315 resultados para Luhmann, Niklas
Vad vilja ungdomen? undersöker hur ungdomar ser på inflytande och delaktighet inom samhällsfrågor, om demokratiutredningens förslag följer detta synsätt samt försöker förklara varför det ser ut på detta sätt. Detta görs genom en enkätundersökning som besvarats av 140 ungdomar mellan 15-18 år. Ungdomarnas svar har analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod där fyra framstående tema utkristalliserades. Dessa teman analyserades med hjälp av individualiseringsteorier som byggts upp av Roland Inglehart (1997) och Robert D. Putnam (1995, 2006). Dessa teorier utökas med hjälp av Robert A. Dahls (1996) teori angående demokrati. Undersökningen visar att ungdomar har en vilja att påverka sin omgivning och sitt samhälle. De gör detta på ett mindre kollektivistiskt sätt än tidigare generationer och det leder till att påverkansformerna tenderar att bli, att gilla och dela saker på sociala medier och att bojkotta vissa varor. Detta är en förlängning av den individualiseringstrend som varit stark i västvärlden under de senaste decennierna. Detta kan leda till att inflytelserika eliter får mer makt och tillåts få mer makt inom de former för representativ demokrati som arbetas efter i Sverige. Vi kan också se att vuxenvärlden har ett ansvar att låta ungdomar ta plats och utnyttja deras kompetens och vilja till förändring. Ungdomar vill påverka samhället, det gäller för vuxenvärlden att ta vara på denna energi. Resultaten verifierar det mesta av den tidigare forskningen på området gällande inflytande och påverkan, men de ger oss möjligheter att förstå ungdomars syn på demokratiutredningens förslag där det står klart att ungdomarna vill ha tydliga påverkansmöjligheter genom exempelvis ungdomsråd, folkmotioner och sänkt rösträttsålder.
Tutkielmani aiheena on Johan Nykoppin toiminta Suomen Washingtonin -lähettiläänä vuosina 1951–1958. Tutkimuskirjallisuudessa Nykoppia on kuvailtu länsimieliseksi lähettilääksi, joka pyrki työssään vahvistamaan Suomen läntisiä talousyhteyksiä harvinaisen aktiivisesti. Pelkästään häntä koskevaa tutkimusta ei kuitenkaan aiemmin ole tehty. Työssäni selvitän, miten Nykopp käytännössä edisti tavoitettaan Suomen viennin kasvattamisesta ja sen suuntaamisesta länteen. Lisäksi tarkastelen, miten hän kuvasi raporteissaan Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain suhteita ja millaista politiikkaa hän suositteli niissä kotimaan päättäjille. Lähteinä käytän pääasiassa Nykoppin diplomaattiraportteja sekä kirjeenvaihtoa lähettiläskauden ajalta. Niiden antamaa kuvaa täydennän tutkimus- ja muistelmakirjallisuuden avulla. Osoitan tutkielmassani, että Nykoppilla oli lähettiläskautensa aikana merkittävä panos Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain suhteiden kehittämisessä. Tutkimustulokseni vahvistavat tulkintaa, jonka mukaan Nykoppin toimintaa Suomen ulkomaankaupan laajentamiseksi ja integroimiseksi läntisille markkinoille on pidettävä poikkeuksellisen oma-aloitteisena ja ahkerana. Hänen toimintansa voi myös nähdä vastapainona ajanjakson yleiselle kehitystrendille, Suomen idänkaupan voimakkaalle kasvulle. Tutkielma täydentää siten kuvaa Suomen ulko- ja kauppapolitiikasta kylmän sodan alkuvuosina sekä Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain suhteiden kehityksestä 1950-luvulla.
In recent years, the luxury market has entered a period of very modest growth, which has been dubbed the ‘new normal’, where varying tourist flows, currency fluctuations, and shifted consumer tastes dictate the terms. The modern luxury consumer is a fickle mistress. Especially millennials – people born in the 1980s and 1990s – are the embodiment of this new form of demanding luxury consumer with particular tastes and values. Modern consumers, and specifically millennials, want experiences and free time, and are interested in a brand’s societal position and environmental impact. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what the luxury value perceptions of millennials in higher education are in Europe, seeing as many of the most prominent luxury goods companies in the world originate from Europe. Perceived luxury value is herein examined from the individual’s perspective. As values and value perceptions are complex constructs, using qualitative research methods is justifiable. The data for thesis has been gathered by means of a group interview. The interview participants all study hospitality management in a private college, and each represent a different nationality. Cultural theories and research on luxury and luxury values provide the scientific foundation for this thesis, and a multidimensional luxury value model is used as a theoretical tool in sorting and analyzing the data. The results show that millennials in Europe value much more than simply modern and hard luxury. Functional, financial, individual, and social aspects are all present in perceived luxury value, but some more in a negative sense than others. Conspicuous, status-seeking consumption is mostly frowned upon, as is the consumption of luxury goods for the sake of satisfying social requisites and peer pressure. Most of the positive value perceptions are attributed to the functional dimension, as luxury products are seen to come with a promise of high quality and reliability, which justifies any price premiums. Ecological and ethical aspects of luxury are already a contemporary trend, but perceived even more as an important characteristic of luxury in the future. Most importantly, having time is fundamental. Depending on who is asked, luxury can mean anything, just as much as it can mean nothing.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on minäkertojan kirjailijaidentiteetin rakentuminen norjalaiskirjailija Karl Ove Knausgårdin Taisteluni-romaanisarjan viidennessä osassa eli Viidennessä kirjassa (2015). Tutkielma tarjoaa poikkeuksellisen tulokulman paitsi vähän tutkituun ja yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävään kirjalliseen ilmiöön, myös sosiologiseen identiteettitutkimukseen. Sen tarkastelun kohteena on, miten kirjailijaidentiteettiä kerrotaan Knausgårdin kaunokirjallista romaania ja omaelämäkertaa yhdistävässä teoksessa. Tutkielma asemoituu kirjallisuussosiologian kentälle ja hyödyntää narratiivisen identiteettitutkimuksen periaatteita. Elina Jokisen teoksessaan Vallan kirjailijat (2010) jäsentämät kirjailijaidentiteettityypit (viimeiset romantikot, moderni kirjailijatyyppi ja postmodernit ammattikirjoittajat) ovat sen keskeisin teoreettinen viitekehys. Tutkielman metodi on narratiivinen tekstianalyysi. Siihen kiinnittyy dialoginen eli aineiston kanssa vuoropuhelua käyvä lukutapa, jonka apuvälineitä ovat kerronnan performatiivisia toistoja etsivä lukutapa sekä fokalisaation eli kertojanäänen käsite. Tutkielmassa hahmottuu minäkertoja, jonka kirjailijaidentiteettiprojekti perustuu kirjoittamisen sisäsyntyiselle pakolle eli romanttiselle kirjailijan kutsumukselle. Minäkertoja esittää kirjailijaidentiteettinsä kehityksen selviytymistarinana, jota läpivalaisevat kaunokirjalliset metaforat. Tutkielmasta voi samailla havaita, että Knausgårdin kerronnassa kirjailijuuden saavuttaminen edellyttää äärikokemuksia ja -ajatuksia. Tutkielmassa kuvataan minäkertojan kokemaa epävarmuutta ja ulkopuolisuutta narratiivissa esiintyviin toisiin nähden, mistä voi vapautua vain kirjoittamisen avulla. Kuitenkin tutkielmassa hahmottuu myös saavutetun kirjailijuuden problematisoiva vaikutus minäkertojan ammatti-identiteettiin. Tämä ilmenee kerronnassa moninaisina julkisen ja yksityisen elämän kipupisteinä. Tutkielman tuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää paitsi Knausgårdin romaanisarjaa koskevassa jatkotutkimuksessa, myös tämän autofiktiivistä minää ja julkista minää koskeviin erontekoihin. Tutkielma tarjoaa myös poikkitieteellisesti jäsentyneen kirjailijaidentiteettinarratiivin mallin, jossa otetaan huomioon kaunokirjallisuuden omalakisuus. Siten se on yksi avauksista ymmärtävämpään kirjallisuussosiologiseen kirjailijaidentiteetti- ja omaelämäkertatutkimukseen.
El siguiente artículo se ubica en las coordenadas generales de la relación entre psicoanálisis y lógica. Desde el planteamiento freudiano de lo inconsciente como contradictorio, el problema de sus implicaciones lógicas ha podido ser rastreado en algunos de los postulados de dos psicoanalistas renombrados, Ignacio Matte Blanco y Jacques Lacan. A partir de la apuesta conjunta de pensar lógicamente lo inconsciente, se propone concebirlo respectivamente de acuerdo con las categorías de lo infinito y el significante, que como terreno común comparten su insistencia en la paradoja. Lo anterior implica instalar la problemática de lo inconsciente en una imposibilidad estructural que ha tenido, entre sus principales referentes, a Bertrand Russell y su paradoja de los conjuntos. Bajo esas coordenadas generales, la paradoja se instalaría como referente necesario. A su vez, se introduce la categoría de lo real en Lacan como una forma entrever el estatuto de la paradoja de Russell.
With the ever-growing amount of connected sensors (IoT), making sense of sensed data becomes even more important. Pervasive computing is a key enabler for sustainable solutions, prominent examples are smart energy systems and decision support systems. A key feature of pervasive systems is situation awareness which allows a system to thoroughly understand its environment. It is based on external interpretation of data and thus relies on expert knowledge. Due to the distinct nature of situations in different domains and applications, the development of situation aware applications remains a complex process. This thesis is concerned with a general framework for situation awareness which simplifies the development of applications. It is based on the Situation Theory Ontology to provide a foundation for situation modelling which allows knowledge reuse. Concepts of the Situation Theory are mapped to the Context Space Theory which is used for situation reasoning. Situation Spaces in the Context Space are automatically generated with the defined knowledge. For the acquisition of sensor data, the IoT standards O-MI/O-DF are integrated into the framework. These allow a peer-to-peer data exchange between data publisher and the proposed framework and thus a platform independent subscription to sensed data. The framework is then applied for a use case to reduce food waste. The use case validates the applicability of the framework and furthermore serves as a showcase for a pervasive system contributing to the sustainability goals. Leading institutions, e.g. the United Nations, stress the need for a more resource efficient society and acknowledge the capability of ICT systems. The use case scenario is based on a smart neighbourhood in which the system recommends the most efficient use of food items through situation awareness to reduce food waste at consumption stage.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.
The p38 mitogen‑activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways have been proposed to participate in the pathological process of cancer by affecting inflammation, proliferation, metastasis and cell survival. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; rs2235356, ‑1628A→G) in the promoter region of the p38β gene has been proposed as a genetic modifier for colorectal cancer (CRC) in a Chinese population. The present study evaluated the susceptibility of patients possessing this SNP to CRC, in addition to determining its association with clinical parameters in Swedish patients with CRC. Using the LightSNiP genotyping assay, this SNP was screened in 389 patients with CRC and 517 control subjects. No significant difference in the genotype distribution or in the allelic frequencies was identified between the two groups nor was any association identified with the clinical parameters. These findings indicate that the ‑1628A→G polymorphism of the p38β gene is not significantly associated with a susceptibility to CRC in a Swedish population.
Chemokines (chemotactic cytokines) promote leukocyte attraction to sites of inflammation and cancer. Certain chemokines promote and regulate neoplastic progression, including metastasis and angiogenesis. One such chemokine, CXCL10, was found to be expressed in colorectal cancer (CRC) tissue. To gain insight into the prognostic significance of CXCL10, we investigated whether the levels of this chemokine were altered in the colorectal tissue or plasma of CRC patients. Using Luminex technology for protein analyses, we observed a significantly higher CXCL10 protein level in cancer tissue compared to that in paired normal tissue. Moreover, significantly higher plasma levels of CXCL10 were detected in patients compared to those in control subjects and the plasma levels of CXCL10 in disseminated disease were found to be significantly higher compared to those in localized disease. The single‑nucleotide polymorphism rs8878, which has been described in exon 4 in the 3'‑untranslated region of the CXCL10 gene, was investigated using a TaqMan system. There were significant differences in genotype distribution and allelic frequencies between CRC patients and control subjects. In conclusion, altered CXCL10 protein concentrations in CRC tissues or plasma and the rs8878 genotype variant of CXCL10 may contribute to the prediction of clinical outcome.
BACKGROUND: The WNT10A protein is critical for the development of ectodermal appendages. Variants in the WNT10A gene may be associated with a spectrum of ectodermal abnormalities including extensive tooth agenesis. METHODS: In seven patients with severe tooth agenesis we identified anomalies in primary dentition and additional ectodermal symptoms, and assessed WNT10A mutations by genetic analysis. RESULTS: Investigation of primary dentition revealed peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors and three individuals had agenesis of at least two primary teeth. The permanent dentition was severely affected in all individuals with a mean of 21 missing teeth. Primary teeth were most often present in positions were succedaneous teeth were missing. Furthermore, most existing molars had taurodontism. Light, brittle or coarse hair was reported in all seven individuals, hyperhidrosis of palms and soles in six individuals and nail anomalies in two individuals. The anomalies in primary dentition preceded most of the additional ectodermal symptoms. Genetic analysis revealed that all seven individuals were homozygous or compound heterozygous for WNT10A mutations resulting in C107X, E222X and F228I. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that tooth agenesis and/or peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors, severe oligodontia of permanent dentition as well as ectodermal symptoms of varying severity may be predictors of bi-allelic WNT10A mutations of importance for diagnosis, counselling and follow-up.
Among 104,231 limited liability firms in Sweden with at least two employees during 1997- 2010, almost 10% did not hire new employees in any given 3-year period despite having high profits. Nearly half of these firms continued to have high or medium profits in the next threeyear period, but still no growth. Regression analysis indicates that these firms were not randomly distributed; rather they were small and young, did not belong to an enterprise group, and operated in local markets with high profit-opportunities. We conclude that it might be more beneficial to focus policy towards these firms instead of towards a few high-growth firms that, having just grown exponentially, may not be best positioned to grow further.
To finance transportation infrastructure and to address social and environmental negative externalities of road transports, several countries have recently introduced or consider a distance based tax on trucks. In competitive retail and transportation markets, such tax can be expected to lower the demand and thereby reduce CO2 emissions of road transports. However, as we show in this paper, such tax might also slow down the transition towards e-tailing. Considering that previous research indicates that a consumer switching from brick-and-mortar shopping to e-tailing reduces her CO2 emissions substantially, the direction and magnitude of the environmental net effect of the tax is unclear. In this paper, we assess the net effect in a Swedish regional retail market where the tax not yet is in place. We predict the net effect on CO2 emissions to be positive, but off-set by about 50% because of a slower transition to e-tailing.