875 resultados para Multilevel thresholding
Using paradata gathered from the 11-nation Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), this paper examines the impact of the first contact attempt and the first contact properties, respectively, on contact and response efficiency using logistic multilevel models. We find that despite the different sample frames and interviewer compensation structure between countries, there are no considerable country effects with respect to making contact, once interviewer effects are controlled. Moreover, results point to an increased efficiency associated with evenings especially on Sundays, at least on the very first contact attempt. For attempts that result in initial contact, Saturday afternoons are most likely to eventually lead to completed interviews, followed by initial contact on weekdays during the daytime. We hypothesize that this may be due to the SHARE sample being composed of people aged 50 and over.
This paper analyzes how the ideas and concepts of Europe have developed in Catalonia, under the conditions of a decentralizing “nation-state” (Spain) on one hand, and the European integration process on the other. It analyzes the programmes, manifestations of political leaders, and political actions of the Catalan political parties, specially the nationalists, from the setting up of the Spanish state of autonomies (1977-1982) until today. The paper tries to show how, in multilevel governance, holistic and enthusiastic visions of an economically and political integrating Europe as a “natural ally” of a Catalan nationalism were partially replaced by more pragmatic and even more critical assessments.
The paper deals with the comparative study of European citizens' satisfaction with the state of education in their respective countries. Individual and contextual effects are tested applying multilevel analysis. The results show that educational public policies (level of decentralization, degree of comprehensiveness and public spending) as well as the students' social environment (socioeconomic and cultural status) have a sound impact on the opinions about the state of education.
This article reviews the methodology of the studies on drug utilization with particular emphasis on primary care. Population based studies of drug inappropriateness can be done with microdata from Health Electronic Records and e-prescriptions. Multilevel models estimate the influence of factors affecting the appropriateness of drug prescription at different hierarchical levels: patient, doctor, health care organization and regulatory environment. Work by the GIUMAP suggest that patient characteristics are the most important factor in the appropriateness of prescriptions with significant effects at the general practicioner level.
Although research has documented the importance of emotion in risk perception, little is knownabout its prevalence in everyday life. Using the Experience Sampling Method, 94 part-timestudents were prompted at random via cellular telephones to report on mood state and threeemotions and to assess risk on thirty occasions during their working hours. The emotions valence, arousal, and dominance were measured using self-assessment manikins (Bradley &Lang, 1994). Hierarchical linear models (HLM) revealed that mood state and emotions explainedsignificant variance in risk perception. In addition, valence and arousal accounted for varianceover and above reason (measured by severity and possibility of risks). Six risks were reassessedin a post-experimental session and found to be lower than their real-time counterparts.The study demonstrates the feasibility and value of collecting representative samples of data withsimple technology. Evidence for the statistical consistency of the HLM estimates is provided inan Appendix.
The educational system in Spain is undergoing a reorganization. At present, high-school graduates who want to enroll at a public university must take a set of examinations Pruebas de Aptitud para el Acceso a la Universidad (PAAU). A "new formula" (components, weights, type of exam,...) for university admission is been discussed. The present paper summarizes part of the research done by the author in her PhD. The context for this thesis is the evaluation of large-scale and complex systems of assessment. The main objectives were: to achieve a deep knowledge of the entire university admissions process in Spain, to discover the main sources of uncertainty and topromote empirical research in a continual improvement of the entire process. Focusing in the suitable statistical models and strategies which allow to high-light the imperfections of the system and reduce them, the paper develops, among other approaches, some applications of multilevel modeling.
BACKGROUND: Replicative phenotypic HIV resistance testing (rPRT) uses recombinant infectious virus to measure viral replication in the presence of antiretroviral drugs. Due to its high sensitivity of detection of viral minorities and its dissecting power for complex viral resistance patterns and mixed virus populations rPRT might help to improve HIV resistance diagnostics, particularly for patients with multiple drug failures. The aim was to investigate whether the addition of rPRT to genotypic resistance testing (GRT) compared to GRT alone is beneficial for obtaining a virological response in heavily pre-treated HIV-infected patients. METHODS: Patients with resistance tests between 2002 and 2006 were followed within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). We assessed patients' virological success after their antiretroviral therapy was switched following resistance testing. Multilevel logistic regression models with SHCS centre as a random effect were used to investigate the association between the type of resistance test and virological response (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL or ≥1.5 log reduction). RESULTS: Of 1158 individuals with resistance tests 221 with GRT+rPRT and 937 with GRT were eligible for analysis. Overall virological response rates were 85.1% for GRT+rPRT and 81.4% for GRT. In the subgroup of patients with >2 previous failures, the odds ratio (OR) for virological response of GRT+rPRT compared to GRT was 1.45 (95% CI 1.00-2.09). Multivariate analyses indicate a significant improvement with GRT+rPRT compared to GRT alone (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.31-2.15). CONCLUSIONS: In heavily pre-treated patients rPRT-based resistance information adds benefit, contributing to a higher rate of treatment success.
Purpose: Cardiac 18F-FDG PET is considered as the gold standard to assess myocardial metabolism and infarct size. The myocardial demand for glucose can be influenced by fasting and/or following pharmacological preparation. In the rat, it has been previously shown that fasting combined with preconditioning with acipimox, a nicotinic acid derivate and lipidlowering agent, increased dramatically 18F-FDG uptake in the myocardium. Strategies aimed at reducing infarct scar are evaluated in a variety of mouse models. PET would particularly useful for assessing cardiac viability in the mouse. However, prior knowledge of the best preparation protocol is a prerequisite for accurate measurement of glucose uptake in mice. Therefore, we studied the effect of different protocols on 18F-FDG uptake in the mouse heart.Methods: Mice (n = 15) were separated into three treatment groups according to preconditioning and underwent a 18FDG PET scan. Group 1: No preconditioning (n = 3); Group 2: Overnight fasting (n = 8); and Group 3: Overnight fasting and acipimox (25mg/kg SC) (n = 4). MicroPET images were processed with PMOD to determine 18F-FDG mean standard uptake value (SUV) at 30 min for the whole left ventricle (LV) and for each region of the 17-segments AHA model. For comparisons, we used Mann-Whitney test and multilevel mixed-effects linear regression (Stata 11.0).Results: In total, 27 microPET were performed successfully in 15 animals. Overnight fasting led to a dramatic increase in LV-SUV compared to mice without preconditioning (8.6±0.7g/mL vs. 3.7±1.1g/mL, P<0.001). In addition, LV-SUV was slightly but not significantly higher in animals treated with acipimox compared to animals with overnight fasting alone (10.2±0.5 g/mL, P = 0.06). Fastening increased segmental SUV by 5.1±0.5g/mL as compared to free-feeding mice (from 3.7±0.8g/mL to 8.8±0.4g/mL, P<0.001); segmental-SUV also significantly increased after administration of acipimox (from 8.8±0.4g/mL to 10.1±0.4g/mL, P<0.001).Conclusion: Overnight fasting led to myocardial glucose deprivation and increases 18F-FDG myocardial uptake. Additional administration of acipimox enhances myocardial 18F-FDG uptake, at least at the segmental level. Thus, preconditioning with acipimox may provide better image quality that may help for assessing segmental myocardial metabolism.
The paper deals with the comparative study of European citizens satisfaction with thestate of education in their respective countries. Individual and contextual effects aretested applying multilevel analysis. The results show that educational public policies(level of decentralization, degree of comprehensiveness and public spending) as well asthe students social environment (socioeconomic and cultural status) have a soundimpact on the opinions about the state of education.
The goal of this article is to map out public perceptions of animal experimentation in 28 European countries. Postulating cross-cultural differences, this study mixes country-level variables (from the Eurostat database) and individual-level variables (from Eurobarometer Science and Technology 2010). It is shown that experimentation on animals such as mice is generally accepted in European countries, but perceptions are divided on dogs and monkeys. Between 2005 and 2010, we observe globally a change of approval on dogs and monkeys, with a significant decrease in nine countries. Multilevel analysis results show differences at country level (related to a post-industrialism model) and at individual level (related to gender, age, education, proximity and perceptions of science and the environment). These results may have consequences for public perceptions of science and we call for more cross-cultural research on press coverage of animal research and on the level of public engagement of scientists doing animal research
This article reviews the methodology of the studies on drug utilization with particular emphasis on primary care. Population based studies of drug inappropriateness can be done with microdata from Health Electronic Records and e-prescriptions. Multilevel models estimate the influence of factors affecting the appropriateness of drug prescription at different hierarchical levels: patient, doctor, health care organization and regulatory environment.Work by the GIUMAP suggest that patient characteristics are the most important factor in the appropriateness of prescriptions with significant effects at the general practicioner level.
Determining what influences mood is important for theories of emotion and research onsubjective well-being. We consider three sets of factors: activities in which people areengaged; individual differences; and incidental variables that capture when mood ismeasured, e.g., time-of-day. These three factors were investigated simultaneously in a studyinvolving 168 part-time students who each responded 30 times in an experience samplingstudy conducted over 10 working days. Respondents assessed mood on a simple bipolarscale from 1 (very negative) to 10 (very positive). Activities had significant effects but,with the possible exception of variability in the expression of mood, no systematicindividual differences were detected. Diurnal effects, similar to those already reported inthe literature, were found as was an overall Friday effect. However, these effects weresmall. Lastly, the weather had little or no influence. We conclude that simple measures ofoverall mood are not greatly affected by incidental variables.
In 2007 the first Quality Enhancement Meeting on sampling in the European SocialSurvey (ESS) took place. The discussion focused on design effects and inteviewereffects in face-to-face interviews. Following the recomendations of this meeting theSpanish ESS team studied the impact of interviewers as a new element in the designeffect in the response s variance using the information of the correspondent SampleDesign Data Files. Hierarchical multilevel and cross-classified multilevel analysis areconducted in order to estimate the amount of responses variation due to PSU and tointerviewers for different questions in the survey. Factor such as the age of theinterviewer, gender, workload, training and experience and respondent characteristicssuch as age, gender, renuance to participate and their possible interactions are alsoincluded in the analysis of some specific questions like trust in politicians and trustin legal system . Some recomendations related to future sampling designs and thecontents of the briefing sessions are derived from this initial research.
Abstract Arbuscular Mycorhizal Fungi (AMF) are important plant symbionts that can improve floristic diversity and ecosystem productivity. These important fungi are obligate biotrophs and form symbioses with roots of the majority of plant species, improving plant nutrient acquisition in exchange of photosynthates. AM fungi are successful both ecologically as they occupy a very large spectrum of environments as well as host range and evolutionarily, as this symbiosis is over 400 million years old. These fungi grow and reproduce clonally by hyphae and multinucleate spores. AMF are coenocytic and recent work has shown that they harbor genetically different nuclei and that AMF populations are genetically diverse. How AMF species diversity is maintained has been addressed theoretically and experimentally at the community level. Much less attention has been drawn to understand how genetic diversity is maintained within populations although closely related individuals are more likely to compete for the same resources and occupy similar niches. How infra-individual genetic diversity is shaped and maintained has received even less attention. In Chapter 2, we show that individuals from a field population may differ in their symbiotic efficiency under reduced phosphate availability: We show there is genetic variation in an AMF field population for fitness-related growth traits in response to different phosphate availability acid host species. Furthermore, AFLP fingerprints of the same individuals growing in contrasting environments diverged suggesting that the composition in nuclei of AMF is dynamical and affected by environmental factors. Thus environmental heterogeneity is likely to play an important role for the maintenance of genetic diversity at the population level. In Chapter 3 we show that single spores do not inherit necessarily the same genetic material. We have found genetic divergences using two different types of molecular marker, as well as phenotypic divergences among single spore lines. Our results stress the importance of considering these organisms as a multilevel hierarchical system and of better knowing their life cycle. They have important consequences for the understanding of AMF genetics, ecology and the development of commercial AMF inocculum. Résumé Les champignons endomycorhiziens arbusculaires (CEA) sont d'importants symbiontes pour les plantes, car ils augmentent la diversité et la productivité des écosystèmes. Ces importants symbiontes sont des biotrophes obligatoires et forment une symbiose avec la plupart des plantes terrestres. Ils améliorent l'acquisition de substances nutritives de leurs hôtes en échange de sucres obtenus par photosynthèse. Ces champignons ont un grand succès écologique, ils colonisent une grande rangée d'environnements ainsi que d'hôtes. Ils ont aussi un succès évolutif certain de part le fait que cette symbiose existe depuis plus de 400 millions d'années. Les CEA sont asexués et croissent clonalement en formant des hyphes et des spores multinuclées. Les CEA sont des coenocytes et des travaux de recherche récents ont montré qu'ils possèdent des noyaux génétiquement différents. D'autres travaux ont aussi révélé que les populations de CEA sont génétiquement diversifiées. Comment la diversité des CEA est maintenue a seulement été adressée par des études théoriques et expérimentalement au niveau des communautés. Très peu d'attention a été portée sur le maintien de la diversité génétique infra et inter populationnelle, or ce sont les individus les plus proches génétiquement qui vont entrer en compétition pour des ressources et niches similaires. La formation et le maintien de la diversité intra-individu des CEA a reçu très peu d'attention. Dans le chapitre 2, nous montrons que des individus CEA d'un même champ différent dans leur efficacité symbiotique lorsque la concentration en phosphoré est réduite. Nous montrons qu'il existe de la variance génétique dans une population de CEA provenant d'un même champ en réponse à différentes concentrations de phosphore, ainsi qu'en réponse à différentes espèces d'hôtes, et ceci pour des traits de croissance vraisemblablement liés au succès reproducteur. De plus grâce à des AFLP nous avons pu montrer que le génome de ces individus subissent des changements lorsqu'ils croissent dans des environnements contrastés. Ceci suggère que les noyaux génétiquement différents des CEA sont des entités dynamiques. Il est fort probable que l'hétérogénéité environnementale joue un rôle dans le maintien de la diversité génétique des populations de CEA. Dans le chapitre 3, nous montrons que toutes les spores d'un même mycélium parental de CEA ne reçoivent pas exactement le même contenu génétique. Nous avons mis en évidence des divergences entre des Lignées monosporales en utilisant deux types de marqueur moléculaires, ainsi que des différences phénotypiques. Nos résutats soulignent l'importance de considézer ces organismes comme dés systëmes hiérarchiques mufti-niveaux, ainsi que de mieux connaître leur cycle de vie. Nos résultats ont d'importantes conséquences pour la compréhension du système génétique des CEA, ainsi que de leur évolution, leur écológie, mais également des conséquences pour la production d' inoccultim commercial.
RÉSUMÉ : Le bullying est un type de comportement agressif qu'un élève (ou plusieurs) fait subir à un autre et qui se manifeste par des agressions verbales, physiques et/ou psychologiques. Les caractéristiques du bullying sont la répétitivité d'actions négatives sur le long terme et une relation de pouvoir asymétrique. Pour la victime, ce type de comportement peut avoir des conséquences graves telles qu'échec scolaire, dépression, troubles alimentaires, ou idées suicidaires. De plus, les auteurs de bullying commettent plus de comportements déviants au sein de l'école ou à l'extérieur de cette dernière. La mise en place d'actions ciblées auprès des auteurs de bullying pourrait donc non seulement prévenir une victimisation, mais aussi réduire les actes de délinquance en général. Hormis quelques études locales ou cantonales, aucune recherche nationale auprès d'adolescents n'existait dans le domaine. Ce travail propose de combler cette lacune afin d'obtenir une compréhension suffisante du phénomène qui permet de donner des pistes pour définir des mesures de prévention appropriées. Afin d'appréhender la problématique du bullying dans les écoles secondaires suisses, deux sondages de délinquance juvénile autoreportée ont été effectués. Le premier a eu lieu entre 2003 et 2005 dans le canton de Vaud auprès de plus de 4500 écoliers. Le second a été administré en 2006 dans toute la Suisse et environ 3600 jeunes y ont participé. Les jeunes ont répondu au sondage soit en classe (questionnaire papier) soit en salle d'informatique (questionnaire en ligne). Les jeunes ayant répondu avoir sérieusement harcelé un autre élève est d'environ 7% dans le canton de Vaud et de 4% dans l'échantillon national. Les analyses statistiques ont permis tout d'abord de sélectionner les variables les plus fortement liées au bullying. Les résultats montrent que les jeunes avec un bas niveau d'autocontrôle et ayant une attitude positive envers la violence sont plus susceptibles de commettre des actes de bullying. L'importance des variables environnementales a aussi été démontrée: plus le jeune est supervisé et encadré par des adultes, plus les autorités (école, voisinage) jouent leur rôle de contrôle social en faisant respecter les règles et en intervenant de manière impartiale, moins le jeune risque de commettre des actes de bullying. De plus, l'utilisation d'analyses multiniveaux a permis de montrer l'existence d'effets de l'école sur le bullying. En particulier, le taux de bullying dans une école donnée augmente lorsque les avis des jeunes divergent par rapport à leur perception du climat scolaire. Un autre constat que l'on peut mettre en évidence est que la réaction des enseignants lors de bagarres a une influence différente sur le taux de bullying en fonction de l'établissement scolaire. ABSTRACT : Bullying is the intentional, repetitive or persistent hurting of one pupil by another (or several), where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is a type of aggressive behaviour and the act can be verbal, physical and/or psychological. The consequences on the victims are serious: school failure, depressive symptomatology, eating disorders, or suicidal ideation. Moreover, the authors of bullying display more delinquent behaviour within or outside the school. Thus, preventive programmes targeting bullying could not only prevent victimisation, but also reduce delinquency in general. Very little data concerning bullying had been collected in Switzerland and, except some local or cantonal studies, no national research among teenagers existed in the field. This work intends to fill the gap in order to provide sufficient understanding of the phenomenon and to suggest some tracks for defining appropriate measures of prevention. In order to understand the problems of bullying in Swiss secondary schools better, two surveys of self-reported juvenile delinquency were carried out. The first one took place between 2003 and 2005 in the canton Vaud among more than 4500 pupils, the second in 2006 across Switzerland with about 3600 youths taking part. The pupils answered to the survey either in the classroom (paper questionnaire) or in the computer room (online questionnaire). The youths that answered having seriously bullied another pupil are about 7% in canton Vaud and 4% in the national sample. Statistical analyses have selected the variables most strongly related to bullying. The results show that the youths with a low level of self-control and adopting a positive attitude towards violence are more likely to bully others. The importance of the environmental variables was also shown: the more that youth is supervised and monitored by adults, and the more the authorities (school, neighbourhood) play their role of social control by making the rules be respected through intervening in an impartial way, the less the youth bully. Moreover, the use of multilevel analyses permitted to show the existence of effects of the school on bullying. In particular, the rate of bullying in a given school increases when there is a wide variation among students of the same school in their perception of their school climate. Another important aspect concerns teachers' reactions when pupils fight: this variable does not influence the bullying rate to the same extent, and depends on the school.