964 resultados para Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (mcfc)
El alcance del proyecto es describir las directrices técnicas, la definición de criterios, y la estrategia de suministro de energía (Electricidad. Calefacción y Agua Caliente Sanitaria (ACS)) a un barrio modelo situado en un entorno urbano. De inicio se estudia los diversos modelos energéticos atendiendo a la normativa y tecnología, que se pueden aplicar en un conjunto residencial, dando como resultado el modelo propuesto de abastecimiento energético, mediante calefacción de distrito, que incorporara el diseño de una planta de producción de energía termo-eléctrica o Central de Energías basada en la tecnología de condensación de baja temperatura para calefacción y A.C.S. incluyendo una cogeneración con pila de combustible. Al mismo tiempo se han calculado y diseñado una serie de chimeneas externas para dar cumplida necesidad técnica y legal al proyecto. Estos estudios nos sirven de punto de partida para analizar la amortización de la inversión y por tanto la rentabilidad y viabilidad del proyecto, comparándose con los costes económicos derivados de la generación por sistemas convencionales. Para finalizar se hace mención a las ventajas medioambientales y a los grados de seguridad en la planta de producción ABSTRACT The scope of this work is the description of an energy supply project ( Electricity, heat and hot water ) to a housing development in a urban neibourhood , including technical criteria in their different options. Initially, several solutions are studied based on available technologies and legal restrictions. The final proposal is based on the district hearing model including electricity production in cogeneration via fuel cell technology as well as heating and hot water produced by low temperature condensation boilers It includes calculations and design criteria of the exhaust gases system and chimeneys in compliance with legal requirement in urban areas. This work also includes an economical model including payback, IRR and VAN analysis and an economical comparaison with the standard solutions. Finally, environmental advantages of the preferred solution over other standards as well as safety issues are also presented.
Propulsion and power generation by bare electrodynamic tethers are revisited in a unified way and issues and constraints are addressed. In comparing electrodynamic tethers, which do not use propellant, with other propellantconsuming systems, mission duration is a discriminator that defines crossover points for systems with equal initial masses. Bare tethers operating in low Earth orbit can be more competitive than optimum ion thrusters in missions exceeding two-three days for orbital deboost and three weeks for boosting operations. If the tether produces useful onboard power during deboost, the crossover point reaches to about 10 days. Power generation by means of a bare electrodynamic tether in combination with chemical propulsion to maintain orbital altitude of the system is more efficient than use of the same chemicals (liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen) in a fuel cell to produce power for missions longer than one week. Issues associated with tether temperature, bowing, deployment, and arcing are also discussed. Heating/cooling rates reach about 4 K/s for a 0.05-mm-thick tape and a fraction of Kelvin/second for the ProSEDS (0.6-mm-radius) wire; under dominant ohmic effects, temperatures areover200K (night) and 380 K (day) for the tape and 320 and 415 K for that wire. Tether applications other than propulsion and power are briefly discussed.
The decision to select the most suitable type of energy storage system for an electric vehicle is always difficult, since many conditionings must be taken into account. Sometimes, this study can be made by means of complex mathematical models which represent the behavior of a battery, ultracapacitor or some other devices. However, these models are usually too dependent on parameters that are not easily available, which usually results in nonrealistic results. Besides, the more accurate the model, the more specific it needs to be, which becomes an issue when comparing systems of different nature. This paper proposes a practical methodology to compare different energy storage technologies. This is done by means of a linear approach of an equivalent circuit based on laboratory tests. Via these tests, the internal resistance and the self-discharge rate are evaluated, making it possible to compare different energy storage systems regardless their technology. Rather simple testing equipment is sufficient to give a comparative idea of the differences between each system, concerning issues such as efficiency, heating and self-discharge, when operating under a certain scenario. The proposed methodology is applied to four energy storage systems of different nature for the sake of illustration.
(SPA) Con el objetivo de disminuir el coste de los electrodos utilizados en las pilas de combustible de membrana polimérica se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la influencia sobre la respuesta electroquímica y en ensayos en monocelda de pila de combustible de alcohol directo, de la deposición por evaporación electrónica de platino sobre tela de carbón. Se han estudiado en las mismas condiciones dos electrodos comerciales con distinta carga de catalizador y dos electrodos preparados por evaporación electrónica de platino. Se encuentra que la evaporación electrónica de platino sobre tela de carbón ahorra carga de catalizador, aumenta la superficie electroactiva y permite alcanzar rendimientos comparables a los de los electrodos comerciales, mejorando mucho la potencia obtenida por unidad de masa de material catalítico. (ENG) In order to diminish the cost of the electrodes used in polymer membrane fuel cells a study of the influence on the electrochemical response and essays in a single direct methanol fuel cell of the deposition by electronic evaporation of Platinum on carbon cloth has been carried out. Two commercial electrodes with different catalyst loading and two electrodes prepared by electronic evaporation of Platinum have been studied in the same conditions. It can be concluded that electronic evaporation of Platinum on carbon cloth saves catalyst load, increases the electroactive surface area and reaches fuel cell performances comparable with those obtained using commercial electrodes, improving clearly the power obtained per unit mass of catalytic material.
Nessa pesquisa foram testadas tanto CCM com membranas e sem membranas que tinham por característica reproduzir sistemas de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A etapa experimental desse trabalho foi dividida entre o Brasil (ensaios com CCM sem a MTP e utilizando esgoto sanitário) e Portugal (ensaios com CCM tradicionais de uma e duas câmaras, utilizando água residuária sintética e a bactéria Lactobacillus pentosus). A execução em dois locais diferentes resultou em um maior aprofundamento e desenvolvimento da pesquisa. As CCM foram avaliadas principalmente quanto ao potencial elétrico e eficiência da degradação de compostos orgânicos (esgoto sanitário e água residuária sintética). Para os dados obtidos no Brasil, as três configurações apresentaram maior diferença na potência em função do modo de operação. A operação intermitente apresentou a maior potência (11 mW/m2) para a CCM cilíndrica de fluxo ascendente, enquanto que operação continua a maior potência (4,2 mW/m2) foi obtida para a CCM retangular de fluxo horizontal, a qual também apresentava uma maior facilidade na manutenção quanto aos eletrodos (adição/remoção). A CCM cúbica de fluxo ascendente devido a sua concepção simples demandava um sistema complementar para o aumento da remoção de DQO. Apesar da baixa potência mensurada para os ensaios realizados no Brasil há de se pontuar que os mesmos foram obtidos para reatores sem membranas e utilizando o esgoto sanitário, o qual apresentou grande sazonalidade. Para a etapa realizada em Portugal, foi possível realizar quinze diferentes ensaios e mais um ensaio específico de crescimento. A maior potência (10,37 mW/m2) foi obtida para CCM de câmara dupla operada de modo contínuo para um tempo de detenção hidráulico (TDH) de 20 horas. A maior potência obtida para a CCM de câmara única foi de 5,53 mW/m2 quando houve a adição do extrato de levedura (função teórica de mediador). A potência da CCM, na maioria das vezes, esteve relacionada à proporção de sólidos voláteis e totais, SV/ST, quantidade de bactérias, pH, características de operação e por fim a configuração da CCM. O ensaio de crescimento revelou a correlação da potência em função da quantidade de bactérias inseridas da massa do biofilme (SV) e mostra-se como uma ferramenta na avaliação da potência das CCM.
Na primeira parte do trabalho, foram investigados materiais ativos para eletro-oxidar etanol e acetaldeído seletivos para a rota C2 (Carbono 2) e, também, ativos para eletro-oxidar hidrogênio molecular, visando a aplicação em células a combustível de hidrogênio indireto. Neste tipo de célula, um processador de combustível externo desidrogena o etanol e os produtos desta reação, contendo H2, acetaldeído e, possivelmente, etanol residual, são direcionados para alimentar o ânodo. Neste sentido, o eletrocatalisador anódico pode ser ativo para a eletro-oxidação de etanol residual, bem como acetaldeído, mas este deve catalisar a reação via C2 com o objetivo de evitar a formação de espécies que envenenam a superfície catalítica (CO ou CHx), ou seja, a ligação C-C deve permanecer intacta. Os eletrocatalisadores bimetálicos foram formados por M/Pt/C (onde M = W, Ru ou Sn) e os produtos reacionais foram analisados por DEMS On-line. Os resultados mostraram que Ru/Pt/C e Sn/Pt/C apresentaram maiores taxas de reação global, no entanto, eles não foram seletivos. Por outro lado, W2/Pt3/C foi mais seletivo para a rota C2, dada a não formação de CH4 e CO2. Além disso, este material também foi ativo e estável para a eletro-oxidação de H2, mesmo na presença de acetaldeído, o que o torna um potencial catalisador para aplicação no ânodo de células a combustível de hidrogênio indireto. Na segunda parte do trabalho, o objetivo foi relacionado com o estudo de eletrocatalisadores seletivos para a rota C1 (Carbono 1). A oxidação eletroquímica do etanol e de seus produtos reacionais foram investigados por DEMS on-line em temperatura ambiente e intermediária (245oC). Para temperatura ambiente, utilizou-se solução aquosa de ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4) e, para temperatura intermediária, utilizou-se ácido sólido (CsH2PO4) como eletrólito. Os eletrocatalisadores investigados foram formados por SnOxRuOx-Pt/C e Pt/C. Em temperatura ambiente, os resultados de polarização potenciodinâmica mostraram uma maior atividade eletrocatalítica para o material SnOxRuOx-Pt/C, com eficiência de corrente para formação de CO2 de 15,6% contra 15,2% para Pt/C, sob condições estagnantes, sem controle por transporte de massa. O stripping de resíduos reacionais, após a eletro-oxidação de etanol bulk, sob condições de fluxo, mostraram o acúmulo de espécies com 1 átomo de carbono (CO e CHx) que causam o bloqueio dos sítios ativos e são oxidadas eletroquimicamente somente em mais altos potenciais (ca. 1,0 V). Por outro lado, as curvas de polarização a 245oC mostraram maiores valores de eficiências de correntes para formação de CO2 (45% para Pt/C em ambos potenciais 0,5 V e 0,8 V contra 36% e 50% para SnOxRuOx-Pt/C em 0,5 V e 0,8 V respectivamente) quando comparado com os valores obtidos em temperatura ambiente, mas com atividades similares para SnOxRuOx-Pt/C e Pt/C. Para ambos os eletrocatalisadores, os estudos de espectrometria de massas a 245oC evidenciaram que as rotas eletroquímicas ocorrem em paralelo com rotas puramente químicas, envolvendo catálise heterogênea, de decomposição do etanol, produzindo H2 e CO2 como produtos majoritários.
O trabalho visa o desenvolvimento do sistema para medidas de distribuição de corrente e ampliação de escala (50 cm²) buscando aperfeiçoar as condições de preparação do conjunto eletrodo membrana (MEA) quanto às condições de operação da célula e avaliar a melhor geometria. Foram realizados estudos de síntese de catalisadores de Pt-M e avaliação do desempenho desses materias e das rotas de síntese utilizadas com objetivo de aplicar estes materias em sistemas de maior escala. A insuficiência do desempenho e estabilidade dos catalisadores são fatores que ainda inviabilizam o uso em larga escala das células a combustível de eletrólito polimérico sólido, destacando-se as perdas associadas ao desempenho do cátodo. Os catalisadores preparados foram nanopartículas bimetálicas PtM/C (M = Fe, Co e Ni) suportadas em carbono de elevada área superficial, por duas rotas sintéticas. Foram utilizadas as rotas: ácido fórmico e etilenoglicol modificado (EG). Em ambas as rotas se buscou catalisadores com alto grau de incorporação do segundo metal, tamanho de partícula pequeno e bom desempenho catalítico do cátodo. Observou-se que pela rota do ácido fórmico com modificações no processo de síntese é possível obter a incorporação nominal do segundo metal no catalisador, porém há desvantagem de o tamanho de partícula ser elevado. Pela rota do EG obteve-se catalisadores com pequeno tamanho de partícula, porém a incorporação do segundo metal mostrou-se ineficiente. Os estudos de ampliação de escala foram realizados em células de 50 cm2 variando-se as condições de operação; i) diferentes placas de distribuição de gás, e ii) diferentes valores de fluxo dos gases reagentes. Foi observado que a baixos fluxos de gases a quantidade de reagente é insuficiente para ser difundida por todo eletrodo, o que ocasiona reação apenas na região de entrada de gases no sistema, ocasionando uma rápida limitação em obter-se densidades de corrente alta. Pode-se observar que a diferença de desempenho entre as placas é pequena, porém a placa serpentina 6 apresentou melhor desempenho. O desempenho dos cátodos preparados com catalisadores comerciais e os sintetizados no laboratório nas células de 50 cm² mostrou sofrer bastante influência das condições de operação comparada com as células de 4,6 cm².
Chronopotentiometric and swelling experiments have been conducted to characterize the behavior of a Nafion membrane in NaCl and KCl aqueous solutions without and with glucose. A mixture solution with similar composition to the cerebrospinal fluid and blood plasma has also been studied. From the chronotentiograms, current-voltage curves have been obtained, and the values of the limiting current density, diffusion boundary layer thickness, difference between counter-ion transport number in membrane and free solution, and transition times have been determined for the investigated membrane systems. The obtained results indicate that the presence of glucose affects the ion transport through the membrane depending on the electrolyte and glucose concentrations. At low electrolyte concentration, experimental transition times are found to be smaller in presence of glucose, which has been related to an effective membrane area reduction in presence of glucose. The membrane system corresponding to the mixture solution shows a behavior similar to the single high concentration NaCl membrane system, indicating that the observed behavior is mainly associated to the Na^+ ions transport in higher proportion. In this case, the glucose presence does not affect significantly the investigated properties of the membrane, which is interesting for its utilization in a glucose fuel cell.
The use of a solid polymeric electrolyte, spe, is not commonly found in organic electrosynthesis despite its inherent advantages such as the possible elimination of the electrolyte entailing simpler purification processes, a smaller sized reactor and lower energetic costs. In order to test if it were possible to use a spe in industrial organic electrosynthesis, we studied the synthesis of 1-phenylethanol through the electrochemical hydrogenation of acetophenone using Pd/C 30 wt% with different loadings as cathode and a hydrogen gas diffusion anode. A Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor, PEMER, with a fuel cell structure was chosen to carry out electrochemical reduction with a view to simplifying an industrial scale-up of the electrochemical process. We studied the influence of current density and cathode catalyst loading on this electroorganic synthesis. Selectivity for 1-phenylethanol was around 90% with only ethylbenzene and hydrogen detected as by-products.
In the current study, the relationship between current and biomass and bio-adhesion mechanism of electrogenic biofilm on electrode were investigated using EQCM and ATR-SEIRAS linking electrochemistry. The results indicated that cellular biomass of biofilm on QCM-crystal surface showed maximum value of 6.0 μg/cm2 in initial batch and 11.5 μg/cm2 in the second batch on mature biofilm, producing a similar maximum current density of 110 μA/μg. Especially, the optimum cell biomass linking high electricity production ratio (110 μA/μg) occurred before maximum biomass coming, implying that over-growth mature biofilm is not an optimum state for enhancing power output of MFCs. On the other hand, the spectra using ATR-SEIRAS technique linking electrochemistry obviously exhibited water structure adsorption change at early biofilm formation and meanwhile the water adsorption accompanied the adsorbed bacteria and the bound cells population on the electrode increased with time. Meanwhile, the direct contact of bacteria and electrode via outer-membrane protein can be confirmed via a series spectra shift at amide I and amide II modes and water movement from negative bands displacing by adsorbed bacteria. Our study provided supplementary information about the interaction between the microbes and electrode beyond traditional electrochemistry.
This study takes on the issue of political and socio-economic conditions for the hydrogen economy as part of a future low carbon society in Europe. It is subdivided into two parts. A first part reviews the current EU policy framework in view of its impact on hydrogen and fuel cell development. In the second part an analysis of the regional dynamics and possible hydrogen and fuel cell clusters is carried out. The current EU policy framework does not hinder hydrogen development. Yet it does not constitute a strong push factor either. EU energy policies have the strongest impact on hydrogen and fuel cell development even though their potential is still underexploited. Regulatory policies have a weak but positive impact on hydrogen. EU spending policies show some inconsistencies. Regions with a high activity level in HFC also are generally innovative regions. Moreover, the article points out certain industrial clusters that favours some regions' conditions for taking part in the HFC development. However, existing hydrogen infrastructure seems to play a minor role for region's engagement. An overall well-functioning regional innovation system is important in the formative phase of an HFC innovation system, but that further research is needed before qualified policy implications can be drawn. Looking ahead the current policy framework at EU level does not set clear long term signals and lacks incentives that are strong enough to facilitate high investment in and deployment of sustainable energy technologies. The likely overall effect thus seems to be too weak to enable the EU hydrogen and fuel cell deployment strategy. According to our analysis an enhanced EU policy framework pushing for sustainability in general and the development of hydrogen and fuel cells in particular requires the following: 1) A strong EU energy policy with credible long term targets; 2) better coordination of EU policies: Europe needs a common understanding of key taxation concepts (green taxation, internalisation of externalities) and a common approach for the market introduction of new energy technologies; 3) an EU cluster policy as an attempt to better coordinate and support of European regions in their efforts to further develop HFC and to set up the respective infrastructure.
In this work we assess the pathways for environmental improvement by the coal utilization industry for power generation in Australia. In terms of resources, our findings show that coal is a long term resource of concern as coal reserves are likely to last for the next 500 years or more. However, our analysis indicates that evaporation losses of water in power generation will approach 1000 Gl (gigalitres) per year, equivalent to a consumption of half of the Australian residential population. As Australia is the second driest continent on earth, water consumption by power generators is a resource of immediate concern with regards to sustainability. We also show that coal will continue to play a major role in energy generation in Australia and, hence, there is a need to employ new technologies that can minimize environmental impacts. The major technologies to reduce impacts to air, water and soils are addressed. Of major interest, there is a major potential for developing sequestration processes in Australia, in particular by enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) recovery at the Bowen Basin, South Sydney Basin and Gunnedah Basin. Having said that, CO2 capture technologies require further development to support any sequestration processes in order to comply with the Kyoto Protocol. Current power generation cycles are thermodynamic limited, with 35-40% efficiencies. To move to a high efficiency cycle, it is required to change technologies of which integrated gasification combined cycle plus fuel cell is the most promising, with efficiencies expected to reach 60-65%. However, risks of moving towards an unproven technology means that power generators are likely to continue to use pulverized fuel technologies, aiming at incremental efficiency improvements (business as usual). As a big picture pathway, power generators are likely to play an increasing role in regional development; in particular EcoParks and reclaiming saline water for treatment as pressures to access fresh water supplies will significantly increase.
The turbostratic mesoporous carbon blacks were prepared by catalytic chemical vapour decomposition (CCVD) of acetylene using Ni/MgO catalysts prepared by co-precipitation. The relationship between deposition conditions and the nanostructures of resultant carbon black materials was investigated. It was found that the turbostratic and textural structures of carbon blacks are dependent on the deposition temperature and nickel catalyst loading. Higher deposition temperature increases the carbon crystallite unit volume V-nano and reduces the surface area of carbon samples. Moreover, a smaller V-nano is produced by a higher Ni loading at the same deposition temperature. In addition of the pore structure and the active metal surface area of the catalyst, the graphitic degree or electronic conductivity of the carbon support is also a key issue to the activity of the supported catalyst. V-nano is a very useful parameter to describe the effect of the crystalline structure of carbon blacks on the reactivity of carbon blacks in oxygen-carbon reaction and the catalytic activity of carbon-supported catalyst in ammonia decomposition semi-quantitatively. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, a working model is proposed of molecular sieve silica (MSS) multistage membrane systems for CO cleanup at high temperatures (up to 500 degrees C) in a simulated fuel cell fuel processing system. Gases are described as having little interactions with each other relative to the pore walls due to low isosteric heat of adsorption on silica surfaces and high temperatures. The Arrhenius function for activated transport of pure gases was used to predict mixture concentration in the permeate and retentate streams. Simulation predicted CO could be reduced to levels below the required 50 ppmv for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell anodes at a stage H-2/CO selectivity of higher than 40 in 4 series membrane units. Experimental validation showed predicting mixture concentrations required only pure gas permeation data. This model has significant application for setting industrial stretch targets and as a robust basis for complex membrane model configurations. (c) 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Doped ceria (CeO2) compounds are fluorite related oxides which show oxide ionic conductivity higher than yttria-stabilized zirconia in oxidizing atmosphere. As a consequence of this, a considerable interest has been shown in application of these materials for low (400-650 degrees C) temperature operation of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). In this paper, our experimental data about the influence of microstructure at the atomic level on electrochemical properties were reviewed in order to develop high quality doped CeO2 electrolytes in fuel cell applications. Using this data in the present paper, our original idea for a design of nanodomain structure in doped CeO2 electrolytes was suggested. The nanosized powders and dense sintered bodies of M doped CeO2 (M:Sm,Gd,La,Y,Yb, and Dy) compounds were fabricated. Also nanostiructural features in these specimens were introduced for conclusion of relationship between electrolytic properties and domain structure in doped CeO2. It is essential that the electrolytic properties in doped CeO2 solid electrolytes reflect in changes of microstructure even down to the atomic scale. Accordingly, a combined approach of nanostructure fabrication, electrical measurement and structure characterization was required to develop superior quality doped CeO2 electrolytes in the fuel cells.