971 resultados para Motor Cortical Areas
Preliminary findings suggest that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can have antidepressant effects. We sought to test this further in a parallel-group, double-blind clinical trial with 40 patients with major depression, medication-free randomized into three groups of treatment: anodal tDCS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (active group-`DLPFC`); anodal tDCS of the occipital cortex (active control group-`occipital`) and sham tDCS (placebo control group-`sham`). tDCS was applied for 10 sessions during a 2-wk period. Mood was evaluated by a blinded rater using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The treatment was well tolerated with minimal side-effects that were distributed equally across all treatment groups. We found significantly larger reductions in depression scores after DLPFC tDCS [HDRS reduction of 40.4 % (+/-25.8%)] compared to occipital [HDRS reduction of 21.3 % ( +/-12.9%)] and sham tDCS [HDRS reduction of 10.4 % (+/-36.6%)]. The beneficial effects of tDCS in the DLPFC group persisted for 1 month after the end of treatment. Our findings support further investigation on the effects of this novel potential therapeutic approach - tDCS - for the treatment of major depression.
A single-center experience with pediatric patients who underwent surgery for intractable rolandic epilepsy was reviewed with the aim of identifying putative factors that could influence postoperative seizure outcome in this population. Clinical data of 48 patients under 18 years of age with diagnosis of intractable rolandic epilepsy who underwent surgery from January 1996 to September 2009 were reviewed. Patients` mean age at surgery was 9.9 +/- 5.3 years; mean age at epilepsy onset was 3.9 years; mean seizure duration prior to surgery was 6 years; and mean follow-up was 5.1 years. The most frequent etiologies were cortical dysplasia, astrogliosis, tumors, tuberous sclerosis complex, and Sturge-Weber syndrome, which were observed in 20/48 (41.6%), 10/48 (20.8%), 10/48 (20.8%), 5/48 (10.4%), and 3/48 (6.2%) of the patients, respectively. After surgery, 20 patients (41.6%) showed neurological deficits, which in turn recovered within no longer than 6 months after surgery. Seizure outcome was classified as Engel class I in 29 (60.4%), Engel class II in 10 (20.8%), and Engel class III in 9 (18.8%) of the patients. The factors significantly related with seizure outcome were histological features (tumor versus non-tumor cases, p = 0.04) and lesion site (focal lesions versus non-focal lesions, p = 0.04). Tailored resection of rolandic cortex for intractable epilepsy can be safely performed in children. Accurate mapping of both functional cortex and epileptogenic areas may lead to improved seizure outcome. Tumor as well as focal lesions in hand and face motor areas are associated with good seizure outcome.
Brain excitability diseases like epilepsy constitute one factor that influences brain electrophysiological features. Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a phenomenon that can be altered by changes in brain excitability. CSD propagation was presently characterized in adult mate and female rats from a normal Wistar strain and from a genetically audiogenic seizure-prone strain, the Wistar audiogenic rat (WAR), both previously submitted (RAS(+)), or not (RAS(-)), to repetitive acoustic stimulation, to provoke audiogenic kindling in the WAR-strain. A gender-specific change in CSD-propagation was found. Compared to seizure-resistant animals, in the RAS- condition, mate and female WARs, respectively, presented CSD-propagation impairment and facilitation, characterized, respectively, by lower and higher propagation velocities (P<0.05). In contraposition, in the RAS(+) condition, mate and female WARs displayed, respectively, higher and tower CSD-propagation rates, as compared to the corresponding controls. In some Wistar and WAR females, we determined estrous cycle status on the day of the CSD-recording as being either estrous or diestrous; no cycle-phase-related differences in CSD-propagation velocities were detected. In contrast to other epilepsy models, such as Status Epilepticus induced by pilocarpine, despite the CSD-velocity reduction, in no case was CSD propagation blocked in WARs. The results suggest a gender-related, estrous cycle-phase-independent modification in the CSD-susceptibility of WAR rats, both in the RAS(+) and RAS(-) situation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by using silver impregnation techniques, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) to observe the nerve fibers and their terminals. Silver impregnation was done according to Winkelman and Schmit, 1957. For TEM, small blocks were fixed in modified Karnovsky solution, postfixed in 1% buffered osmium tetroxide solution, and embedded in Spurr resin. For HRSEM, the parts were fixed in 2% osmium tetroxide solution with 1/15 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 4 degrees C for 2 h, according to the technique described by Tanaka, 1989. Thick myelinated nerve bundles were histologically observed among the muscular fibers. The intrafusal nerve fiber presented a tortuous pathway with punctiform terminal axons in clusters contacting the surface of sarcolemma. Several myelinated nerve fibers involved by collagen fibers of the endoneurium were observed in HRSEM in three-dimensional aspects. The concentric lamellae of the myelin sheath and the axoplasm containing neurofilaments interspersed among the mitochondria were also noted. In TEM, myofibrils, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi`s apparatus, and glycogen granules were observed in sarcoplasm. It is also noted that the sarcomeres constituted by myofilaments with their A, I, and H bands and the electron dense Z lines. In areas adjacent to muscular fibers, there were myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers involved by endoneurium and perineurium. In the region of the neuromuscular junction, the contact with the sarcolemma of the muscular cell occurs forming several terminal buttons and showing numerous evaginations of the cell membrane. In the terminal button, mitochondria and numerous synaptic vesicles were observed. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:464-470, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
The progress of science in search of new techniques of the nerve regeneration and the functional repair in reinnervated muscle has been the target of many researchers around the world. Consequently, nerves and muscles in different body segments asked for more enlightenment of their morphology, their interrelation with other anatomic structures and their peculiarities. One of the most significant areas that need deeper studies is the region of the head and neck, since they are often affected by important pathologies. In order to offer the researcher`s community a morphological myoneural interaction model, this study elected the levator labii superioris muscle and its motor nerve, the buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII pair) not only for its special characteristics, but also its value on the facial expression. The rat was chosen for this investigation for being easy to obtain, to keep, to manipulate and to compare this experiment with many others studies previously published. The techniques used were Mesoscopic (dissection), histoenzymologic and morphometric ones. In the results the muscle proved to have a predominance of fast twich fibers (FG and FOG) and superficial location, with a proximal bone and a distal cutaneous insertion. Its motor nerve, the buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII pair), breaks through the muscle belly into its deep face, and comprised a heterogeneous group of myelinic nerve fibers disposed in a regular form in all fascicle. Near the motor point, the nerve showed to be composed of two fascicles with different sizes. Due to the small nerve dimensions, the nerve fibers have a smaller diameter if compared to the motor nerve of pectineus muscle of the cat. Further studies with neural tracers have already had a start in order to provide more information about the distribution and the architecture of these fibers.
We analyzed the expression profile of two NMDAR1 mRNA isoform subsets. NR1(0xx) and NR1(1xx), in discrete regions of human cerebral cortex. The subsets are characterized by the absence or presence of a 21-amino acid N-terminal cassette. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for NR1 isoforms was performed on total RNA preparations from spared and susceptible regions from 10 pathologically confirmed Alzheimer's disease (AD) cases and 10 matched controls. Primers spanning the splice insert yielded two bands, 342 bp (NR1(0xx)) and 405 bp (NR1(1xx)), on agarose gel electrophoresis. The bands were visualized with ethidium and quantified by densitometry. NR1(1xx) transcript expression was calculated as a proportion of the NR1(1xx) + NR1(0xx) total. Values were significantly lower in AD cases than in controls in mid-cingulate cortex, p < 0.01, superior temporal cortex, p < 0.01 and hippocampus, p similar to 0.05. Cortical proportionate NR1(1xx) transcript expression was invariant over the range of ages acid areas of controls tested, at similar to 50%. This was also true for AD motor and occipital cortex. Proportionate NR1(1xx) expression in AD cingulate and temporal cortex was lower at younger ages and increased with age: this regression was significantly different from that in the homotropic areas of controls. Variations in NR1 N-terminal cassette expression may underlie the local vulnerability to excitotoxic damage of some areas in the AD brain. Alternatively, changes in NR1 mRNA expression may arise as a consequence of the AD disease process.
The present study investigates human visual processing of simple two-colour patterns using a delayed match to sample paradigm with positron emission tomography (PET). This study is unique in that we specifically designed the visual stimuli to be the same for both pattern and colour recognition with all patterns being abstract shapes not easily verbally coded composed of two-colour combinations. We did this to explore those brain regions required for both colour and pattern processing and to separate those areas of activation required for one or the other. We found that both tasks activated similar occipital regions, the major difference being more extensive activation in pattern recognition. A right-sided network that involved the inferior parietal lobule, the head of the caudate nucleus, and the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus was common to both paradigms. Pattern recognition also activated the left temporal pole and right lateral orbital gyrus, whereas colour recognition activated the left fusiform gyrus and several right frontal regions. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Recent studies have revealed striking differences in pyramidal cell structure among cortical regions involved in the processing of different functional modalities. For example, cells involved in visual processing show systematic variation, increasing in morphological complexity with rostral progression from V1 through extrastriate areas. Differences have also been identified between pyramidal cells in somatosensory, motor and prefrontal cortex, but the extent to which the pyramidal cell phenotype may vary between these functionally related cortical regions remains unknown. In the present study we investigated the structure of layer III pyramidal cells in somatosensory and motor areas 3b, 4, 5, 6 and 7b of the macaque monkey. Cells were intracellularly injected in fixed, flat-mounted cortical slices and analysed for morphometric parameters. The size of the basal dendritic arbours, the number of their branches and their spine density were found to vary systematically between areas. Namely, we found a trend for increasing complexity in dendritic arbour structure through areas 3b, 5 and 7b. A similar trend occurred through areas 4 and 6. The differences in arbour structure may determine the number of inputs received by neurons and may thus be an important factor in determining function at the cellular and systems level.
Objetivos – Um dos principais objetivos da neurociência tem sido, desde sempre, compreender as funcionalidades do cérebro. A introdução da ressonância magnética funcional contribuiu em grande escala para o desenvolvimento do estudo cerebral. Assim, esta investigação tem como principal objetivo identificar e desenhar os diferentes perfis de localizações cerebrais, a nível do córtex motor, numa população jovem saudável, permitindo, assim, um maior conhecimento nesta área e dando um contributo à área da neurologia. Material e métodos – Foi realizado um estudo de ressonância magnética funcional em 30 indivíduos saudáveis numa clínica de imagiologia médica. Para tal recorreu-se a equipamento adequado para a recolha de dados. O paradigma motor utilizado foi o movimento dos dedos das mãos. Através das imagens obtidas foi medida a área de cada região ativa. Com o suporte do programa SPSS (versão 19) todos os valores foram tratados estatisticamente. Conclusão – Após todo este processo concluiu-se que a área do cérebro maioritariamente ativa, no momento do paradigma motor, encontra-se no hemisfério esquerdo.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Imagem por Ressonância Magnética
Nos dias de hoje a indústria tenta tornar-se cada vez mais competitiva baixando os custos de produção e aumentando a eficiência do produto. O presente trabalho visa desenvolver uma tampa de ventilação de um motor elétrico mais competitiva mas que cumpra com o desempenho mecânico e eficiência solicitados. Para tal, começou-se por analisar alguns motores elétricos e as suas aplicações. Seguidamente apresentam-se conceitos sobre aerodinâmica e processos de fabrico que permitem apoiar as opções tomadas ao longo do estudo. Após o fundamento teórico é apresentado todo o processo de desenvolvimento de uma nova peça. Recorrendo a softwares como o solidworks e Ansys, realizou-se uma análise analítica que permitiu validar as alterações propostas na tampa de ventilação. Foram, ainda, realizadas análises experimentais com o intuito de consolidar os resultados obtidos analiticamente e garantir que o componente cumpria os requisitos impostos por organizações internacionais ligadas à indústria do oil and gas. A primeira das análises experimentais realizada testa a capacidade do material resistir ao impacto de componentes de pequenas dimensões. Esta analise permitiu garantir a utilização da tampa de ventilação em todas as áreas sem limites de normalização. A segunda permite analisar experimentalmente as alterações de design assim como testar alguns trabalhos futuros. Esta análise permitiu definir se no novo projeto da tampa desenvolvido deveria comtemplar uma alteração do diâmetro da entrada de ar da tampa de ventilação. Como resultados aparecem as decisões tomadas na presente tese, assim como analisar as metas que foram atingidas e que melhorias se pretende atingir de futuro tentando visar novas metas. Os resultados obtidos permitiram definir uma nova tampa de ventilação com a nova que irá beneficiar a empresa na sua competitividade no mercado mantendo a performance do motor.
Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
There are only a few treatments available for Tourette syndrome (TS). These treatments frequently do notwork in patients with moderate to severe TS [1]. Neuroimaging studies show a correlation between tics severity and increased activation over motor pathways, along with reduced activation over the control areas of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits [2]. Moreover, the temporal pattern of tic generation suggests that cortical activation especially in the SMA precedes subcortical activation [3]. Following this assumption, here we explored the brain effects of 10-daily sessions of cathodal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) delivered over the pre-SMA in a patient with refractory and severe TS and also assessed whether those changes were long lasting (up to 6 months).
With the aid of the cobalt labelling technique, frog spinal cord motor neuron dendrites of the subpial dendritic plexus have been identified in serial electron micrographs. Computer reconstructions of various lengths (2.5-9.8 micron) of dendritic segments showed the contours of these dendrites to be highly irregular, and to present many thorn-like projections 0.4-1.8 micron long. Number, size and distribution of synaptic contacts were also determined. Almost half of the synapses occurred at the origins of the thorns and these synapses had the largest contact areas. Only 8 out of 54 synapses analysed were found on thorns and these were the smallest. For the total length of reconstructed dendrites there was, on average, one synapse per 1.2 micron, while 4.4% of the total dendritic surface was covered with synaptic contacts. The functional significance of these distal dendrites and their capacity to influence the soma membrane potential is discussed.