1000 resultados para Mundo do crime
The Division of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning, as a part of its duties to administer Iowa’s Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund, compiled the information contained in this report. Persons involved in the preparation of this report include Eric Sage, Sonya Wendell, and Richard Moore. Much of the report’s descriptions of community projects was adapted from narrative information contained in the applications and progress reports of agencies and units of government throughout the state that are participating in the Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund.
The following Outcome Reports are derived from the Iowa Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund 1999-2000 Report compiled by the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, Department of Human Rights. The report includes background information on the Community Grant Fund and more detailed information on the individual community programs (community collaboration, program overview, contact information, and budget).
This staff report on various factors regarding juvenile issues and crime was prepared by the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP). It was prepared to help the Juvenile Justice Advisory Council (JJAC) prepare their 3-Year Strategy as prescribed by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDP Act).
Combining data from police statistics and crime victim surveys, this article analyses the evolution of crime in Western Europe from 1988 to 2007. The results show that there is no general drop in crime. Property offences and homicide have been decreasing since the mid 1990s, while violent and drug offences have increased during the period under study. These trends highlight the limits of the explanations to the crime drop in the United States, which are based on the premise of a correlation in the evolution of all offences. The drop in property offences seems related to changes in the socioeconomic situation in Europe as well as to increases in security measures in households, and the reinforcement of private security. The increase in violent offences can be explained by the combination of several factors, including changes in youth's free time provoked by the development of the Internet, changing demographics, and the rise of episodic heavy alcohol consumption and street gangs.
Estudo qualitativo da satisfação do egresso da Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no mundo do trabalho. Identifica e analisa a percepção do egresso sobre sua atuação e vivência no mundo do trabalho. O estudo faz parte do processo avaliativo institucional subseqüente a reforma curricular e implantação do projeto político pedagógico, baseado na Teoria Crítica da Educação. Os doze sujeitos graduaram-se no período de 2000 a 2005. Aplicaram-se entrevistas, e através da análise de conteúdo temática emergiram duas categorias empíricas: o prazer advindo do trabalho e o sofrimento advindo do trabalho. Conclui-se que o novo currículo tem produzido os resultados esperados. Os egressos vêm desempenhando atribuições de competência do enfermeiro e mostraram-se críticos e reflexivos em suas auto-avaliações. Considerou-se que são necessárias avaliações contínuas, capazes de permitir a identificação das exigências evolutivas do mercado de trabalho e conseqüentes reajustes nas propostas curriculares.
Identification is ever more important in the online world, and identity-related crime is a growing problem related to this. This new category of crime is not restricted to high-profile instances of identity 'theft' or identity fraud; it is wide-ranging and complex, ranging from identity deletion to unlawful identity creation and identity 'theft'. Commonly accepted definitions are lacking, thus blurring available statistics, and policies to combat this new crime are piecemeal at best. To assess the real nature and magnitude of identity-related crime, and to be able to discuss how it can be combated, identity-related crime should be understood in all its aspects. As a first key step, this article introduces a typology of identity-related crime, consisting of conceptual, technical and legal categories, that can be used as a comprehensive framework for future research, countermeasures and policies related to identity related crime.
Combining data from police statistics and crime victim surveys, this article analyses the evolution of crime in Western Europe from 1988 to 2007. The results show that there is no general drop in crime. Property offences and homicide have been decreasing since the mid 1990s, while violent and drug offences have increased during the period under study. These trends highlight the limits of the explanations to the crime drop in the United States, which are based on the premise of a correlation in the evolution of all offences. The drop in property offences seems related to changes in the socioeconomic situation in Europe as well as to increases in security measures in households, and the reinforcement of private security. The increase in violent offences can be explained by the combination of several factors, including changes in youth's free time provoked by the development of the Internet, changing demographics, and the rise of episodic heavy alcohol consumption and street gangs.
In this paper, we develop a general equilibrium model of crime and show thatlaw enforcement has different roles depending on the equilibrium characterization and the value of social norms. When an economy has a unique stable equilibrium where a fraction of the population is productive and the remaining predates, the government can choose an optimal law enforcement policy to maximize a welfare function evaluated at the steady state. If such steady state is not unique, law enforcement is still relevant but in a completely different way because the steady state that prevails depends on the initial proportions of productive and predator individuals in the economy. The relative importance of these proportions can be changed through law enforcement policy.
No actual cenário de competitividade no mundo empresarial, em particular no domínio das organizações do sector público, as empresas reconhecem a importante necessidade de implementar um sistema de controlo interno adequado que permita a que estas organizações operem de uma forma eficiente e eficaz. Neste contexto, no sector público, o controlo interno é o mecanismo que permite monitorizar o cumprimento das metas previstas no planeamento orçamental, assim como também comprovar e avaliar a legalidade dos resultados obtidos, levando em consideração os princípios que norteiam a administração pública. Tal sistema de controlo interno tem ainda a vantagem de controlar a gestão dos recursos públicos e, servindo de base para os demais controlos administrativos e ao controlo externo. É neste contexto que o presente trabalho é desenvolvido de facto, avaliar os procedimentos do sistema de controlo interno na CMSSM. A metodologia utilizada para a concretização deste objectivo permitiu descrever os aspectos teóricos, relacionados com o controlo interno e a auditoria interna. Para a concretização do caso prático aplicou-se um questionário preparado para o efeito recaindo especificamente sobre os sectores da cobrança, dos recursos humanos e da tesouraria. Dessa abordagem foram identificados os principais pontos fracos sendo também apresentados as respectivas propostas de melhoria no sistema.