982 resultados para Ni-Zn ferrite
Isochronal and isothermal ageing experiments have been carried out to determine the influence of 0.01 at. % addition of a second solute on the clustering rate in the quenched Al-4,4 a/o Zn alloy. The influence of quenching and ageing temperatures has been interpreted to obtain the apparent vacancy formation and vacancy migration energies in the various ternary alloys. Using a vacancy-aided clustering model the following values of binding free energy have been evaluated: Ce-0.18; Dy-0.24; Fe-0.18; Li-0.25; Mn-0.27; Nb-0.18; Pt-0.23; Sb-0.21; Si-0.30; Y-0.25; and Yb-0.23 (± 0.02 eV). These binding energy values refer to that between a solute atom and a single vacancy. The values of vacancy migration energy (c. 0.4 eV) and the experimental activation energy for solute diffusion (c. 1.1 eV) are unaffected by the presence of the ternary atoms in the Al-Zn alloy.
Raman spectra of single crystals of (NH4)2M(SO4)2·6 H2O where M=Mg, Zn Ni or Co have been recorded using λ 2537 excitation. Interesting results concerning the substitution of the divalent atoms in the double sulphate lattice on the sulphate and ammonium frequencies are observed. The spectra of these double sulphates are discussed in the light of the known crystal structure details and in relation, to the spectra of the corresponding potassium double sulphates, reported recently by the author. The Raman spectrum of NaNH4SO4·2 H2O has also been recorded for the first time and the results obtained are also included.
Raman spectra of single crystals of K2M(SO4)2 · 6 H2O where M=Mg, Zn, Ni or Co have been recorded for the first time using λ 2537 as the exciting radiation. The corresponding five single sulphates have also been studied. Interesting results concerning the substitution of magnesium, zinc, nickel or cobalt in the double sulphate lattice on the sulphate frequencies are observed. The lattice spectra of these double sulphates are analysed group theoretically and discussed in relation to the lattice spectra of the corresponding individual sulphates. Certain new results concerning the Raman spectra of the individual sulphates have also been obtained and in the case of CoSO4 · 7 H2O the spectrum has been recorded for the first time.
Työ on uskontososiologian tutkimusalaan lukeutuva laadullinen tapaustutkimus, joka perustuu argumentatiiviseen haastatteluaineistoon ja sosiaalisen identiteetin teoriaan. Tutkimuskysymys liittyy sosiaalisen identiteettiin. Miten suomenuskoinen hahmottaa oman yhteisönsä ja sen jäsenyyden? Mitä merkitystä yhteisöllä on suomenuskoiselle? Tutkimuksen aihepiiri on suomalainen uuspakanuus ja sen eräs suuntaus, suomenusko. Työn eräänä tarkoituksena on määritellä suomenuskon käsitettä ja sijoittaa suomenuskoinen suuntaus nykyajan suomalaisen uuspakanuuden kentälle. Hypoteesin mukaan suomenusko on uusiin uskontoihin lukeutuva uuspakanallinen liike. Se kuuluu ásatrún tavoin etnopakanuuden luokkaan, eli kansallisista muinaisperinteistä inspiraationsa ammentaviin suuntauksiin. Suomenuskolle on omalaatuista esikristillisten suomalaisten uskontoperinteiden sekä suomalaisen kansanuskon korostaminen lähteinä. Suomenuskon muut ominaispiirteet vastaavat tyypillistä uuspakanuutta: Luonnon ja perinteiden kunnioitus sekä epädogmaattisuus ja tasavertaisuus ovat keskeisiä arvoja. Työ tehtiin puolistrukturoituna haastattelututkimuksena. Seitsemää suomenuskoista haastateltiin laadullisen asennetutkimuksen menetelmän mukaisesti. Menetelmä on uudehko ja kiinnostava. Se perustuu argumentatiivisen haastatteluaineiston tuottamiseen väittämäkorttien avulla. Analyysissä haastatteluaineistosta paikannetaan asenteita, eli subjektin ilmaisemaa jonkin kohteen arvottamista. Asenteista pyrittiin löytämään ulkoryhmiin kohdistuvia vertailuja ja retorisia erottautumisia. Työn teoreettisena tukirankana on Henri Tajfelin ja John C. Turnerin kehittämä sosiaalisen identiteetin teoria. Teorian mukaan sosiaalista identiteettiä on mahdollista tutkia ainoastaan sosiaalisten ryhmien keskinäisen vertailun asetelmassa. Omia sisäryhmiä vertaillaan aina ulkoryhmiin siten, että oma ryhmä näyttäytyy voittajana. Tämä takaa yksilölle myönteisen omanarvontunnon. Karmela Liebkindin mukaan vähemmistöryhmät vertailevat itseään valtakulttuurin enemmistöryhmiin. Heikki Pesosen ja Elina Huhdan mukaan vähemmistöuskonnot pyrkivät oikeuttamaan omaa uskontoaan tekemällä omalle ryhmälle suotuisia vertailuja. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin haastateltavien tekemiä retorisia erottautumisia ulkoryhmistä sekä heidän ilmaisemiaan asenteita, jotka liittyvät suomenuskoisten sisäryhmän dynamiikkaan. Tulosten perusteella haastatellut suomenuskoiset erottautuvat ryhmänä muusta uuspakanuudesta ja vielä selvemmin New Agesta ja satanismista, jotka eivät ole uuspakanuutta. Lisäksi haastateltavat korostavat eroa dogmaattisiin valtauskontoihin, varsinkin evankelis-luterilaisen valtionkirkon enemmistöryhmään. Suomenuskoisten yhteisöön liittymisen prosessin havaittiin muistuttavan sosiaalista itsekategorisointia yhteisön jäsenyydessä ratkaiseva tekijä on oman jäsenyyden tajuaminen itse. Teorian mukaan tämä johtaa sosiaalisen identiteetin muodostumiseen ja siten ryhmäkäyttäytymiseen. Haastateltavilla oli havaittavissa vahva sosiaalinen identiteetti. Uuspakanuuden kenttään suhteutettuna se oli poikkeuksellisen yhtenäinen. Lisäksi selvisi, että suomenuskoiset suunnittelevat uskonnolliseksi yhdyskunnaksi rekisteröitymistä.
The mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg alloy reinforced with SiCP composites prepared by solidification route were studied by altering the matrix strength with different heat treatments. With respect to the control alloy, the composites have shown similar ageing behaviour in terms of microhardness data at 135 degrees C. It was shown that although composites exhibited enhanced modulus values, the strengthening was found to be dependent on the damage that is occurring during straining. Thus the initial matrix strength plays an important role in determining the strengthening. Consequently, compression data had shown a different trend compared to tension. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The existence of a metastable miscibility gap has been indicated from the metastable phase diagram of the Zn-Sn system calculated using regular solution and Krupkowski's models. To validate this phenomenon experimentally, the entrained droplet technique was used to achieve high undercooling and to access the metastable regions. The microstructural analysis confirms the miscibility gap and the associated monotectic reaction. Evidence is also presented for a possible massive solidification of the undercooled melt.
Nanostructured ZnFe2O4 ferrites with different grain sizes were prepared by high energy ball milling for various milling times. Both the average grain size and the root mean square strain were estimated from the x-ray diffraction line broadening. The lattice parameter initially decreases slightly with milling and it increases with further milling. The magnetization is found to increase as the grain size decreases and its large value is attributed to the cation inversion associated with grain size reduction. The Fe-57 Mossbauer spectra were recorded at 300 K and 77 K for the samples with grain sizes of 22 and 11 nm. There is no evidence for the presence of the Fe2+ charge state. At 77 K the Mossbauer spectra consist of a magnetically ordered component along with a doublet due to the superparamagnetic behaviour of small crystalline grains with the superparamagnetic component decreasing with grain size reduction. At 4.2 K the sample with 11 nm grain size displays a magnetically blocked state as revealed by the Mossbauer spectrum. The Mossbauer spectrum of this sample recorded at 10 K in an external magnetic field of 6 T applied parallel to the direction of gamma rays clearly shows ferrimagnetic ordering of the sample. Also, the sample exhibits spin canting with a large canting angle, maybe due to a spin-glass-like surface layer or grain boundary anisotropies in the material.
The effect of temperature and stoichiometry on the polarization switching rate in lithium niobate is presented. An increased polarization switching rate in congruent and near-stoichiometric lithium niobate (CLN and SLN) and SLN doped with 1.6 mol% Zn (SLN:Zn(1.6)) is observed using a pulsed field switching technique near the transition temperature (TO. Compared to CLN, the observed switching rate and domain wall mobility for SLN and SLN:Zn(1.6) are higher. The extra charge flow was observed during switching at high temperatures,and is attributed to the creation of defect dipoles and increase in ionic conductivity. Forward domain motion is expected to be the mechanism involved in switching. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Synthesis, structural characteristics, magnetic studies and DFT calculations in Ni(II) dinuclear complexes containing two bridging N-3(-) and an O-(HO)-O-... linkage reveal the existence of ferromagnetic interactions between Ni(II) centers via N-3(-) ligands and antiferromagnetic interactions through the H-bonded moiety. The overall magnetic behavior of the system depends on the delicate balance between these two competing interactions.
The three phase equilibrium between alloy, spinel solid solution and α-alumina in the Fe-Ni-Al-O system has been fully characterized at 1823K as a function of alloy composition using both experimental and computational methods. The oxygen potential was measured using a solid state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the electrolyte and Cr+ Cr2O3 as the reference electrode. Oxygen concentration of the alloy was determined by an inert gas fusion technique. The composition of the spinel solid solution, formed at the interface between the alloy and an alumina crucible, was determined by EPMA. The variation of the oxygen concentration and potential and composition of the spinel solid solution with mole fraction of nickel in the alloy have been computed using activities in binary Fe-Ni system, free energies of formation of end member spinels FeO•(1+x)Al2O3 and NiO•(1+x)Al2O3 and free energies of solution of oxygen in liquid iron and nickel, available in the literature. Activities in the spinel solid solution were computed using a cation distribution model. The variation of the activity coefficient of oxygen with alloy composition in Fe-Ni-O system was calculated using both the quasichemical model of Jacob and Alcock and the Wagner's model, with the correlation of Chiang and Chang. The computed results for the oxygen potential and the composition of the spinel solid solution are in good agreement with the measurements. The measured oxygen concentration lies between the values computed using models of Wagner and Jacob and Alcock. The results of the study indicate that the deoxidation hyper-surface in multicomponent systems can be computed with useful accuracy using data for end member systems and thermodynamic models.