962 resultados para Maximum independent set


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In both animal and plant acyl elongation systems, it has been proposed that fatty acids are first activated to acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) before their elongation, and that the ATP dependence of fatty acid elongation is evidence of acyl-CoA synthetase involvement. However, because CoA is not supplied in standard fatty acid elongation assays, it is not clear if CoA-dependent acyl-CoA synthetase activity can provide levels of acyl-CoAs necessary to support typical rates of fatty acid elongation. Therefore, we examined the role of acyl-CoA synthetase in providing the primer for acyl elongation in leek (Allium porrum L.) epidermal microsomes and Brassica napus L. cv Reston oil bodies. As presented here, fatty acid elongation was independent of CoA and proceeded at maximum rates with CoA-free preparations of malonyl-CoA. We also showed that stearic acid ([1-14C]18:0)-CoA was synthesized from [1-14C]18:0 in the presence of CoA-free malonyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA, and that [1-14C]18:0-CoA synthesis under these conditions was ATP dependent. Furthermore, the appearance of [1-14C]18:0 in the acyl-CoA fraction was simultaneous with its appearance in phosphatidylcholine. These data, together with the s of a previous study (A. Hlousek-Radojcic, H. Imai, J.G. Jaworski [1995] Plant J 8: 803–809) showing that exogenous [14C]acyl-CoAs are diluted by a relatively large endogenous pool before they are elongated, strongly indicated that acyl-CoA synthetase did not play a direct role in fatty acid elongation, and that phosphatidylcholine or another glycerolipid was a more likely source of elongation primers than acyl-CoAs.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Order Glomales, Class Zygomycetes) are a diverse group of soil fungi that form mutualistic associations with the roots of most species of higher plants. Despite intensive study over the past 25 years, the phylogenetic relationships among AM fungi, and thus many details of evolution of the symbiosis, remain unclear. Cladistic analysis was performed on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles of 15 species in Gigaspora and Scutellospora (family Gigasporaceae) by using a restricted maximum likelihood approach of continuous character data. Results were compared to a parsimony analysis of spore morphological characters of the same species. Only one tree was generated from each character set. Morphological and developmental data suggest that species with the simplest spore types are ancestral whereas those with complicated inner wall structures are derived. Spores of those species having a complex wall structure pass through stages of development identical to the mature stages of simpler spores, suggesting a pattern of classical Haeckelian recapitulation in evolution of spore characters. Analysis of FAME profiles supported this hypothesis when Glomus leptotichum was used as the outgroup. However, when Glomus etunicatum was chosen as the outgroup, the polarity of the entire tree was reversed. Our results suggest that FAME profiles contain useful information and provide independent criteria for generating phylogenetic hypotheses in AM fungi. The maximum likelihood approach to analyzing FAME profiles also may prove useful for many other groups of organisms in which profiles are empirically shown to be stable and heritable.


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CD19 receptor is expressed at high levels on human B-lineage lymphoid cells and is physically associated with the Src protooncogene family protein-tyrosine kinase Lyn. Recent studies indicate that the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn receptor-enzyme complex plays a pivotal role for survival and clonogenicity of immature B-cell precursors from acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients, but its significance for mature B-lineage lymphoid cells (e.g., B-lineage lymphoma cells) is unknown. CD19-associated Lyn kinase can be selectively targeted and inhibited with B43-Gen, a CD19 receptor-specific immunoconjugate containing the naturally occurring protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (Gen). We now present experimental evidence that targeting the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn complex in vitro with B43-Gen triggers rapid apoptotic cell death in highly radiation-resistant p53-Bax- Ramos-BT B-lineage lymphoma cells expressing high levels of Bcl-2 protein without affecting the Bcl-2 expression level. The therapeutic potential of this membrane-directed apoptosis induction strategy was examined in a scid mouse xenograft model of radiation-resistant high-grade human B-lineage lymphoma. Remarkably, in vivo treatment of scid mice challenged with an invariably fatal number of Ramos-BT cells with B43-Gen at a dose level < 1/10 the maximum tolerated dose resulted in 70% long-term event-free survival. Taken together, these results provide unprecedented evidence that the membrane-associated anti-apoptotic CD19-Lyn complex may be at least as important as Bcl-2/Bax ratio for survival of lymphoma cells.


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Frequencies of meiotic configurations in cytogenetic stocks are dependent on chiasma frequencies in segments defined by centromeres, breakpoints, and telomeres. The expectation maximization algorithm is proposed as a general method to perform maximum likelihood estimations of the chiasma frequencies in the intervals between such locations. The estimates can be translated via mapping functions into genetic maps of cytogenetic landmarks. One set of observational data was analyzed to exemplify application of these methods, results of which were largely concordant with other comparable data. The method was also tested by Monte Carlo simulation of frequencies of meiotic configurations from a monotelodisomic translocation heterozygote, assuming six different sample sizes. The estimate averages were always close to the values given initially to the parameters. The maximum likelihood estimation procedures can be extended readily to other kinds of cytogenetic stocks and allow the pooling of diverse cytogenetic data to collectively estimate lengths of segments, arms, and chromosomes.


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O Método de Rorschach é internacionalmente utilizado e reconhecido como instrumento de avaliação psicológica em processos de investigação da personalidade. Para embasar seu adequado uso no contexto do Brasil, contínuos estudos sobre suas evidências psicométricas fazem-se necessários, sobretudo sobre seus indicadores de validade, precisão e referenciais normativos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetivou: a) verificar indicadores de precisão e validade do Rorschach (Escola Francesa ou de Paris), por meio da reavaliação de adultos não pacientes do estudo normativo de Pasian (1998), para checagem da estabilidade temporal (estrutural e funcional) das características de personalidade examinadas pelo método (ESTUDO 1); b) revisar e atualizar padrões normativos e atlas da Escola Francesa do Rorschach em adultos, avaliando-se eventuais especificidades de produção associadas ao sexo, à idade e à escolaridade (ESTUDO 2). No primeiro estudo foram reavaliados 88 adultos do estudo de Pasian (1998), com idade entre 34 a 69 anos, de ambos os sexos e de diferentes níveis de escolaridade (baixa, média e alta). No segundo estudo compôs-se nova amostra com 102 adultos, entre 18 e 65 anos, com sinais de desenvolvimento típico, distribuídos equitativamente em relação ao sexo e com diferentes graus de escolaridade (baixa, média e alta). Para elaboração dos dados normativos foram incluídos 66 adultos do Estudo 1, totalizando 168 casos nessa nova amostra (86 mulheres e 82 homens). Os participantes residiam no interior do Estado de São Paulo e foram avaliados, individualmente, por: a) instrumento de rastreamento de saúde mental (SRQ-20) - no estudo 1, utilizado para caracterização da amostra e no estudo 2 como critério de seleção dos participantes; b) instrumento de avaliação intelectual (Teste de Inteligência Não Verbal - INV, forma C - apenas no Estudo 2) para controle cognitivo da amostra; c) critério de classificação econômica Brasil (ABEP) e d) Método de Rorschach (Escola de Paris). Cada instrumento de avaliação psicológica foi aplicado, codificado e sistematizado conforme seus respectivos manuais técnicos. Especificamente o Método de Rorschach foi avaliado pelas diretrizes da Escola Francesa, sendo cada protocolo (de cada um dos dois estudos) examinado independentemente por dois avaliadores, chegando-se a uma classificação final dos casos. Calculou-se o índice de concordância entre examinadores pelo coeficiente Kappa para as quatro categorias de classificação das respostas do Rorschach (localização, determinante/qualidade formal, conteúdo e banalidades). Os resultados foram sistematizados inicialmente em termos descritivos (média, desvio-padrão, mediana, valor mínimo e máximo), realizando-se análises inferenciais específicas para as amostras de cada estudo em função de seus objetivos centrais. No Estudo 1, os achados relativos aos índices de correlação entre as duas avaliações dos 88 voluntários variaram entre 0,72 a -0,005, evidenciando estabilidade em um conjunto das características de personalidade dos adultos examinados após 15 anos, configurando evidências empíricas de precisão e de validade de método projetivo. Houve variáveis do Rorschach que não apresentaram resultados estáveis entre os dois momentos avaliativos (fórmulas vivenciais), sugerindo se tratarem de indicadores técnicos relativos ao funcionamento da personalidade, mais do que componentes estruturais. As análises do Estudo 2 apontaram reduzida influência dos fatores relacionados ao sexo, à escolaridade e à idade sobre as variáveis do Rorschach, não indicando a necessidade de normas específicas para grupos em termos desses fatores. Por fim, foi elaborado novo atlas de referência do Método de Rorschach (Escola de Paris) no contexto brasileiro, seguindo-se as diretrizes técnicocientíficas nacionais e internacionais da área. Os dados fortalecem a relevância dos estudos de natureza psicométrica para embasar adequadas análises interpretativas desse instrumento de avaliação psicológica (FAPESP e CAPES/PDSE).


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In this paper we provide the proof of a practical point-wise characterization of the set RP defined by the closure set of the real projections of the zeros of an exponential polynomial P(z) = Σn j=1 cjewjz with real frequencies wj linearly independent over the rationals. As a consequence, we give a complete description of the set RP and prove its invariance with respect to the moduli of the c′ js, which allows us to determine exactly the gaps of RP and the extremes of the critical interval of P(z) by solving inequations with positive real numbers. Finally, we analyse the converse of this result of invariance.


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Constructing an original panel on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in pesticides for 50 countries over 2006-2012, this paper studies the effect of heterogeneity in MRL regulation on bilateral trade. We find evidence of regulatory heterogeneity diminishing trade at the extensive margin when the exporter faces more stringent regulation abroad, suggesting compliance costs in entering the destination market. Significantly, however, we also find strong evidence of regulatory heterogeneity increasing trade at the intensive margin for exports coming from countries that set the strictest standards, alluding to the positive informative effect of such regulation.


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We present the first high-resolution organic carbon mass accumulation rate (MAR) data set for the Eocene equatorial Pacific upwelling region, from Sites 1218 and 1219 of the Ocean Drilling Program. A maximum Corg MAR anomaly appears at 41 Ma and corresponds to a high carbonate accumulation event (CAE). Independent evidence suggests that this event (CAE-3) was a time of rapid cooling. Throughout the Eocene, organic carbon burial fluxes were an order of magnitude lower than fluxes recorded for the Holocene. In contrast, the expected organic carbon flux, calculated from the biogenic barium concentrations for these sites, is roughly equal to modern. A sedimentation anomaly appears at 41 Ma, when both the measured and the expected organic carbon MAR increases by a factor of two-three relative to the background Eocene fluxes. The rain of estimated Corg and barium from the euphotic zone to the sediments increased by factors of three and six, respectively. We suggest that the discrepancy between the expected and measured Corg in the sediments is a direct consequence of the increased metabolic rates of all organisms throughout the Eocene oceans and sediments. This hypothesis is supported by recent work in ecology and biochemical kinetics that recognizes the fundamental basis of ecology as following from the laws of thermodynamics. This dependence is now elucidated as the Universal Temperature Dependence (UTD) "law" of metabolism and can be applied to all organisms over their biologically relevant temperature range. The general pattern of organic carbon and barium deposition throughout the Eocene is consistent with the UTD theory. In particular, the anomaly at 41 Ma (CAE-3) is associated with rapid cooling, an event that triggered slower metabolic rates for all organisms, slower recycling of organic carbon in the water and sediment column, and, consequently, higher deposition of organic carbon in the sediments. This "metabolism-based" scenario is consistent with the sedimentation patterns we observe for both Sites 1218 and 1219.


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Physiognomic traits of plant leaves such as size, shape or margin are decisively affected by the prevailing environmental conditions of the plant habitat. On the other hand, if a relationship between environment and leaf physiognomy can be shown to exist, vegetation represents a proxy for environmental conditions. This study investigates the relationship between physiognomic traits of leaves from European hardwood vegetation and environmental parameters in order to create a calibration dataset based on high resolution grid cell data. The leaf data are obtained from synthetic chorologic floras, the environmental data comprise climatic and ecologic data. The high resolution of the data allows for a detailed analysis of the spatial dependencies between the investigated parameters. The comparison of environmental parameters and leaf physiognomic characters reveals a clear correlation between temperature related parameters (e.g. mean annual temperature or ground frost frequency) and the expression of leaf characters (e.g. the type of leaf margin or the base of the lamina). Precipitation related parameters (e.g. mean annual precipitation), however, show no correlation with the leaf physiognomic composition of the vegetation. On the basis of these results, transfer functions for several environmental parameters are calculated from the leaf physiognomic composition of the extant vegetation. In a next step, a cluster analysis is applied to the dataset in order to identify "leaf physiognomic communities". Several of these are distinguished, characterised and subsequently used for vegetation classification. Concerning the leaf physiognomic diversity there are precise differences between each of these "leaf physiognomic classes". There is a clear increase of leaf physiognomic diversity with increasing variability of the environmental parameters: Northern vegetation types are characterised by a more or less homogeneous leaf physiognomic composition whereas southern vegetation types like the Mediterranean vegetation show a considerable higher leaf physiognomic diversity. Finally, the transfer functions are used to estimate palaeo-environmental parameters of three fossil European leaf assemblages from Late Oligocene and Middle Miocene. The results are compared with results obtained from other palaeo-environmental reconstructing methods. The estimates based on a direct linear ordination seem to be the most realistic ones, as they are highly consistent with the Coexistence Approach.