930 resultados para Metal Oxides as Heterogeneous Catalysts


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Pure alpha-Al2O3 exhibits a very high degree of thermodynamical stability among all metal oxides and forms an inert oxide scale in a range of structural alloys at high temperatures. We report that amorphous Al2O3 thin films sputter deposited over crystalline Si instead show a surprisingly active interface. On annealing, crystallization begins with nuclei of a phase closely resembling gamma-Alumina forming almost randomly in an amorphous matrix, and with increasing frequency near the substrate/film interface. This nucleation is marked by the signature appearance of sharp (400) and (440) reflections and the formation of a diffuse diffraction halo with an outer maximal radius of approximate to 0.23 nm enveloping the direct beam. The microstructure then evolves by a cluster-coalescence growth mechanism suggestive of swift nucleation and sluggish diffusional kinetics, while locally the Al ions redistribute slowly from chemisorbed and tetrahedral sites to higher anion coordinated sites. Chemical state plots constructed from XPS data and simple calculations of the diffraction patterns from hypothetically distorted lattices suggest that the true origins of the diffuse diffraction halo are probably related to a complex change in the electronic structure spurred by the a-gamma transformation rather than pure structural disorder. Concurrent to crystallization within the film, a substantially thick interfacial reaction zone also builds up at the film/substrate interface with the excess Al acting as a cationic source. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Copper oxide (CuO) is one of the most important transition metal oxides due to its unique properties. It is used in various technological applications such as high critical temperature, superconductors, gas sensors, in photoconductive applications and so on. Recently, it has been used as an antimicrobial agent against various pathogenic bacteria. In the present investigation, we studied the structural and antidermatophytic properties of CuO nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized by a precipitation technique. Copper sulfate was used as a precursor and sodium hydroxide as a reducing agent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed flower-shaped CuO NPs and X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern showed the crystalline nature of CuO NPs. These NPs were evaluated against two prevalent species of dermatophytes, i.e. Trichophyton rubrum and T. mentagrophytes by using the broth microdilution technique. Further, the NPs activity was also compared with synthetic sertaconazole. Although better antidermatophytic activity was exhibited with sertaconazole as compared to NPs, being synthetic, sertaconazole may not be preferred, as it shows different adverse effects. Trichophyton mentagrophytes is more susceptible to NPs than T. rubrum. A phylogenetic approach was applied for predicting differences in susceptibility of pathogens.


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We present the fabrication and high frequency characterization of a capacitive nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) switch using a dense array of horizontally aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The nanotubes are directly grown onto metal layers with prepatterned catalysts with horizontal alignment in the gas flow direction. Subsequent wetting-induced compaction by isopropanol increases the nanotube density by one order of magnitude. The actuation voltage of 6 V is low for a NEMS device, and corresponds to CNT arrays with an equivalent Young's modulus of 4.5-8.5 GPa, and resistivity of under 0.0077 Ω·cm. The high frequency characterization shows an isolation of -10 dB at 5 GHz. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Resumen: Se propone utilizar un óxido como el Cr2O3 como catalizador ya que se ha determinado anteriormente, en la primera etapa de esta investigación, (“Estudio comparativo de la retención de SO2 sobre óxidos de metales de transición soportados en alúmina”), que la retención de SO2 sobre su superficie es un proceso de quimisorción con formación de especies sulfito superficiales sobre sitios básicos y un proceso de óxido reducción del ión metálico. Apoya este mecanismo el hecho de que la cantidad de SO2 adsorbido es función de la temperatura. La mayor eficiencia del Cr2O3 puede explicarse en base a sus propiedades superficiales, lo cual ha sido utilizado en la segunda etapa de reacción de reducción, ya que se ha completado la etapa inicial de quimisorción. En la segunda etapa de esta investigación (“Estudio de la reacción de reducción de SO2 con CH4 a altas temperaturas sobre catalizador de Cr2O3 soportado en alúmina”), se apuntó al estudio de un nuevo tipo de sinergia entre propiedades ácido-base y propiedades redox en una misma superficie. Esta tercera etapa apuntó a determinar la influencia que tiene el O2 en este proceso, ya que el O2 se encuentra presente en las chimeneas industriales en las condiciones de reacción entre el SO2 y el CH4, y produce modificaciones en los parámetros de reacción. Se experimentó con diferentes masas de catalizador y flujos de los distintos gases, y se estudió la influencia de la presencia de oxígeno en la reacción y particularmente con diferentes flujos del mismo, y la posibilidad de regeneración del catalizador.


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Resumen: Se propone utilizar un óxido como el Cr2O3 como catalizador ya que se ha determinado anteriormente, en la primera etapa de esta investigación, (“Estudio comparativo de la retención de SO2 sobre óxidos de metales de transición soportados en alúmina”), que la retención de SO2 sobre su superficie es un proceso de quimisorción con formación de especies sulfito superficiales sobre sitios básicos y un proceso de óxido reducción del ión metálico. Apoya este mecanismo el hecho de que la cantidad de SO2 adsorbido es función de la temperatura. La mayor eficiencia del Cr2O3 puede explicarse en base a sus propiedades superficiales, lo cual ha sido utilizado en la segunda etapa de reacción de reducción, ya que se ha completado la etapa inicial de quimisorción. En la segunda etapa de esta investigación (“Estudio de la reacción de reducción de SO2 con CH4 a altas temperaturas sobre catalizador de Cr2O3 soportado en alúmina”), se apuntó al estudio de un nuevo tipo de sinergia entre propiedades ácido-base y propiedades redox en una misma superficie. La tercera etapa apuntó a determinar la influencia que tiene el O2 en este proceso, ya que el O2 se encuentra presente en las chimeneas industriales en las condiciones de reacción entre el SO2 y el CH4, y produce modificaciones en los parámetros de reacción. Se experimentó con diferentes masas de catalizador y flujos de los distintos gases, y se estudió la influencia de la presencia de oxígeno en la reacción y particularmente con diferentes flujos del mismo, y la posibilidad de regeneración del catalizador.En esta cuarta y última etapa se están estudiando los cambios que se producen en la reacción al pasar de escala laboratorio a planta piloto utilizando una columna de mayor diámetro construída en metal. A través de los datos experimentales se está estudiando, en conjunto con el INIFTA, la presencia de especies sulfito y sulfato sobre la superficie del soporte. Adicionalmente, por medio del programa VASP (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package), se analiza la interacción entre los reactivos gaseosos y el soporte.


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Secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), electron probe analysis (EPMA), analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy were used to determine the chemical composition and the mineralogy of sub-micrometer inclusions in cubic diamonds and in overgrowths (coats) on octahedral diamonds from Zaire, Botswana, and some unknown localities.

The inclusions are sub-micrometer in size. The typical diameter encountered during transmission electron microscope (TEM) examination was 0.1-0.5 µm. The micro-inclusions are sub-rounded and their shape is crystallographically controlled by the diamond. Normally they are not associated with cracks or dislocations and appear to be well isolated within the diamond matrix. The number density of inclusions is highly variable on any scale and may reach 10^(11) inclusions/cm^3 in the most densely populated zones. The total concentration of metal oxides in the diamonds varies between 20 and 1270 ppm (by weight).

SIMS analysis yields the average composition of about 100 inclusions contained in the sputtered volume. Comparison of analyses of different volumes of an individual diamond show roughly uniform composition (typically ±10% relative). The variation among the average compositions of different diamonds is somewhat greater (typically ±30%). Nevertheless, all diamonds exhibit similar characteristics, being rich in water, carbonate, SiO_2, and K_2O, and depleted in MgO. The composition of micro-inclusions in most diamonds vary within the following ranges: SiO_2, 30-53%; K_2O, 12-30%; CaO, 8-19%; FeO, 6-11%; Al_2O_3, 3-6%; MgO, 2-6%; TiO_2, 2-4%; Na_2O, 1-5%; P_2O_5, 1-4%; and Cl, 1-3%. In addition, BaO, 1-4%; SrO, 0.7-1.5%; La_2O_3, 0.1-0.3%; Ce_2O_3, 0.3-0.5%; smaller amounts of other rare-earth elements (REE), as well as Mn, Th, and U were also detected by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Mg/(Fe+Mg), 0.40-0.62 is low compared with other mantle derived phases; K/ AI ratios of 2-7 are very high, and the chondrite-normalized Ce/Eu ratios of 10-21 are also high, indicating extremely fractionated REE patterns.

SEM analyses indicate that individual inclusions within a single diamond are roughly of similar composition. The average composition of individual inclusions as measured with the SEM is similar to that measured by SIMS. Compositional variations revealed by the SEM are larger than those detected by SIMS and indicate a small variability in the composition of individual inclusions. No compositions of individual inclusions were determined that might correspond to mono-mineralic inclusions.

IR spectra of inclusion- bearing zones exhibit characteristic absorption due to: (1) pure diamonds, (2) nitrogen and hydrogen in the diamond matrix; and (3) mineral phases in the micro-inclusions. Nitrogen concentrations of 500-1100 ppm, typical of the micro-inclusion-bearing zones, are higher than the average nitrogen content of diamonds. Only type IaA centers were detected by IR. A yellow coloration may indicate small concentration of type IB centers.

The absorption due to the micro-inclusions in all diamonds produces similar spectra and indicates the presence of hydrated sheet silicates (most likely, Fe-rich clay minerals), carbonates (most likely calcite), and apatite. Small quantities of molecular CO_2 are also present in most diamonds. Water is probably associated with the silicates but the possibility of its presence as a fluid phase cannot be excluded. Characteristic lines of olivine, pyroxene and garnet were not detected and these phases cannot be significant components of the inclusions. Preliminary quantification of the IR data suggests that water and carbonate account for, on average, 20-40 wt% of the micro-inclusions.

The composition and mineralogy of the micro-inclusions are completely different from those of the more common, larger inclusions of the peridotitic or eclogitic assemblages. Their bulk composition resembles that of potassic magmas, such as kimberlites and lamproites, but is enriched in H_2O, CO_3, K_2O, and incompatible elements, and depleted in MgO.

It is suggested that the composition of the micro-inclusions represents a volatile-rich fluid or a melt trapped by the diamond during its growth. The high content of K, Na, P, and incompatible elements suggests that the trapped material found in the micro-inclusions may represent an effective metasomatizing agent. It may also be possible that fluids of similar composition are responsible for the extreme enrichment of incompatible elements documented in garnet and pyroxene inclusions in diamonds.

The origin of the fluid trapped in the micro-inclusions is still uncertain. It may have been formed by incipient melting of a highly metasomatized mantle rocks. More likely, it is the result of fractional crystallization of a potassic parental magma at depth. In either case, the micro-inclusions document the presence of highly potassic fluids or melts at depths corresponding to the diamond stability field in the upper mantle. The phases presently identified in the inclusions are believed to be the result of closed system reactions at lower pressures.


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Today our understanding of the vibrational thermodynamics of materials at low temperatures is emerging nicely, based on the harmonic model in which phonons are independent. At high temperatures, however, this understanding must accommodate how phonons interact with other phonons or with other excitations. We shall see that the phonon-phonon interactions give rise to interesting coupling problems, and essentially modify the equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of materials, e.g., thermodynamic stability, heat capacity, optical properties and thermal transport of materials. Despite its great importance, to date the anharmonic lattice dynamics is poorly understood and most studies on lattice dynamics still rely on the harmonic or quasiharmonic models. There have been very few studies on the pure phonon anharmonicity and phonon-phonon interactions. The work presented in this thesis is devoted to the development of experimental and computational methods on this subject.

Modern inelastic scattering techniques with neutrons or photons are ideal for sorting out the anharmonic contribution. Analysis of the experimental data can generate vibrational spectra of the materials, i.e., their phonon densities of states or phonon dispersion relations. We obtained high quality data from laser Raman spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and inelastic neutron spectrometer. With accurate phonon spectra data, we obtained the energy shifts and lifetime broadenings of the interacting phonons, and the vibrational entropies of different materials. The understanding of them then relies on the development of the fundamental theories and the computational methods.

We developed an efficient post-processor for analyzing the anharmonic vibrations from the molecular dynamics (MD) calculations. Currently, most first principles methods are not capable of dealing with strong anharmonicity, because the interactions of phonons are ignored at finite temperatures. Our method adopts the Fourier transformed velocity autocorrelation method to handle the big data of time-dependent atomic velocities from MD calculations, and efficiently reconstructs the phonon DOS and phonon dispersion relations. Our calculations can reproduce the phonon frequency shifts and lifetime broadenings very well at various temperatures.

To understand non-harmonic interactions in a microscopic way, we have developed a numerical fitting method to analyze the decay channels of phonon-phonon interactions. Based on the quantum perturbation theory of many-body interactions, this method is used to calculate the three-phonon and four-phonon kinematics subject to the conservation of energy and momentum, taking into account the weight of phonon couplings. We can assess the strengths of phonon-phonon interactions of different channels and anharmonic orders with the calculated two-phonon DOS. This method, with high computational efficiency, is a promising direction to advance our understandings of non-harmonic lattice dynamics and thermal transport properties.

These experimental techniques and theoretical methods have been successfully performed in the study of anharmonic behaviors of metal oxides, including rutile and cuprite stuctures, and will be discussed in detail in Chapters 4 to 6. For example, for rutile titanium dioxide (TiO2), we found that the anomalous anharmonic behavior of the B1g mode can be explained by the volume effects on quasiharmonic force constants, and by the explicit cubic and quartic anharmonicity. For rutile tin dioxide (SnO2), the broadening of the B2g mode with temperature showed an unusual concave downwards curvature. This curvature was caused by a change with temperature in the number of down-conversion decay channels, originating with the wide band gap in the phonon dispersions. For silver oxide (Ag2O), strong anharmonic effects were found for both phonons and for the negative thermal expansion.


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This study proposes a wastewater electrolysis cell (WEC) for on-site treatment of human waste coupled with decentralized molecular H2 production. The core of the WEC includes mixed metal oxides anodes functionalized with bismuth doped TiO2 (BiOx/TiO2). The BiOx/TiO2 anode shows reliable electro-catalytic activity to oxidize Cl- to reactive chlorine species (RCS), which degrades environmental pollutants including chemical oxygen demand (COD), protein, NH4+, urea, and total coliforms. The WEC experiments for treatment of various kinds of synthetic and real wastewater demonstrate sufficient water quality of effluent for reuse for toilet flushing and environmental purposes. Cathodic reduction of water and proton on stainless steel cathodes produced molecular H2 with moderate levels of current and energy efficiency. This thesis presents a comprehensive environmental analysis together with kinetic models to provide an in-depth understanding of reaction pathways mediated by the RCS and the effects of key operating parameters. The latter part of this thesis is dedicated to bilayer hetero-junction anodes which show enhanced generation efficiency of RCS and long-term stability.

Chapter 2 describes the reaction pathway and kinetics of urea degradation mediated by electrochemically generated RCS. The urea oxidation involves chloramines and chlorinated urea as reaction intermediates, for which the mass/charge balance analysis reveals that N2 and CO2 are the primary products. Chapter 3 investigates direct-current and photovoltaic powered WEC for domestic wastewater treatment, while Chapter 4 demonstrates the feasibility of the WEC to treat model septic tank effluents. The results in Chapter 2 and 3 corroborate the active roles of chlorine radicals (Cl•/Cl2-•) based on iR-compensated anodic potential (thermodynamic basis) and enhanced pseudo-first-order rate constants (kinetic basis). The effects of operating parameters (anodic potential and [Cl-] in Chapter 3; influent dilution and anaerobic pretreatment in Chapter 4) on the rate and current/energy efficiency of pollutants degradation and H2 production are thoroughly discussed based on robust kinetic models. Chapter 5 reports the generation of RCS on Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy/BixTi1-xOz hetero-junction anodes with enhanced rate, current efficiency, and long-term stability compared to the Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy anode. The effects of surficial Bi concentration are interrogated, focusing on relative distributions between surface-bound hydroxyl radical and higher oxide.


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O biodiesel é definido como um mono alquil éster de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa derivado de fontes renováveis tais como óleos vegetais e gorduras animais. Sua importância esta associada ao uso como um combustível alternativo para motores do ciclo Diesel podendo ser utilizado puro ou em misturas com o diesel representando economia de petróleo e menor poluição ambiental. Em geral é obtido por meio da reação de transesterificação na qual os triacilgliceróis, principais constituintes dos óleos e gorduras reagem com álcool, em presença de um catalisador ácido ou básico, produzindo ésteres de ácidos graxos e glicerol. A transesterificação pode ser conduzida por catálise homogênea ou heterogênea. O grande desafio da indústria é otimizar o processo a fim de alcançar um produto e uma rota de produção tecnologicamente eficiente e ambientalmente correta. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a síntese do biodiesel utilizando o processo de transesterificação do óleo de girassol por catálises homogênea e heterogênea. Foram realizadas reações de transesterificação via rotas metílica e etílica, empregando como catalisador homogêneo alcóxido de potássio e como catalisador heterogêneo a resina comercial de troca iônica Amberlyst 26


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Series of tellurite glasses were prepared by traditional melting method, the glass composition were changed and the different effects of glass modifier oxides(alkali metals and alkaline earth metal oxides) and glass intermediate (Y2O3, GeO2, Nb2O5, WO3) on the optical and spectroscopic properties of Er3+ doped tellurite glass were researched and compared. The infrared transmitting spectra, absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra were tested, the results showed that Nb2O5 and WO3 in the glass act as part of the body's role in the formation of the network, caused the reduction of transmitting range in infrared wavelength, which decrease the transmitting properties of tellurite glass. The introduction of high valence cationic ions, WO3 especially, can increase the FWHM of Er3+ for the increased polarization effect. With the decreasing of cationic field of glass modifier ions, the ion filed of the environment around Er3+ increased, subsequently, the role of ligand field polarization effect reduced, which makes the luminescence lifetime increase, and on the contrary the FWHM decrease monotonously.


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Electrical double-layer capacitors owe their large capacitance to the formation of a double-layer at the electrode/electrolyte interface of high surface area carbon-based electrode materials. Greater electrical energy storage capacity has been attributed to transition metal oxides/nitrides that undergo fast, reversible redox reactions at the electrode surface (pseudo-capacitive behavior) in addition to forming electrical double-layers. Solution Precursor Plasma Spray (SPPS) has shown promise for depositing porous, high surface area transition metal oxides. This investigation explored the potential of SPPS to fabricate a-MoO 3 coatings with micro-structures suitable for use as super-capacitor electrodes. The effects of number of spray passes, spray distance, solution concentration, flow rate and spray velocity on the chemistry and micro-structure of the a-MoO 3 deposits were examined. DTA/TGA, SEM, XRD, and electrochemical analyses were performed to characterize the coatings. The results demonstrate the importance of post-deposition heating of the deposit by subsequent passes of the plasma on the coating morphology. © ASM International.


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Complex transition-metal oxides are important functional materials in areas such as energy and information storage. The cubic ABO3 perovskite is an archetypal example of this class, formed by the occupation of small octahedral B-sites within an AO3 network defined by larger A cations. We show that introduction of chemically mismatched octahedral cations into a cubic perovskite oxide parent phase modifies structure and composition beyond the unit cell length scale on the B sublattice alone. This affords an endotaxial nanocomposite of two cubic perovskite phases with distinct properties. These locally B-site cation-ordered and -disordered phases share a single AO3 network and have enhanced stability against the formation of a competing hexagonal structure over the single-phase parent. Synergic integration of the distinct properties of these phases by the coherent interfaces of the composite produces solid oxide fuel cell cathode performance superior to that expected from the component phases in isolation.


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From June 2004 to December 2004, Lake Dianchi, which had large scale of cyanobacterial blooms was investigated in order to study P-fractionation in the suspended matter and the sediment. The investigation improves our understanding of phosphorus in Lake Dianchi and the relationship between phosphorus and cyanobacterial blooms. It contributes to the available literature on the behavior of P in hypertrophic lakes. The distribution of P-fractions in Lake Dianchi was not uniform from northwest to south, but was closely related to the trophic status of the whole lake. The concentrations of total phosphorus, labile P (NH4Cl-P), Organic P (NaOH-NRP) and loss on ignition in suspended matter were positively correlated with the strength of cyanobacterial blooms. Total phosphorus in suspended matter was relatively stable for almost half an year and closely related to Chl. a concentration. The main content of organic phosphorus is in the cyanobacterial blooms. The concentrations of phosphorus bound to metal oxides and carbonates (NaOH-SRP and HCl-P) in sediment were similar to NaOH-SRP and HCl-P in the corresponding suspended matter. The latter two forms of P in suspended matter were not affected by cyanobacterial blooms, indicating that the inorganic phosphorus is derived from the sediment after resuspension from the sediment due to wind and wave action. The contribution of the different P-fractions to TP in sediment and in suspended matter indicates that NH4Cl-P in the suspended matter is an important buffer for maintaining dissolved phosphorus in water.


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目前,纳米材料已经应用于很多医药和生物领域,诸如临床诊断、药物传送、体内体外荧光标记等。稀土离子掺杂的纳米材料因其独特的发光性质已被认为是有前景的生物荧光标记,二氧化硅作为环境友好发光材料也受到越来越多的重视。本论文合成稀土离子掺杂的下转换和上转换发光纳米材料,并进行表面功能化,使之连接生物药物小分子,以期作为荧光标记。同时采用不同方法制备不同大小的二氧化硅球,并研究其发光性质。 采用多醇法成功地制备出结晶程度高的CeF3:Tb3+纳米粒子。氧化硅和胺基硅烷包覆使纳米粒子具有胺基功能化,然后通过SOCl2成功地活化生物素使之连接到纳米粒子上并随之与亲合素键合。胺基功能化的CeF3:Tb3+ 纳米粒子发光产生严重的猝灭,而生物分子与纳米粒子结合后发光得到很大程度上的恢复。生物功能化的CeF3:Tb3+ 纳米粒子能很好地分散在水中,为这些CeF3:Tb3+ 纳米粒子作为生物荧光探针奠定了基础。同时以P123为结构导向剂,介孔氧化硅成功地包覆CeF3:Tb3+ 纳米粒子。介孔氧化硅层存在部分有序的六方介孔体系和部分微孔结构,该复合物保持绿色荧光性质并具有相当大的孔容和大的表面积。布洛芬能载入复合物的孔道中,在24 h内释放完全。因此,这类复合物可以在靶向的药物传送体系中具有潜在的应用价值。 利用多醇法制备出NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+ 纳米粒子。NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+ 纳米粒子进行胺基功能化,并通过氧化寡糖链成功地活化亲合素,使之连接到胺基功能化的纳米粒子上。生物功能化的 NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+纳米粒子仍保持较好的上转换发光性质,可以作为生物体系的荧光探针。另外用 P123作为结构导向剂和助表面活性剂PVP 或 TMB 成功地使NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+ 纳米粒子包覆介孔氧化硅。外层氧化硅层有介孔结构。该复合物保持红色荧光性质,并具有大的孔容、表面积。布洛芬能载入复合物的孔道中,在12 h内完全释放。 通过高温溶剂法合成出YVO4:Eu3+ 纳米粒子。粒子结晶程度高,为椭球形状,长轴为80 nm,短轴为43 nm。YVO4:Eu3+ 纳米粒子的荧光发射跃迁主要源于5D0能级。FT-IR 谱和 XPS 谱表明纳米粒子表面的配体为油酸和油胺分子。Eu3+ (5D0 level) 寿命因表面有机配体的存在比体材料的寿命短。 成功地制备出不同大小的纳米至亚微米尺度且具有发光性能的单分散二氧化硅球,其尺寸随胺基浓度的增加而增大。烧结后粒子仍保持单分散性,但其尺寸缩小。烧结后的二氧化硅球含有C杂质。亚微米尺度的二氧化硅球的发射带最大值随氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(APTES)浓度的增加而红移,但是纳米尺度的二氧化硅球的发射带最大值红移更大。单分散二氧化硅球发光原因归于二氧化硅结构中存在的碳和氧缺陷。


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It has been experimentally found that molybdenum oxide (MoO3) as the interfacial modification layer on indium-tin-oxide (ITO) in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) significantly improves the efficiency and lifetime. In this paper, the role of MoO3 and MoO3 doped N,N '-di(naphthalene-1-yl)-N,N '-diphenyl-benzidine (NPB) as the interface modification layer on ITO in improvement of the efficiency and stability of OLEDs is investigated in detail by atomic force microscopy (AFM), polarized optical microscopy, transmission spectra, ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS).