992 resultados para Maximum distance separable (MDS) convolutional codes
(Table 4, page 94) Chemical composition of ferromanganese encrustations from the Equatorial Atlantic
Two diagenetic manganese nodules from the Peru Basin were investigated by thermal ionization mass spectrometry and high resolution alpha spectrometry for uranium and thorium. The TIMS concentrations for nodule 62KD (63KG) vary as follows: 0.12-1.01 ppb (0.06-0.59) 230Th, 0.51-1.98 ppm (0.43-1.40) 232Th, 0.13-0.80 ppb (0.09-0.49) 234U, and 1.95-13.47 ppm (1.66-8.24) 238U. Both nodules have average growth rates of ~110 mm per million years. However, from the variations of excess 230Th with depth we estimate partial accumulation rates which range from 50 to 400 mm per million years. The 234U dating method cannot be applied due to remobilization of U from the sediment and subsequent incorporation into the nodules' crystal lattice, reflected by decay corrected 234U values far above the ocean water value. Sections of fast nodule growth are related to those layers having high Mn/Fe ratios (up to 200) and higher densities. As a possible explanation we develop a scenario that describes similar glacial/interglacial trends in both nodules as a record of regional changes of sediment and/or deep water chemistry.
Thorium and uranium isotopes were measured in a diagenetic manganese nodule from the Peru basin applying alpha- and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). Alpha-counting of 62 samples was carried out with a depth resolution of 0.4 mm to gain a high-resolution Th-230(excess) profile. In addition, 17 samples were measured with TIMS to obtain precise isotope concentrations and isotope ratios. We got values of 0.06-0.59 ppb (Th-230), 0.43-1.40 ppm (Th-232), 0.09-0.49 ppb (U-234) and 1.66-8.24 ppm (U-238). The uranium activity ratio in the uppermost samples (1-6 mm) and in two further sections in the nodule at 12.5+/-1.0 mm and 27.3-33.5 mm comes close to the present ocean wa ter value of 1.144+/-0.004. In two other sections of the nodule, this ratio is significantly higher, probably reflecting incorporation of diagenetic uranium. The upper 25 mm section of the Mn nodule shows a relatively smooth exponential decrease in the Th-230(excess) concentration (TIMS). The slope of the best fit yields a growth rate of 110 mm/Ma up to 24.5 mm depth. The section from 25 to 30.3 mm depth shows constant Th-230(excess) concentrations probably due to growth rates even faster than those in the top section of the nodule. From 33 to 50 mm depth, the growth rate is approximately 60 mm/Ma. Two layers in the nodule with distinct laminations (11-15 and 28-33 mm depth) probably formed during the transition from isotopic stage 8 to 7 and in stage 5e, respectively. The Mn/Fe ratio shows higher values during interglacials 5 and 7, and lower ones during glacials 4 and 6. A comparison of our data with data from adjacent sediment cores suggests (a) a variable sb supply of hydrothermal Mn to sediments and Mn nodules of the Peru basin or (b) suboxic conditions at the water sediment interface during periods with lower Mn/Fe ratios.
Fossil corals are unique archives of past seasonal climate variability, providing vital information about seasonal climate phenomena such as ENSO and monsoons. However, submarine diagenetic processes can potentially obscure the original climate signals and lead to false interpretations. Here we demonstrate the potential of laser ablation ICP-MS to rapidly detect secondary aragonite precipitates in fossil Porites colonies recovered by Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310 from submerged deglacial reefs off Tahiti. High resolution (100 µm) measurements of coralline B/Ca, Mg/Ca, S/Ca, and U/Ca ratios are used to distinguish areas of pristine skeleton from those afflicted with secondary aragonite. Measurements of coralline Sr/Ca, U/Ca and oxygen isotope ratios, from areas identified as pristine, reveal that the seasonal range of sea surface temperature in the tropical south Pacific during the last deglaciation (14.7 and 11 ka) was similar to that of today.
Using as a starting point the results giving 'traditional' growth rates as determined by the decrease of radioelements (part I) and the hypothesis of rapid formation, the different mineralogical, structure and chemical characteristics of the sample have been studied to try to understand the possible mode of formation of this encrustation. A rapid formation would account for (1) the very peculiar structure of the sample composed of oriented botryoids and the bundle-like structure of the outermost oxide layer; (2) the fact that this sample represents a substitution of a preexisting hyaloclastite; (3) the different chemical gradients, mainly iron, thorium and uranium; (4) the fact that this sample which cannot have been maintained at the sediment-water interface by bioturbation is not covered by a great thickness of sediments. On the other hand, an unsolved problem remains: Why different radionuclides used for dating give growth rates of the same order of magnitude and different 'exposition ages'.
A detailed study of a nodule from the Somali Basin dated by 230Thexcess was correlated with the paleoceanographic events recorded in Site 236 (Leg 24) Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) cores. Tentative indications are that the phase of nodule accretion starting with the development of pillar structure at a depth of 20 mm in the nodule around 13 Ma coincides with increased Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) flow and an elevated calciumcarbonate compensation depth (CCD). The Late Miocene lowering of the CCD is represented by the mottled zones between 8 and 18 mm in the nodule is characterised by an abundant silicate component (>20%) of aeolian origin. The Miocene/Pliocene boundary (5 Ma) occurs at a depth of about 8 mm and is represented by the development of pillar structure and a minimum of aeolian dust (10.3%). The increased biological productivity of the Somali surface water since the Middle Miocene is demonstrated by the increasing Corg content of the nodule (from 0.11 to 0.19%) towards its surface.
Groundwater-dependent riparian biota is known to be sensitive to changes in soil and groundwater salinity in estuarine systems. The groundwater flow and salinity behaviour in a phreatic aquifer adjoining a partially penetrating, tidal. estuary is investigated through two-dimensional numerical experiments for a lateral cross-section, which explore the influence of factors, such as aquifer and soil materials, tidal amptitudes, and regional groundwater hydraulic gradients. The density contrast between estuarine water and the fresh groundwater drives saltwater penetration of the aquifer even in the case of a marked groundwater hydraulic gradient towards the estuary. We show that tidal fluctuations in estuaries can significantly affect the groundwater salinity distribution in adjacent density-stratified phreatic aquifers. This has consequences for the expected distribution of salinity-sensitive biota in the hyporheic zone as well as vegetation and fauna dependent on water in the riparian soil and aquifer. The shape of the dense saltwater wedge propagating into the adjacent groundwater system is also modified by the estuarine tidal signal, although this effect appears to have only minor influence on the maximum distance penetrated into the aquifer (i.e., location of the 'toe' of the wedge). Tide-induced changes to riparian groundwater salinity are advection-driven, as evidenced by the modified time-averaged groundwater flow dynamics. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.