986 resultados para MARX, KARL


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The paper provides a description and analysis of the Hodgskin section of Theories of Surplus Value and the general law section of the first version of Volume III of Capital. It then considers Part III of Volume III, the evolution of Marx's thought and various interpretations of his theory in the light of this analysis. It is suggested that Marx thought that the rate of profit must fall and even in the 1870s hoped to be able to provide a demonstration of this. However the main conclusions are: 1. Marx's major attempt to show that the rate of profit must fall occurred in the general law section. 2. Part III does not contain a demonstration that the rate of profit must fall. 3. Marx was never able to demonstrate that the rate of profit must fall and he was aware of this.


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This paper examines, both descriptively and analytically, Marx's arguments for the falling rate of profit from the Hodgskin section of Theories of Surplus Value, The General Law section of the recently published Volume 33 of the Collected Works and Chapter 3 of Volume III of Capital. The conclusions are as follows: First, Marx realised that his main attempt to give an intrinsic explanation of the falling rate of profit, which occurred in the General Law section, had failed; but he still hoped that he would be able to demonstrate it in the future. Second, the Hodgskin and General Law sections contain a number of subsidiary explanations, mostly related to resource scarcity, some of which are correct. Third, Part III of volume III does not contain a demonstration of the falling rate of profit, but a description of the role of the falling rate of profit in capitalist development. Forth, it also contains suppressed references to resource scarcity. And finally, in Chapter 3 of Volume III, Marx says that it is resource scarcity that causes the fall in the rate of profit described in Part III of the same volume. The key to all these conclusions in the careful analysis of the General Law section.


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The paper first sets out simplified versions of recent mainstream papers which explain the rise of democracy in 19th century Europe and its instabliity in Latin America. Then it attempts to convince Marxists of the importance of these works for Marxist thought.


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This paper discusses the development of Marx’s thought over a period of something like fifteen months, between the spring of 1843 and the autumn of 1844. The focus of the paper is Marx’s first encounter with classical political economy as he found it in the Wealth of Nations. The outcome of this encounter was presented by Marx in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. It is argued here that in the classical theory, with which he had hitherto been largely unfamiliar, Marx found all the elements he needed to synthesise the philosophical standpoint he had developed in the preceding months with political economy. The Manuscripts represent the first crucial stage in the development of this synthesis. This first encounter of Marx with classical political economy, and his first steps in the development of his synthesis, have received hardly any attention in the literature. The present paper seeks to fill this gap.


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This paper discusses the development of Marx’s thought over a period of something like fifteen months, between the spring of 1843 and the autumn of 1844. The focus of the paper is Marx’s first encounter with classical political economy as he found it in the Wealth of Nations. The outcome of this encounter was presented by Marx in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. It is argued here that in the classical theory, with which he had hitherto been largely unfamiliar, Marx found all the elements he needed to synthesise the philosophical standpoint he had developed in the preceding months with political economy. The Manuscripts represent the first crucial stage in the development of this synthesis. This first encounter of Marx with classical political economy, and his first steps in the development of his synthesis, have received hardly any attention in the literature. The present paper seeks to fill this gap.


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This paper supercedes an earlier attempt I made to pin down the meaning and significance of Adam Smith’s theory of productive and unproductive labour. (Strathclyde Discussion Papers in Economics, No.08-05) My conclusion then was that while Smith’s understanding of what was needed to achieve economic growth was sound, his discussion was marred by apparently conflicting definitions of productive labour. That (essentially conventional) interpretation does not, I now believe, do justice to Smith. Revision is therefore called for: hence the present paper.


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Karl Barth (1886-1968) est sans nul doute l'un des géants de la théologie chrétienne du XXe siècle, toutes confessions confondues. À l'instar de ses plus prestigieux modèles - un saint Augustin, un Luther notamment -, c'est dans le corps à corps avec les Écritures saintes, singulièrement avec l'épître de Paul aux Romains, qu'il s'est forgé une conception originale de la pensée chrétienne et qu'il a bouleversé la situation religieuse et théologique de son temps. « Révolutionnaire » dans sa manière de vouloir congédier les théologies libérales du XIXe siècle et de contester en son principe toute forme de complicité du christianisme avec la monde profane ou même avec la modernité, le jeune Barth, celui des années 20, s'est peu à peu transformé en un imposant professeur de dogmatique et en un auteur universellement admiré, étudié, discuté, critiqué. Sa monumentale « Kirchliche Dogmatik », publiée de 1932 à 1968, inachevée, est devenue une référence, aussi bien à l'intérieur du protestantisme que pour le catholicisme romain, comme l'a montré son influence croissante sur des auteurs comme Balthasar, Bouillard et Küng et sur un certain nombre de Pères conciliaires à Vatican II. Le propos de cet ouvrage est de rompre avec les clichés et les idées reçues qui entourent la plupart du temps l'oeuvre multiforme de Barth. Barth y apparaît en permanente recherche, ouvert aux enjeux de la culture et de la société civile, en dialogue critique, certes, mais également très réceptif avec les courants de la modernité et en prise avec l'actualité politique - contre la guerre en 1918, contre le nazisme en 1933-1945, contre la bombe atomique et l'impérialisme américain à la fin de sa vie. L'éthique - individuelle, mais aussi sociale et politique - joue une place centrale dans sa pensée, elle est loin de se réduire à un simple appendice de la dogmatique. Un survol très large de la réception internationale de Barth permet de mesurer l'écho intellectuel et oecuménique considérable de cette théologie en mouvement. Le choix de textes proposé à la fin de l'ouvrage mêle des passages devenus classiques à des aperçus dérangeants et détonnants de l'existence théologique, éthique, politique et culturelle de Barth.


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Aquest TFG analitza el valor revolucionari que el filòsof francès Louis Althusser atorga a l'obra de Karl Marx, posant especial èmfasi en la caracterització del marxisme com una ciència objectiva, els criteris per abastir un veritable coneixement i les crítiques althusserianes a les corrents 'humanistes' del marxisme. El treball també ofereix una aproximació a l'adequació de l'obra d'Althusser com a eina per caracteritzar i recolzar el moviments de reacció ciutadana desenvolupats dins el context de la crisi econòmica de finals de la primera dècada del segle XXI.