938 resultados para Motor Unit Number Estimates


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In discrete choice experiments respondents are generally assumed to consider all of the attributes across each of the alternatives, and to choose their most preferred. However, results in this paper indicate that many respondents employ simplified lexicographic decision-making rules, whereby they have a ranking of the attributes, but their choice of an alternative is based solely on the level of their most important attribute(s). Not accounting for these simple decision-making heuristics introduces systemic errors and leads to biased point estimates, as they are a violation of the continuity axiom and a departure from the use of compensatory decision-making. In this paper the implications of lexicographic preferences are examined. In particular, using a mixed logit specification this paper investigates the sensitivity of individual-specific willingness to pay (WTP) estimates conditional on whether lexicographic decision-making rules are accounted for in the modelling of discrete choice responses. Empirical results are obtained from a discrete choice experiment that was carried out to address the value of a number of rural landscape attributes in Ireland


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This paper describes the methodology, results and limitations of the 2013 International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Atlas (6th edition) estimates of the worldwide numbers of prevalent cases of type 1 diabetes in children (<15 years). The majority of relevant information in the published literature is in the form of incidence rates derived from registers of newly diagnosed cases. Studies were graded on quality criteria and, if no information was available in the published literature, extrapolation was used to assign a country the rate from an adjacent country with similar characteristics. Prevalence rates were then derived from these incidence rates and applied to United Nations 2012 Revision population estimates for 2013 for each country to obtain estimates of the number of prevalent cases. Data availability was highest for the countries in Europe (76%) and lowest for the countries in sub-Saharan Africa (8%). The prevalence estimates indicate that there are almost 500,000 children aged under 15 years with type 1 diabetes worldwide, the largest numbers being in Europe (129,000) and North America (108,700). Countries with the highest estimated numbers of new cases annually were the United States (13,000), India (10,900) and Brazil (5000). Compared with the prevalence estimates made in previous editions of the IDF Diabetes Atlas, the numbers have increased in most of the IDF Regions, often reflecting the incidence rate increases that have been well-documented in many countries. Monogenic diabetes is increasingly being recognised among those with clinical features of type 1 or type 2 diabetes as genetic studies become available, but population-based data on incidence and prevalence show wide variation due to lack of standardisation in the studies. Similarly, studies on type 2 diabetes in childhood suggest increased incidence and prevalence in many countries, especially in Indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities, but detailed population-based studies remain limited.


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Tese de dout., Ciências e Tecnologia das Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2005


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A presente dissertação centrou-se no estudo técnico-económico de dois cenários futuros para a continuação de fornecimento de energia térmica a um complexo de piscinas existente na região do vale do Tâmega. Neste momento a central de cogeração existente excedeu a sua licença de utilização e necessita de ser substituída. Os dois cenários em estudo são a compra de uma nova caldeira, a gás natural, para suprir as necessidades térmicas da caldeira existente a fuelóleo, ou o uso de um sistema de cogeração compacto que poderá estar disponível numa empresa do grupo. No primeiro cenário o investimento envolvido é cerca de 456 640 € sem proveitos de outra ordem para além dos requisitos térmicos, mas no segundo cenário os resultados são bem diferentes, mesmo que tenha de ser realizado o investimento de 1 000 000 € na instalação. Para este cenário foi efetuado um levantamento da legislação nacional no que toca à cogeração, recolheram-se dados do edifício como: horas de funcionamento, número de utentes, consumos de energia elétrica, térmica, água, temperatura da água das piscinas, temperatura do ar da nave, assim como as principais características da instalação de cogeração compacta. Com esta informação realizou-se o balanço de massa e energia e criou-se um modelo da nova instalação em software de modelação processual (Aspen Plus® da AspenTech). Os rendimentos térmico e elétrico obtidos da nova central de cogeração compacta foram, respetivamente, de 38,1% e 39,8%, com uma percentagem de perdas de 12,5% o que determinou um rendimento global de 78%. A avaliação da poupança de energia primária para esta instalação de cogeração compacta foi de 19,6 % o que permitiu concluir que é de elevada eficiência. O modelo criado permitiu compreender as necessidades energéticas, determinar alguns custos associados ao processo e simular o funcionamento da unidade com diferentes temperaturas de ar ambiente (cenários de verão e inverno com temperaturas médias de 20ºC e 5ºC). Os resultados revelaram uma diminuição de 1,14 €/h no custo da electricidade e um aumento do consumo de gás natural de 62,47 €/h durante o período mais frio no inverno devido ao aumento das perdas provocadas pela diminuição da temperatura exterior. Com esta nova unidade de cogeração compacta a poupança total anual pode ser, em média, de 267 780 € admitindo um valor para a manutenção de 97 698 €/ano. Se assim for, o projeto apresenta um retorno do investimento ao fim de 5 anos, com um VAL de 1 030 430 € e uma taxa interna de rentabilidade (TIR) de 14% (positiva, se se considerar a taxa de atualização do investimento de 3% para 15 anos de vida). Apesar do custo inicial ser elevado, os parâmetros económicos mostram que o projeto tem viabilidade económica e dará lucro durante cerca de 9 anos.


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Stroke is one of the most common conditions requiring rehabilitation, and its motor impairments are a major cause of permanent disability. Hemiparesis is observed by 80% of the patients after acute stroke. Neuroimaging studies showed that real and imagined movements have similarities regarding brain activation, supplying evidence that those similarities are based on the same process. Within this context, the combination of mental practice (MP) with physical and occupational therapy appears to be a natural complement based on neurorehabilitation concepts. Our study seeks to investigate if MP for stroke rehabilitation of upper limbs is an effective adjunct therapy. PubMed (Medline), ISI knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information) and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library) were terminated on 20 February 2015. Data were collected on variables as follows: sample size, type of supervision, configuration of mental practice, setting the physical practice (intensity, number of sets and repetitions, duration of contractions, rest interval between sets, weekly and total duration), measures of sensorimotor deficits used in the main studies and significant results. Random effects models were used that take into account the variance within and between studies. Seven articles were selected. As there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (MP vs control), showed a - 0.6 (95% CI: -1.27 to 0.04), for upper limb motor restoration after stroke. The present meta-analysis concluded that MP is not effective as adjunct therapeutic strategy for upper limb motor restoration after stroke.


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With the aid of the cobalt labelling technique, frog spinal cord motor neuron dendrites of the subpial dendritic plexus have been identified in serial electron micrographs. Computer reconstructions of various lengths (2.5-9.8 micron) of dendritic segments showed the contours of these dendrites to be highly irregular, and to present many thorn-like projections 0.4-1.8 micron long. Number, size and distribution of synaptic contacts were also determined. Almost half of the synapses occurred at the origins of the thorns and these synapses had the largest contact areas. Only 8 out of 54 synapses analysed were found on thorns and these were the smallest. For the total length of reconstructed dendrites there was, on average, one synapse per 1.2 micron, while 4.4% of the total dendritic surface was covered with synaptic contacts. The functional significance of these distal dendrites and their capacity to influence the soma membrane potential is discussed.


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Introduction: Drug prescription is difficult in ICUs as prescribers are many, drugs expensive and decisions complex. In our ICU, specialist clinicians (SC) are entitled to prescribe a list of specific drugs, negotiated with intensive care physicians (ICP). The objective of this investigation was to assess the 5-year evolution of quantity and costs of drug prescription in our adult ICU and identify the relative costs generated by ICP or SC. Methods: Quantities and costs of drugs delivered on a quarterly basis to the adult ICU of our hospital between 2004 and 2008 were extracted from the pharmacy database by ATC code, an international five-level classification system. Within each ATC first level, drugs with either high level of consumption, high costs or large variations in quantities and costs were singled out and split by type of prescriber, ICP or SC. Cost figures used were drug purchase prices by the hospital pharmacy. Results: Over the 5-year period, both quantities and costs of drugs increased, following a nonsteady, nonparallel pattern. Four ATC codes accounted for 80% of both quantities and costs, with ATC code B (blood and haematopoietic organs) amounting to 63% in quantities and 41% in costs, followed by ATC code J (systemic anti-infective, 20% of the costs), ATC code N (nervous system, 11% of the costs) and ATC code C (cardiovascular system, 8% of the costs). Prescription by SC amounted to 1% in drug quantities, but 19% in drug costs. The rate of increase in quantities and costs was seven times larger for ICP than for SC (Figure 1 overleaf ). Some peak values in costs and quantities were related to a very limited number of patients. Conclusions: A 5-year increase in quantities and costs of drug prescription in an ICU is a matter of concern. Rather unexpectedly, total costs and cost increases were generated mainly by ICP. A careful follow-up is necessary to try influencing this evolution through an institutional policy co-opted by all professional categories involved in the process.


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In 2009, the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group (SARG) at Sheffield University developed the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model version 2.0 (SAPM) to appraise the potential impact of alcohol policies, including different levels of MUP, for the population of England. In 2013, SARG were commissioned by the DHSSPS and the Department for Social Development to adapt the Sheffield Model to NI in order to appraise the potential impact of a range of alcohol pricing policies. The present report represents the results of this work. Estimates from the Northern Ireland (NI) adaptation of the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model - version 3 - (SAPM3) suggest: 1. Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) policies would be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, alcohol related harms (including alcohol-related deaths, hospitalisations, crimes and workplace absences) and the costs associated with those harms. 2. A ban on below-cost selling (implemented as a ban on selling alcohol for below the cost of duty plus the VAT payable on that duty) would have a negligible impact on alcohol consumption or related harms. 3. A ban on price-based promotions in the off-trade, either alone or in tandem with an MUP policy would be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, related harms and associated costs. 4. MUP and promotion ban policies would only have a small impact on moderate drinkers at all levels of income. Somewhat larger impacts would be experienced by increasing risk drinkers, with the most substantial effects being experienced by high risk drinkers. 5. MUP and promotion ban policies would have larger impacts on those in poverty, particularly high risk drinkers, than those not in poverty. However, those in poverty also experience larger relative gains in health and are estimated to marginally reduce their spending due to their reduced drinking under the majority of policies åÊ


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Chromogenic immunohistochemistry (IHC) is omnipresent in cancer diagnosis, but has also been criticized for its technical limit in quantifying the level of protein expression on tissue sections, thus potentially masking clinically relevant data. Shifting from qualitative to quantitative, immunofluorescence (IF) has recently gained attention, yet the question of how precisely IF can quantify antigen expression remains unanswered, regarding in particular its technical limitations and applicability to multiple markers. Here we introduce microfluidic precision IF, which accurately quantifies the target expression level in a continuous scale based on microfluidic IF staining of standard tissue sections and low-complexity automated image analysis. We show that the level of HER2 protein expression, as continuously quantified using microfluidic precision IF in 25 breast cancer cases, including several cases with equivocal IHC result, can predict the number of HER2 gene copies as assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Finally, we demonstrate that the working principle of this technology is not restricted to HER2 but can be extended to other biomarkers. We anticipate that our method has the potential of providing automated, fast and high-quality quantitative in situ biomarker data using low-cost immunofluorescence assays, as increasingly required in the era of individually tailored cancer therapy.


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The purpose of the present experiment was to determine whether learning is optimized when providing the opportunity to observe either segments, or the whole basketball jump shot. Participants performed 50 jump-shots from the free throw line during acquisition, and returned one day later for a 10 shot retention test and a memory recall test of the jump-shot technique. Shot accuracy was assessed on a 5-point scale and technique assessed on a 7-point scale. The number of components recalled correctly by participants assessed mental representation. Retention results showed superior shot technique and recall success for those participants provided control over the frequency and type of modelled information compared to participants not provided control. Furthermore, participants in the self-condition utilized the part-model information more frequently than whole-model information highlighting the effectiveness of providing the learner control over viewing multiple segments of a skill compared to only watching the whole model.


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This paper studies testing for a unit root for large n and T panels in which the cross-sectional units are correlated. To model this cross-sectional correlation, we assume that the data is generated by an unknown number of unobservable common factors. We propose unit root tests in this environment and derive their (Gaussian) asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of a unit root and local alternatives. We show that these tests have significant asymptotic power when the model has no incidental trends. However, when there are incidental trends in the model and it is necessary to remove heterogeneous deterministic components, we show that these tests have no power against the same local alternatives. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we provide evidence on the finite sample properties of these new tests.


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La campylobactériose représente la principale cause de gastro-entérite bactérienne dans les pays industrialisés. L’épidémiologie de la maladie est complexe, impliquant plusieurs sources et voies de transmission. L’objectif principal de ce projet était d’étudier les facteurs environnementaux impliqués dans le risque de campylobactériose et les aspects méthodologiques pertinents à cette problématique à partir des cas humains déclarés au Québec (Canada) entre 1996 et 2006. Un schéma conceptuel des sources et voies de transmission de Campylobacter a d’abord été proposé suivant une synthèse des connaissances épidémiologiques tirées d’une revue de littérature extensive. Le risque d’une récurrence de campylobactériose a ensuite été décrit selon les caractéristiques des patients à partir de tables de survie et de modèles de régression logistique. Comparativement au risque de campylobactériose dans la population générale, le risque d’un épisode récurrent était plus élevé pour les quatre années suivant un épisode. Ce risque était similaire entre les genres, mais plus élevé pour les personnes de régions rurales et plus faible pour les enfants de moins de quatre ans. Ces résultats suggèrent une absence d’immunité durable ou de résilience clinique suivant un épisode déclaré et/ou une ré-exposition périodique. L’objectif suivant portait sur le choix de l’unité géographique dans les études écologiques. Neuf critères mesurables ont été proposés, couvrant la pertinence biologique, la communicabilité, l’accès aux données, la distribution des variables d’exposition, des cas et de la population, ainsi que la forme de l’unité. Ces critères ont été appliqués à des unités géographiques dérivées de cadre administratif, sanitaire ou naturel. La municipalité affichait la meilleure performance, étant donné les objectifs spécifiques considérés. Les associations entre l’incidence de campylobactériose et diverses variables (densité de volailles, densité de ruminants, abattoirs, température, précipitations, densité de population, pourcentage de diplomation) ont ensuite été comparées pour sept unités géographiques différentes en utilisant des modèles conditionnels autorégressifs. Le nombre de variables statistiquement significatives variait selon le degré d’agrégation, mais la direction des associations était constante. Les unités plus agrégées tendaient à démontrer des forces d’association plus élevées, mais plus variables, à l’exception de l’abattoir. Cette étude a souligné l’importance du choix de l’unité géographique d’analyse lors d’une utilisation d’un devis d’étude écologique. Finalement, les associations entre l’incidence de campylobactériose et des caractéristiques environnementales ont été décrites selon quatre groupes d’âge et deux périodes saisonnières d’après une étude écologique. Un modèle de Poisson multi-niveau a été utilisé pour la modélisation, avec la municipalité comme unité. Une densité de ruminant élevée était positivement associée avec l’incidence de campylobactériose, avec une force d’association diminuant selon l’âge. Une densité de volailles élevée et la présence d’un abattoir de volailles à fort volume d’abattage étaient également associées à une incidence plus élevée, mais seulement pour les personnes de 16 à 34 ans. Des associations ont également été détectées avec la densité de population et les précipitations. À l’exception de la densité de population, les associations étaient constantes entre les périodes saisonnières. Un contact étroit avec les animaux de ferme explique le plus vraisemblablement les associations trouvées. La spécificité d’âge et de saison devrait être considérée dans les études futures sur la campylobactériose et dans l’élaboration de mesures préventives.


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The accident toll on our road traffic is staggering. Obviously this appalling toll of life and.health represents heavy economic loss in addition to human tragedy. the enormous increase in the number of motor vehicles with its rash, negligent and reckless use by unscrupulous, inexperienced and dangerous drivers in the most miserably managed roads coupled with concomitant hazards would draw our attention that Accident Prevention, and Accident compensation are thoroughly two compatiable aims. Proposed solutions to the traffic Problems abound. Preventive efforts concentrated on each of the variables the driver, the road and the vehicle are all being initiated. Still it is a Will the .Motor Vehicles are not considered as dangerous machines. Motoring activity is found useful.A competent and specially trained police force has to be created to deal with the traffic offences in a more scientific ways.The term ‘legal representative needs to be defined on the constructive aspects of relation and dependence.Services of legal aid and public counsels shall necessarily be extended to the poor Motor Accident victims.Timely reporting and timely investigation of Motor Accidents cases will reduce the number of fraudulent claims. There are instances where cases are taken in to investigation after several months of occurrence.It is hoped that the suggestions made above as a result of the present study, if pwgninto practice, may make a humble contribution to the prevention sssof motor accidents and to a faster and speedier settlement of motor accident compensation claims.


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Introducción: Los pacientes con lesiones térmicas presentan alteraciones fisiológicas complejas que hacen difícil la caracterización del estado ácido-base y así mismo alteraciones electrolíticas e hipoalbuminemia que pudieran estar relacionados con un peor pronóstico. Se ha estudiado la base déficit (BD) y el lactato, encontrando una gran divergencia en los resultados. Por lo anterior, el análisis físico-químico del estado ácido-base podría tener un rendimiento superior a los métodos tradicionales. Metodología: Se realizó el análisis de una serie de casos de 15 pacientes mayores de 15 años, con superficie corporal quemada mayor al 20% que ingresaron a una unidad de cuidado intensivo (UCI) de quemados, dentro de las siguientes 48 horas del trauma. Para el análisis se utilizaron tres métodos distintos: 1) método convencional basado en la teoría de Henderson-Hasselbalch, 2) anión-gap (AG) y anión-gap corregido por albúmina, 3) análisis físico-químico del estado ácido-base según la teoría de Stewart modificado por Fencl y Figge. Resultados: Por el método de Henderson-Hasselbalch, 8 pacientes cursaron con acidosis metabólica, 4 pacientes con una BD leve, 5 pacientes con una BD moderada y 5 pacientes con una BD severa. El AG resultó menor a 16 mmol/dl en 10 pacientes, pero al corregirlo por albumina sólo 2 pacientes cursaron con AG normal. La diferencia de iones fuertes (DIF) se encontraba anormalmente elevada en la totalidad de los pacientes. Conclusión:El análisis del AG corregido por albumina y el análisis físico-químico del estado ácido-base, podrían tener mayor rendimiento al identificar las alteraciones metabólicas de estos pacientes.