1000 resultados para Método da árvore de impacto ambiental
A pesquisa sobre a relevância da definição de áreas de influências (AI) para a sociedade, abordou sobre Estudos de Impactos Ambientais (EIA‟s) de empreendimentos de extração mineral. Foram analisados 11 (onze) Estudos de Impactos Ambientais protocolados na Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente – SEMA, envolvendo a dé-cada de 1990 a 2000, além de legislações e literaturas especializadas. Para tanto, foi abordado à mineração no Estado do Pará e o processo de licenciamento ambien-tal, definição das áreas de influência em projetos de mineração e criação de seis critérios, específicos para esta dissertação, visando a avaliação da AI‟s apresenta-das nos 11 EIA‟s, para o meio antrópico. Os resultados da análise levaram a detec-tar as razões que confirmam a relevância das AI‟s, assim como suas implicações associadas à qualidade do EIA/RIMA e sua funcionalidade para a sociedade. Bus-cando subsídios que fortalecessem o argumento defendido sobre a relevância das AI‟s, foram realizadas trabalhos de campo nas minas de caulim. As referidas minas já se encontram em funcionamento há mais de 10 anos, e foi possível perceber al-gumas mudanças ocorridas em suas AI‟s. O resultado do campo, confirmou a análi-se realizada nos 11 EIA‟s, pois foi evidente detectar que a decisão para selecionar e definir as AI‟s, apresentados nos EIA‟s objetivando o licenciamento das minas de caulim, desencadeia conseqüências para a sociedade local que pode influenciar ao longo da vida útil do projeto licenciado. Assim, desperta-se a necessidade de elabo-ração de estudos científicos que sejam capazes de contribuir com metodologias es-pecíficas de definição de AI‟s para a região amazônica e com isso, tratar o processo de licenciamento ambiental a partir de legislações direcionadas ao Estado do Pará.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
AIM: In this paper we estimate the sediment yield and other related information for a small urbanized watershed, located in Sorocaba, São Paulo State. The driving forces that produce the observed scenario are presented and discussed; METHODS: Over a year, water samples and hydrologic information concerning the river channel were collected monthly at one sampling site. In the laboratory, water samples were oven dried (80 ºC) and the total suspended solid weighed for each sample. To estimate sediment yield we used Colby's simplified method. The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) was estimated using two methods: the relief - length ratio and the bifurcation ratio; RESULTS: The annual sediment yield estimated for the period was 1,636.1 t. The total specific sediment yield was 541.7 t.km -2.y-1. Bedload was the predominant fraction. The SDR changed between 60 and 66% according to the method employed. CONCLUSIONS: The main driving forces of hydrosedimentological disequilibrium are the lack of riparian vegetation, the dumping of construction wastes at inadequate sites, and the launching of untreated sewage. Hence, if these three factors were controlled, a significant improvement in the environmental quality, particularly water quality, might be achieved.
Uberaba municipality, Western Minas Gerais State, has a great geotouristic potential, regarding its geological heritage. The igneous rocks from Serra Geral Formation are found in 12 points, highlighting Ponte Alta (40 meters) and Peirópolis III (7 meters) waterfalls. The sedimentary rocks from Uberaba Formation were described in 11 points, especially Giovane Cave and Waterfall (12 meters). In Marilia Formation sedimentary rocks, the Caieira outcrop (three-meter cave with stalactites and stalagmites) and Vale Encantado Waterfall (8 meters) can be pointed out, among other 8 spots. After the geodiversity assessment, an environmental diagnosis was conducted throughout the potential geotourism attractions, by using the Visitor Impact Management Method. The results indicate that only Vale Encantado Waterfall presents a moderate impact, the least when compared to 22 other sites, exhibiting high or worrisome impact, and 7 with very high impact. In addition to setting the management strategies, and monitoring the environmental impact indicators, this work provides the basis so that activities in the potential Geopark of Uberaba (MG) can be conducted with environmental responsibility and / or geoconservation.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
The process of environmental impact assessment (EIA), in the extent of previous environmental studies, has as one of its functions to provide subsidies to the actions of environmental managment of enterprises. However, the proper estructuring of programs that allows to support this managment does not often occurs. This research sought as one of its objectives to evaluate in which extent the process of EIA can be a subsidie for the EMS, providing basic elements of this system. In addition, more specifically, the research had as one of its objetives the development of subsidies for the implantation of an Environmental Managment System (EMS), based on the model of ISO 14001 (2004), for a sewage treatment plant yet to be constructed in the city of President Venceslau / SP. In order to achieve theses objetives, a discussion was held based on the evaluation of environmental studies available in the library of Cetesb / SMA. Still, for the elaboration of subsidies for the EMS of the treatment plant, the research was focused on the structuring of environmental management program, based on the information contained in its Preliminary Environmental Report (PER). The research had as one of its products, the development of subsidies for the planning and control of the environmental aspects and impacts and for the environmental program of the enterprise, based on the use of environmental indicators. It was concluded, based on the results that, in general, the previous environmental studies analyzed showed little emphasis on the phase of development of structured environmental programs that offer guidelines to achieve the desired results for the environmental performance of the company.
The basin of the Corumbataí river is of vital importance to over 600 thousand people, who depend on its waters for consumption. The Simplified Analisys of Environmental Impacts in the Areas Surrounding the Surface Waters of the Drainage Basin of the Corumbataí River (SP) is aimed at defining the areas which are most susceptible to degradation or already damaged and propose engineering solutions according to the environmental problems identified. Using a questionnaire to indicate possible impacts in the surroundings, I related human actions to these damage and quantified them. Having studied the basin extensively and selected 42 areas - generically identified as points and grouped as sub-basins and according to the soil usage -, I was able to identify the main environmental impacts in the basin as: sugar cane monoculture, lack of riparian forest, damaged areas due to mining, the bad state of rural roads and bridges, rubbish disposal alongside roads or directly into the river, accelerated and unplanned expansion of residential and industrial areas into the rural areas and river sources, and Rio Claro's untreated city wastewater
Taking into account the consistent and important expansion of the Brazilian oil and gas pipelines network in the last years, this work discusses how these lines are planned regarding the continental environmental context. Its central objective is to show how studies to select alternative lines are made before a gas or oil pipeline is installed. These studies help to choose routes in which the environment is less affected by the pipeline, and use specific methods, technologies, and tools. Bibliographical studies combined with interviews and discussions with experts of the oil and gas sector were used to support this monograph.
In view of the current environmental concerns and legal requirements, this work aims to achieve a diagnosis and offer subsidies for development of an environmental management plan in an industry. The industry considered to be a subject of study of this research is the aviculture, considered its great importance in Brazil and to present a significant environmental impact. The unit of analysis is a chicken slaughterhouse, located in Rio Claro, SP. The developed methodology for identification and analysis of environmental significative aspects were based in the concepts of environmental impact and in the ABNT NBR ISO 14.001:2004. From the analysis of selected aspects, this research proposed several environmental indicators for the company and identified points of environmental improvement. The results of this study provide methods for identifying its environmental aspects and development of its environmental management plan to chicken slaughterhouse and also to other companies.
A avaliação de impacto ambiental tem sido muitas vezes, vista apenas como um procedimento burocrático para a obtenção da licença ambiental, desconsiderando os estudos realizados, após a aquisição da licença e contratando outros serviços para orientar a adoção de um sistema de gestão objetivando boas práticas ambientais. Porém sabe-se que a estrutura geral das metodologias de avaliação de impacto ambiental apresenta muitos pontos semelhantes se comparada à identificação dos aspectos e impactos ambientais de um sistema de gestão ambiental, o que indica uma interface entre os dois instrumentos apesar da execução integrada ainda não ser um procedimento comum na gestão ambiental de empreendimentos. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar as possibilidades do emprego de um sistema de gestão ambiental preconizado pela ISQ 14001 para o gerenciamento de programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental e de licenciamento ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas, através do foco específico naqueles progrmas relacionados diretamente com o monitoramento e o controle da qualidade e da qualidade da água do reservatório, que é um fator essencial para a função de produção de um empreendimento hidrelétrico. Para esta análise, utilizou-se o caso da usina hidrelétrica de Santo Antônio, identificando 9 programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental com grandes possibilidades de serem utilizados na estruturação de sistemas de gestão ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas e cuja adequada execução, corrobora com a integração entre os respectivos instrumentos além de corresponder à necessidade de compatibilização dos instrumentos de política ambiental na busca de um desenvolvimento com adequada proteção ambiental e de uma atuação mais consciente das organizações
The building sector can cause the environmental degradation, by the natural resources consumption, machinery use and natural landscape modifying. The environmental management system (EMS) improves the environmental quality and makes the companies more competitive. So, this work developed an environmental management system in a building site focused on the solid waste and in the development of mitigation proposals for the most significant environmental impacts. To develop this work it was necessary to follow the building site activities; evaluate the solid waste management; identify the law requirements; identify the environmental aspects and impacts; evaluate the environmental impacts; and propose alternatives for mitigating the adverse environmental critical impacts. The main proposals are the reduction of the waste generation in the place that it’s generated; the reuse and correct final disposal of that wastes; the treatment and reuse of the effluent; and the supervising in the trucks and machineries avoiding the oil spilling and the air pollution