the Speed of Sound (SOS), speed of the ultrasounds through the medium, expressed in m/s. A third parameter, the stiffness index (SI), expressed as a percentage of the values obtained by the manufacturer in a young population and derived from BUA and SOS, was calculated automatically : SI = (0.67xBUA) + (0.28xSOS) - 420, expressed in percent compared to a young adult population (%YA). Fifteen percent of the women were undernourished and 58% were at risk of malnutrition. As expected, compared with the well-nourished minority, undernourished subjects had significant lower body mass index (BMI), tricipital skin fold (TSF), ADL score and albumin level (p < 0,01). The subjects "at risk of malnutrition" had significant lower BMI, ADL score (p < 0.01), tricipital skin fold and serum albumin (p < 0.05). Ultrasound parameters were low independently of the nutritional status. MNA score correlated significantly with tricipital skin fold (r = 0.508, p < 0.01), ADL (r = 0.538, p < 0.01) and albumin serum level (r = 0.409, p = 0.01). There was a trend for a correlation between the MNA and the ultrasound parameter BUA (r = 0.207, p = 0.07), whereas no correlation was found with SOS and SI. A multivariate analysis showed that tricipital skin fold and ADL explained 61% of the variance of the MNA. In conclusion, using simple and non invasive methods, this study showed that malnutrition and osteoporosis are frequent in institutionalized elderly persons in our country, and the ultrasound parameters are influenced by many others factors in addition to nutrition, especially at this age and in elderly residents of nursing homes.