945 resultados para Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint Devotional literature, Polish Prayer-books and devotions
The question of whether and to what extent sovereignty has been transferred to the European Union (EU) from its Member States remains a central debate within the EU and is interlinked with issues such as Kompetenz-Kompetenz, direct effect and primacy. Central to any claim to sovereignty is the principle of primacy, which requires that Member States uphold EU law over national law where there is a conflict. However, limitations to primacy can traditionally be found in national jurisprudence and the Maastricht Treaty introduced a possible EU limitation with the requirement that the EU respect national identities of Member States. The Lisbon Treaty provided only minimal further support to the principle of primacy whilst simultaneously developing the provision on national identities, now found within Article 4(2) TEU. There are indications from the literature, national constitutional courts and the Court of Justice of the EU that the provision is gathering strength as a legal tool and is likely to have a wider scope than the text might indicate. In its new role, Article 4(2) TEU bolsters the Member States’ claim to sovereignty and the possibility to uphold aspects crucial to them in conflict with EU law and the principle of primacy. Consequently, it is central to the relationship between the constitutional courts of the Member States and the CJEU, and where the final elements of control remain in ‘hard cases’. However, it does so as part of EU law, thereby facilitating the evasion of direct fundamental conflicts and reflecting the concept of constitutional pluralism.
A strong link between drug use and homelessness has long since been documented in the international literature. However, much of the research has concentrated on the direction of the relationship between drug use and homelessness, seeking to establish drug use as a cause or consequence of homelessness, with far less attention to the intersection of drug and homeless ‘careers’. This paper examines the drug and homeless pathways of young people who are participants in a qualitative longitudinal study of homeless youth in Dublin, Ireland. The findings highlight downward drug transitions as associated with exiting homelessness and continued or escalated consumption as associated with remaining homeless. Analyses of the meanings young people attach to drug use over time reveal the importance of housing as an enabler to engaging with treatment and as assisting the process of becoming and remaining drug free. Young people who remained homeless did not accept their situations, as ‘acculturation’ accounts would suggest; rather, they aspired to changing their situations. However, they also face strong barriers to accessing housing which in turn hamper their efforts to address the matter of their drug use. The implications for how the homeless/drug use ‘nexus’ is conceptualised and understood, as well as implications for policy, are discussed.
Students’ Engagement in School has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout, and pointed out as a mean to address the problems affecting our schools and their students, not only for having value in itself, but also for being an important mediator between several academic variables. This paper reviews the research and literature on this concept and its relations with personal and contextual variables, as well as with academic performance, with the aim of summarizing the main relationships found. Literature presents a significant number of studies which sustain that personal variables, such as self-efficacy and self-concept, as well as contextual - peers, school, family- are related with school engagement. The adoption of mastery goals, for instance, has a positive impact on school, as they are related with the use of cognitive and self-regulatory strategies by students. Positive relationships with peers, teachers support and the quality of family relations are associated with higher levels of engagement and academic performance, while negative experiences, such as bullying, are related with educational difficulties. Following this, we reflect about the relevance of studying engagement in school, in the context of widespread financial crisis, and emphasize the need to rethink educational institutions considering the paradigmatic changes that currently occur.
In this article, I consider the importance of epistolary narratives in the interface of autobiography and politics. In doing this, I read the letters of Fannia Mary Cohn, a Jewish immigrant worker, trade union activist and ardent labour organizer in the garment industry in the USA in the first half of the twentieth century. Cohn was a prolific writer and political activist and left a rich body of labour literature, but never wrote an autobiography or a diary or journal. It is in her letters to her comrades and friends in the labour movement that short autobiographical stories erupt and it is on such stories across her correspondence that this article focuses. The analysis is informed by Hannah Arendt’s theorization of narratives in their interrelation with politics and history. Drawing on a rich body of feminist literature around the relational self, what I argue is that an Arendtian reading of epistolary narratives is a useful analytical tool in understanding gendered politics in the diverse histories of the labour movement.
The purpose of this research is to expose and complicate those discourses of childhood imagination as demonstrated in the diagnostic criteria for early onset schizophrenia by using an antipsychiatry perspective. This will be done by evaluating those discourses alongside those found in popular children’s literature, specifically, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone, Bridge to Terabithia, and A Wrinkle in Time. Once uncovered, the underlying power discourses were then exposed. This research will then employ a minor reading as provided by Deleuze and Guattari’s (1987) approach to minor literature to demonstrate the ways in which the child can subvert those dominant discourses. The potential of literature is evaluated for its ability to provide alternative modes of experience and lines of flight for the child subjected to the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia.
Cette étude porte sur la dimension intersubjective de la souffrance qui affecte le rapport du souffrant à son corps, au temps et à l’espace vécus de même que son identité narrative et sa mémoire narrative. Mon argument principal est que la voix narrative constitue le rapport intersubjectif dans les récits de maladie que les proches écrivent sur leurs partenaires souffrant de cancer de cerveau ou de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ma discussion est basée sur l’éthique, la phénoménologie, les théories de l’incorporation, les études des récits de vie, la sociologie et l’anthropologie médicales et la narratologie. L’objet de mon étude est l’expérience incorporée de la souffrance dans les récits de maladie et je me concentre sur la souffrance comme perte de la mémoire et du soi narratif. J’analyse le journal How Linda Died de Frank Davey et les mémoires de John Bayley, Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch et Iris and Her Friends: A Memoir of Memory and Desire. J’explore comment les récits de maladie constituent le rapport éthique à l’Autre souffrant de la rupture de la mémoire. La discussion de la voix est située dans le contexte des récits de vie et se propose de dépasser les limites des approches sociologiques et anthropologiques de la voix dans les récits de maladie. Dans ce sens, dans un premier temps je porte mon attention sur des études narratologiques de la voix en indiquant leurs limites. Ma propre définition de la voix narrative est basée sur l’éthique dans la perspective d’Emmanuel Levinas et de Paul Ricœur, sur l’interprétation du temps, de la mémoire et de l’oubli chez St-Augustin et la discussion levinasienne de la constitution intersubjective du temps. J’avance l’idée que la “spontanéité bienveillante” (Ricœur, Soi-même comme un autre 222) articule la voix narrative et l’attention envers l’Autre souffrant qui ne peut plus se rappeler, ni raconter sa mémoire. En reformulant la définition augustinienne du temps qui met en corrélation les modes temporels avec la voix qui récite, j’avance l’idée que la voix est distendue entre la voix présente de la voix présente, la voix présente de la voix passée, la voix présente de la voix future. Je montre comment la voix du soignant est inscrite par et s’inscrit dans les interstices d’une voix interrompue, souffrante. Je définis les récits de vies comme des interfaces textuelles entre le soi et l’Autre, entre la voix du soi et la voix du souffrant, comme un mode de restaurer l’intégrité narrative de l’Autre.
L’érosion des berges est un processus clé de la dynamique fluviale. Elle influence considérablement la charge sédimentaire des rivières et contrôle l’évolution latérale des chenaux. Les méthodes de caractérisation des mécanismes et des variables affectant l’érosion des berges sont toutefois imprécises et difficiles à appliquer. Ce projet a pour objectif de caractériser la dynamique actuelle des berges de deux tributaires contrastés du Saint-Laurent : les rivières Saint-François et Batiscan. Le premier objectif vise à quantifier les caractéristiques géotechniques de deux tronçons des rivières à l’étude près de l’embouchure avec le Saint-Laurent en décrivant la stratigraphie à différents sites typiques et en recueillant des échantillons de sédiments afin de mesurer différentes variables géotechniques (granulométrie, limites d’Atterberg, résistance à l’érosion mécanique, résistance à l’érosion fluviale). Le second objectif vise à quantifier les principales caractéristiques hydrodynamiques (précipitations, débits, cisaillements, vitesses) des deux sections de rivière. Le troisième et dernier objectif cherche à mesurer les taux d’érosion à l’échelle saisonnière en utilisant des relevés GPS et des chaînes d’érosion et à identifier les mécanismes d’érosion qui opèrent sur les rivières. Les résultats montrent une érosion importante des berges sur chacun des tributaires, mais les mécanismes qui la cause diffèrent. La Batiscan possède des berges dont le matériel est cohésif et ses berges sont principalement marquées par des ruptures de masse. La Saint-François présente des berges peu cohésives ce qui favorise l’érosion fluviale. Le taux de recul sur la rivière Saint-François est de l’ordre de 1 à 3 m/an dans certaines sections de la rivière. Une nouvelle méthode de mesure du cisaillement critique d’érosion fluviale à l’aide d’un chenal expérimental a été élaborée. Les cisaillements critiques obtenus se situent entre 1,19 et 13,41 Pa. Les résultats montrent que les facteurs jouant sur l’érosion des berges ont une variabilité intrinsèque et systémique difficile à mesurer. Le protocole expérimental développé dans ce projet s’est toutefois avéré utile pour étudier les principales variables qui influencent l’érosion des berges, tout en quantifiant les taux d’érosion et les mécanismes d’érosion de berge de deux tributaires importants du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Ce protocole pourrait être utile dans d’autres contextes.
Ce mémoire démontre que la pratique littéraire de l’écrivain américain Ralph Waldo Emerson s’inscrit dans le sillage de la tradition des exercices spirituels mise au jour par l’helléniste Pierre Hadot et qu’elle permet de penser une modernité insoupçonnée par ce dernier. La production de textes littéraires devient alors une manière d’établir « une relation originale avec l’univers » (cf. l’introduction de Nature). Le premier chapitre explique la spécificité de la spiritualité traditionnelle, où l’écriture consiste à implanter en soi le texte de la tradition. La pratique littéraire de Marc Aurèle, Sénèque et saint Augustin est étudiée afin de montrer comment ils tâchent de vivre conformément à la conception de la transcendance qui est la leur : personnelle chez les stoïciens, institutionnelle chez les chrétiens. Le deuxième chapitre montre comment Emerson renverse le rapport traditionnel au texte dans la vie de l’esprit en arguant que la révélation du Christ est, à l’origine, une expérience personnelle de la transcendance qui n’est pas institutionnalisable. Il se dégage de cette confrontation romantique avec le christianisme un concept de littérature lié au mysticisme et inséparable d’une compréhension « expressiviste » du langage (Charles Taylor). Le dernier chapitre examine l’ascèse littéraire d’Emerson : sa conception antiscolastique du « scholar » est étudiée puis mise en relief avec sa façon d’arrimer sa pratique de la pensée à une conception fluctuante de l’univers. La dernière section porte sur la façon dont son mode de vie expérimental suppose une conception de la littérature en tant que processus.
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de tous les documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Cette recherche explore les différentes stratégies mises en place afin de minimiser les impacts négatifs encourus à la suite de la mise en service d'une voie de contournement pour les petites municipalités du Québec. Les stratégies identifiées ont été relevées dans la littérature, dans la documentation municipale ainsi que dans des études de cas, soit par des relevés terrains et des entretiens sur le territoire de quatre (4) municipalités. Les stratégies de planification mises sur pied visent essentiellement la configuration des entrées de villes, la signalisation ainsi que les programmes de revitalisation des noyaux urbains. Il ressort de l'analyse que la bonne acceptation sociale des voies de contournement est liée à la présence de concertation entre les différentes parties prenantes d'un projet tout au long de celui-ci. De plus, le temps écoulé entre les premiers balbutiements du projet et la mise en service d'une voie de contournement doit être d'une durée acceptable afin que des stratégies planifiées concordent avec le contexte économique et culturel dans lequel s'insèrera le projet. La recherche dresse ainsi le portrait des stratégies planifiées pour les municipalités situées le long de la route nationale 117 et ayant des voies de contournement. Plus spécifiquement, l'étude de cas porte sur les municipalités de Mont-Tremblant (secteur de Saint-Jovite), La Conception, Labelle et Rivière-Rouge dans la région des Laurentides.
This chapter offers a new reading of the sexual politics that are at play in Jane Austen's 1816 "Emma" through the exploration of film director Amy Heckerling's retelling of Austen's original story. Heckerling's 1995 film, "Clueless", can be understood as a free translation of "Emma" which allows an interrogation of some of the novel's received readings, especially those related to its male characters. [...]
Critical loads are the basis for policies controlling emissions of acidic substances in Europe. The implementation of these policies involves large expenditures, and it is reasonable for policymakers to ask what degree of certainty can be attached to the underlying critical load and exceedance estimates. This paper is a literature review of studies which attempt to estimate the uncertainty attached to critical loads. Critical load models and uncertainty analysis are briefly outlined. Most studies have used Monte Carlo analysis of some form to investigate the propagation of uncertainties in the definition of the input parameters through to uncertainties in critical loads. Though the input parameters are often poorly known, the critical load uncertainties are typically surprisingly small because of a "compensation of errors" mechanism. These results depend on the quality of the uncertainty estimates of the input parameters, and a "pedigree" classification for these is proposed. Sensitivity analysis shows that some input parameters are more important in influencing critical load uncertainty than others, but there have not been enough studies to form a general picture. Methods used for dealing with spatial variation are briefly discussed. Application of alternative models to the same site or modifications of existing models can lead to widely differing critical loads, indicating that research into the underlying science needs to continue.
The transition from medieval manuscript to early printed book is currently a mmajor topic of academic interest, but has received little attention in relation to women's involvement. The essays in this volume both add female names to the list of those authors who created English Literature, and examine women's responses to older texts. Taking its cue from the advances made by recent work on manuscript culture and book history, this volume also includes studies of material evidence. These reveal women's participation in the making of books, and also the traces they left behind when handling individual volumes. Finally, studies of women's roles in relation to apparently ephemeral texts, such as letters, pamphlets and almanacs, challenge traditional divisions between public and private spheres and between manuscript and print.
In the context of the current debate about teaching reading, research to ascertain primary teachers' personal and professional reading practices was undertaken. The study explored teachers' reading habits and preferences, investigated their knowledge of children's literature, and documented their reported use of such texts and involvement with library services. Questionnaire responses were gathered from 1200 teachers. The data were analysed and connections made between the teachers' own reading habits and preferences, their knowledge of children's literature, their accessing practices and pedagogic use of literature in school. This paper reports on part of the dataset and focuses on teachers' knowledge of children's literature; it reveals that primary professionals lean on a narrow repertoire of authors, poets and picture fiction creators. It also discusses teachers' personal reading preferences and considers divergences and connections between these as well as the implications of the teachers' limited repertoires on the reading development of young learners.
It has been proposed that there is a core impairment in autism spectrum conditions (ASC) to the mirror neuron system (MNS): If observed actions cannot be mapped onto the motor commands required for performance, higher order sociocognitive functions that involve understanding another person's perspective, such as theory of mind, may be impaired. However, evidence of MNS impairment in ASC is mixed. The present study used an 'automatic imitation' paradigm to assess MNS functioning in adults with ASC and matched controls, when observing emotional facial actions. Participants performed a pre-specified angry or surprised facial action in response to observed angry or surprised facial actions, and the speed of their action was measured with motion tracking equipment. Both the ASC and control groups demonstrated automatic imitation of the facial actions, such that responding was faster when they acted with the same emotional expression that they had observed. There was no difference between the two groups in the magnitude of the effect. These findings suggest that previous apparent demonstrations of impairments to the MNS in ASC may be driven by a lack of visual attention to the stimuli or motor sequencing impairments, and therefore that there is, in fact, no MNS impairment in ASC. We discuss these findings with reference to the literature on MNS functioning and imitation in ASC, as well as theories of the role of the MNS in sociocognitive functioning in typical development.