694 resultados para Nascent Ventures
La teoría de redes de Johanson y Mattson (1988) explica como las pequeñas empresas, también conocidas como PyMes, utilizan las redes de negocio para desarrollar sus procesos de internacionalización. Es así que a través de las redes pueden superar sus limitaciones de tamaño para encontrar cierto tipo de fluidez y dinamismo en su gestión, con el fin de aprovechar los beneficios de la internacionalización. A partir del desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las relaciones dentro de la red la organización puede posicionarse en una instancia competitiva cada vez más fuerte (Jarillo, 1988). Según Forsgren y Johanson (1992), para los gerentes es importante coordinar la interacción entre los diferentes actores de la red, ya que a través de estas su posición dentro de la red mejora y así mismo el flujo de recursos será mayor. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el modelo de internacionalización según la teoría de redes, desde una perspectiva cultural, de e-Tech Simulation una PyME “Born to be global” norteamericana. Esta empresa ha minimizado su riesgo de internacionalización, a través del desarrollo de acuerdos entre los diferentes actores. Al mejorar su posición dentro de la red, es decir al fortalecer aún más los lazos existentes y crear nuevas relaciones, la empresa ha obtenido mayores beneficios de la misma y ha logrado ser aún más flexible con sus clientes. Es por esto que a partir de este análisis se planteó una serie de recomendaciones para mejorar los procesos de negociación dentro de la red, bajo un contexto cultural. De igual forma se evidencio la importancia del papel del emprendimiento del gerente en los procesos de internacionalización, así como su habilidad para mezclar los recursos obtenidos de diferentes mercados internacionales para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes.
Los TBI (Tratado Bilateral de Inversión) o también denominado los APPI (Acuerdo de Protección y Promoción de las Inversiones) son acuerdos que buscan la Protección y la Promoción de las inversiones que hagan los nacionales de un Estado en otro Estado conocido como el “Estado Receptor”. Los TBI y APPI fueron concebidos dentro del proceso de descolonización que le siguió a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Esto se debe a que los Estados que habían colonizado otros territorios, ahora Estados soberanos y sus nacionales, seguían teniendo fuertes lazos e intereses económicos. Con el ánimo de protegerse de posibles expropiaciones, los Estados europeos liderados por Alemania, firmaron un número importante de TBI y APPI, no solamente con sus antiguas colonias, sino con otras. De esta manera, Alemania, Suiza, Holanda, Italia, Bélgica y Suecia suscribieron al menos cuarenta tratados de este tipo con varios Estados asiáticos, africanos y del medio oriente entre 1959 y 1965. Estados Unidos se demoró unos veinte o treinta años más, porque los estadounidenses no solamente aspiraban a obtener protección para sus inversionistas, sino que además solicitaban que se abriera y liberara la economía de los Estados firmantes. Finalmente, fue en la administración de Ronald Reagan que los Estados Unidos comenzó a suscribirlos.
El artículo es un análisis de la crisis económica que mira hacia sus efectos sobre las relaciones de clase social. Se comprueba que la desigualdad ha crecido de manera importante en Norte América y Gran Bretaña en la época neoliberal, y se sugiere que, desde la perspectiva del consenso político actual, la tendencia se agudiza. El posible efecto sobre el orden social poscrisis y su impacto sobre la política, están en discusión.
Under the bond scheme, a pre-determined series of payments would compensate farmers for lost revenues resulting from policy change. Unlike the Single Payment Scheme, payments would be fully decoupled: recipients would not have to retain farmland, or remain in agriculture. If vested in a paper asset, the guaranteed, unencumbered, income stream would be similar to that from a government bond. Recipients could exchange this for a capital sum reflecting the net present value of future payments, and reinvest in other business ventures, either on- or offfarm.With a finite, declining flow of payments, budget expenditure would reduce, releasing funds for other uses.
We describe the characterization of influenza A virus infection of an established in vitro model of human pseudostratified mucociliary airway epithelium (HAE). Sialic acid receptors for both human and avian viruses, alpha-2,6- and alpha-2,3-linked sialic acids, respectively, were detected on the HAE cell surface, and their distribution accurately reflected that in human tracheobronchial tissue. Nonciliated cells present a higher proportion of alpha-2,6-linked sialic acid, while ciliated cells possess both sialic acid linkages. Although we found that human influenza viruses infected both ciliated and nonciliated cell types in the first round of infection, recent human H3N2 viruses infected a higher proportion of nonciliated cells in HAE than a 1968 pandemic-era human virus, which infected proportionally more ciliated cells. In contrast, avian influenza viruses exclusively infected ciliated cells. Although a broad-range neuraminidase abolished infection of HAE by human parainfluenza virus type 3, this treatment did not significantly affect infection by influenza viruses. All human viruses replicated efficiently in HAE, leading to accumulation of nascent virus released from the apical surface between 6 and 24 h postinfection with a low multiplicity of infection. Avian influenza A viruses also infected HAE, but spread was limited compared to that of human viruses. The nonciliated cell tropism of recent human H3N2 viruses reflects a preference for the sialic acid linkages displayed on these cell types and suggests a drift in the receptor binding phenotype of the H3 hemagglutinin protein as it evolves in humans away from its avian virus precursor.
Formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds during the correct folding of nascent proteins is modulated by a family of enzymes known as thiol isomerases, which include protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), endoplasmic reticulum protein 5 (ERP5), and ERP57. Recent evidence supports an alternative role for this family of proteins on the surface of cells, where they are involved in receptor 'remodeling and recognition. In platelets, blocking PDI with inhibitory antibodies inhibits a number of platelet activation pathways, including aggregation, secretion, and fibrinogen binding. Analysis of human platelet membrane fractions identified the presence of the thiol isomerase protein ERP5. Further study showed that ERP5 is resident mainly on platelet intracellular membranes, although it is rapidly recruited to the cell, surface in response to a range of platelet agonists. Blocking cell-surface ERP5 using inhibitory antibodies leads to a decrease in platelet aggregation in response to agonists, and a decrease in fibrinogen binding and P-selectin exposure. It is Possible that this is based on the disruption of integrin function, as we observed that ERP5 becomes physically associated with the integrin beta(3) subunit during platelet stimulation. These results provide new insights into the involvement of thiol isomerases and regulation of platelet activation. (C) 2005 by The American Society of Hematology.
Robot-mediated neurorehabilitation is a rapidly advancing field that seeks to use advances in robotics, virtual realities, and haptic interfaces, coupled with theories in neuroscience and rehabilitation to define new methods for treating neurological injuries such as stroke, spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain injury. The field is nascent and much work is needed to identify efficient hardware, software, and control system designs alongside the most effective methods for delivering treatment in home and hospital settings. This paper identifies the need for robots in neurorehabilitation and identifies important goals that will allow this field to advance.
In this paper I comment on a recent "letter" by Burleigh Wilkins addressed to nascent egalitarian democracies which offers advice on the achievement of religious toleration. I argue that while Wilkins’ advice is sound as far as it goes, it is nevertheless underdeveloped insofar as his letter fails to distinguish two competing conceptions of toleration – liberal-pluralist and republican-secularist – both of which are consistent with the advice he offers, but each of which yields very different policy recommendations (as can be seen by consideration of The United States v. Lee in America and, I’affaire du foulard in France). I argue that a democratic society of equals must be committed to liberal-pluralist rather than republican-secularist toleration
The governance of water resources is prominent in both water policy agendas and academic scholarship. Political ecologists have made important advances in reconceptualising the relationship between water and society. Yet, while they have stressed both the scalar dimensions, and the politicised nature, of water governance, analyses of its scalar politics are relatively nascent. In this paper, we consider how the increased demand for water resources by the growing mining industry in Peru reconfigures and rescales water governance. In Peru, the mining industry’s thirst for water draws in, and reshapes, social relations, technologies, institutions and discourses that operate over varying spatial and temporal scales. We develop the concept of waterscape to examine these multiple ways in water is co-produced through mining, and become embedded in changing modes and structures of water governance, often beyond the watershed scale. We argue that an examination of waterscapes avoids the limitations of thinking about water in purely material terms, structuring analysis of water issues according to traditional spatial scales and institutional hierarchies, and taking these scales and structures for granted.
Local food initiatives create a niche market in many developed countries where consumer choice is being met with an expanding offering in both conventional as well as complementary retail outlets. Supermarkets in conjunction with the food service sector currently dominate food sales and consumption, and are likely to do so for the foreseeable future. However, the local food sector offers an opportunity for implementing niche marketing strategies for many businesses. Local food activities tend to be relatively independent activities and a clearer definition for “local” food would assist in consolidating this important component of the food system. Related to this, consumers would benefit from the establishment of some form of assurance system for the ‘localness’ of food. In the UK, with its well established local food market, farmers’ markets, farm shops and box schemes are currently having the largest impact in terms of total sales. Hence further research is required to confirm that support for similar business ventures in Australia would be a viable strategy for strengthening its local food systems.
The paper develops a more precise specification and understanding of the process of national-level knowledge accumulation and absorptive capabilities by applying the reasoning and evidence from the firm-level analysis pioneered by Cohen and Levinthal (1989, 1990). In doing so, we acknowledge that significant cross-border effects due to the role of both inward and outward FDI exist and that assimilation of foreign knowledge is not only confined to catching-up economies but is also carried out by countries at the frontier-sharing phase. We postulate a non-linear relationship between national absorptive capacity and the technological gap, due to the effects of the cumulative nature of the learning process and the increase in complexity of external knowledge as the country approaches the technological frontier. We argue that national absorptive capacity and the accumulation of knowledge stock are simultaneously determined. This implies that different phases of technological development require different strategies. During the catching-up phase, knowledge accumulation occurs predominately through the absorption of trade and/or inward FDI-related R&D spillovers. At the pre-frontier-sharing phase onwards, increases in the knowledge base occur largely through independent knowledge creation and actively accessing foreign-located technological spillovers, inter alia through outward FDI-related R&D, joint ventures and strategic alliances.
The goal of this article is to introduce the reader to contemporary adult multilingual acquisition research within generative linguistics. In much the same way as monolingual and bilingual acquisition studies are approached within this paradigm, generative multilingual research focuses primarily on the psycholinguistic and cognitive aspects of the acquisition process. Herein, we critically present a panoramic view of the research questions and empirical work that have dominated this nascent field, taking the reader through several interrelated epistemological discussions that are at the vanguard of contemporary multilingual morphosyntax work. We finish this article with some thoughts looking towards the near future of adult multilingual acquisition studies.
The goal of this article is to make an epistemological and theoretical contribution to the nascent field of third language (L3) acquisition and show how examining L3 development can offer a unique view into longstanding debates within L2 acquisition theory. We offer the Phonological Permeability Hypothesis (PPH), which maintains that examining the development of an L3/Ln phonological system and its effects on a previously acquired L2 phonological system can inform contemporary debates regarding the mental constitution of postcritical period adult phonological acquisition. We discuss the predictions and functional significance of the PPH for adult SLA and multilingualism studies, detailing a methodology that examines the effects of acquiring Brazilian Portuguese on the Spanish phonological systems learned before and after the so-called critical period (i.e., comparing simultaneous versus successive adult English-Spanish bilinguals learning Brazilian Portuguese as an L3).
Promoting social and environmental entrepreneurship is suggested by many, including international institutions, national development agencies and non-governmental organizations, as critical in tackling longstanding complex global sustainable development problems. However while interest in this kind of alternative entrepreneurship grows, with a proliferation of claims made about its potential to catalyze societal transformation, research in this field remains nascent and fragmented, particularly in relation to Africa. There are few examples of work systematically examining the impacts of social and environmental enterprises on sustainable development and poverty alleviation, especially research based on rigorous empirical fieldwork. This paper begins addressing these limitations by proposing a framework for mapping the sustainable development and poverty alleviation impacts of social and environmental enterprises in Africa. This framework is then piloted with reference to a Kenyan ecobusiness.
Market liberalization in emerging-market economies and the entry of multinational firms spur significant changes to the industry/institutional environment faced by domestic firms. Prior studies have described how such changes tend to be disruptive to the relatively backward domestic firms, and negatively affect their performance and survival prospects. In this paper, we study how domestic supplier firms may adapt and continue to perform, as market liberalization progresses, through catch-up strategies aimed at integrating with the industry's global value chain. Drawing on internalization theory and the literatures on upgrading and catch-up processes, learning and relational networks, we hypothesize that, for continued performance, domestic supplier firms need to adapt their strategies from catching up initially through technology licensing/collaborations and joint ventures with multinational enterprises (MNEs) to also developing strong customer relationships with downstream firms (especially MNEs). Further, we propose that successful catch-up through these two strategies lays the foundation for a strategy of knowledge creation during the integration of domestic industry with the global value chain. Our analysis of data from the auto components industry in India during the period 1992–2002, that is, the decade since liberalization began in 1991, offers support for our hypotheses.