972 resultados para Magnetic-field
CoFe-Ag-Cu granular films, prepared by rf sputtering, displayed magnetic domain microstructures for ferromagnetic concentrations above about 32% at, and below the percolation threshold. All samples have a fcc structure with an (111) texture perpendicular to the film plane. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) showed a variety of magnetic domain microstructures, extremely sensitive to the magnetic history of the sample, which arise from the balance of the ferromagnetic exchange, the dipolar interactions and perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy, MFM images indicate that in virgin samples, magnetic bubble domains with an out-of-plane component of the magnetization are surrounded by a quasicontinuous background of opposite magnetization domains. The application of a magnetic field in different geometries drastically modifies the microstructure of the system in the remanent state: i) for an in-plane field, the MFM images show that most of the magnetic moments are aligned along the film plane, ii) for an out-of-plane field, the MFM signal increases about one order of magnitude, and out-of-plane striped domains with alternating up and down magnetization are stabilized. Numerical simulations show that a variety of metastable domain structures (similar to those observed experimentally) can be reached, depending on magnetic history, in systems with competing perpendicular anisotropy, exchange and dipolar interactions.
We show that a magnetic dipole in a shear flow under the action of an oscillating magnetic field displays stochastic resonance in the linear response regime. To this end, we compute the classical quantifiers of stochastic resonance, i.e., the signal to noise ratio, the escape time distribution, and the mean first passage time. We also discuss the limitations and role of the linear response theory in its applications to the theory of stochastic resonance.
We show that a dispersion of monodomain ferromagnetic particles in a solid phase exhibits stochastic resonance when a driven linearly polarized magnetic field is applied. By using an adiabatic approach, we calculate the power spectrum, the distribution of residence times, and the mean first passage time. The behavior of these quantities is similar to the behavior of corresponding quantities in other systems where stochastic resonance has also been observed.
We report the results of magnetization and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements performed in the temperature range 5-300 K on composites containing iron¿oxide nanoparticles encased in polystyrene type resins. After carrying out a suitable field treatment in order to decouple the particles from the matrix, a fraction of the particles freely rotate in response to an applied magnetic field
The Rietveld profile‐analysis method is used to investigate the x‐ray diffraction pattern of lithiated Fe3O4. It is shown that, after exposure to air, pure magnetite coexists with a lithium‐inserted LixFe3O4 phase. The Mössbauer spectra at 300 and 4.2 K have been used to estimate the lithium content of the sample, the pure magnetite concentration, and the iron distribution over the available 16c and 16d sites of the spinel structure. Magnetization measurements from 4.2 to 120 K with an external magnetic field up to 150 kOe have been used to obtain the saturation magnetic moment, the magnetic anisotropy constants, and the susceptibility. It is concluded that a noncollinear spin structure should be present in Li0.5Fe3O4. These results indicate that there is no room‐temperature extrusion of iron even for x→2.0, but that on exposure to air LixFe3O4 samples with x>0.5 are oxidized at room temperature by delithiation.
We present an imaginary-time path-integral study of the problem of quantum decay of a metastable state of a uniaxial magnetic particle placed in the magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. Our findings agree with earlier results of Zaslavskii obtained by mapping the spin Hamiltonian onto a particle Hamiltonian. In the limit of low barrier, weak dependence of the decay rate on the angle is found, except for the field which is almost normal to the anisotropy axis, where the rate is sharply peaked, and for the field approaching the parallel orientation, where the rate rapidly goes to zero. This distinct angular dependence, together with the dependence of the rate on the field strength, provides an independent test for macroscopic spin tunneling.
We present a theoretical study of the recently observed dynamical regimes of paramagnetic colloidal particles externally driven above a regular lattice of magnetic bubbles [P. Tierno, T. H. Johansen, and T. M. Fischer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 038303 (2007)]. An external precessing magnetic field alters the potential generated by the surface of the film in such a way to either drive the particle circularly around one bubble, ballistically through the array, or in triangular orbits on the interstitial regions between the bubbles. In the ballistic regime, we observe different trajectories performed by the particles phase locked with the external driving. Superdiffusive motion, which was experimentally found bridging the localized and delocalized dynamics, emerge only by introducing a certain degree of randomness into the bubbles size distribution.
Purpose: To perform in vivo imaging of the cerebellum with an in-plane resolution of 120 mm to observe its cortical granular and molecular layers by taking advantage of the high signal-to-noise ratio and the increased magnetic susceptibility-related contrast available at high magnetic field strength such as 7 T. Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the institutional review board, and all patients provided written consent. Three healthy persons (two men, one woman; mean age, 30 years; age range, 28-31 years) underwent MR imaging with a 7-T system. Gradient-echo images (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 1000/25) of the human cerebellum were acquired with a nominal in-plane resolution of approximately 120 mum and a section thickness of 1 mm. Results: Structures with dimensions as small as 240 mum, such as the granular and molecular layers in the cerebellar cortex, were detected in vivo. The detection of these structures was confirmed by comparing the contrast obtained on T2*-weighted and phase images with that obtained on images of rat cerebellum acquired at 14 T with 30 mum in-plane resolution. Conclusion: In vivo cerebellar imaging at near-microscopic resolution is feasible at 7 T. Such detailed observation of an anatomic area that can be affected by a number of neurologic and psychiatric diseases, such as stroke, tumors, autism, and schizophrenia, could potentially provide newer markers for diagnosis and follow-up in patients with such pathologic conditions. (c) RSNA, 2010.
We report magnetic and magneto-optical measurements of two Mn12 single-molecule magnet derivatives isolated in organic glasses. Field-dependent magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) intensity curves (hysteresis cycles) are found to be essentially identical to superconducting quantum interference device magnetization results and provide experimental evidence for the potential of the optical technique for magnetic characterization. Optical observation of magnetic tunneling has been achieved by studying the decay of the MCD signal at weak applied magnetic field
Drug-nanoparticle conjugates: The anticancer drug camptothecin (CPT) was covalently linked at the surface of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIOs) via a linker, allowing drug release by cellular esterases. Nanoparticles were hierarchically built to achieve magnetically-enhanced drug delivery to human cancer cells and antiproliferative activity.The linking of therapeutic drugs to ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIOs) allowing intracellular release of the active drug via cell-specific mechanisms would achieve tumor-selective magnetically-enhanced drug delivery. To validate this concept, we covalently attached the anticancer drug camptothecin (CPT) to biocompatible USPIOs (iron oxide core, 9-10 nm; hydrodynamic diameter, 52 nm) coated with polyvinylalcohol/polyvinylamine (PVA/aminoPVA). A bifunctional, end-differentiated dicarboxylic acid linker allowed the attachment of CPT to the aminoPVA as a biologically labile ester substrate for cellular esterases at one end, and as an amide at the other end. These CPT-USPIO conjugates exhibited antiproliferative activity in vitro against human melanoma cells. The intracellular localization of CPT-USPIOs was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (iron oxide core), suggesting localization in lipid vesicles, and by fluorescence microscopy (CPT). An external static magnetic field applied during exposure increased melanoma cell uptake of the CPT-USPIOs.
We report magnetic and magneto-optical measurements of two Mn12 single-molecule magnet derivatives isolated in organic glasses. Field-dependent magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) intensity curves (hysteresis cycles) are found to be essentially identical to superconducting quantum interference device magnetization results and provide experimental evidence for the potential of the optical technique for magnetic characterization. Optical observation of magnetic tunneling has been achieved by studying the decay of the MCD signal at weak applied magnetic field
PURPOSE: At high magnetic field strengths (B0 ≥ 3 T), the shorter radiofrequency wavelength produces an inhomogeneous distribution of the transmit magnetic field. This can lead to variable contrast across the brain which is particularly pronounced in T2 -weighted imaging that requires multiple radiofrequency pulses. To obtain T2 -weighted images with uniform contrast throughout the whole brain at 7 T, short (2-3 ms) 3D tailored radiofrequency pulses (kT -points) were integrated into a 3D variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence. METHODS: The excitation and refocusing "hard" pulses of a variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence were replaced with kT -point pulses. Spatially resolved extended phase graph simulations and in vivo acquisitions at 7 T, utilizing both single channel and parallel-transmit systems, were used to test different kT -point configurations. RESULTS: Simulations indicated that an extended optimized k-space trajectory ensured a more homogeneous signal throughout images. In vivo experiments showed that high quality T2 -weighted brain images with uniform signal and contrast were obtained at 7 T by using the proposed methodology. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates that T2 -weighted images devoid of artifacts resulting from B1 (+) inhomogeneity can be obtained at high field through the optimization of extended kT -point pulses. Magn Reson Med 71:1478-1488, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In this thesis, the magnetic field control of convection instabilities and heat and mass transfer processesin magnetic fluids have been investigated by numerical simulations and theoretical considerations. Simulation models based on finite element and finite volume methods have been developed. In addition to standard conservation equations, themagnetic field inside the simulation domain is calculated from Maxwell equations and the necessary terms to take into account for the magnetic body force and magnetic dissipation have been added to the equations governing the fluid motion.Numerical simulations of magnetic fluid convection near the threshold supportedexperimental observations qualitatively. Near the onset of convection the competitive action of thermal and concentration density gradients leads to mostly spatiotemporally chaotic convection with oscillatory and travelling wave regimes, previously observed in binary mixtures and nematic liquid crystals. In many applications of magnetic fluids, the heat and mass transfer processes including the effects of external magnetic fields are of great importance. In addition to magnetic fluids, the concepts and the simulation models used in this study may be applied also to the studies of convective instabilities in ordinary fluids as well as in other binary mixtures and complex fluids.
We show that the coercive field in ferritin and ferrihydrite depends on the maximum magnetic field in a hysteresis loop and that coercivity and loop shifts depend both on the maximum and cooling fields. In the case of ferritin, we show that the time dependence of the magnetization also depends on the maximum and previous cooling fields. This behavior is associated to changes in the intraparticle energy barriers imprinted by these fields. Accordingly, the dependence of the coercive and loop-shift fields with the maximum field in ferritin and ferrihydrite can be described within the frame of a uniform-rotation model considering a dependence of the energy barrier with the maximum and the cooling fields.
In this work AC magnetometer was developed and primary test measurements were performed for temperature range from 77 K up to 350 K in frequency range from 1 kHz up to 20 kHz. In the course of the present work dependencies of magnetization on temperature for Lao7Sr03Mni _yFeyO3 with y = 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 were obtained in DC magnetic field using SQUID magnetometer and in AC magnetic field using the developed AC magnetometer. Lai.XSrXMnO3 (LSMO) compounds belong to the class of Mn perovskites, which demonstrate very high degree of spin polarization. These materials are of great importance for nowadays applications in spintronics, where spin polarized electron transport is used. Spin glass like behavior was found as a characteristic feature of these solid solutions with the freezing temperature in the range 65 — 210 K.