915 resultados para Non-insulin-dependent diabetes - Genetic aspects


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most serious complications of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in small animals (SILVA, 2006). It is an acute metabolic disorder, potentially fatal, both in humans and in dogs and cats with DM (BRUYETTE, 1997), being related, mostly, to insulin-dependent diabetics (CHASTAIN, 1981; HUME et al., 2006). DKA is a medical emergency characterized by extreme metabolic abnormalities, including hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, ketonemia, dehydration and electrolyte loss (MACINTIRE, 2006) and its diagnosis may be established basically by the detection of ketonuria and metabolic acidosis (NELSON, 2009). The primary purposes of the treatment of DKA are intravascular volume restoration, dehydration, acid-base and electrolyte’s imbalances correction and blood glucose concentration reduction (BOYSEN, 2008). The treatment’s success depends of the clinical status at the time of diagnosis and of the introduction of an appropriate therapy to the conditions of each patient (CHASTAIN, 1981)


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Currently, biodiversity is threatened by several factors often associated with human population growth and the extension of areas occupied by human activity. In particular, freshwater fish fauna is affected by overfishing, deforestation, water pollution, introduction of exotic species and habitat fragmentation promoted by hydroelectric dams, among other environmental impact factors. Several action plans to preserve ichthyofauna biodiversity have been adopted; however, these plans frequently cover only a small number of species, and decisions are often made without strong scientific support. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic aspects of wild groups of Brycon orbignyanus, an endangered fish species, using microsatellites and D-loop regions to identify the genetic structure of the samples and to establish priority areas for conservation based on the genetic patterns of this species. The results indicated that the samples showed levels of genetic variability compatible with others studies with Neotropical fishes. However, the results obtained in the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for microsatellites (F (ST) = 0.258) and D-loop (F (ST) = 0.234) and the interpopulation fixation index revealed that B. orbignyanus was structured in different subpopulations in the La Plata River basin; the areas with better environmental conditions also showed subgroups with higher rates of genetic variability. Future conservation actions addressing these sites should consider two different management units: the complex formed by the Ivinhema River, Upper Parana, Camargo Port and Ilha Grande groups; and the complex formed by the Verde River and Sucuriu River groups.


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Stereotyped behaviors have been routinely used as characters for phylogeny inference, but the same cannot be said of the plastic aspects of performance, which routinely are taken as a result of ecological processes. In this paper we examine the evolution of one of these plastic behavioral phenotypes, thus fostering a bridge between ecological and evolutionary processes. Foraging behavior in spiders is context dependent in many aspects, since it varies with prey type and size, spider nutritional and developmental state, previous experience and, in webweavers, is dependent on the structure of the web. Reeling is a predatory tactic typical of cobweb weavers (Theridiidae), in which the spider moves the prey toward her by pulling the capture thread (gumfoot) to which it is adhered. Predatory reeling is dependent on the gumfoot for its expression, and has not been previously reported in orbweavers. In order to investigate the evolution of this web dependent behavior, we built artificial, pseudogumfoot lines in orbwebs and registered parameters of the predatory tactics in this modified web. Aspects of the predatory tactics of 240 individuals (12 species in 4 families) were measured, and the resulting data were optimized on the phylogeny of Orbiculariae. All species perform predatory reeling with the pseudogumfoot lines. Thus, predatory reeling is homologous for the whole Orbiculariae group. In nature, holes made by insects in ecribellate orbs produce pseudogumfoot lines (similar to out experimentally modified webs), and thus reeling occurred naturally in ecribellates. Nevertheless, outside lab conditions, predatory reeling does not occur among cribellate orbweavers, so that this behavior could not have been selected for in the cribellate ancester of orbweavers. Cribellate spiders are flexible enough as to present novel and adaptive predatory responses (reeling) even when exposed for the first time to conditions outside their usual environment. Thus, the evolution of reeling suggests and alternative mechanism for the production of evolutionary novelties; that is, the exploration of unusual ecological conditions and of the regular effects these abnormal conditions have on phenotype expression.


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Validity of comparisons between expected breeding values obtained from best linear unbiased prediction procedures in genetic evaluations is dependent on genetic connectedness among herds. Different cattle breeding programmes have their own particular features that distinguish their database structure and can affect connectedness. Thus, the evolution of these programmes can also alter the connectedness measures. This study analysed the evolution of the genetic connectedness measures among Brazilian Nelore cattle herds from 1999 to 2008, using the French Criterion of Admission to the group of Connected Herds (CACO) method, based on coefficients of determination (CD) of contrasts. Genetic connectedness levels were analysed by using simple and multiple regression analyses on herd descriptors to understand their relationship and their temporal trends from the 19992003 to the 20042008 period. The results showed a high level of genetic connectedness, with CACO estimates higher than 0.4 for the majority of them. Evaluation of the last 5-year period showed only a small increase in average CACO measures compared with the first 5 years, from 0.77 to 0.80. The percentage of herds with CACO estimates lower than 0.7 decreased from 27.5% in the first period to 16.2% in the last one. The connectedness measures were correlated with percentage of progeny from connecting sires, and the artificial insemination spread among Brazilian herds in recent years. But changes in connectedness levels were shown to be more complex, and their complete explanation cannot consider only herd descriptors. They involve more comprehensive changes in the relationship matrix, which can be only fully expressed by the CD of contrasts.


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Die vorliegende klinische Studie hatte zum Ziel, die mikrovaskuläre Endothelfunktion retinaler und dermaler Gefäße von Insulinresistenten und Typ 2- Diabetikern ohne Zeichen einer diabetischen Retinopathie mit einer gesunden insulinsensitiven nicht-diabetischen Kontrollgruppe hinsichtlich früher morphologischer und funktioneller Veränderungen zu vergleichen.rnrnMethode:rnEs wurden 54 Patienten ohne Nachweis einer diabetischen Retinopathie eingeschlossen und in 3 Gruppen entsprechend ihren metabolischen Ergebnissen eingeteilt: 1.) Gruppe K (Kontrollgruppe) setzte sich aus gesunden, nicht-diabetischen, insulin-sensitiven rn(HOMA ≤ 2) Probanden mit einem BMI ≤ 28 kg/m2 zusammen; 2.) Gruppe IR bestand aus den nicht-diabetischen, insulin-resistenten (HOMAs > 2), übergewichtigen Patienten mit einem BMI > 28 kg/m2 und 3.) Gruppe DM war definiert als Patienten mit einem manifesten Typ 2-Diabetes mellitus.rnrnDie mikrovaskuläre Funktion der Retina wurde mittels eines Laserdoppler-Verfahrens (Heidelberg Retina Flowmeter) untersucht und hierbei der retinale Blutfluss und das Verhältnis der Gefäßwand zum Lumen (WLR, wall-to-lumen-ratio) basal und nach Flickerlicht-Stimulation (10 Hz, Photo Stimulator 750) gemessen. Letzterer gilt als Marker für vaskuläre Schädigung. rnZusätzlich wurde die dermale Mikrozirkulation (Blutfluss, O2-Sättigung) als weiterer Faktor der mikrovaskulären Endothelfunktion in den 3 Studiengruppen untersucht und miteinander verglichen.rnErgebnisse:rnEs zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied des retinalen Blutflusses zwischen den 3 Gruppen weder basal noch nach Flickerlicht-Stimulation. Es zeigte sich keine Korrelation zwischen der mikrovaskulären Funktion der Haut und der Retina. rnDie arterielle WLR zeigte nur geringe Unterscheide zwischen den 3 Gruppen.rnrnMit zunehmendem Grad der Insulinresistenz wurde jedoch eine Reduktion des basalen als auch des flickerlicht-stimulierten retinalen Blutflusses deutlich, dabei zeigte sich unerwarteter Weise eine Abnahme der WLR.rnrnDer (prä-ischämische) muskuläre Blutfluss war in der IR-Gruppe signifikant geringer als in der K-Gruppe. Auch war die postischämische dermale O2-Sättigung in der DM und IR-Gruppe signifikant niedriger im Vergleich zur K-Gruppe. Jedoch war die postischämische hyperämische dermale Reaktion in der IR und DM-Gruppe nur geringgradig weniger als in der K-Gruppe. rnrnSchlussfolgerung:rnEine Korrelation zwischen der Entwicklung der Insulinresistenz und retinaler sowie dermaler mikrovaskulärer endothelialer Funktion wurde bei der Studie deutlich. Mithilfe des neuen Verfahrens der Laser Scanner Flowmeter zur Messung der retinalen Endothelfunktion lassen sich sehr frühe morphologische Veränderungen des mikrovaskulären Blutflusses erfassen. rnDie fehlende Korrelation zwischen retinaler und dermaler mikrovaskulärer Funktion als auch die geringen Unterschiede der WLR sollte Gegenstand weiterer Studien seinrn


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The white sponge naevus is a rare benign, hereditary autosomal dominant disorder of the mucosa. The oral mucosa is most often affected, but vaginal and anal mucosal surfaces may also be involved. Clinically, a whitish-grey, ragged, and folded surface that has no clear demarcation and appears sponge-like is characteristic, often creating problems in differential diagnosis. A potential risk for malignant transformation of white sponge naevus lesions has not been reported. The therapy for this benign hereditary disorder is unknown, however does not appear to be necessary. In the present report of a family with known white sponge naevus in three different generations, clinical, histopathologic, cytopathologic, DNA-cytomertric, and genetic aspects are described and discussed.


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To evaluate the metabolic consequences of pancreas transplantation with systemic venous drainage on beta-cell function, we examined insulin and C-peptide responses to glucose and arginine in type I (insulin-dependent) diabetic pancreas recipients (n = 30), nondiabetic kidney recipients (n = 8), and nondiabetic control subjects (n = 28). Basal insulin levels were 66 +/- 5 pM in control subjects, 204 +/- 18 pM in pancreas recipients (P less than 0.0001 vs. control), and 77 +/- 17 pM in kidney recipients. Acute insulin responses to glucose were 416 +/- 44 pM in control subjects, 763 +/- 91 pM in pancreas recipients (P less than 0.01 vs. control), and 589 +/- 113 pM in kidney recipients (NS vs. control). Basal and stimulated insulin levels in two pancreas recipients with portal venous drainage were normal. Integrated acute C-peptide responses were not statistically different (25.3 +/- 4.3 nM/min in pancreas recipients, 34.2 +/- 5.5 nM/min in kidney recipients, and 23.7 +/- 2.1 nM/min in control subjects). Similar insulin and C-peptide results were obtained with arginine stimulation, and both basal and glucose-stimulated insulin-C-peptide ratios in pancreas recipients were significantly greater than in control subjects. We conclude that recipients of pancreas allografts with systemic venous drainage have elevated basal and stimulated insulin levels and that these alterations are primarily due to alterations of first-pass hepatic insulin clearance, although insulin resistance secondary to immunosuppressive therapy (including prednisone) probably plays a contributing role. To avoid hyperinsulinemia and its possible long-term adverse consequences, transplantation of pancreas allografts into sites with portal rather than systemic venous drainage should be considered.


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The lymphocyte transformation response to the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) was determined in 15 well controlled insulin-dependent diabetics (IDD) with a history of insulin allergy or an acute insulin allergy. There was no significant difference in the PHA response of IDD and normal subjects matched in respect of age and sex. The response of peripheral blood lymphocytes to insulin (Actrapid) and an insulin zinc suspension (Monotard) was also determined. Fifty-three percent of IDD gave a positive reaction to Actrapid. Monotard produced positive reactions both in IDD and normal subjects. In normal subjects, a close correlation between the stimulation indices of Monotard and PHA was found (r = 0 . 966) suggesting that these stimulations depend on a common parameter namely, the reactivity to mitogens.


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The aim of these studies was to investigate whether insulin resistance is primary to skeletal muscle. Myoblasts were isolated from muscle biopsies of 8 lean insulin-resistant and 8 carefully matched insulin-sensitive subjects (metabolic clearance rates as determined by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp: 5.8 +/- 0.5 vs. 12.3 +/- 1.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), respectively; P < or = 0.05) and differentiated to myotubes. In these cells, insulin stimulation of glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, insulin receptor (IR) kinase activity, and insulin receptor substrate 1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity were measured. Furthermore, insulin activation of protein kinase B (PKB) was compared with immunoblotting of serine residues at position 473. Basal glucose uptake (1.05 +/- 0.07 vs. 0.95 +/- 0.07 relative units, respectively; P = 0.49) and basal glycogen synthesis (1.02 +/- 0.11 vs. 0.98 +/- 0.11 relative units, respectively; P = 0.89) were not different in myotubes from insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive subjects. Maximal insulin responsiveness of glucose uptake (1.35 +/- 0.03-fold vs. 1.41 +/- 0.05-fold over basal for insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive subjects, respectively; P = 0.43) and glycogen synthesis (2.00 +/- 0.13-fold vs. 2.10 +/- 0.16-fold over basal for insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive subjects, respectively; P = 0.66) were also not different. Insulin stimulation (1 nmol/l) of IR kinase and PI 3-kinase were maximal within 5 min (approximately 8- and 5-fold over basal, respectively), and insulin activation of PKB was maximal within 15 min (approximately 3.5-fold over basal). These time kinetics were not significantly different between groups. In summary, our data show that insulin action and signaling in cultured skeletal muscle cells from normoglycemic lean insulin-resistant subjects is not different from that in cells from insulin-sensitive subjects. This suggests an important role of environmental factors in the development of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.


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BACKGROUND: Complete arterial CABG is a surgical option to improve long-term results in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). Harvesting of multiple arterial grafts is commonly associated with prolonged operating times and increased trauma. By use of new operative techniques (skeletonized grafts and the T-graft approach), CABG in multivessel CAD is now possible with only 2 grafts. We present our experience in the use of these techniques on a routine basis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Between March 1996 and September 1999, 490 patients (aged 61+/-9 years, 20% female) underwent complete arterial CABG. Left ventricular ejection fraction ranged from 15% to 85% (mean 59+/-15%). Triple-vessel disease was present in 88% of the patients. The incidence of diabetes mellitus was 32% (14% insulin dependent). Either both internal thoracic arteries (ITAs) (23%) or the left ITA and radial artery (77%) were used as conduits. In 85% of the patients, a T graft was created. Mean operating time was 198+/-46 minutes; bypass time, 82+/-25 minutes; and ischemic time, 58+/-22 minutes. Two to 7 (mean 4.1+/-0.9) anastomoses were performed per patient. Perioperative intra-aortic balloon pump was necessary in 12 patients (2.4%). The rate of perioperative myocardial infarction was 1.2%. Sternal complications occurred in 1. 0%, and in-hospital mortality was 2.2%. Postoperative coronary angiography in 172 patients (35%) documented excellent patency rates (left ITA 98.3%, right ITA 96.5%, and radial artery 96.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Complete arterial revascularization in multivessel CAD is possible with the use of only 2 grafts with good perioperative results. This approach allows for complete arterial CABG on a routine basis.


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11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11beta-HSD) modulate mineralocorticoid receptor transactivation by glucocorticoids and regulate access to the glucocorticoid receptor. The isozyme 11beta-HSD2 is selectively expressed in mineralocorticoid target tissues and its activity is reduced in various disease states with abnormal sodium retention and hypertension, including the apparent mineralocorticoid excess. As 50% of patients with essential hypertension are insulin resistant and hyperinsulinemic, we hypothesized that insulin downregulates the 11beta-HSD2 activity. In the present study we show that insulin reduced the 11beta-HSD2 activity in cancer colon cell lines (HCT116, SW620 and HT-29) at the transcriptional level, in a time and dose dependent manner. The downregulation was reversible and required new protein synthesis. Pathway analysis using mRNA profiling revealed that insulin treatment modified the expression of the transcription factor family C/EBPs (CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins) but also of glycolysis related enzymes. Western blot and real time PCR confirmed an upregulation of C/EBP beta isoforms (LAP and LIP) with a more pronounced increase in the inhibitory isoform LIP. EMSA and reporter gene assays demonstrated the role of C/EBP beta isoforms in HSD11B2 gene expression regulation. In addition, secretion of lactate, a byproduct of glycolysis, was shown to mediate insulin-dependent HSD11B2 downregulation. In summary, we demonstrate that insulin downregulates HSD11B2 through increased LIP expression and augmented lactate secretion. Such mechanisms are of interest and potential significance for sodium reabsorption in the colon.


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OBJECTIVES Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is associated with impaired osseointegration. Diabetic individuals might benefit from bone anabolic therapies. Intermittent administration of 1-34 parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulates bone formation in rodent models. However, this anabolic effect fails in diabetic rats. Whether the anabolic effect of PTH can be achieved in insulin-controlled diabetic rats has not been investigated yet. MATERIALS AND METHODS After diabetes induction with streptozotocin in 40 female Wistar rats, the animals were randomly divided into 4 groups: diabetes, diabetes plus PTH, insulin-treated diabetes, and insulin-treated diabetes plus PTH. After 1 week, miniscrews were inserted in the tibiae. Osmotic pumps with insulin or saline solution were implanted. Animals received 60 mg/kg PTH or saline solution. Histomorphometric analysis was performed. RESULTS In diabetic rats, no changes of medullary periimplant bone area or bone-to-implant contacts (BICs) were achieved with or without treatment with PTH. However, also animals treated with insulin failed to response significantly to PTH regarding bone area (7.4 ± 4.1% and 8.1 ± 4.1%) and BICs (33.7 ± 16.9% and 49.9 ± 11.9%). CONCLUSION These results demonstrate that the metabolic characteristics of the diabetic rats produced a condition unable to respond to PTH treatment, even when hyperglycemia was controlled with insulin.


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The problem of analyzing data with updated measurements in the time-dependent proportional hazards model arises frequently in practice. One available option is to reduce the number of intervals (or updated measurements) to be included in the Cox regression model. We empirically investigated the bias of the estimator of the time-dependent covariate while varying the effect of failure rate, sample size, true values of the parameters and the number of intervals. We also evaluated how often a time-dependent covariate needs to be collected and assessed the effect of sample size and failure rate on the power of testing a time-dependent effect.^ A time-dependent proportional hazards model with two binary covariates was considered. The time axis was partitioned into k intervals. The baseline hazard was assumed to be 1 so that the failure times were exponentially distributed in the ith interval. A type II censoring model was adopted to characterize the failure rate. The factors of interest were sample size (500, 1000), type II censoring with failure rates of 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20, and three values for each of the non-time-dependent and time-dependent covariates (1/4,1/2,3/4).^ The mean of the bias of the estimator of the coefficient of the time-dependent covariate decreased as sample size and number of intervals increased whereas the mean of the bias increased as failure rate and true values of the covariates increased. The mean of the bias of the estimator of the coefficient was smallest when all of the updated measurements were used in the model compared with two models that used selected measurements of the time-dependent covariate. For the model that included all the measurements, the coverage rates of the estimator of the coefficient of the time-dependent covariate was in most cases 90% or more except when the failure rate was high (0.20). The power associated with testing a time-dependent effect was highest when all of the measurements of the time-dependent covariate were used. An example from the Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program Cooperative Research Group is presented. ^


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Certain peptides derived from the α1 domain of the major histocompatibility class I antigen complex (MHC-I) inhibit receptor internalization, increasing the steady-state number of active receptors on the cell surface and thereby enhancing the sensitivity to hormones and other agonists. These peptides self-assemble, and they also bind to MHC-I at the same site from which they are derived, suggesting that they could bind to receptor sites with significant sequence similarity. Receptors affected by MHC-I peptides do, indeed, have such sequence similarity, as illustrated here by insulin receptor (IR) and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. A synthetic peptide with sequence identical to a certain extracellular receptor domain binds to that receptor in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits receptor internalization. Moreover, each such peptide is selective for its cognate receptor. An antibody to the IR peptide not only binds to IR and competes with the peptide but also inhibits insulin-dependent internalization of IR. These observations, and binding studies with deletion mutants of IR, indicate that the sequence QILKELEESSF encoded by exon 10 plays a key role in IR internalization. Our results illustrate a principle for identifying receptor-specific sites of importance for receptor internalization, and for enhancing sensitivity to hormones and other agonists.