963 resultados para Nuclear reactor accidents


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The investigation of insulation debris generation, transport and sedimentation becomes important with regard to reactor safety research for PWR and BWR, when considering the long-term behaviour of emergency core cooling systems during all types of loss of coolant accidents. A joint research project on such questions is being performed in cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz and the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The project deals with the experimental investigation of particle transport phenomena in coolant flow and the development of CFD models for its description. While the experiments are performed at the University at Zittau/Görlitz, the theoretical modelling efforts are concentrated at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. In the current presentation the basic concepts for CFD modelling are described and feasibility studies are presented. On the example of a complex flow situation at plunging jet conditions the model capabilities are demonstrated.


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The investigation of insulation debris transport, sedimentation, penetration into the reactor core and head loss build up becomes important to reactor safety research for PWR and BWR, when considering the long-term behaviour of emergency core cooling systems during loss of coolant accidents. Research projects are being performed in cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The projects include experimental investigations of different processes and phenomena of insulation debris in coolant flow and the development of CFD models. Generic complex experiments serve for building up a data base for the validation of models for single effects and their coupling in CFD codes. This paper includes the description of the experimental facility for complex generic experiments (ZSW), an overview about experimental boundary conditions and results for upstream and down-stream phenomena as well as for the long-time behaviour due to corrosive processes. © Carl Hanser Verlag, München.


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The investigation of insulation debris generation, transport, and sedimentation becomes more important with regard to reactor safety research for pressurized water reactors and boiling water reactors when considering the long-term behavior of emergency core coolant systems during all types of loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs). The insulation debris released near the break during a LOCA incident consists of a mixture of disparate particle populations that varies with size, shape, consistency, and other properties. Some fractions of the released insulation debris can be transported into the reactor sump, where it may perturb/impinge on the emergency core cooling systems. Open questions of generic interest are, for example, the particle load on strainers and corresponding pressure drop, the sedimentation of the insulation debris in a water pool, and its possible resuspension and transport in the sump water flow. A joint research project on such questions is being performed in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz. The project deals with the experimental investigation and the development of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for the description of particle transport phenomena in coolant flow. While the experiments are performed at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz, the theoretical work is concentrated at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. In the current paper the basic concepts for CFD modeling are described and feasibility studies including the conceptual design of the experiments are presented.


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The investigation of insulation debris generation, transport and sedimentation becomes important with regard to reactor safety research for PWR and BWR, when considering the long-term behavior of emergency core cooling systems during all types of loss of coolant accidents (LOCA). The insulation debris released near the break during a LOCA incident consists of a mixture of disparate particle population that varies with size, shape, consistency and other properties. Some fractions of the released insulation debris can be transported into the reactor sump, where it may perturb/impinge on the emergency core cooling systems. Open questions of generic interest are the sedimentation of the insulation debris in a water pool, its possible re-suspension and transport in the sump water flow and the particle load on strainers and corresponding pressure drop. A joint research project on such questions is being performed in cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Gorlitz and the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The project deals with the experimental investigation of particle transport phenomena in coolant flow and the development of CFD models for its description. While the experiments are performed at the University at Zittau/Gorlitz, the theoretical modeling efforts are concentrated at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. In the current paper the basic concepts for CFD modeling are described and feasibility studies including the conceptual design of the experiments are presented. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.


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The investigation of insulation debris generation, transport and sedimentation becomes important with regard to reactor safety research for PWR and BWR, when considering the long-term behavior of emergency core cooling systems during all types of loss of coolant accidents (LOCA). The insulation debris released near the break during a LOCA incident consists of a mixture of disparate particle population that varies with size, shape, consistency and other properties. Some fractions of the released insulation debris can be transported into the reactor sump, where it may perturb/impinge on the emergency core cooling systems. Open questions of generic interest are the sedimentation of the insulation debris in a water pool, its possible re-suspension and transport in the sump water flow and the particle load on strainers and corresponding pressure drop. A joint research project on such questions is being performed in cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz and the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The project deals with the experimental investigation of particle transport phenomena in coolant flow and the development of CFD models for its description. While the experiments are performed at the University at Zittau/Görlitz, the theoretical modeling efforts are concentrated at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. In the current paper the basic concepts for CFD-modeling are described and feasibility studies including the conceptual design of the experiments are presented. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The investigation of insulation debris generation, transport and sedimentation becomes more important with regard to reactor safety research for pressurized and boiling water reactors, when considering the long-term behaviour of emergency core coolant systems during all types of loss of coolant accidents (LOCA). The insulation debris released near the break during a LOCA incident consists of a mixture of a disparate particle population that varies with size, shape, consistency and other properties. Some fractions of the released insulation debris can be transported into the reactor sump, where it may perturb or impinge on the emergency core cooling systems. Open questions of generic interest are for example the particle load on strainers and corresponding pressure-drop, the sedimentation of the insulation debris in a water pool, its possible re-suspension and transport in the sump water flow. A joint research project on such questions is being performed in cooperation with the University of Applied Science Zittau/Görlitz and the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The project deals with the experimental investigation and the development of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models for the description of particle transport phenomena in coolant flow. While the experiments are performed at the University Zittau/Görlitz, the theoretical work is concentrated at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. In the present paper, the basic concepts for computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling are described and experimental results are presented. Further experiments are designed and feasibility studies were performed.


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The maintenance of systems and equipment is a central question related to Production Engineering. Although systems are not fully reliable, it is often necessary to minimize the failure occurrence likelihood. The failures occurrences can have disastrous consequences during a plane flight or operation of a nuclear power plant. The elaboration of a maintenance plan has as objective the prevention and recovery from system failures, increasing reliability and reducing the cost of unplanned shutdowns. It is also important to consider the issues related to organizations safety, especially those dealing with dangerous technologies. The objective of this thesis is to propose a method for maintenance analysis of a nuclear research reactor, using a socio-technical approach, and focused on existing conditions in Brazil. The research reactor studied belongs to the federal government and it is located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The specific objective of this thesis is to develop the availability analysis of one of the principal systems of the research reactor, the nuclear instrumentation system. In this analysis, were taken into account not only the technical aspects of the modules related to nuclear instrumentation system, but also the human and organizational factors that could affect the availability of the nuclear instrumentation system. The results showed the influence of these factors on the availability of the nuclear instrumentation system.


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El reactor multipropósito RA-10 que se construirá en Ezeiza tiene como objetivo principal aumentar la producción de radioisótopos destinados al diagnóstico de enfermedades; adicionalmente el proyecto RA-10 permitirá ofrecer al sistema científico-tecnológico oportunidades de investigación, desarrollo y producción. Entre ellas se contará con una facilidad de dopaje de silicio a través de transmutación neutrónica para producir material semiconductor. La principal ventaja de esta técnica de fabricación es que se obtiene el semiconductor más homogéneamente dopado del mercado. Esto se logra irradiando a la pieza con un flujo neutrónico axialmente uniforme. La uniformidad axial se obtiene diseñando un aplanador de flujo que consiste en un conjunto de anillos de acero de diferentes espesores para lograr aplanar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que irradia al silicio. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar e implementar un algoritmo que permita calcular los espesores óptimos de acero de forma tal de modificar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que se genera en el núcleo para uniformizarlo lo más posible. Se proponen y evalúan mejoras para incrementar el valor del flujo neutrónico al cual se uniformiza. Posteriormente se evalúan los tiempos necesarios para obtener diferentes resistividades objetivo y se realizan cálculos de activación neutrónica para determinar los tiempos de decaimiento necesarios para cumplir los límites de actividad requeridos. Se realizan además cálculos de calentamiento para determinar la potencia que se debe disipar para refrigerar la facilidad.


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La línea de cálculo de INVAP consiste principalmente de los códigos CONDOR y CITVAP. Este último es la versión mejorada del código CITATION II que resuelve la ecuación de difusión neutrónica multigrupo por el método de diferencias finitas. CITVAP es ampliamente usado para estudiar reactores de investigación y reactores de potencia tales como PWR, BWR, VVER y últimamente se implemento nuevas funciones para estudiar una central PHWR tipo Atucha. Siguiendo con la línea de reactores PHWR, en este trabajo se estudian las capacidades y deficiencias del código de núcleo CITVAP para modelar una central nuclear tipo CANDU. Se plantean mejoras a realizar para un manejo mas eficiente desde el punto de vista del usuario, tanto de la gestión de combustibles, movimientos de barras de control y zonas líquidas como mejoras en el modelo termohidraulico. La metodología consiste en validar la línea de cálculo de INVAP, contrastando los resultados con el benchmark IAEA-tecdoc-887. El proceso de validación consiste en cálculos de celda en dos y tres dimensiones usando los códigos CONDOR y SERPENT respectivamente, obtención de secciones eficaces macroscópicas en función del quemado y cálculos de núcleo para distintas configuraciones de los dispositivos de control usando un núcleo fresco y una distribución de quemado en equilibrio. Se analizan las dificultades que se presentan al modelar el núcleo con las capacidades actuales del código y se plantean posibles soluciones a implementar. Para un estudio completo de un reactor CANDU, se estudian tres de la características distintivas de este tipo de reactor: la termohidraulica, la gestión de combustibles y los dispositivos de control de reactividad, distribución de potencia y apagado.


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Los sistemas de alarmas constituyen un elemento clave en las plantas modernas de procesos industriales. A lo largo de los años, los mismos han ido evolucionando de la mano del importante desarrollo en la industria del software, para pasar de ser simples paneles de anunciación y lámparas cableadas hasta complejos sistemas inteligentes que asisten al operador en sus funciones de operación. En el desarrollo de este trabajo se planteó diseñar un Sistema Avanzado de Alarmas para el Reactor Nuclear de Investigación RA6 contemplando las nuevas tecnologías existentes para incorporar mejoras a la actual sala de control. Para ello se trabajó siguiendo la metodología propuesta por la guía de diseño de sistemas de alarmas ANSI / ISA- SP-18. Para asistir al diseño y la verificación del sistema se utilizó un modelo termohidráulico de la planta desarrollado en Matlab/Simulink. Entre las nuevas herramientas incorporadas en el prototipo final obtenido se pueden mencionar: creación de archivos históricos, asignación de prioridades, supresiones de alarmas según estado operativo, filtrado y agrupamiento de alarmas.