1000 resultados para Marcou, Jules (1824-1898) -- Portraits
James Parkinson (1755-1824) of Parkinson's disease, is well recognized as a pioneer of clinical neurology; and is even more famous as a founder of modem palaeontology. We have reviewed from primary sources his extensive contributions to clinical child care and his pioneering advocacy for child welfare, protection and safety. His writings, outreach and advocacy for children's health characterizes him as one whose influence was an important springboard from which evolved the modern specialty of paediatrics. Parkinson was one of the first to write on child-rearing practices and in this context antedated Benjamin Spock by 150 years. Parkinson was a pioneer of child safety and the prevention of childhood trauma. He wrote of the resuscitation of near-drowned children and of first aid for injured children. This critical analysis reviews his pioneering description of child abuse and the development of post-abuse hydrocephalus. He wrote the datum description (in English) of the pathophysiology and pathology of appendicitis in children, of fatal rabies in children and highlighted the risk of death even when the biting dog was not clinically rabid. His advocacy for social reform for children's welfare was courageous and pioneering. James Parkinson, hitherto unacknowledged, was a significant founder of the evolving discipline of paediatrics and child health.
Dr. Jules Cotard (1840-1889) was a Parisian neurologist who first described the delire des negations. Cotard's syndrome or Cotard's delusion comprises any one of a series of delusions ranging from the fixed and unshakable belief that one has lost organs, blood, or body parts to believing that one has lost one's soul or is dead. In its most profound form, the delusion takes the form of a professed belief that one does not exist. Encountered primarily in psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Cotard's syndrome has also been described in organic lesions of the nondominant temporoparietal cortex as well as in migraine. Cotard's delusion is the only self-certifiable syndrome of delusional psychosis. Jules Cotard, a Parisian neurologist and psychiatrist and former military surgeon, was one of the first to induce cerebral atrophy by the experimental embolization of cerebral arteries in animals and a pioneer in studies of the clinicopathologic correlates of cerebral atrophy secondary to perinatal and postnatal pathologic changes. He was the first to record that unilateral cerebral atrophy in infancy does not necessarily lead to aphasia and was also the pioneer of studies of altered conscious states in diabetic hyperglycemia.
Portuguese version:
O veneno das aranhas do gênero Loxosceles causa lesão dermonecrótica e induz hemólise intravascular dependente de complemento, configurando um quadro clínico de intensa gravidade. No Brasil, as espécies L. gaucho L. intermedia e L. laeta, presentes no ambiente antrópico, têm sido apontadas como principais agentes do loxoscelismo. Além destas, existem outras espécies, que por predominarem no ambiente natural, não têm sido avaliadas quanto ao risco à saúde do homem, como é o caso de Loxosceles similis. O desenvolvimento de projeto de pesquisa, na Serra da Bodoquena, para observações ecológicas e identificação de insetos de interesse médico, possibilitou a captura de espécimens de Loxosceles similis na Serra da Bodoquena, Município de Bonito, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, nas grutas Pitangueiras e do Lago Azul. Os parâmetros para identificação, características ambientais do habitat da espécie, bem como atualização de sua distribuição geográfica são objetos deste trabalho.
Because of the distance in time and the lack of testifying documents, one should be extremely careful when labelling portraits in medieval books of hours as donor portraits or owner portraits. There are, however, manuscripts that reveal their first owner within their decorative programme, and the Lamoignon Hours (Lisbon, Gulbenkian, ms LA 237) is one of these. This article aims to discuss the iconography of the three portraits found on f.165v, f.202v and f.286v, as well as the relevance of portraiture and heraldic insignia in books of hours and the significance of such content to the original owner and to those who possessed the book afterwards.
A produção citrícola no estado de Roraima é limitada por alguns fatores, dentre os quais as pragas ocupam destaque especial. Nos últimos anos uma nova praga vem causando danos em vários pomares no Estado. Este trabalho objetivou identificar esta nova praga bem como descrever os principais sintomas e danos, visando a correta recomendação para o seu controle. Ramos e troncos infestados com o inseto, oriundos de vários pomares foram coletados e colocados em gaiolas teladas. Após a emergência, os espécimes foram mortos e acondicionados em frascos contendo álcool a 70% e conduzidos para o Centro de Identificação de Insetos Fitófagos da UFPR, Curitiba-PR, para a identificação. O inseto foi identificado como Hylettus seniculus (Germar,1824)(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae),até então não citado como espécie de importância econômica para a citricultura de Roraima. Atribuiu-se sua ocorrência ao manejo fitossanitário inadequado dos pomares de citros; plantios velhos e abandonados; e a existência de hospedeiros florestais. Fatores estes considerados como favoráveis à proliferação e disseminação do inseto nos pomares.
The biology and ecology of South American turtles is still poorly known, particularly, for the Brazilian species. Laboratory studies are essential to understand the life cycles of aquatic turtles species and to help in formulating management plans for their conservation. As a contribution to the knowledge of Podocnemis erythrocephala species, we give a description of its species-typical behaviors, categorized as: maintenance, locomotion, feeding, agonistic and reproduction, based on captives observations of four pairs of turtles in an aquarium in Manaus, Brazil. Similarities and differences with the repertoires of other turtle species are discussed, concluding that turtles have much more complex adaptative strategies and social life than was believed.
Achatina fulica or "giant African snail" is an exotic species, considered to be one of the world's hundred most invasive species, causing serious environmental damages. In the present study we report, for the first time, the occurrence of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus infecting A.fulica in the Amazon region. This nematode is described parasitizing mainly the pulmonary system of felines, which causes "aelurostrongilose", also known as feline cardio-pulmonary strongyloidosis. New morphometric data of third stage larvae are presented herein. The present study demonstrated that 40% of all the snails were infected by A. abstrusus. Achatina fulica specimens were collected from three different areas in Manaus namely: rural; east and west areas. The east area presents the highest prevalence of 80%. The large number of A.fulica found in inhabited areas increases the chances of emergent zoonoses, which highlights the need of further studies so as to better control this disease.
Dissertação de mestrado em História
v.2 (1843)
v.3 (1844)
v.4 (1845)
v.5 (1846)
v.6 (1847)