922 resultados para Non-ideal power sources
Direct ethanol fuel cells based on PtSn anodes:the effect of Sn content on the fuel cell performance
In the present work, Nafion (R) membrane porosity changes were determined in aqueous ethanol solutions with different concentrations by weighing vacuum-dried and ethanol aqueous solution equilibrated membranes at room temperature. The ethanol crossover rate through Nafion (R)-115 membrane at different temperatures and different concentrations had been investigated in a fuel cell test apparatus by using membrane gets higher as ethanol solution gas chromatography analysis. The experimental results show that the swelling degree of Nafion (R) concentration increases. The ethanol crossover rate increases with ethanol concentration and temperature increment. The single direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) tests were carried out to investigate the effect of ethanol concentration on ethanol crossover and consequently, on the open circuit voltage and the cell performance of DEFC. It can be found that ethanol crossover presented a negative effect on the OCV and the cell performance of DEFC. It can also be found that an improved DEFC performance was obtained as temperature increased although the ethanol crossover rate increased with temperature increment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O carvão e outros combustíveis fósseis, continuarão a ser, por décadas, a principal matéria-prima energética para as Centrais Térmicas, não obstante os esforços para, dentro do possível, substituir os combustíveis fósseis por fontes de energia renovável.Tal como está, hoje, bem documentado, a produção de gases com efeito estufa (GEE), designadamente CO2, resulta da combustão dos ditos combustíveis fósseis, sendo que se espera ser possível mitigar substancialmente a emissão de tais gases com a aplicação das chamadas Tecnologias Limpas do Carvão.Há, pois, necessidade de promover o abatimento do CO2 através de Tecnologias de Emissão Zero ou Tecnologias Livres de Carbono, incluindo designadamente a Captura, o Transporte e a Sequestração geológica de CO2 correspondentes ao que é costume designar por Tecnologias CAC (Captação e Armazenamento de Carbono). De facto, tais tecnologias e, designadamente, o armazenamento geológico de CO2 são as únicas que, no estado actual do conhecimento, são capazes de permitir que se cumpram as metas do ambicioso programa da EU para a energia e o ambiente conhecido por “20 20 para 2020” em conjugação com os aspectos económicos das directivas relativas ao Comércio Europeu de Licenças de Emissão – CELE (Directivas 2003/87/EC, 2004/101/EC e 2009/29/EC).A importância do tema está, aliás, bem demonstrada com o facto da Comissão Europeia ter formalmente admitido que as metas supracitadas serão impossíveis de atingir sem Sequestração Geológica de CO2. Esta é, pois, uma das razões de ter sido recentemente publicada a Directiva Europeia 2009/31/EC de 23 de Abril de 2009 expressamente dedicada ao tema do Armazenamento Geológico de CO2.Ora, a questão do armazenamento geológico de CO2 implica, para além das Tecnologias CAC acima mencionadas e da sua viabilização em termos tanto técnicos como económicos, ou seja, neste último aspecto, competitiva com o sistema CELE, também o conhecimento, da percepção pública sobre o assunto. Isto é, a praticabilidade das Tecnologias CAC implica que se conheça a opinião pública sobre o tema e, naturalmente, que face a esta realidade se prestem os esclarecimentos necessários como, aliás, é reconhecido na própria Directiva Europeia 2009/31/EC.Dado que a Fundação Fernando Pessoa / Universidade Fernando Pessoa através do seu Centro de Investigação em Alterações Globais, Energia, Ambiente e Bioengenharia – CIAGEB tem ultimado um Projecto de Engenharia relativo à Sequestração Geológica de CO2 nos Carvões (Metantracites) da Bacia Carbonífera do Douro – o Projecto COSEQ, preocupou-se naturalmente, desde o início, com o lançamento de inquéritos de percepção da opinião pública sobre o assunto.Tal implicou, nesta fase, a tradução para português e o lançamento do inquérito europeu ACCSEPT que não tinha sido ainda formalmente lançado de forma generalizada entre nós. Antes, porém, de lançar publicamente tal inquérito – o que está actualmente já em curso – resolveu-se testar o método de lançamento, a recolha de dados e o seu tratamento com uma amostra correspondente ao que se designou por Comunidade Fernando Pessoa, i.e. o conjunto de docentes, discentes, funcionários e outras pessoas relacionadas com a Universidade Fernando Pessoa (cerca de 5000 individualidades).Este trabalho diz, precisamente, respeito à preparação, lançamento e análise dos resultados do dito inquérito Europeu ACCSEPT a nível da Comunidade Fernando Pessoa. Foram recebidas 525 respostas representando 10,5% da amostra. A análise de resultados foi sistematicamente comparada com os obtidos nos outros países europeus, através do projecto ACCSEPT e, bem assim, com os resultados obtidos num inquérito homólogo lançado no Brasil. The use of coal, and other fossil fuels, will remain for decades as the main source of energy for power generation, despite the important efforts made to replace, as far as possible, fossil fuels with renewable power sources.As is well documented, the production of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), mainly CO2, arises primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels. The increasing application of Clean Coal Technologies-CCTs, is expected to mitigate substantially against the emission of such gases.There is consequently a need to promote the CO2 abatement through Zero Emission (Carbon Free) Technologies - ZETs, which includes CO2 capture, transport and geological storage, i.e. the so-called CCS (Carbon, Capture and Storage) technologies. In fact, these technologies are the only ones that are presently able to conform to the ambitious EU targets set out under the “20 20 by 2020” EU energy and environment programme, jointly with the economic aspects of the EU Directives 2003/87/EC, 2004/101/EC and 2009/29/EC concerned with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading Scheme – ETS scheme. The European Commission formal admission that the referred targets will be impossible to reach without the implementation and contribution of geological storage clearly demonstrate the importance of this particular issue, and for this reason the EC Directive 2009/31/EC of April 23, 2009 on Geological Storage of CO2 was recently published.In considering the technical and economical viabilities of CCS technologies, the latter in competition with the ETS scheme, it is believed that public perception will dictate the success of the development and implementation of CO2 geological storage at a large industrial level. This means that, in order to successfully implement CCS technologies, not only must public opinion be taken into consideration but objective information must also be provided to the public in order to raise subject awareness, as recognized in the referred Directive 2009/31/EC.In this context, the Fernando Pessoa Foundation / University Fernando Pessoa, through its CIAGEB (Global Change, Energy, Environment and Bioengineering) RDID&D Unit, is the sponsor of an Engineering Project for the Geological Sequestration of CO2 in Douro Coalfield Meta-anthracites - the COSEQ Project, and is therefore also engaged in public perception surveys with regards to CCS technologies.At this stage, the original European ACCSEPT inquiry was translated to Portuguese and submitted only to the “Fernando Pessoa Community” - comprising university lecturers, students, other employees, as well as, former students and persons that have a professional or academic relationship with the university (c. 5000 individuals). The results obtained from this first inquiry will be used to improve the survey informatics system in terms of communication, database, and data treatment prior to resubmission of the inquiry to the Portuguese public at large.The present publication summarizes the process and the results obtained from the ACCSEPT survey distributed to the “Fernando Pessoa Community”. 525 replies, representing 10.5% of the sample, have been received and analysed. The assessment of the results was systematically compared with those obtained from other European Countries, as reported by the ACCSEPT inquiry, as well as with those from an identical inquiry launched in Brazil.
Many deterministic models with hysteresis have been developed in the areas of economics, finance, terrestrial hydrology and biology. These models lack any stochastic element which can often have a strong effect in these areas. In this work stochastically driven closed loop systems with hysteresis type memory are studied. This type of system is presented as a possible stochastic counterpart to deterministic models in the areas of economics, finance, terrestrial hydrology and biology. Some price dynamics models are presented as a motivation for the development of this type of model. Numerical schemes for solving this class of stochastic differential equation are developed in order to examine the prototype models presented. As a means of further testing the developed numerical schemes, numerical examination is made of the behaviour near equilibrium of coupled ordinary differential equations where the time derivative of the Preisach operator is included in one of the equations. A model of two phenotype bacteria is also presented. This model is examined to explore memory effects and related hysteresis effects in the area of biology. The memory effects found in this model are similar to that found in the non-ideal relay. This non-ideal relay type behaviour is used to model a colony of bacteria with multiple switching thresholds. This model contains a Preisach type memory with a variable Preisach weight function. Shown numerically for this multi-threshold model is a pattern formation for the distribution of the phenotypes among the available thresholds.
The concept of a biofuel cell takes inspiration from the natural capability of biological systems to catalyse the conversion of organic matter with a subsequent release of electrical energy. Enzymatic biofuel cells are intended to mimic the processes occurring in nature in a more controlled and efficient manner. Traditional fuel cells rely on the use of toxic catalysts and are often not easily miniaturizable making them unsuitable as implantable power sources. Biofuel cells however use highly selective protein catalysts and renewable fuels. As energy consumption becomes a global issue, they emerge as important tools for energy generation. The microfluidic platforms developed are intended to maximize the amount of electrical energy extracted from renewable fuels which are naturally abundant in the environment and in biological fluids. Combining microfabrication processes, chemical modification and biological surface patterning these devices are promising candidates for micro-power sources for future life science and electronic applications. This thesis considered four main aspects of a biofuel cell research. Firstly, concept of a miniature compartmentalized enzymatic biofuel cell utilizing simple fuels and operating in static conditions is verified and proves the feasibility of enzyme catalysis in energy conversion processes. Secondly, electrode and microfluidic channel study was performed through theoretical investigations of the flow and catalytic reactions which also improved understanding of the enzyme kinetics in the cell. Next, microfluidic devices were fabricated from cost-effective and disposable polymer materials, using the state-of-the-art micro-processing technologies. Integration of the individual components is difficult and multiple techniques to overcome these problems have been investigated. Electrochemical characterization of gold electrodes modified with Nanoporous Gold Structures is also performed. Finally, two strategies for enzyme patterning and encapsulation are discussed. Several protein catalysts have been effectively immobilized on the surface of commercial and microfabricated electrodes by electrochemically assisted deposition in sol-gel and poly-(o-phenylenediamine) polymer matrices and characterised with confirmed catalytic activity.
To maintain a strict balance between demand and supply in the US power systems, the Independent System Operators (ISOs) schedule power plants and determine electricity prices using a market clearing model. This model determines for each time period and power plant, the times of startup, shutdown, the amount of power production, and the provisioning of spinning and non-spinning power generation reserves, etc. Such a deterministic optimization model takes as input the characteristics of all the generating units such as their power generation installed capacity, ramp rates, minimum up and down time requirements, and marginal costs for production, as well as the forecast of intermittent energy such as wind and solar, along with the minimum reserve requirement of the whole system. This reserve requirement is determined based on the likelihood of outages on the supply side and on the levels of error forecasts in demand and intermittent generation. With increased installed capacity of intermittent renewable energy, determining the appropriate level of reserve requirements has become harder. Stochastic market clearing models have been proposed as an alternative to deterministic market clearing models. Rather than using a fixed reserve targets as an input, stochastic market clearing models take different scenarios of wind power into consideration and determine reserves schedule as output. Using a scaled version of the power generation system of PJM, a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia, and wind scenarios generated from BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) data, this paper explores a comparison of the performance between a stochastic and deterministic model in market clearing. The two models are compared in their ability to contribute to the affordability, reliability and sustainability of the electricity system, measured in terms of total operational costs, load shedding and air emissions. The process of building the models and running for tests indicate that a fair comparison is difficult to obtain due to the multi-dimensional performance metrics considered here, and the difficulty in setting up the parameters of the models in a way that does not advantage or disadvantage one modeling framework. Along these lines, this study explores the effect that model assumptions such as reserve requirements, value of lost load (VOLL) and wind spillage costs have on the comparison of the performance of stochastic vs deterministic market clearing models.
Germanium (Ge) does not grow a suitable oxide for MOS devices. The Ge/dielectric interface is of prime importance to the operation of photo-detectors and scaled MOSTs. Therefore there is a requirement for deposited or bonded dielectric materials. MOS capacitors have been formed on germanium substrates with three different dielectric materials. Firstly, a thermally grown and bonded silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer, secondly, SiO2 deposited by atmospheric pressure CVD ‘silox’, and thirdly a hafnium oxide (HfO2) high-k dielectric deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD). Ge wafers used were p-type 1 0 0 2 O cm. C–V measurements have been made on all three types of capacitors to assess the interface quality. ALD HfO2 and silox both display acceptable C–V characteristics. Threshold voltage and maximum and minimum capacitance values closely match expected values found through calculation. However, the bonded SiO2 has non-ideal C–V characteristics, revealing the presence of a high density of interface states. A H2/N2 post metal anneal has a detrimental effect on C–V characteristics of HfO2 and silox dielectrics, causing a shift in the threshold voltage and rise in the minimum capacitance value. In the case of hafnium dioxide, capacitor properties can be improved by performing a plasma nitridation of the Ge surface prior to dielectric deposition.
The reversibility of zinc anode in alkaline medium was enhanced by electrostatic deposition of a conducting polymer (polypyrrole). Electropolymerization of pyrrole onto zinc in aqueous medium using an organic acid as dopant is feasible and preferred as zinc is less corrosive in this medium. The structure of the polymer film was analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of the polypyrrole deposit on the zinc electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry and charge–discharge cycling.
Double laser pulses of duration similar to 75 ps and short laser pulses similar to 1 ps superimposed on longer duration background pulses have been shown to efficiently pump lasing in Ne-like and Ni-like ions. For the 75 ps pumping, X-ray laser output without travelling wave pumping is shown to be well-described by a model of ASE output. With I ps pumping, the X-ray laser output with different velocity travelling wave pumping is well-fitted with an extension to the ASE model allowing for travelling wave excitation of the gain along the plasma line. The model is used to investigate the production of short (<1 ps) x-ray laser pulses and the effects of non-ideal travelling wave velocities on the X-ray laser output. Resonance line spectra of emission perpendicular to the plasma line are measured and simulated. It is shown that an accurate opacity model for the more intense Ne-like ions is needed to correctly simulate the spectra.
For a digital echo canceller it is desirable to reduce the adaptation time, during which the transmission of useful data is not possible. LMS is a non-optimal algorithm in this case as the signals involved are statistically non-Gaussian. Walach and Widrow (IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 30 (2) (March 1984) 275-283) investigated the use of a power of 4, while other research established algorithms with arbitrary integer (Pei and Tseng, IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 12(9)(December 1994) 1540-1547) or non-quadratic power (Shah and Cowan, IEE.Proc.-Vis. Image Signal Process. 142 (3) (June 1995) 187-191). This paper suggests that continuous and automatic, adaptation of the error exponent gives a more satisfactory result. The family of cost function adaptation (CFA) stochastic gradient algorithm proposed allows an increase in convergence rate and, an improvement of residual error. As special case the staircase CFA algorithm is first presented, then the smooth CFA is developed. Details of implementations are also discussed. Results of simulation are provided to show the properties of the proposed family of algorithms. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Polymer based carbon aerogels were prepared by synthesis of a resorcinol formaldehyde gel followed by pyrolysis at 1073K under Ar and activation of the resultant carbon under CO2 at different temperatures. The prepared carbon aerogels were used as active materials in the preparation of cathode electrodes for lithium oxygen cells and the electrochemical performance of the cells was evaluated by galvanostatic charge/discharge cycling and electrochemical impedance measurements. It was shown that the storage capacity and discharge voltage of a Li/O2 cell strongly depend on the porous structure of the carbon used in cathode. EIS results also showed that the shape and value of the resistance in the impedance spectrum of a Li/O2 cell are strongly affected by the porosity of carbon used in the cathode. Porosity changes due to the build up of discharge products hinder the oxygen and lithium ion transfer into the electrode, resulting in a gradual increase in the cell impedance with cycling. The discharge capacity and cycle life of the battery decrease significantly as its internal resistance increases with charge/discharge cycling.
An electrochemical double layer capacitor test cell containing activated carbon xerogel electrodes and ionic liquid electrolyte was tested at 15, 25 and 40 OC to examine the effect of temperature on electrolyte resistance (RS) and equivalent series resistance (ESR) measured using impedance spectroscopy and capacitance using charge/discharge cycling. A commercial 10F capacitor was used as a comparison. Viscosity, ionic self-diffusion coefficients and differential scanning calorimetry measurements were used to provide an insight into the behaviour of the 1,2-dimethyl-3-propylimdazolium electrolyte. Both RS and ESR decreased with increasing temperature for both capacitors. Increasing the temperature also increased the capacitance for both the test cell and the commercial capacitor but proportionally more for the test cell. An increase in temperature decreased the ionic liquid electrolyte viscosity and increased the self diffusion coefficients of both the anion and the cation indicating an increase in dissociation and increase in ionic mobility.