860 resultados para Music and movement


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Summary: Summer daily activity and movement patterns and habitat selectivity by Peary caribou (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) and muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) were studied at two sites in Canada's High Arctic. Caribou showed a greater mobility and broader selection of habitat than muskoxen. Muskoxen fed more than they rested in contrast to the greater amount of time spent resting than feeding by caribou. The sedge-producing hydric-meadow vegetalion type was highly selected for by muskoxen at both study areas; caribou selected against the hydric-meadow type and preferred the polar desert and mesic-meadow types. Caribou displayed a greater variety in plant species selection than muskoxen, favouring willow (Salix arctica), grasses, forbs, and the flowers of vascular plants- Muskoxen feci extensively on sedges in the hydric-meadow. It is suggested the abundance and distribution of sedge-producing meadows may control the regional abundance and distribution of muskoxen. Winter climate is probably the ultimate factor controlling densities of muskoxen and caribou in the High Arctic.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate summer and fall residency and habitat selection by gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, together with the biomass of benthic amphipod prey on the coastal feeding grounds along the Chukotka Peninsula. Thirteen gray whales were instrumented with satellite transmitters in September 2006 near the Chukotka Peninsula, Russia. Nine transmitters provided positions from whales for up to 81 days. The whales travelled within 5 km of the Chukotka coast for most of the period they were tracked with only occasional movements offshore. The average daily travel speeds were 23 km/day (range 9-53 km/day). Four of the whales had daily average travel speeds <1 km/day suggesting strong fidelity to the study area. The area containing 95% of the locations for individual whales during biweekly periods was on average 13,027 km**2 (range 7,097-15,896 km**2). More than 65% of all locations were in water <30 m, and between 45 and 70% of biweekly kernel home ranges were located in depths between 31 and 50 m. Benthic density of amphipods within the Bering Strait at depths <50 m was on average ~54 g wet wt/m**2 in 2006. It is likely that the abundant benthic biomass is more than sufficient forage to support the current gray whale population. The use of satellite telemetry in this study quantifies space use and movement patterns of gray whales along the Chukotka coast and identifies key feeding areas.


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Multi-camera 3D tracking systems with overlapping cameras represent a powerful mean for scene analysis, as they potentially allow greater robustness than monocular systems and provide useful 3D information about object location and movement. However, their performance relies on accurately calibrated camera networks, which is not a realistic assumption in real surveillance environments. Here, we introduce a multi-camera system for tracking the 3D position of a varying number of objects and simultaneously refin-ing the calibration of the network of overlapping cameras. Therefore, we introduce a Bayesian framework that combines Particle Filtering for tracking with recursive Bayesian estimation methods by means of adapted transdimensional MCMC sampling. Addi-tionally, the system has been designed to work on simple motion detection masks, making it suitable for camera networks with low transmission capabilities. Tests show that our approach allows a successful performance even when starting from clearly inaccurate camera calibrations, which would ruin conventional approaches.


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una interfaz MIDI, basada en técnicas de procesamiento digital de la imagen, capaz de controlar diversos parámetros de un software de audio mediante información gestual: el movimiento de las manos. La imagen es capturada por una cámara Kinect comercial y los datos obtenidos por ésta son procesados en tiempo real. La finalidad es convertir la posición de varios puntos de control de nuestro cuerpo en información de control musical MIDI. La interfaz ha sido desarrollada en el lenguaje y entorno de programación Processing, el cual está basado en Java, es de libre distribución y de fácil utilización. El software de audio seleccionado es Ableton Live, versión 8.2.2, elegido porque es útil tanto para la composición musical como para la música en directo, y esto último es la principal utilidad que se le pretende dar a la interfaz. El desarrollo del proyecto se divide en dos bloques principales: el primero, diseño gráfico del controlador, y el segundo, la gestión de la información musical. En el primer apartado se justifica el diseño del controlador, formado por botones virtuales: se explica el funcionamiento y, brevemente, la función de cada botón. Este último tema es tratado en profundidad en el Anexo II: Manual de usuario. En el segundo bloque se explica el camino que realiza la información MIDI desde el procesador gestual hasta el sintetizador musical. Este camino empieza en Processing, desde donde se mandan los mensajes que más tarde son interpretados por el secuenciador seleccionado, Ableton Live. Una vez terminada la explicación con detalle del desarrollo del proyecto se exponen las conclusiones del autor acerca del desarrollo del proyecto, donde se encuentran los pros y los contras a tener en cuenta para poder sacar el máximo provecho en el uso del controlador . En este mismo bloque de la memoria se exponen posibles líneas futuras a desarrollar. Se facilita también un presupuesto, desglosado en costes materiales y de personal. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is the development of a MIDI interface based on image digital processing techniques, able to control several parameters of an audio software using gestural information, the movement of the hands. The image is captured by a commercial Kinect camera and the data obtained by it are processed in real time. The purpose is to convert the position of various points of our body into MIDI musical control information. The interface has been developed in the Processing programming language and environment which is based on Java, freely available and easy to used. The audio software selected is Ableton Live, version 8.2.2, chosen because it is useful for both music composition and live music, and the latter is the interface main intended utility. The project development is divided into two main blocks: the controller graphic design, and the information management. The first section justifies the controller design, consisting of virtual buttons: it is explained the operation and, briefly, the function of each button. This latter topic is covered in detail in Annex II: user manual. In the second section it is explained the way that the MIDI information makes from the gestural processor to the musical synthesizer. It begins in Processing, from where the messages, that are later interpreted by the selected sequencer, Ableton Live, are sent. Once finished the detailed explanation of the project development, the author conclusions are presented, among which are found the pros and cons to take into account in order to take full advantage in the controller use. In this same block are explained the possible future aspects to develop. It is also provided a budget, broken down into material and personal costs.


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This article presents the first musculoskeletal model and simulation of upper plexus brachial injury. From this model is possible to analyse forces and movement ranges in order to develop a robotic exoskeleton to improve rehabilitation. The software that currently exists for musculoskeletal modeling is varied and most have advanced features for proper analysis and study of motion simulations. Whilst more powerful computer packages are usually expensive, there are other free and open source packages available which offer different tools to perform animations and simulations and which obtain forces and moments of inertia. Among them, Musculoskeletal Modeling Software was selected to construct a model of the upper limb, which has 7 degrees of freedom and 10 muscles. These muscles are important for two of the movements simulated in this article that are part of the post-surgery rehabilitation protocol. We performed different movement animations which are made using the inertial measurement unit to capture real data from movements made by a human being. We also performed the simulation of forces produced in elbow flexion-extension and arm abduction-adduction of a healthy subject and one with upper brachial plexus injury in a postoperative state to compare the force that is capable of being produced in both cases.


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Hearing underlies our ability to locate sound sources in the environment, our appreciation of music, and our ability to communicate. Participants in the National Academy of Sciences colloquium on Auditory Neuroscience: Development, Transduction, and Integration presented research results bearing on four key issues in auditory research. How does the complex inner ear develop? How does the cochlea transduce sounds into electrical signals? How does the brain's ability to compute the location of a sound source develop? How does the forebrain analyze complex sounds, particularly species-specific communications? This article provides an introduction to the papers stemming from the meeting.


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We characterized the novel Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes myo4+ and myo5+, both of which encode myosin-V heavy chains. Disruption of myo4 caused a defect in cell growth and led to an abnormal accumulation of secretory vesicles throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cells were rounder than normal, although the sites for cell polarization were still established. Elongation of the cell ends and completion of septation required more time than in wild-type cells, indicating that Myo4 functions in polarized growth both at the cell ends and during septation. Consistent with this conclusion, Myo4 was localized around the growing cell ends, the medial F-actin ring, and the septum as a cluster of dot structures. In living cells, the dots of green fluorescent protein-tagged Myo4 moved rapidly around these regions. The localization and movement of Myo4 were dependent on both F-actin cables and its motor activity but seemed to be independent of microtubules. Moreover, the motor activity of Myo4 was essential for its function. These results suggest that Myo4 is involved in polarized cell growth by moving with a secretory vesicle along the F-actin cables around the sites for polarization. In contrast, the phenotype of myo5 null cells was indistinguishable from that of wild-type cells. This and other data suggest that Myo5 has a role distinct from that of Myo4.


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Three studies investigated the relation between symbolic gestures and words, aiming at discover the neural basis and behavioural features of the lexical semantic processing and integration of the two communicative signals. The first study aimed at determining whether elaboration of communicative signals (symbolic gestures and words) is always accompanied by integration with each other and, if present, this integration can be considered in support of the existence of a same control mechanism. Experiment 1 aimed at determining whether and how gesture is integrated with word. Participants were administered with a semantic priming paradigm with a lexical decision task and pronounced a target word, which was preceded by a meaningful or meaningless prime gesture. When meaningful, the gesture could be either congruent or incongruent with word meaning. Duration of prime presentation (100, 250, 400 ms) randomly varied. Voice spectra, lip kinematics, and time to response were recorded and analyzed. Formant 1 of voice spectra, and mean velocity in lip kinematics increased when the prime was meaningful and congruent with the word, as compared to meaningless gesture. In other words, parameters of voice and movement were magnified by congruence, but this occurred only when prime duration was 250 ms. Time to response to meaningful gesture was shorter in the condition of congruence compared to incongruence. Experiment 2 aimed at determining whether the mechanism of integration of a prime word with a target word is similar to that of a prime gesture with a target word. Formant 1 of the target word increased when word prime was meaningful and congruent, as compared to meaningless congruent prime. Increase was, however, present for whatever prime word duration. In the second study, experiment 3 aimed at determining whether symbolic prime gesture comprehension makes use of motor simulation. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was delivered to left primary motor cortex 100, 250, 500 ms after prime gesture presentation. Motor Evoked Potential of First Dorsal Interosseus increased when stimulation occurred 100 ms post-stimulus. Thus, gesture was understood within 100ms and integrated with the target word within 250 ms. Experiment 4 excluded any hand motor simulation in order to comprehend prime word. The effect of the prior presentation of a symbolic gesture on congruent target word processing was investigated in study 3. In experiment 5, symbolic gestures were presented as primes, followed by semantically congruent target word or pseudowords. In this case, lexical-semantic decision was accompanied by a motor simulation at 100ms after the onset of the verbal stimuli. Summing up, the same type of integration with a word was present for both prime gesture and word. It was probably subsequent to understanding of the signal, which used motor simulation for gesture and direct access to semantics for words. However, gesture and words could be understood at the same motor level through simulation if words were preceded by an adequate gestural context. Results are discussed in the prospective of a continuum between transitive actions and emblems, in parallelism with language; the grounded/symbolic content of the different signals evidences relation between sensorimotor and linguistic systems, which could interact at different levels.


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The scholarship on illuminated initials is substantial, yet there is a significant absence of information when discussing the initials found in music manuscripts specifically. In this paper, I endeavor to supplement the current scholarship by focusing my research on music manuscripts produced in Italy between 1250 and 1500 A.D. in order to provide examples of the relationships between image, music, and text in the context of use. I use mainly iconographic research methods, though a considerable amount of background information is reliant on the research of other authors in the field of medieval philosophy and theology. Through my research I have concluded that the use of illuminated initials in medieval Italian music manuscripts enhances the function of the manuscript by providing another layer of understanding which audience members could use to aid them in their meditation, prayer, and in the performance of the music.


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El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar de manera exploratoria en qué forma las letras de las canciones protesta, escritas en el entorno de las movilizaciones del 15M, contienen una visión del mundo social, económico y político. Las canciones protesta se caracterizan por la denuncia social de situaciones de explotación, discriminación o esclavitud. El rasgo común a todas ellas es la existencia de un conflicto, al que responden tomando posición por una de las partes o apelando a la paz y al consenso. En ocasiones ofrecen soluciones a dichos conflictos, si bien no es la situación más extendida. En relación a las canciones del 15M, emplearemos como referencia las disponibles en la página de la Fundación Robo. En dicha página se alojan canciones cuyo nexo de unión es la protesta por la situación que vive la sociedad española. Tomando las canciones como datos de análisis, se estudiarán los estilos más empleados para protestar, el empleo del “bricoleur” (Levi-Strauss) de músicas y letras para recomponer un nuevo mensaje y finalmente se considerará la presencia de dualizaciones como las de “nosotros” y “ellos”. Se exploran las razones que se exponen en las letras para llegar al conflicto actual y las soluciones que se proponen. Tras definir qué actores y colectivos definen cada uno de los grupos, se consideran las relaciones que se proponen entre ellos. Destacan los planteamientos que presentan la relación como de lucha o conflicto, mientras que la oferta de relaciones constructivas, ya sea de diálogo, consenso o negociación, es prácticamente inexistente. Raramente ofrecen una solución pacífica a los conflictos.


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"Twelve of these songs are in English and four in French."


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Includes index.


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